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Here is the third and final chapter of Fran's vignette.  Hope you enjoyed and would love to hear what you thought!

RR Vignettes #4 - Francesca Burlusconi

Chapter 3 - Matryoshka

“Go home, little Lindsay…oh! I mean little David! Haha!” Lindsay laughed.

My first month with Lindsay…” Fran said as Lindsay gently bucked her hips, trying to nudge David toward her exposed crack.  “...I’d have her enter my rear on her own.  It seemed like a better way to hammer home what I expected of her, you know?”

Nina nodded her head in full agreement. “Did she do it?”

“Oh, heavens no!” Fran cackled, watching Lindsay’s big, round butt cheeks jiggle each time her hips crashed back down.  She seemed to be getting frustrated.

“She cried and cursed and threw temper tantrums like you wouldn’t believe,” Fran said.  “Looking at her now, I’m sure you wouldn’t believe the filth and insults that came out of that mouth of hers. The threats, the pleading, the drama…but each time, she got better and better with it.”

“Go, David.  Go home.” Lindsay said, but David remained on the small of her back, dropped to his hands and knees, trying to stabilize as if he were on a bucking bronco.

“He’s looking at me.” Nina giggled.

“See…THAT is defiance.” Fran commented.

“It is?” Nina asked.  “He’s not acting tough or anything though.  He’s shaking like a little baby on her back.”

“This little thing couldn’t come off as tough to anything and he knows it.” Fran said with assertive conviction in her tone.  “I’m telling you right now…”

Fran clapped her hands.






“I don’t care what the reason is or seems to be. You can call it fear, hesitation, self-pity, whatever.  I call it what it is.  It’s defiance…it’s disrespect…and it needs to be punished.”

Nina stared on, mesmerized by Fran's words as Fran turned her attention to Lindsay. “It’s not working, little Lindsay.  Did you forget what your Goddess did when YOU were the one being disrespectful?”

“Oh yeah! I remember, Goddess Fran!” Lindsay said, scooping David off her lower back and rolling over and sitting up, her legs crossed indian style.

Nina then burst out laughing as Lindsay brought David right up to her face, an unflattering snarl on her lips.  Her thick lips pursed up as she pulled a mouthful of saliva to the front of her lips and then she spat directly into his face.

Well, she aimed for his face but he may as well have been dunked in a swimming pool considering how drenched he was.

“Listen to me, you little speck.” Lindsay growled.  Her lips were tight, her teeth were clenched, and her brow was furrowed aggressively.  “You’re going to get into my ass crack, and you’re going to do it voluntarily. If you don’t, I’m going to shove you so far up my ass, I’ll be able to taste you.”

Nina stared over at Fran, eyes wide and a huge gaping-mouthed smile.

“You’d better listen to her, David! I think she means business!” Fran taunted, giggling at the show on her phone screen of little David wiping the thick, viscous fluid from his face. Lindsay rolled over onto her stomach and roughly set David back down on her lower back once more, giving him another chance to comply.

Lindsay had only barely pulled her big, heavy pale cheeks apart before David, thoroughly drenched in Lindsay’s saliva, crawled clumsily forward.

“Awwww…look at him burrowing!” Nina cooed, locking her elbow together and flailing her wrists as if she were digging with only her fingertips.

Fran and Nina laughed as David burrowed into Lindsay’s spread butt crack like a cute, defenseless little woodland animal hiding in its nest.

“Wow, that worked really well!” Nina said as the two women adjusted their phones to watch Lindsay stand up, her big bubbly butt cheeks bouncing and jiggling as she played with them, mashing them together around David who was completely concealed.

“When you’re dealing with someone that small…especially as small as David, your will as his owner may as well be a holy decree.” Fran lectured, raising a clarifying finger. “However, if we’re being honest and pragmatic, it’s always easier when you can get them to willingly cooperate.  As silly as it may sound, you and your subject really are a team.  Isn’t that right, little Lindsay?”

Lindsay was in a whole other world, playing with her big, soft butt cheeks.  She slid four fingers in under each of her glutes and fluttered her fingers, sending a high-frequency series of jiggly waves through the fleshy masses that guarded David.

“Lindsay…” Fran growled.

“Yes, Goddess Fran!” Lindsay said, her focus still deep on her own booty and the tiny little treasure within.  “It makes it easier for everyone!”

“Okay…so that’s the lesson on teamwork. If there aren’t any questions, we’ll be moving onto the next lesson.”

“Oh?” Nina asked, leaning in toward Fran.  “What’s that?”

