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Reduction & Relocation - Lori Warren

Chapter 15 - Home Sweet Home

[September 30th, 2005]

The sun was already setting when Lori got home.

As she crossed the threshold, the soothing fragrance of vanilla and cinnamon enveloped her senses, a welcome departure from the antiseptic sterility of the strange laboratory that existed half a world away. This aroma was a comforting embrace, the very essence of her one and only home sweet home. The ache of separation from her daughter was a bitter sentiment for sure, but the sweetness of their joyous reunion was proportionately surreal.  Lori felt as if she’d been off on some crazy, whimsical adventure…only she couldn’t share the stories.

Seated on the sofa, Isabella and Victoria reclined with their feet casually elevated on the coffee table. Across the room, Gina nestled into the padded recliner, engrossed in the world contained within the charging notebook computer laying across her lap. The trio were already cozily dressed down to their pajamas, prompting Lori to wonder whether they had transitioned from daywear to nightwear or if they had remained in PJ’s since she left.

“Hi, Mama.”

Victoria was the first to look up towards her mother with a sleepy smile and wave.  Isabella, however, had risen to her feet and approached her mother for a hug.

“God, it’s so good to see you three again.  I missed you so much.”

“It was only like a day, Mom.” Gina giggled.

“I know!” Lori replied.  “Way too long!”

“How was your business trip?” Isabella asked.

Lori had only opened her mouth to reply but Victoria had already asked a follow up question. “Did you get me anything?”.

“No, not this time, Vicky.” Lori chuckled as Isabella returned to her seat next to Victoria, propping her bare feet back up on the coffee table. “It was a short trip.”

Victoria sighed.

“Were you girls okay while I was gone?  No one got into any trouble?”

Lori saw the light immediately return to Victoria’s disappointed eyes as the bratty teen looked over toward her older sister.

“Isabella had a boy over!” Victoria blurted out.

Isabella reflexively swatted Victoria on the shoulder.

“Stop being a liar!” Isabella proclaimed in surreal indignation and then turned to her mom. “I didn’t!”

“Yes, she did.” Victoria said, proudly crossing her arms and smiling. “He was here aaaaall day and only left like an hour ago.”

Her braces usually made Isabella look cute and precious, but now the sweet middle child bared her teeth and wrinkled her nose the way she only ever did to her younger sister, and the glint of the metal in her mouth only lended more credence to the look of ferocity.

“It was NOT a boy! It was just Kyle!” Isabella exclaimed, stamping her bare foot on the carpet.  “He came over to study for the math test next week! That’s it!”

“She had him in her room, mom.” Victoria chirped, her tone carrying an unmistakable edge of mischief and sisterly sabotage.

Isabella’s mouth was agape.  “Oh my god will you shut the heck up?! Where else would we go?  That’s where my dry erase board is, you big, dumb idiot.”

“Dumb idiot, huh?” Victoria said with a giggle, which only seemed to push Isabella to new levels of frustration. Isabella was brilliant and beautiful…a petite angel of elegance and intellect, but she was never too good with the quips and insults.  At least not as quick as her little sister.

This was one of those moments that every parent had to handle carefully.  Teenage girls could be as dangerous as tigers if not handled properly.

“Bella…Vicky…” Lori said, interrupting the argument before it turned into an all-out war.

“Let’s just try to relax, okay?”

“The door was shut.” Victoria muttered under her breath.


“Owwwwww-wuh!” Victoria yelped. “Mom, she hit me so hard her boobs almost popped out of her shirt.”

“Victoria!” Lori said in such disbelief she had to laugh at the pettiness.  “Enough!”

Lori turned toward Isabella, who was in her cute fuzzy polka dotted pajamas and yet it was the landscape of her upper body that garnered attention.  A white spaghetti-strap shirt dipped daringly low, displaying a prominent, eye-catching amount of cleavage.

“You…well….weren’t wearing that shirt though, right?”

