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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 4 - Finishing the Job (Jaime)


Nicole had to physically crawl into the enclosure to retrieve Jaime but asserting her control and influence over him as he squirmed and fought back had become a far more manageable task at his new height of just one inch.

“So we don’t have to inspect him this time, right?” Nicole said, cupping a struggling Jaime with two aqua gloved hands. The contrast between her control and his resistance was now starkly evident but the latter stood zero chance against the former.

“No, the first two sessions are the risky ones.” Dr. Walker replied, leaning over to pick up the small bread box container that Nicole had brought in earlier.  Up to this point, it had not yet been used. “The abrasion risks associated with the final Reduction Therapy session are inconsequential.”

Nicole nodded as Dr. Walker set the breadbox container on the table where the two women took a seat.  With a gentle motion, Nicole lowered little 1-inch tall Jaime into the open box and before he could even catch his breath, Dr. Walker sealed the clear lid, enclosing Jaime within the transparent box.  The two women were impossibly large now, all he could see was the protrusion of their chests bulging out their lab coats, the undersides of their breasts painted with dark shadows. From his vantage point, the two women appeared as magnificent goddesses, their feminine, curvy bodies stretching into the heavens.

“Do you see that little dip in the center of the floor?” Dr. Walker’s voice boomed as the lid far overhead opened and an eyedropper entered.

“Yeah” Nicole responded.

Jaime looked down and saw what she was referring to.

It looked kind of like a divot on a golf course but a perfect half dome.  At his size, the half dome indent in the floor was about the size of his heel, too small for even his shrunken fist to fit.

A large droplet of translucent, strange smelling liquid fell from the heavens and landed square in the half-dome. He remembered this part, and he knew better than to interfere with it, stepping aside from the liquid in the half-dome. Jaime recalled how important it was that fluid to remain within the divot.

“Great aim.” Dr. Walker complimented Nicole,who smiled proudly.

“So now, when the final Reduction Therapy session begins, the subject’s reducing mass will gravitate toward the center-mass of the solution cluster so that when he is microscopic, we can easily retrieve him.”

“Makes perfect sense. Can I press the button now?” Nicole asked, the excitement evident in her tone.

Dr. Walker, sensing the eagerness in her voice, smiled and replied, “Yes, dear. Go ahead.”

Nicole didn’t need to be told twice.  She barely needed to be told once.

A cherry red fingertip swiftly attacked the button and the two women stared down into the enclosure as it flashed like a camera.  Unlike the first two sessions, this one was instantaneous.

In a flash of an eye, Jaime was gone.

Well...not gone...completely submerged in a planet-sized droplet of the translucent solution. The curves of the half dome seemed miles away in all directions from him as he swam within the bubble of liquid.

The large eyedropper, now empty, may as well have been a celestial body. The women controlling it?  They were so large and far away that they appeared blurry to little Jaime.

He felt pressure around his body as he was sucked up into the eye dropper.  He heard deep, bassy voices that he could barely understand but the godly vibrations rattled his bones.

Extreme pressure and g-forces pulled his stomach down to his knees and Jaime’s world suddenly transformed into a maelstrom of confusing light and complicated shadows. Before him lay an expansive, crystal-clear oceanic landscape unlike anything he had ever encountered before.  It stretched in all directions and might have been the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

To his astonishment, this magnificent landscape turned out to be one of Nicole’s eyes. At his miniscule, microscopic size, Jaime marveled at the intricate details that adorned her iris, an astonishing scattering amongst the ocean-blue of brilliant green and yellow flecks, far too intricate for a normal-sized human to truly appreciate as he could.

The oceanic blue expanse seemed to stretch on into an infinite, godlike horizon in every direction, radiating both beauty and an overwhelming sense of feminine power.  In the presence of such limitless splendor and strength, Jaime felt a profound helplessness and awe welling within him.  Nicole, at this moment, truly appeared as a goddess to him, her divine essence washing over him like an irresistible galactic tide.  The movement of her eye was quick and calculated as she scanned him, or tried to anyway.

Nicole squirted him out onto a slide and slid him under the lab’s electron microscope. Under the watchful gaze of the towering women, his sense of helplessness grew more pronounced with each passing moment.

Both Nicole and Dr. Walker took turns peering through the microscope to confirm he’d actually survived the final round of Reduction Therapy, their godlike presence amplified by their control over his very existence. Jaime's heart pounded as they scanned the miniature world in search of him.