“Extracurricular activities.” Fran said, a devilish grin growing on her face.

* * * * * * * * * *


Fran strolled through the front door of her home, her arms laden with groceries.  The brown paper bags were filled to the brim with fresh produce, pasta, and a few of her favorite, guilty snacks all picked up from the most over-priced, snobby grocery store in all of California.

The brown paper bags crinkled noisily as Fran set them down on her kitchen countertop. Today, she wore a form-fitting, high-waisted pair of dark-wash jeans that accentuated her shapely hips and hugged tightly against the thick, luscious curvature of her remarkable ass. Her top was a cropped, off-the-shoulder sweater in a deep shade of crimson. The color complimented her olive skin tone perfectly and the snugness of the garment allowed even those with no imagination to visualize her breasts when bare.  The cashier, in fact, was so distracted by Fran’s bust that he forgot to scan her $75 of olive oil.

Fran felt a vibration in her jeans pocket and removed her cell phone, noticing a message from Nina Beckett.

‘heyyyy did u by any chance see david at ur house?  i think i might have left him there.’

“Well, that didn’t take long.” Fran said out loud, returning the phone to her tight back pocket without replying.  The Italian woman started wondering how the ditzy young blonde might have lost him.  In her defense though, that little thing was TINY!  Fran honestly questioned whether or not she herself would be able to keep him for as long as she’d kept Lindsay.

‘Speaking of Lindsay…’ Fran thought.

Her tan bare feet scuffed quietly against her carpeted floor as she approached her bedroom.  Part of her hoped that Lindsay wouldn’t be right where she left her two hours ago.  It had been awhile since Lindsay had taken a good, thorough punishment, and watching Lindsay discipline David last week had put the persistent thought back in her mind.  Too bad; it looked like Fran did TOO good a job at training her.

Fran’s eyes immediately went to the floor near her bed.  Neatly aligned parallel to the edge of the Italian woman’s bed were several pairs of footwear. The last set, her favorite, was her pair of polka dotted flip flops.  Lindsay knew them as her “project” that essentially absorbed all of her non-rear time, as limited as it already was.

Fran smiled, realizing that despite her loud voice and booming steps, her little Lindsay was fully engrossed in the task at hand.  She approached Lindsay quietly.  First she was close enough to make out the pale little lump positioned over the toe section of her left flip flop.

Getting closer, Fran could make out her disheveled blonde hair and her round, pale booty.

Lindsay was on her hands and knees, as if presenting her wide ass to anyone who would walk up behind her as Fran was currently doing.

‘What’s she doing?’ Fran thought curiously.

Normally, Lindsay’s cute little nose would be pressing up against the thick, rubber sole of Fran’s flip flop, dutifully licking the discoloration left to build up by the continuous contact and pummeling of Fran’s bare foot.  She was on her hands and knees but little Lindsay’s cute little face was nowhere near the expansive, dusty floor of the flip-flop.

After a few more steps, Fran only became more confused.

Lindsay appeared to be playing with a little fleck of dirt or a tiny rock.

‘Uh-oh…I think she might’ve finally lost her mind.’ Fran thought, squatting down to get a closer look.  She was right behind Lindsay now, close enough to see the way her chubby butt cheeks were jiggling left and right as the tiny little blonde ran the tiny little pebble along the surface of the flip flop.

‘Is she scratching my sole?!’ Fran thought, almost ready to slap Lindsay off the flip-flop.  Excitement overtook her at the chance to discipline her sweet little Lindsay, but Lindsay must have sensed the gust of wind from her large owner’s windup because she turned around.

Fran froze mid-swing as Lindsay gasped, her eyes darting from Fran’s imposing, towering, full-figured presence and back down to the tiny little peach-colored pebble near her feet. She abruptly stepped directly on top of it, concealing it completely with her bare foot.

“Lindsay,” Fran asked. “What is that you’re playing with?”

“Goddess Fran!  I didn’t…I didn’t hear you come home!” Lindsay said.

“Oh, I’m sorry Lindsay.  I forgot to make sure it was okay with you.” Fran replied snidely.

Lindsay bowed her head, making sure to keep her left foot planted right where it was atop the peach pebble, as if her much larger, much prettier, much thicker, and much more intelligent owner hadn’t already seen it.

“What do you have there, Lindsay?” Fran asked, leaning in closer.  “Show Goddess Fran right now or you’ll be punished.”

Lindsay lifted her foot and bent at the waist to pick up the peach colored pebble.

