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The Tiny Purple Heart

Chapter 4 - Days To Weeks, Weeks to Months, and So On

[Amy, James]


Clouds of steam infused with hibiscus and coconut oil billowed out from the master bathroom’s opening door, interacting with the cool air of the bedroom.  Amy stepped out, a soft white towel enveloping her body from chest to thigh.  It had been a long time since she’d needed a towel when exiting the shower but old habits die hard. Stubborn droplets of water clung to her hair, gliding down the wet strands and finding temporary perches atop her shoulders, some even lucky enough to make the plunge down her chest and between her glistening breasts.  Amy approached her dresser, the plush carpet accepting her delicate footfalls, gently kissing her naked soles with each step.

Amy uncinched the towel, breaking its stubborn hold in her left armpit and allowing it to fall in a heap on the floor at her bare feet.  The cold air felt nice against her clean skin and any rogue water droplets overstaying their welcome were doomed to evaporation.

She opened her underwear drawer and peered inside.  There were so many pairs, but which would she wear tonight?   Amongst an ocean of colorful soft panties, there was the racey red thong.  It was a gag gift she’d gotten from a friend for her birthday last week.  While she couldn't bring herself to throw away perfectly good and likely expensive underwear, Amy just couldn’t see herself enjoying the sensation of a tiny little string digging up between her cheeks all day long.

She set the red thong aside, deciding to save that for a day when she was feeling a bit more adventurous.

“I think I just have too much underwear.” Amy complained, sifting further through the neatly stacked pile of her undergarments, socks, and bras.

She dug deeper through the colorful drawer, her fingers finally landing atop the pair she’d been looking for, buried under a thick sheet of cotton and silk panties.  It was her skimpy pair of black panties, densely decorated with tiny purple hearts all over the front and back.

Amy lifted the Victoria’s Secret underwear out of her panty drawer, pinching and swishing the  velvety material between her thumbs and forefingers. At this point, they might have been the oldest pair of underwear in her underwear drawer and yet everything about them was still just as pristine and new as the day James had given them to her.  It had been a long time since she spoke to them.

“How are you this morning, James?” Amy asked, gingerly rubbing the tiny little bow that decorated the front of the panties.  She liked to imagine that James was funneling his consciousness and sensory inputs up to the bow in order to enjoy her caress.

“I’m sorry I haven’t worn you more lately.” Amy said, her gentle rubbing wandering down toward the lone bright purple heart directly below the bow.  That bright, tiny purple heart was her second favorite part of the panties.  “I’ve just been…you know…well…busy lately.”

“First all the lawyers…then even more lawyers…the reporters…and then I met…hmmm” Amy trailed off into silence as she stared down at the love of her life that was now her panties, long since forgotten by the world, resting silent and stationary against her skin.

“Anyway…those reporters only just stopped camping out front of the house last month.” Amy said, rolling her eyes. “I’m guessing they got all the pictures of the rich widow they needed.”

She had changed the subject quickly enough that maybe James didn’t catch what she was glossing over.  It wasn’t just the lawyers and the settlement.  It wasn’t just paparazzi.  There were other things she was doing. Other people.  Or more specifically….another person.  She knew that she shouldn’t feel guilty…she was a flesh and blood woman after all!  And she didn’t ask for any of this!

Amy had a perfectly happy life with James, and if she could go back in time and refuse to let him Shift into her panties, she would stop him every single time.  But time travel, sadly, was not the technology that James brought home that fateful day.  It was technology that caused him to become her underwear.

In the beginning, she’d spend hours trying desperately to figure out how to work the MCR Device and the complicated, bible-sized booklet of technical instructions. Every day she would get home from work and lay James out on the dining room table as she read and played with the device.  She liked to think that he was offering moral support but no confirmation existed beyond her imagination.

Despite all that imagined moral support, Amy really never got any closer to shifting James back into his body.  Frustration carried over, accruing from day to day during each of her daily 2+ hour restoration efforts.

It became so disheartening.

She was following the directions to a T and yet every time she completed the steps, the panties remained unmoving and her sweet James remained absent.  Soon she couldn’t bear to keep failing him like she was.  She’d skip days in order to avoid the guilt she’d feel, wondering if he was silently screaming at her–yelling at her for clearly missing the directions.