Isabella rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in exasperation, throwing one of her legs up under her body and plopping back down on the couch, sitting on her foot with her arms crossed over her chest.  She didn’t do well with all this attention whereas Victoria seemed to crave it.  Gina was always somewhere in the middle and even though no one seemed immune to Victoria’s antics, Gina seemed old enough to know how to avoid feeding into her youngest sister’s fits of attention-craving

Lori adjourned to her bedroom, taking a page out of her daughters’ book and dressing down for the evening.  She’d almost pulled up her black and red flannel pajama bottoms when she realized that she hadn’t checked on the tiny little secret tucked away in her bottom since getting on the plane.

It was an interesting flight back.  Lori had remained strong, remembering all the thoughtful words Dr. Walker had said about the subject getting used to her sitting normally–how she deserved to be comfortable considering what a comfortable, warm environment she was providing for the subject.

He was incredibly warm in her fingers and barely conscious, the little cutie.

“Big day for a big man, huh?” Lori said with a playful chuckle.  “I want you to know you did really good today.  That big, scary shot…jeez…I’m so sorry that they put you through that.”

Lori tenderly stroked the subject’s body, his energy either drained from exertion or maybe he had just had such a good little sleep in her crack that he was groggy.

“I hope you know I had no idea they were going to do that.  I would have warned you or maybe tried to…oh, I don’t know…see if they had any numbing creams?  Anyway, I’m sorry for the traumatic day but don’t worry…it’s just you and me for the rest of the evening.” Lori smiled. “...well, and the girls, too obviously…but of course they won’t know that you’re with me.”

Lori returned the little subject back to the depths of her bare bottom and then packed her dense, pale cheeks into the seat of her black and red flannel pajamas.  The fuzziness felt wonderful against her bare glutes and just before she left her room, she remembered that without underwear, her dear subject would have one less layer of protection. She could have put some underwear on but the feeling of the cozy fuzz all over her skin just felt so darn good!

“Hmm…” Lori thought, running a hand along the expansive curvature of her left glute and then traced a finger along her crack.  She found him, nearly as deep as he could have went…and then sent him just a little deeper.  “Stay put, okay dear?  You’ll be just fine.”

The family gathered on the couch and watched a movie Gina had picked: 13 Going on 30.  It was cute but a little too airheaded for Lori’s taste.  Still, anytime with the girls was precious.

Several times, while the 4 sat in the dark living room, Lori felt the struggling of the subject deep in her crack. Several times she almost resorted to muscle memory and leaned over to alleviate some of the pressure of her full weight but each time, Lori stopped herself just before the volume of her left cheek reformed under the hang of gravity.  Instead of giving in to the subject’s unreasonable demands, she responded by scooting left and right into the soft cushion, wedging him further up into her crack before returning her full and undivided attention to the movie.  It felt so good.

Lori didn’t have work the next day and as happy as she was to be surrounded by her girls, she wanted some alone time to sort out some…thoughts she’d been having ever since leaving RR Labs. After the movie ended, Lori said her goodnights and sent the girls up for bed.  Once alone in her living room, she spent a few minutes straightening up, picking up Victoria’s bag of chips and putting away Gina’s notebook computer.  She then poured a large glass of wine, taking a long sip with a relished, surreal sigh.

“Sorry Mom, I left my computer down here.”

Gina scooped up her notebook computer and tucked it in under her arm, heading for the stairs.  It just so happened that Gina decided to head back upstairs right behind her.  For a moment, Lori considered letting her oldest daughter go first, but that would have looked strange…so Lori continued.  She could feel her hefty buns bouncing with each step she took, and she felt self-conscious with her daughter right behind her.

It wasn’t about the way her butt jiggled though!  It was about the tiny little naked man buried deep inside of it…but Lori had to remind herself that he was really in there…surrounded by so much flesh and the thick fuzzy material of her pajama bottoms.  Lori forced herself to continue normally up the stairs, and sure enough Gina didn’t say anything about her bouncing rump.  Alls he said was “Nite, Mom”.