Only it wasn’t a peach colored pebble.

“Is that David?!” Fran asked in disbelief, staring in awe at Lindsay’s fist clutching David.  Once again, he was soaking wet but it was any guess as to what or who’s fluids they were.

Lindsay looked embarrassed, unable to maintain eye contact as the hand holding little David was shaking.

Fran plunged a single index finger into her mouth and sucked on the end for a moment.  A long strand of ropey saliva clung to her fingertip as it emerged from her mouth, glistening under the ceiling fan light.  “Give him here.”

“Oh, Goddess Fran…can I please keep him?” Lindsay asked desperately, hugging David against her heaving breasts.  “Pleeeeeeeeeease?”

“He’s not yours to keep, Lindsay.” Fran replied sternly down to her toy.  “He belongs to Miss Nina, remember?”

Lindsay let out a cute little whimper and pout.  “But he’s so good at helping me with my project, Goddess Fran. Look at how perfect he is at getting into the nooks and crannies of your flip flops.  Look!”

Fran watched in amusement as Lindsay spit several times on David’s struggling, squirming body and then returned to her position on her hands and knees.

“I can use him like a tiny little wash rag, Goddess Fran!” Lindsay said, her voice jumping and quivering as she scrubbed him into the sole of Fran’s flip flop.

Fran could hear the urgency in her little Lindsay’s voice intensifying as Fran pulled out her phone to check her other text messages.  Lindsay knew that she was losing he Goddess’s interest.

“Sprinkle is really durable too, Goddess Fran!  I think he might actually be indestructible so you never have to worry about him getting broken!”

“Oh, Lindsay…” Fran laughed, scrolling through her messages, her attention split 70-30 between her phone and her little subject. “I think you’re a little too used to everything around you being durable.  He’s the size of your toe, dear. I can describe little boys the size of toes in a lot of different ways, but ‘durable’ would not be a word your Goddess would use.”

“You’re right, Goddess Fran. I’m sorry, but that’s the thing! He really is so little and cute! I’ll bet he’ll be PERFECT at helping me do your toesies.” Lindsay added.  “His…like…entire body can fit under your nails!”

This was almost too much for Fran to handle.  Listening to her sweet little Lindsay make such a passionate argument for keeping David was almost endearing, especially since every argument she offered was for Fran’s benefit.

It was an interesting idea, for sure.  Lindsay had been assigned plenty of chores over the years but Fran found herself wondering if there were any prospective ideas she’d had to table due to Lindsay’s size.  A strange thing to say, but tasks that she may have been too large for.  Even stranger but still possible…perhaps there were tasks that Fran thought were too demeaning and below even her little Lindsay.

‘But maybe not too demeaning for a speck…a toy of a toy…’ Fran thought, her creative juices flowing.

“What are you doing!?” Lindsay asked as she rubbed David into Fran’s sole.  “You gotta stick your tongue out!  Lick it! Hurry up, you’re making us look bad!”

As adorable as this was, it needed to stop.

“Now, Lindsay.” Fran instructed, extending her soaking wet fingertip, resting the nail of her finger on the sole of the flip flop right in front of Lindsay.  “Give him here.”

Lindsay’s pouting game was on point as she set David atop Fran’s fingertip.  Due to the wetness of both Lindsay’s and Fran’s saliva, David adhered to the fingertip as if he were super glued, the bond not breaking even as he rushed up from the ground to the heavens where Fran’s face lived.

“Where have you been keeping him, Lindsay?” Fran asked, her eyes glued to the trembling little speck stuck to her fingertip.

“In my bottom, Goddess Fran.”

“This whole time?” Fran asked.

“Yes, Goddess Fran!  I love him and I took such good care of him.” Lindsay said, nervously rubbing her hands together.  “Are you sure that I can’t keep him, Goddess Fran?  Having something littler than me to take care of just makes my heart soar!  He loves me too and I named him Sprinkle and I’m teaching him how to worship you.”

Fran heard everything Lindsay was saying, but her focus was now drawn back to little David, adhered so helplessly to her glistening fingertip.  Her eyes crossed down her long nose as she took in the reality of the moment.   Lindsay had spent over 18 hours in Fran’s ass each day since Nina’s visit.  The thought of this little microbe of a man buried in her toy’s bottom and Fran’s toy buried in her own bottom as if he were an adorable little Matryoshka doll was making Fran’s heart throb and her nipples harden.

Something else was on her mind, too.  Something so primal and devious that Lindsay’s incessant begging and bargaining turned to high-pitched fuzz in the background.