Even as she transitioned to booting up the MCR Device only once a week, she still wore James every day. When the scent imparted into the fibers of his fabric by her nethers became noticeable, Amy would gently hand-wash James in the kitchen sink with warm water and promptly return him to his home, wrapping around her hips.

Wearing him regularly would have seemed cruel to an outsider but Amy had to remind herself that this was precisely what he wanted. In a way, wearing James every day was like honoring his wishes.

Her best understanding of them, anyway.

There was no way to speak with him; all communication was one-way and she wasn’t even 100% sure that he was still in there.  For all she knew, she could have accidentally Shifted him to the table, her chair, or hell…even her wedding ring…god only knew.

One day, Amy had forgotten to remove James from her hamper of dirty clothes, not realizing until she encountered him in her cleaned, dried hamper when folding her clothing. It would not be the last time that he went through her washing and drying machine, and soon enough it was part of everyday life for him to be laundered alongside her dirty socks, bras, shirts, jeans, and other pairs of underwear.

It took months for her to realize, but despite how often she’d worn James in the beginning, and despite how often he’d been washed in the washing machine, he never seemed to deteriorate or degrade. Amy had bought new underwear since receiving her tiny purple hearts, and yet her James panties remained the most pristine, just as fresh and new-looking as the day he held them up with the tag still affixed.

Most of the water from Amy’s shower had evaporated by now, but any rogue droplets were free to loiter against her skin.  Amy lowered the purple and black pair of panties down toward the floor, her large, unrestricted breasts swaying as she stepped one foot into the underwear and then another.  She delicately pulled the panties up, feeling the leg holes hug her thighs before the seat of her panties hugged her freshly cleaned cheeks.  She gently stroked the back of the panties, enjoying how tightly they fit against her.


The girls had ordered their fourth round of drinks and Amy was feeling pretty relaxed.  She shifted in her seat, occasionally remembering that her sweet James was along for the ride.

Along for girl’s night.

The night was filled with the clinking of wine glasses, gossip, and starry eyed plans for the future as soon as later that evening and as late as 10 years down the road.  The evening, of course, was in honor of her friend Jasmine’s engagement and coming wedding, but news of Amy’s budding love life was taking center stage.

“So Amy….” Amber asked, exaggerating a bashful pose with her hands interlocked over her heart. “How is Ben?”

Amy blushed, calling gentle and playful taunting from all the other girls. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to wear James out for this evening.  She wasn’t quite ready to tell him about Ben yet.  But there wasn’t anything that could be done now.  Amy very much doubted the thin layer of denim separating him from the outside world did much good at insulating the tipsy girls’ giggly inquiries.

“He’s…good.” Amy stammered.

“Yeah, he is.” Amber said, bouncing her eyebrows up and down.

“Amber!” Jasmine laughed, lightly swatting Amber on her bare shoulder.

“It’s not me, it’s the wine.” Amber said, clutching the stem of her glass and taking another long sip.

“Well we’re all so happy for you.  You deserve it after all you’ve been through,” Jasmine said. “So are you two exclusive yet?”

Amy smiled, “We’ve only had three dates so far. We’re not rushing anything….but..uhh”

God, this felt so wrong.  Amy nervously readjusted her position in the chair. Part of her hoped that James just so happened to have funneled himself into the fabric of her panties that was now nestled into the crack of her ass.  At least then maybe her thick, splayed glutes might insulate and protect him from the surely emasculating conversation going on in his presence.

“....he could be a…keeper.”

“But have you guys slept together yet?” Amber asked. “That’s the real question.

Amy scoffed and rolled her eyes, but she had no response.  All the women giggled like teenagers when Amy’s face turned red again.


“You good, girl?” Jasmine shouted from the passenger seat of her car as Amy stumbled toward her front door.

“Eeeeyup!” Amy slurred, roughly anchoring her shoulder against the wall of her massive home. She fumbled for a few moments, the purring of Jasmine’s car persisting in the driveway behind her, painting the broad door of her home with light.

“Go help her, Max.” Jasmine said from her car.  Jasmine’s fiance had just opened his car door when Amy cheerfully dangled her keys up in the air.

“All good!  Thanks for the ride!”