“Good night, honey.”  Lori said, shutting the door of her bedroom.

Lori cocooned herself under her thick down comforter as she indulged in the pleasure of catching up on the novel that kept her busy during today’s travels. She earned herself another sip from her generously poured wine glass with the turn of each page and before she knew it, she’d devoured 2 chapters and a glass-full of sweet crimson warmth. The spirits danced in an ever-growing cloud of whimsical fogginess, strange thoughts growing that made her feel young again.

As the wine's embrace heightened, so did the heat beneath the blankets. She recognized the need to shed the layers that had kept her snug earlier. Lori peeled away her fuzzy pajamas, trading them for a smooth, clean pair of underwear that now embraced her full-figured form. The silk shirt, loose and airy, glided down over her shoulders and fluttered down around her soft stomach.

She settled back into her bed, the sensation of silk against her bare skin a sensual caress. It wasn’t until she’d gotten fully comfortable and settled that Lori remembered her earlier intention of taking the subject out of her bottom.

It would have been a nice thing to keep her promise, but Lori was so comfy! She was feeling very lazy from all the hard work today.  Sure, he had spent over 12 hours in her rear already today…but would another 8 to 10 hours overnight really be that much worse?  She figured it would, in some way, make up for the low amount of time he’d spent in her bottom the first week.

‘Dr. Walker looked happy with me meeting the DDM, but I wonder if she was hoping I’d have kept him in there for longer.’

The wine was starting to take a stronger effect, good thing she was already in her bed…and the girls were too by now.  Suddenly, Lori heard Victoria’s heavy elephant steps down the stairs, probably to get a drink. Lori might have reprimanded her youngest for the late-night noise but in her current inebriated state, the characteristic and unmistakable sound of her daughter obliviously stomping away came off as more endearing and cute than anything else.

As Lori allowed her mind to wander, reviewing the interesting experiences of the day, her thoughts continued to converge on Hannah and her girlfriend Bridget.  It was all just so fascinating to Lori. Not only was Hannah accepting of the tiny little man living in her girlfriend’s bottom, she actually encouraged it!  Lesbian relationships were mysterious enough to Lori, and to throw a toy-sized man into the mix–it was complicated enough to make her head spin!  She couldn’t help but ponder how it worked. What were the dynamics in their household?

The growing sound and vibration patterns of Victoria’s heavy steps intensified as Lori listened to the teenager run back upstairs and retreat into her room.  Not more than 30 seconds later, Lori heard another door open.

Isabella’s footsteps, softer and daintier than her younger sisters, were much harder to hear and required a mother’s perception to pick up.  She undoubtedly went down to make sure that Victoria hadn’t taken one of her seltzer waters. A few minutes later, Isabella commenced her stealthy ascent, each footfall barely a whisper against the carpeted steps. Then came the soft click of her bedroom door.

It didn’t take long for Lori to start snoring, covers tucked up under her chin, tucked down under her feet, and the tiny little subject nestled deep between her heavy, soft cheeks.  The final moments of her tipsy consciousness were of him and his subtle movements in her sensitive crack.  She thought about the nice doctor’s question about anal alignment earlier that had made her blush.  She thought about Brandon, the sweet and hunky young man she’d met in the waiting room–he’d been handed off to that bubbly blonde girl with braids and Lori wondered where he was now.  The last thing she thought of before slipping into deep, luxurious slumber was the image of Hannah and Bridget in that office…watching Bridget’s tiny little subject swallowed up in Hannah’s deep, ample cleavage.


The sound of laughter and affection was strengthening, gradually overwriting the several hours of built-up silence in the quiet living room.  Like a wild tide reclaiming dried shores, it surged closer and was soon right at the entrance. The only thing keeping it out was the big, wooden door which was now opening, revealing to the quiet home interior its two owners: Hannah and Bridget.