Fran licked her lips, bringing her fingertip closer until the bottom of her nose was little David’s ceiling.

She’d never had this feeling–this urge–before, but then again Lindsay was so big…relatively speaking.  Seeing this tiny little boy struggling so fruitlessly and pathetically atop her fingertip was awakening something inside of her.

He really wasn’t meant for this world.  Without a big, soft set of doughy butt cheeks for him to hide between, he really was at the absolute lowest tier of the food chain, level with its floor or even a level below.

And he was being held by a powerful, feminine being who may as well have crashed through its ceiling.

‘No one would need to know…’ Fran though, looking down at Lindsay who was now on her knees, clasping her hands.

‘No one important.’ Fran clarified, turning her fingertip so that it faced her lips and turned David’s sticky wet floor into a wall that still held him tightly despite his struggles.

‘I could just…tell Nina that he wasn’t here..’ Fran’s animalistic urges purred. ‘..and then pop this adorable little morsel into my mouth.’

She needn’t bother with chewing, not even once.  He was so pitiful and small that a single swallow would do the job just fine.  In fact, the only problem might arise from his extraordinarily defenseless size.  He was so little, he might have just gotten trapped between her molars.  Not to say that fate would be any better for him, the enzymes of her saliva gradually breaking him down within her teeth until he’s brushed or flossed out…or down.

Fran pressed her fingertip lightly into her plush, lower lip.  The sensitive skin registered David’s frantic, helpless movements and the Italian predator felt her sex swelling and heating up.  She opened her mouth, strands of saliva breaking when her thick lips were too far spread.  Her tongue and finger closed the gap between each other, meeting somewhere in the middle as she licked.

‘He doesn’t even taste like anything.’ Fran thought. ‘He’d just mix into my saliva and embark on his final journey down into my soft belly…and I wouldn’t even taste him.’

Fran was moments away from plunging her entire finger into her mouth and sucking David off the tip, but then she caught a glimpse of Lindsay crying on the flip flop.  She’d returned to licking at the sole, clearly accepting that she was losing the pet she’d claimed but not anywhere near happy about it.

“Ugh..” Fran sighed loudly, pulling her cell phone out of her pocket. “I hate having a conscience.”

The last thing Fran wanted was to watch Lindsay mope around for the next few days and cry, and for what?  A fraction of a fraction of a calorie?

Plus, it would be kind of messed up to screw Nina over like that.  This was the poor girl’s last chance with a subject and even though Fran was sure that Nina losing the little runt was inevitable, it didn’t make it right for Fran to sabotage a fellow Participant.

The phone rang four times before Nina picked up.


“Hey Nina. It’s Fran Burlusconi.”

“Oh my god.  Please tell me you found him!”

“I did.” Fran said, staring with a smirk at David still adhered to her fingertip. “Little cutie is safe and sound.”

“Oh, that’s so awesome! Thank you, Fran!  My mom was seriously on the brink of wigging out.  I’m actually on my way to the beach right now with some friends for the weekend.  Can I come by and pick him up from you on Monday?”

“You want me to watch him until then?” Fran asked, having to conceal her laughter at the way Lindsay’s eyes were lighting up.

“Yeah, can ya?  I can ask my mom to give me some money to pay you and–”

“--not necessary, dear.” Fran laughed.  “Unless you want to ask her and then keep it for yourself.  You might need it more than I do.”

“Right..well, thanks a lot Fran.  I’ll give you a call on Sunday night for the deets.  Buh-bye!”

Fran hadn’t even lowered the phone from her ear before Lindsay was squealing.

“Can Sprinkle stay with me until Miss Nina comes to get him, Goddess Fran?  Oh, pleeeease can he? I’ll take such good care of him, I swear!”

“Like I take care of you, little Lindsay?” Fran cackled.

“Yes, exactly!” Lindsay exploded in reply.

Fran exaggerated a look of contemplation, tickling her chin with the finger holding David even though she’d already made up her mind back when she decided not to devour the poor little thing.

“Okay, you can keep him until Miss Nina gets here on Monday.”

“YAY!” Nina shouted, her bare breasts swaying as she jumped up and down.

“Okay then, take him back and put him away so we can go.” Fran said, extending her fingertip back out to Lindsay.

“Go?” Lindsay asked, greedily snatching David up and clutching him close to her breasts.

“Yes, silly!  Your Goddess is late for her hot yoga session.” Fran said, reaching out for Lindsay and lifting her from the flip flop.  “You and your little toy can work on your project afterwards while I’m in the shower.”