It took Nicole a bit longer than Dr. Walker to locate him amidst the microscopic landscape, but Dr. Walker was quick to point out that experience and a practiced eye had given the brunette doctor the upper hand. The contrast between the colossal, feminine scientists and Jaime's minute existence couldn't have been more profound, and he felt like an insignificant speck under their godlike scrutiny.

“How small is he?” Nicole asked.

“Well, our target reduction size for Injection Therapy is 750 picometers.” Dr. Walker replied. “That’s 0.00000075 meters.  Most subjects get within about 5% of that range, more or less. I expect he falls within that range.

“Wow….” Nicole said, taking another turn to look through the microscope.

Satisfied, Nicole grabbed the extra small petri dish and Dr. Walker transferred Jaime into the dish.  Nicole tightened the cap and placed it gently on a tray, but Nicole had missed a step.

“Wait, first we have to introduce Miss Okamoto’s sample.” Dr. Walker said, loosening the protective cap that separated Jaime from the large womens’ world.  Dr. Walker removed a toothpick from another container and gently placed the wet tip in the shallow collection of solution with Jaime.  She VERY gently stirred the solution, allowing hundreds of thousands...perhaps millions of Mayumi’s cheek cells to dissipate into the solution with Jaime, all so much bigger than him.

“This allows Miss Okamoto’s cell sample to mix with the solution and prepare the subject for injection later this week.”

Once the cells were added, Nicole repositioned the lid and secured it over Jaime.  She then picked up the tray and the two women delivered it to the incubator.

“You said this Friday, right?” Nicole asked as she pressed some buttons on the incubator’s interface.

“That’s right. 4 Days should be plenty of time.”

With the grace and precision of giantesses manipulating a world beyond Jaime’s comprehension, Dr. Walker and Nicole prepared to transfer him into the sterile and warm confines of the incubator.

Nicole lowered Jaime inside with a tenderness that seemed almost mocking in its contrast to his miniscule size. With a small, cute wave and a condescending smile, she bid him farewell before the lid closed. It left Jaime feeling even more powerless and humiliated, imprisoned within the sterile, alien world of the incubator surrounded by similarly sized dishes with similarly sized subjects all awaiting similarly humiliating fates.  The science goddesses above him controlled all of their fates.

* * * * * * * * * *

Dr. Walker, 2022-03-13

The following day, in the eerie silence of the storage facility, Dr. Walker made her clandestine entrance. In place of her customary white lab coat, she sported sleek white running shoes and a snug pair of black yoga shorts that accentuated her athletic figure. Her light gray tank top, clinging to her stomach and stretched to obscurity over her ample breasts, had darkened to a shade closer to charcoal from her rigorous workout. Perspiration glistened on her brow and chest. This early morning routine was her sanctuary, a prelude to the soothing shower she would indulge in within the employee locker room, following her invigorating run.

As much as she anticipated the sweet relief of shedding her confining but quite necessary sports bra, there was a more pressing matter at hand–one that demanded her immediate attention. Dr. Walker’s consideration of her secret mission kept her up most of the night and now that she was here, it couldn't wait any longer.

She made her way over to the incubator where Jaime was being stored.  Leaning forward to the very back of the nearly full incubator, she identified the small area where Jaime had called home since yesterday morning. She removed his paperwork and looked it over:


Participant Pairing - Okamoto

Participant Informed - No

Injection Location - Left breast

Cell Prep Exposure - Yes

Immersion Period - 1 Month

Unfortunately for Jaime, his fate was irreversibly sealed the moment he let slip to Dr. Walker that he was aware of his impending injection into Mayumi Okamoto's record-breaking bosom. From that pivotal moment, a necessary plot began to take shape in Dr. Walker's mind.

Her thoughts swirled with calculated solutions and devious strategies as she grappled with the complexities of the situation. From the instant Jaime became her problem, she had been meticulously crafting a plan, weaving it with the precision of a spider spinning its web. In the end, the easiest solution to the problem was often the best one and this was no exception.

No amount of promises, no matter how fervent they might have been—and Jaime would undoubtedly have made them—could quell the pressing concern that had gripped Dr. Walker's mind. The success of the experiment depended on Mayumi Okamoto remaining entirely in the dark about Jaime’s presence in her breast.

Mayumi's recruitment had been a top priority for quite some time, and the stakes couldn't have been higher. She was compensated more generously than any other Participant, and she occupied a unique role as a UP—an Uninformed Participant. Dr. Walker couldn't afford to take even the slightest risk, not with such a monumental project on the line.

