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Here as an early, surprise update to Injected 2 to make up for this chapter and some of the other recent chapters' brevity.

Chapter 11 will still be coming on Tuesday, and its an important one!

Injected 2: Jordan's Revenge

Chapter 10 - An Urgent Phone Call

Claire: Hello?

Jordan: Hey, it’s me.

Claire: Who’s me?  I don’t have this number saved.

Jordan: You didn’t save my number?! You…..sigh……this is Jordan Maziotto.

Claire: Oh, hey Jordan..whatsup?

Jordan: Listen, I’m having some–

Claire: –I’m not gonna be able to talk for much longer just so ya know. I’m cheeking my phone right now and you wouldn’t believe how much precision is needed to inject a boy directly into a fat cell.

Jordan: A what??!

Claire: Yeah, I wanted to see if the effects of in vitro fertilization into a fat cell would impart any….ugh….never mind…

Jordan: What happened?

Claire: I knocked the stupid tray off the stupid table and now my socks are wet.  Are you happy?

Jordan: Don’t blame me!  Ugh….Listen…stop with your weird fat injection crap for a minute…I’ve got a serious problem over here.

Claire: What’s the problem?

Jordan: It's Amina.

Claire: No, Tiffany.  We’re closing soon anyway.  Just wipe it up with a paper towel and throw it away…yeah, there’s no way we’re finding him now.  …sorry, I’m back.  What’s wrong with Amina?

Jordan: She’s been…like…out of control

Claire: Ha, don’t worry about it..your mom did the same thing.  That’s the whole point of the injection into mammary tissue.

Jordan: No, you don't understand..she’s like…changed as a person.  I saw her masturbating in her car when she was leaving for work.  Stop laughing.

Claire: I’m sorry, it's just funny!

Jordan: Okay…well she’s even hitting on me.

Claire: Yikes..

Jordan: Ya! It's so friggin weird!  Last month, Chelsea and I had just gotten back from the gym and we were hanging out in the kitchen.  Amina walked by to get a drink and I could totally feel her staring me up and down…and then when she walked by, she grazed my butt with the back of her hand.  There was NO WAY it was a mistake.  Also, I’ve even seen her like…cupping her own boobs when she’s by herself…and the crazy part…is that she’s paying extra special attention to the ‘you-know-which-one’!”

Claire: …wait……she’s deliberately favoring stimulation on the breast that Adam is in?

Jordan: Yeah, its freaking weird…and then I–

Claire: –stop talking for a second.  Tiffany, grab me my notebook.  Hurry.

Jordan: What’s wrong?

Claire: Shhh

Claire: ….

Claire: …………

Claire: ….how long has it been?

Jordan: Since?

Claire: Since we injected your dad into Amina’s boob, genius!

Jordan: Oh!  Umm…that was…uh….

Claire: It was only like 4 days before we injected Brad into your boob.”

Jordan: Yeah, I know..I’m trying to remember the days.  Hmmm…Amina’s injection was the day after my graduation I think, right?  April 13th?

Claire: That sounds right.   It's August 7th today…so it's been…no, that’s not right.  It's only been three and a half months.

Jordan: So?

Claire: So….ummm………oh!  Hey, you still have my P&V Scanner, right?

Jordan: Your what?

Claire: The thing you said was a thumb drive!

Jordan: Oh!

Claire: Tell me you didn’t sell it.

Jordan: No, I was just kidding. It's in my dresser drawer.

Claire:  Okay…is Amina sleeping?

Jordan: Probably, they’re both in their room.

Claire:  Okay..I need you to take the P&V Scanner and scan Amina’s boob.

Jordan: Ugh…okay, I’ll try and get her drunk tomorrow and–

Claire: –NO!  Now!

Jordan: Whoa! Calm down.

Claire: You need to do it now.

Jordan: Okay! Okay!

Claire: Tell me when you have it.

Jordan:  Okay, I pressed the power button.

Claire: Okay…..WAIT until I tell you to do stuff, how about that?

Jordan: Sawwwww-reeeee…just tell me what to do now.

Claire: Do you see the little pink button on the left side of it?

Jordan: Yeah

Claire: Press it and hold it.

Jordan: Okay…Lights came on

Claire: Right.  Probably a Red one that blinked 3 times, right?

Jordan: Yeah, what’s that mean?

Claire: It means that you weren’t reading an injectable. That’s what we’d expect to see. Now hold the little part that looks like black glass up against your right boob..then press and hold the button.

Jordan: Okay…it lit up with 1 Pink light and 1 Blue light.

Claire: Alright that’s…..hmm…okay, let's come back to that one.

Jordan: What?  What do you mean? Is that bad?

Claire: Hold on, we’re talking about Amina right now…I need you to go and do the same test on her.

Jordan: Okay..so I need to hold this thing up against Amina’s boob and press and hold the little pink button?

Claire: And pay very special attention to the colors that light up..and how the order and how many.  It shouldn’t be more than like 3 or 4.