The two radiant young women, their hearts irrevocably entwined, graced the threshold of the doorway leading into the home they cherished together. They wasted no time nor spoken word, Bridget pulling her golden-haired counterpart closer, capturing her soft lips in a fervent, soul-stirring kiss.  Hannah tried to drop her keys on the end table but her aim was understandably off.  The keys jingled with a thud in one of Bridget’s boots. Hannah knew she’d forget where they were but she didn’t care.  The keys could wait.  That was a hunt for tomorrow…there was a different kind of hunt going on right now.

The lovers lingered there in the entranceway, the insistent chirping of the security alarm nothing more than a distant echo in the sanctuary of their desire. Bridget, her smoldering gaze locking with the blonde's, backed her lover against the wall with a fierce urgency, causing Hannah's swollen breasts to dance with a hypnotic, primal influence on Bridget’s resolve.  Their lips interlocked and as the Bridget’s fingers explored the curves of the blonde’s heaving chest, Hannah blindly fumbled with the keypad of the security alarm.

Hannah felt a surge of sensations rush through her body as Bridget’s small but confident hands squeezed and kneaded the curvature of her breasts.  The pressure that Bridget imparted on the blonde’s massive breasts resulted in another wonderfully interesting sensation, originating from deep between them.  The soft, fluttering response to Bridget’s carnal desires occuring in the hidden depths of her cleavage caused Hannah’s heart to soar and her nipples to stiffen.  She was getting so wet.

Somehow, amidst the chaos of desire, Hannah managed to disarm the blaring warning beeps with her dexterous left hand while her right hand boldly ventured to explore the expansive, claimed territory of her lover's ample derriere.

Their bodies pressed against each other in an embrace that defied the intrusion of reality and with an assertive kick, the front door slammed shut a little harder than Bridget had intended.

In the shadowed hallway, their laughter intertwined with the playful flicker of light switches, illuminating their path toward the sanctuary of their desires. A wayward canvas teetered precariously on the wall as they stumbled down the hallway, stubbornly refusing to unlink their hips, lips, and breasts until they were finally alone in their dark bedroom.

Well…pretty close to “alone”.

Bridget’s fingers tingled with anticipation as she delicately grasped the hem of Hannah’s shirt. The blonde surrendered willingly, eagerly lifting her arms.

With a practiced precision, Bridget skillfully removed the garment, revealing Hannah’s  lustrous, sun-kissed shoulders. As the shirt fell away, discarded like a forgotten memory, a cascade of golden waves descended the blonde’s bare shoulders like a sensuous waterfall. Her radiant, confident smile illuminated the room as she smiled down at her own ample cleavage, the enormous breasts aching to escape the restrictive confines of her light pink Victoria’s Secret bra.

With a sensuous tilt of her head, Hannah closed the miniscule gap between them, her massive bosom gently compressing against Bridget's supple curves. She pressed her lips to the brunette's ear, nibbling with an erotic hunger that sent shivers up and down the Bridget’s spine.

A breathy, lustful whisper seeped from the blonde’s wet lips, laden with longing and devotion. "You’re too hot for your own good."

Hannah’s nose grazed against Bridget’s ear and her fragrant, thick curly brown hair as the brunette’s head lowered.  She could feel Bridget’s nose against her throat and her lips against her collarbone, planting soft kisses further and further down.

A shiver of anticipation rippled through Hannah as she surrendered to the sensual journey. Soft kisses fluttered over the top of Hannah’s chest like the delicate wings of a butterfly, continuing down to where the flesh softened and protruded so delightfully.  The busty blonde inhaled deeply, causing her prodigious chest to swell even further into the eager face and warm lips of her eager lover.

With an insatiable hunger, Bridget buried her face deep within the intoxicating crevasse of Hannah's cleavage. Her lips met the tender flesh, planting kisses that ignited a fiery longing within them both. Nibbles of desire followed, each one a fervent proclamation of the passion that bound them.