Amy flipped the lights and disabled the security alarm just in time.  Under the bright lights of the foyer, Amy caught a glimpse of herself in one of the large mirrors.  Her disheveled hair cascaded over her shoulders and the left strap of her blouse dangled over her prominent breast, having ripped inexplicably at some point during the night’s festivities.

Which one, she couldn't say for sure.

It could have been during musical chairs…or maybe the cute little scavenger hunt.

“Did you have fun with me tonight?” Amy slurred, rubbing her fingers delicately over the crotch of her jeans where underneath James now called home.

She remembered that something had happened early on in the evening that had troubled her…something relating to James.  In her inebriated state, Amy could not remember what it was for the life of her and figured that it must not have been that important.

Amy took careful steps up the large staircase, occasionally stumbling against the railing.  She might have stayed downstairs in one of the several spare bedrooms but tonight was a special occasion.  She was wearing James…and there was another special little toy up in her bedroom just waiting to be used.

She centered her weight properly once atop the final step of the staircase, celebrating silently to herself and to James as she unhooked the clasp of her tight jeans.  The cool air felt nice against her bare thighs, the pale skin breathing and expanding without the confining presence of the restrictive denim.

“Are you ready for some fun?” Amy slurred, bounding her way into her large and mostly empty bedroom.

She continued shedding clothing, removing her constrictive bra. She hooked her thumbs into the bands of each of her socks, sliding in against her Achilles tendons and effortlessly sliding them off.  They were destined for the hamper just like everything else.

Amy crawled into her bed, completely naked except for the black and purple-hearted underwear that intimately hugged her ample, delectable curves ever so gently.

“You felt so good tonight, baby.  I really need to get back to wearing you every day again.”

Too bad Ben’s favorite color was orange…not purple.

James’ wife ruffled through the top drawer of her nightstand, a devious grin growing on her face when she finally felt it.

“Ohhhh…there she is!” Amy teased cutely.  “I found your little friend!”

Amy checked the batteries on the device, cooing when all 3 of the pink LEDs lit up.

She flipped the switch on and the hot pink, phallic object immediately began vibrating.

“Oh, do you hear her?  Do you hear how much she misses you?” Amy chuckled.

The hot pink vibrator had been set to the highest intensity…from the last time she used it.  She adjusted the settings down from maximum, closer to the minimum. Then, she gently pressed the bulbous pink head of the vibrator against her sweltering sex, directly below the adorable purple bow on the front of her panties.

“Oh…that feels good, doesn’t it?” Amy purred, running the vibrator in tight circles against her clit.

She was already so close, and yet here she was increasing the intensity of the vibrations.  Somehow, she managed several times to only approach the edge of the cliff and look down, continuing to ride the cresting waves of her orgasm and ride the water down just before she came.  This continued for another 20 minutes, and it got harder with each increasing notch of intensity.

Finally, Amy had worked her way up to the highest intensity setting, her free hand pinching her bare, jiggling breasts as she bucked her wide hips against the round, pink head of the vibrator.  Overcome with carnal lust, Amy stretched open the waistband of her panties, still having the wherewithal to apologize to James for the sudden movement, and then she stuffed the vibrator down into the pocket.  With not even the thin layer of velvety purple hearts to stand in the way, the wet vibrator head pulsed and sang into Amy’s throbbing, blood-engorged clit until finally she erupted into an orgasm so strong that her curling toes cramped up.

“I hope it was as good for you as it was for me…” Amy giggled sleepily, gently patting her sweltering, sopping wet sex through the drenched panties.


“Oh, not anymore Amy…please…Can we just sleep?”

James knew that she couldn’t hear him but if he pretended that she could, it made it feel like he was still a person.

Amy’s panties were positively drenched in her sex. Luckily for James, the tiny purple heart–the slightly brighter one amongst all the others that his entire consciousness and sensory experience had inhabited–happened to be positioned just high enough that he wasn’t in the direct flow of his wife’s thick juices.  Still, he was borderline traumatized by the intense vibrations of Amy’s vibrator.  Not to mention the dampness of Amy’s feminine love juices climbed the cotton quickly, as if defying gravity in the interest of reaching him.  It didn’t take long for the warm but quickly cooling fluid to greet and eventually soak his heart through and through.  It also didn’t help that the tiny purple heart naturally came to rest with her horny clit directly behind him.  Consequently, Amy’s fingers went to work, sleepily rubbing the tiny purple heart up against her sopping wet pussy in tight gentle circles, searching for one more orgasm.

