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September Posting Schedule

  • RR Vignette #4 - Francesca Burlusconi Part 2 11
  • Reduction & Relocation - Samantha Beaurmont Part 2 6
  • The Grass is Always Greener (Working Title) 9
  • 2023-09-02
  • 26 votes
{'title': 'September Posting Schedule', 'choices': [{'text': 'RR Vignette #4 - Francesca Burlusconi Part 2', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Reduction & Relocation - Samantha Beaurmont Part 2', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'The Grass is Always Greener (Working Title)', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 2, 7, 10, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 26}


Here is what everyone from subject tier and higher can expect to see uploaded this month:

RR Scientist Monthly Commissions:

1.) RR Vignette #4 - Francesca Burlusconi Part 2

(Delayed from last month as a compromise in order to expedite a HUGE and WONDERFUL traditional comm for the same patron.) 

As one of the most senior Participants in the RR Labs rear-housing experiment, Francesca Burlusconi has been asked to mentor a "2.9-strikes" Participant named Nina Beckett.  Both Nina, Fran, and their respective subjects will be quite surprised at what they see when they all meet!

2.) Reduction & Relocation - Samantha Beaurmont Part 2

Samantha Beaurmont is a nervous teenager heading off to the next scary chapter in her life: college.  But perhaps it won't be as scary as she thought.  Perhaps the new, perfectly timed little subject residing in her bottom will serve as a swiss army knife of sorts...providing not only a good source of income and self confidence, but maybe something more...

3.) The Grass is Always Greener (Working Title)

It's common knowledge among RR Labs that an overwhelming number of subjects do not take very well to rear-housing, at least not in the beginning stages.  But what happens when a subject actually manages to convince his Participant to return him to RR Labs?  He expects that he'll be restored and released but RR Labs has something else in mind...

RR Emails (at least 2 per topic):

1.) RR Emails 6: (Continued) While at RR Labs for a checkup, a Participant named Mia sees an opportunity to steal an unassigned subject...and she takes that opportunity!

2.) RR Emails 7: (Continued) Dr. Taylor Becotte and Dr. Carla Stanhope conspire to persuade a subject to enroll in Reduction Therapy.

3.) RR Emails 8: Lee, a former professor of Dr. Walker and adipose tissue researcher, would like a favor.

Weekly Updates:

1.) Reduction & Relocation: Mayumi Okamoto updates every Tuesday @ 5pm

2.) *Reduction & Relocation: Lori Warren updates every OTHER Friday @ 5pm

And finally, a poll...

Which RR Scientists' monthly commission are you most interested in seeing?



The Grass is always Greener sounds very interesting!


Although I'm excited for the second part of Samantha's story, the truth is that I've been waiting for the second part of Fran's vignetta since July, so my vote goes to hers and her mentorship towards Nina.