Jaime's recent behavior had rendered him an untrustworthy variable in this delicate equation. Dr. Walker's confidence in him had evaporated, leaving her with an uneasy feeling about what might transpire when, at the end of the month, she would restore him to his former size and existence. Not only was Mayumi’s safety potentially in question, but so too was the integrity of Injection Therapy as a whole.  The suspense was palpable, the consequences dire, and the need to preserve the secrecy surrounding Mayumi's role paramount.

Dr. Walker changed what she had to...she did what she had to...for the anonymity of her Participants..for the integrity of the experiment...for science…with no remorse or regret.


Participant Pairing - Mayumi Okamoto

Participant Informed - No

Injection Location - Left breast

Cell Prep Exposure - Yes


Dr. Walker carefully returned the paper to its designated slot in subject-i-095j’s , her form still partially bent and leaning into the incubator. As she lingered there, attending to the delicate procedure, a subtle sound drew her attention downward. What met her gaze was a sight that left little room for doubt about her imposing physicality.

Her sizable breasts, substantial and eye-catching as they were commanding and intimidating, pressed firmly into the trays that housed numerous other containers, each sheltering microscopic subjects of their own. The sheer magnitude and volume of her bosom left no room for ambiguity: it eclipsed several of these enclosures as if they were twin moons, exerting an unintentional dominance over the microscopic subjects contained within.

Without moving, Dr. Walker thought about what that experience could have been like for those subjects.  Most had been in that incubator for days...some even for weeks.  They were almost always in darkness, and now all of the sudden they see the doctor that reduced them leaning into their incubator.  Each of her perspiring breasts curved approximately at least 10 inches across.  Since all Injection Therapy-ready subjects, commonly referred to as ‘injectables’, were reduced to 750 picometers, that meant the width of just one of Dr. Walker’s breast was about 338,600 times larger than them.  What they just saw was literally the equivalent of the entire state of North Carolina rushing toward them and surrounding them, and that was per breast!  It was like two supermassive, planet destroying asteroids rushing in to meet the poor subjects, only these asteroids were super soft and super damp.  The cushion of her breast had displaced appropriately around the protective hardness of the containers, its volume and shape conforming to the curvature of the glass supporting their impressive weight. It was if the mammoth mammaries had their faces pressed against the glass, peering in and trying to brute-force their way through the glass.  Luckily for the little injectables, they were completely protected from the weight of Dr. Walker’s breasts by the glass.

She stood up, seeing her perspiration left behind on the clear containers.  She didn’t bother to wipe them clean, for any trace would evaporate quickly in the heat of the incubator. Dr. Walker unceremoniously shut the lid of the incubator, turning the lights out as she left..

* * * * * * * * * *


Dr. Walker poked her head into the RR Labs Breakroom.  Her eyes scanned the room until they settled on Emma Parker, who sat nestled on the break room sofa, engrossed in a novel.

Emma was a mousy brunette with an air of quiet sophistication. She was short in stature and quiet in demeanor, hired at around the same time as Nicole but the two were practically polar opposites, sharing in common only an above average intelligence. Emma savored the lunchtime pleasure of a ripe, green pear, its juices glistening on her fingertips as she took dainty bites between pages of her book. She wore round-framed glasses that appeared slightly too large for her cute button nose, evident from how often she had to push them up her face.

“Hey Emma,” Dr. Walker said.

Emma Parker looked up from her novel and half-eaten pear. The mousy brunette pushed her glasses up the length of her nose to her widened eyes. “Hi, Dr. Walker.”

The mousy intern quickly checked her watch to see what time it was, perhaps in fear that she’d surpassed her lunch hour.

“I’m heading for our Thursday’s glute injection. Would you like to observe?”

"Of course, Dr. Walker!" Emma responded, her voice laced with palpable excitement as she abruptly set aside her half-eaten pear. She hadn't even bothered to mark her page in the novel as she slammed the book shut and swiftly stashed it into her backpack.

The young intern, with her petite stature and unassuming demeanor, couldn't help but exude a rush of exhilaration as she rose to her feet.

However, as her initial burst of enthusiasm threatened to give way to jittery nerves, Emma made a conscious effort to compose herself. She straightened out her button-up blouse, her trembling hands carefully smoothing down the fabric over her neatly pressed slacks.

“Great!  Go ahead and take this paperwork over to logs and sign out what I’ve itemized here on this withdrawal form. It's very important that we get everything here!” Dr. Walker said, handing the intern a stapled document packet. “I’m going to meet our IP in the waiting room and get her set up. Can you meet us in Exam Room A?”

Emma nodded her head with a huge smile, and Dr. Walker thought it adorable the way the mousy young woman was trying to contain it.