Jordan: Okay, I’ll go try it now…do you want me to call you back?

Claire: No, I’ll wait.  Just go do it now and come back.

Jordan: Okay, one sec.

Jordan: ……

Jordan: ………………..

Claire: Go ahead Tiffany, you can go home. We’ll try another fertilization next week…..yeah….yeah…..okay, have a good weekend.

Jordan: ……

Jordan: ………..

Jordan:  ……….Okay, I’m back.

Claire: How’d it go?

Jordan: I got it, I think.  The colors lit up with 2 Pink, 2 Blue, and then 1 Purple

Claire:  Hold on, lemme check the instructions and see what that means.

Claire: ……you said…2 Pink….and then 2 Blue….and then 1 Purple?

Jordan: Yeah.

Claire: In that order? Are you sure?

Jordan: Claire, you’re freaking me out..Yes, that was the order.  What the heck is going on?

Claire:  Oh jeez…….Okay so…This is rare….I think….ha!  …and even when it actually does happen, it takes years…not 4 months.

Jordan: What? What happened?

Claire: Hmm…..why would this be happening already?

Jordan: CLAIRE!

Claire: Sorry!

Jordan: Are you saying that he’s causing this? Come over here and get him out asap!

Claire: I won’t be able to.

Jordan: Why not?

Claire: He’s undergone a Spontaneous Fusion Event.  I’m guessing he’s probably already finished innervating.

Jordan: What the heck is that?!

Claire: uhhh…well, it's not good. There’s this non-zero chance that any injectable will initiate into this sequence of fusion on the cellular level with the host’s body.  They become vascularized and are kind of…well…taken over.  The boob containing them kind of assembles these ad hoc tissue systems designed specifically to attach and assimilate to the injectable so–

Jordan: –Claire, speak english..holy crap!

Claire: Uhhhh….your dad is like…fused to her boob. You know, funny enough…you could actually make the argument that he is literally a part of Amina’s boob now.

Jordan: What…like, permanently?

Claire:  Yeah..I mean, there are ways I’m experimenting with to reverse the process once it’s begun…but once it completes and you see those lights, there’s literally nothing that can be done…short of Amina getting a mastectomy.

Jordan: ..the fuck?  A masectomy??  Couldn’t they just…I dunno…cut HIM out?

Claire: I mean…I..guess they could just excise the portion of mammary tissue where your dad lives.  But does it really matter?  Cutting your dad out like an annoying little tumor or removing the whole tit…neither of those things are going to happen since we’re not telling Amina anyway.

Jordan: So he’s stuck in her boob forever?

Claire: Yeah, sorry…I know we were going to remove him in like 2 more months but its not looking like that’s–

Jordan: –I don’t give a crap about that pathetic boob parasite! Even if we got my dad out of Amina’s tit, he was going to go to your lab in Cali anyway…and probably get fertilized into a fat cell or something from the sounds of it.  If anything, the creep is probably better off spending the rest of his life in Amina’s boob but I couldn’t possibly care less either way. To Hell with my dad, that’s not who I’m worried about!

Claire:  You’re worried about Amina?

Jordan: Umm..I guess a little..since she’s so freaking horny and I guess that isn’t going away any time soon?  Or ever?

Claire: No, probably not.

Jordan: Well, what I’m most worried about is me.

Claire: Why you?

Jordan: Cause we injected Brad into my tit! What if the same thing happens to me?

Claire: Well, are you more horny than usual?

Jordan: ….

Claire: You are!

Jordan: …a little!  Okay…a little more than a little.

Claire: When did it start?

Jordan: Well…this is pretty embarrassing…..I don’t usually masturbate but…starting like around last month…I can’t even really go a day without doing it.

Claire: That’s not so–

Jordan: –and as of last week, I’ve been doing it 3 times a day.

Claire: Oooooo…umm…so about these advances from Amina..

Jordan: What about them?

Claire: How do they make you feel?

Jordan: Are you my therapist or something?

Claire: Answer the question.

Jordan: …at first, I thought they were gross.  She’s kinda like a second mom to me…but recently, I’ve…

Claire: You can just stop right there.

Jordan: What? Why? I wasn’t gonna say what you thought I was going to say!

Claire: Yes you were.  Some version of it, anyway. I’ll be flying out there…what’s today…today’s Friday….I’ll be flying out there Monday morning.

Jordan: Why????

Claire: It's too late for Amina and Adam…if he hasn’t already fused, it could literally happen at any moment now, but there may still be time to remove Brad from your tit.

Jordan: Oh my god.  This can’t be permanent!  It's already hard enough to concentrate…I can’t focus around guys and even women are hard to ignore now! If it were to get worse, I’d be a freaking sex zombie like Amina!  It's getting worse by the day with her.

Claire: Right, and if we don’t get him out before it's too late, you’ll basically be stuck this way like Amina is.

Jordan: Is there anything I can do?

Claire:  Pray that there’s a cheap flight out to you on Sunday.  You’re buying.



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