Emerging from the depths of her lover's bosom, Bridget's face bore the mark of a tantalizing secret encased between her pursed lips. A mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she raised a devilish eyebrow. With a seductive flourish, her hand journeyed to her lips, and with a sultry reveal, she allowed a tempting morsel to tumble from between her moist, parted lips. It fell with a seductive grace into the soft, fleshy cradle of her palm, an offering that bespoke of pleasures unspoken.

“Hmmm…look what I found.” Bridget teased, allowing the tiny trinket she’d claimed from Hannah’s deep cleavage to tumble from her lips and into her palm.

“Ohh…where did he come from?” Hannah asked with an emphatic playfulness, pretending the two of them had not mischievously forced the tiny naked man down into Hannah’s cleavage several hours ago.

“What do you think you’re doing with my girlfriend?” Bridget asked, her tone playful enough in Hannah’s ears to make the blonde giggle into her hands…but frightening enough to the tiny little breast-stowaway in Bridget’s hand to make him tremble so hard his knees gave out.

Bridget raised her hand, bringing him so close to her face that he could have reached out and touched her lips had he not been cowering away from her submissively.

“You think you can just get away with touching her like that?” Bridget growled. “I don’t appreciate that.”

“She really doesn’t, you know.” Hannah purred, her fingers tracing intimate patterns along Bridget’s thighs and cheeks. “She gets super jealous.”

“I get jealous of people who actually stand a shot with her.”Bridget said, bathing the little subject in the warm humidity of her minty breath.  “Boy specks like you…you’re not worthy and you know it.”

“Not even just a little bit?” Hannah said in a cute higher-than-normal pitched voice, her fingertips dancing over Bridget’s stomach.

Bridget trembled under the light, fluttery pressure of Hannah’s fingertips but she didn’t break eye contact with the trembling subject sitting in her palm.


“Not even an eensy-weensy little bit?” Hannah followed up, holding two fingers up to her left eye, barely a centimeter between them. The blonde released her hold on Bridget’s soft body long enough to pour two glasses of wine.

Bridget’s tone increasingly darkened, as if it was the subject asking the follow-up questions and not Hannah instigating.

A heady and intoxicating aroma of alcohol wafted from Bridget's breath, likely overwhelming the tiny man cowering within her warm palm. Her voice, an embodiment of primal dominance, sent visible shivers of submission and adamant surrender throughout his body. "Her heart belongs to me... and you belong to us."

“I think you’re gonna get him drunk breathing on him like that.” Hannah giggled. Her slender arm encircled Bridget's waist, drawing her closer, and the teasing pressure of her fingertips on her lover's colossal derrière elicited a low, throaty groan of pleasure. Hannah’s fingertips turned white under the pressure of supporting and gently bouncing both of her lover’s large, heavy cheeks . Fingers, deft and determined, explored the metallic buckle and zipper of Bridget’s pants.

“Oh, I’ll need just a little more for that, love...” Bridget chuckled.  With her free hand, she took a long sip from her glass as Hannah undressed her.  “...but do you think this would do the trick?”

While maintaining eye contact with her love, Bridget opened her mouth wide and set the tiny little man atop her wine-soaked tongue.  The idea of any part of a man coming into contact with her tongue was the last thing she’d ever pictured herself enjoying but appetites fluctuating after a bit of sweet wine was not the strangest thing in the world.

Plus…this little thing stumbling around atop her thick wet tongue, jumbling against the ribbed roof of her mouth…he was no man.

Hannah watched in awe and unbridled arousal as Bridget slowly shut her mouth, her pristine white teeth forming an impenetrable cage around the imprisoned, thoroughly emasculated little man.  Her big, soft lips sealing shut into a playful smirk was the last level of added security, surrounding him in an inescapable chamber of Bridget’s potent, wine-laden saliva.



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