After having spent over a week in Amy’s panty drawer alone, James was beginning to lose his mind and crave any form of touch.  It came as no surprise that when she picked  him up this morning, all it took was her knuckle to graze his tiny purple heart for him to feel the sensation of an earth-shattering orgasm rippling through the fabric of his being.  It wasn’t as if he didn’t enjoy the closeness with Amy…he would take it wherever he could get it these days… but after a full day spent hugging Amy’s pussy, James was ready to go back in his drawer…hell, even the dirty clothes hamper would have been the nice break he needed…even if it would ultimately result in another cycle through the boiling hot water of the washing machine.

If only he could tell her.

Actually…if he was capable of telling her that he preferred to go back in her drawer, he might have instead just helped her press the correct buttons on the MCR Device to bring him back.  Time had not fuzzied the image in his mind but if he closed his “eyes” and thought had enough, he could still see the day after his transformation…his beautiful wife Amy–she looked adorable when she was confused. Although it wasn’t adorable this time…this time, she was trying to restore him back to his body.

He cursed his lack of planning and piss-poor explanation to Amy of how to restore him.  How could he have been so damn careless?? How could he let his horniness take such haphazard and reckless control over his life?

Amy spent days trying to understand the literature, carefully going through the instruction manual, reviewing the various error codes, and having several more close-calls of almost deleting his Shifter profile.  By the third day, Amy had completed all the necessary steps to restore a normal Shifter back to their body.  The tragedy, however, was that James was not a normal Shifter.  The MCR Device was not given enough time during his Shift to properly scan the entire pair of panties and therefore, he had Shifted solely into the bright, tiny purple heart on the front of the underwear.

That was all he was now.

And therefore, Amy would have had to touch the probe such that it perfectly covered the brightest tiny purple heart, the one right below the cute bow on the front, just long enough for the reticulation scan to complete.

Not a moment longer and not a moment shorter.

After many failed attempts, on the 5th day, Amy had randomly touched the probe to the tiny purple heart in which his consciousness and sensory perception resided.  He was over himself with excitement as he watched her face so far above him, double checking the directions as the probe scanned him.  His heart soared as he saw the LED light on the MCR Device light up, indicating that the scan had completed.

“All you have to do is press the button, Amy!” James cheered, “just press the button and I can come back!”

Sadly, Amy didn’t notice the LED light.  She didn’t realize how unique the circumstances were.  She followed the directions, waiting for the full reticulation scan to complete on the panties and of course, James’ savior LED light distinguished without her even noticing.

Amy would never again come that close to restoring him, much to the lament of James. That night in her bed, pressed firmly against her crotch under her blankets was like any other before it but that was the day when he’d lost the most hope all at once. After the first week or so of trying, Amy began skipping days. Eventually, she’d only get the MCR Device out of its box once…maybe twice a week.

He’d never forget the day several months later when Amy looked down at him, neatly folded on the table next to the MCR Device.  If he could only have moved…if he could only have spoken even 10 words, he’d be back in his body cuddling with his wife in bed.  Instead, with tears in her eyes, she packaged up the MCR Device and told him she was giving up.

It took a long time for him to reach a point where he no longer blamed her.  Again, it was his fault for putting her in that position…something that she also came to believe after enough time passed.  She was completely out of her element, all alone, and in possession of stolen technology from BexCorps.  The poor girl was terrified. It wasn’t just that she, in her justified mind, had faced severe repercussions for having the tech.

The other reason for her continued silence came when the BexCorp lawyers began showing up at her house.  She’d worn him for a few of the meetings, and both James and Amy were completely shocked to learn the reason for their visit had nothing to do with the missing MCR Device.

It was only by the freak convergence of two 1-in-a-million occurrences, one with a particularly unstable BexCorps experiment and the other with an anomalous, randomly recurring glitch in the security software that James had been troubleshooting the day before he Shifted to Amy’s underwear.

Both events happened at the same time.  It was great news for Amy, who honestly deserved a bit of good fortune in the form of an eight-figure settlement as long as she signed an NDA agreeing never to discuss with anyone anything about BexCorps again.