“Okay, Dr. Walker.  I’ll see you there!”

Emma didn’t even finish her pear, opting to toss the half eaten fruit into the wastebin without a second thought.  She put on her paper-thin lab coat and left the breakroom, briskly walking off in the wrong direction.

Dr. Walker corrected her on the right path to Logs with a playful smile before heading toward the waiting room to gather the Informed Participant that would be receiving her glute injection.

Dr. Walker and Dr. Bexley shared the responsibility of hiring interns.  Nicole was hired by Dr. Bexley and Emma by Dr. Walker, and for this reason Dr. Walker ever-so-slightly favored Emma.  She saw a slight bit more of herself in Emma than she did Nicole, but both young interns had time and time again proven to staff that they were hard working and dedicated to the experiment and that they loved science.

She was mousy and cute, soft-spoken and math-minded, not flat as a board by any means but not as...blessed as some of the Participants coming in for injection therapy.  It was sexist and judgemental, sure, but nobody is perfect and everyone has biases.  Emma, coincidentally enough, reminded Dr. Walker a lot of the actress in the Harry Potter films. She knew the girl in the movie’s first name, coincidentally enough, was also named Emma.

Dr. Walker entered the waiting room, her gaze immediately drawn to Gabby, who sat alone, engrossed in her studies. Gabby's presence was hard to ignore, not only because of her scholarly demeanor but also due to her striking appearance.

Gabby was a young brunette woman of bold proportions, with a figure combining all the best parts of thick and petite that commanded attention and a cute, innocent face that was disarming and inspiring. The teenager scratched an itch on her flat stomach, the soft cotton of her gray shirt wrinkling and creasing under the pressure.

“Gabby?” Dr. Walker announced.  The cute brunette student looked up from her studies.  “Ready to go?”

Her thick splayed bare thighs supported the weight of her textbooks and notebook. In fact, they provided a generous expanse, allowing her to lay out her study materials with room to spare. Her wide hips were adorned with a vibrant splash of color, as Gabby confidently sported bright orange shorts that seemed tailor-made to accentuate her curves.

“Hi, Dr. Walker!  Yup!” Gabby chirped, shutting her college textbook, her bare thighs rippling slightly as she hurriedly packed away her school supplies into her small drawstring backpack.

“It's great to see you again, Gabby. How are your classes going?” Dr. Walker asked the 19-year old college Sophomore as they left the waiting room and made way for Exam Room A.

“They’re going good, I guess.  I just started signal processing and I’m already regretting it.” Gabby laughed. “I just can’t figure out this convolution and laplace stuff.”

“Oh? What’s the problem?” Dr. Walker asked.

“Well, the professor told me during office hours that for our homework, we were supposed to convolve inverse laplacians…” Gabby said, scratching her head. “...but that just doesn’t make any sense cause in lecture he said something like ‘we do laplace transforms so that we didn’t have to convolve’ or whatever.”

Dr. Walker responded quickly. “Well, that’s true...the convolution of two functions in the time domain is the same as multiplying the Laplace transforms of those functions in the s domain.  However, judging from the problems I saw on your homework, it looks like he wants you to find the Inverse Laplace transforms of a complicated Laplacian function by separating it into two simpler functions, F(s) and G(s)...”

Gabby had since retrieved her notebook from her back pack and was now scrambling to scribble notes as the two women walked down the hall.

“...you convert F(s) and G(s) to their respective time domain functions, f(t) and g(t). Then all you have to do is just convolve the two functions with respect to tau, solve for the laplacian of the resulting convolution integral and you have your answer.”

“Dr. Walker...that makes perfect sense; thank you so much!” Gabby exclaimed happily . “You explained that…like…so much better than that dusty old professor ever could.”

Dr. Walker chuckled, “That’s not a very high bar to clear from the sounds of it, but thank you Gabby.  I’m happy I could help.”

The two women entered Exam Room A and Dr. Walker pressed the button on the chair to recline it to about 60 degrees.  Gabby set her backpack down on the floor next to the declining chair.  Her shorts somehow stretched even tighter over her ample rear as she bent at the waist, more than hinting at the outline of a thong hiding underneath and now subtly saying hello from her exposed lower back. Despite her young age, Gabby’s rear was one of the largest currently enrolled for Injection Therapy and she was an asset, to say the least.

“Take everything off then?” Gabby asked, the lower portion of her stomach briefly becoming visible as she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her bright orange nylon shorts.

“No, not yet. For now you can leave your clothes on. Just have a seat here and lift your shirt. “Dr. Walker said, patting the declined chair. “We have to check your last injection.”



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