Lindsay gently petted David as Fran took off her tight jeans, searching for her olive drab yoga pants. The little female subject was already drifting off into her own world.

“Can I make him call me Goddess Lindsay?”

Fran burst into jovial laughter, nearly dropping little Lindsay and her rented toy.  “Don’t push it, sweetheart.  You can make him call you MISS Lindsay.”

“Thank you so, so much, Goddess Fran!” Lindsay said, planting kisses all over David’s naked, squirming body. “Did you hear her?  You have to call me Miss Lindsay from now on!  Call me it right now!  Do it!”

“Don’t thank me, little girl.’ Fran laughed, pulling away the waistband of her scarlet red underwear.  “Just hurry up and put him away in that badonkadonk of yours. You’d better make sure that he’s as deep as he can go. If you lose him while you’re tucked away in mine, YOU’RE the one that will have to explain it to Miss Nina.”

“I won’t lose Sprinkle, I promise!” Lindsay squeaked, planting one more big firm kiss on David’s body before stuffing him deep between her big, bubbly butt cheeks.

“Never thought I’d see the day that a subject houses another subject in her bottom..but life is just full of surprises, isn’t it little Lindsay?”

“It really is, Goddess Fran!  You’re so good to me!”

“How does it feel?” Fran asked.

“Like I’m powerful and in charge!” Lindsay chirped.

Fran nearly dropped her again from laughing so hard, hugging the sweet little girl to her ample chest.  The idea of anyone viewing little Lindsay as powerful and in charge was laughable, but she supposed it only made sense that someone as miniscule and pathetic as David would view Lindsay as a superior.

“Well, don’t get too excited, girl.” Fran said.  “Don’t think we’re just going to forget that you tried to steal Miss Nina’s toy for yourself.”

Lindsay’s jaw dropped.  “I….I didn’t,Goddess Fran!  I’d never….oh, no I wouldn’t even dream–”

“--you don’t have to lie to me, Lindsay.  I don’t blame you for wanting him.  And I’m going to let you play with him all weekend long…and use him to make your chores easier.  But rest assured, little Lindsay, there is a punishment coming.  Your Goddess just needs time to think of what it’s going to be.”

“Okay, Goddess Fran.” Lindsay pouted.

“But when its all over, you’ll still be my little booty baby.  The sweet little girl that lives in Goddess Fran’s big jiggly butt.  Okay?”

Lindsay’s eyes lit up and she smiled, her eyes still showing a hint of anxiety,  “Okay, Goddess Fran.”

“Have fun with your toy, Lindsay.  It’s gonna get slippery back there.”

“Thank you, Goddess Fran!  I’ll make sure he li–”

Fran had heard enough, her cute squeaky voice muffling instantly as the Italian Participant stuffed Lindsay’s naked body into the deep, dark depths of her ass crack before pulling on her yoga attire.  She made sure that Lindsay was nice and deep, aligned perfectly with her asshole.

The Italian Goddess pulled off her sweater and changed into a sports bra and loose fitting workout shirt.

“Feels like someone is having some fun back there!” Fran chuckled, slapping her big, dense left butt cheek.  Lindsay often moved around a bit, finding comfort in Fran’s rear after being inserted but it was taking her much longer.

“I’m serious, girl.” Fran said, sitting down to put on her shoes.  She felt her heavy dense cheeks compress and squeeze tightly on her naked little Lindsay.  “You’d better make sure he stays in your ass.  You can play with him later.”

She checked the temperature on her phone.

97 degrees.

Peak of the day.

Lindsay was going to have her work cut out for her.  Keeping David nuzzled in her crack was going to be challenging considering how sweaty Fran was going to get.  One wrong move and the poor, slippery little speck would slip out of Lindsay’s grip and become lost between Fran’s planet-sized cheeks. Her yoga pants were tight enough but still, a tiny little grain of sand between those big, fleshy, soaking wet buns?  Who knows how many creases he could get lost in?  The most likely of which would be her tight asshole, but Fran would see to it that Lindsay THOROUGHLY inspected the area for any signs of little David.

Fran was rooting for Lindsay, but the selfish, immature part of her hoped her little girl would fail.

“Time to get out there.” Fran smirked, gently patting her enormous left ass cheek.




Ragaey Mahmoud

I really did not hope that this exciting story would ever end. I was hoping that it would be much longer and have more details. But overall a wonderful story to tell, so I can't wait for more