Unfortunately for James, it essentially squashed any chance that Amy might go to BexCorps and tell them what James had done.  That was something else he’d come to forgive her for not doing back when she had the chance.

But that was a long time ago…and it's crazy how people can eventually get used to almost anything.

James rode out Amy’s sleepy attempt at another orgasm, as he had learned to ride everything out when it came to his life as her panties.  Graciously enough, Amy was a little bit too drunk and fell asleep before she could cum again, evident by her loud snoring.  She’d forgotten to turn the air conditioning on before falling asleep. Consequently, Amy hadn’t bothered to cover herself with blankets which was a delightful, rare treat of visual stimulation for James.  Even more rare, Amy was lying on her side, angled such that the crotch of her panties was bathed in the glowing light of the television she’d left on.

He couldn’t get the taste or smell of his wife’s pussy out of his mind, but at least he could watch a little television…for as long as she maintained this position.  Soon enough, she’d probably roll over onto her stomach, forcing her pelvis and his tiny little heart firmly against the soft mattress of the bed he once shared with her so long ago.

The speakers of the large TV emitted a familiar news jingle from what felt like years passed and James even recognized the attractive blonde, decked out with studio makeup and a shirt just low cut enough to enthrall every man in America.

“Good evening.  I’m Stacy Castlebrook and you’re watching NQR at Nine.  We begin tonight by looking at the recently completed construction of BexCorps’ new R&D testing facility codenamed ‘Focus Forward’.  But before we do that, let’s take a look back.”

“Eighteen months ago, BexCorps was marred by a devastating explosion.  The mysterious incident left a trail of destruction with experts estimating tens of millions of dollars in structural and equipment damage.  Even worse, the horrific explosion felt by residents over 5 miles away injured 47 on-site personnel and claimed the lives of four employees: Geneticists Dr. Amanda Stone, Dr. Elena Trugby, Dr. Helen Czyzewski, and Security Manager James Benton.”

James cringed, wishing he could look away from his smiling photo plastered above Stacy Castlebrook’s head. It was a photo that Amy had taken of him not more than a month before the Shifting incident that changed everything.

The cute blonde shifted her gorgeous mane of textured blonde hair away from her ear and pressed her finger against her earpiece. “We’re joined by Allison Hansley who is on site at BexCorps right now.  Allison?”

The camera panned to a cute, short red-head.  She wasn’t nearly as curvy as Stacy Castlebrook but Allison had a definite charm about her.

“Thanks, Stacy.  The incident occurred here at Sector R2 of BexCorps. Although much of what went on here was secret to the general population, public construction records indicate that Sector R2 was formerly dedicated to prototypical genetic sequence mapping.  Now, security is INCREDIBLY tight so you’ll see that I’m roughly a football field away from the entrance…”

The young red-head bent down and raked her gloved fingers through the uncut grass.

“As you can see, there are still shards of glass and flecks of twisted metal decorating this abandoned grass field which should give you a pretty good idea of how big the explosion was. As Stacy said, residents over 45 miles away could feel this explosionBack to you, Stacy.”

“To this day, the cause of the explosion remains undisclosed despite many attempts from the state and local government. Joan Bexley, CEO of BexCorps held a press conference a mere 48 hours after the explosion. She offered little in explanation but pledged to restore the city’s faith in BexCorps. She also offered significant monetary compensation to the families of the four employees who lost their lives that night.”

“However, in the nearly 2 years that have followed since the mysterious explosion, Bexley has done little to help the city understand what exactly caused it. Former employees of BexCorps who have asked to remain anonymous have speculated that the explosion was part of a routine product testing.  Due to the power and nature of the explosion, the former employees speculate that the four employees who lost their lives were disintegrated on a molecular level.  This theory gained traction when it was revealed that the deaths of Stone, Trugby, Czyzewski, and Benton were confirmed mostly based on security records of badge access to the lab in question, which has bred a slew of conspiracy theories that….”

James felt his world beginning to shift, and the creamy, thick white thighs in his peripherals came in and squeezed tightly upon him, muffling Stacy Castlebrook’s voice.

“Thank god..” James thought happily as Amy rolled over onto her stomach, pulling him away from the TV broadcast.

He could still hear the muffled sound of the news reporter’s voice, although the friction of Amy sleepily pumping her crotch against the soft mattress was enough to drown her out.





Excellent content