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Injected 2: Jordan's Revenge

Chapter 11 - Lust


Jordan flipped through the channels, pulling her sock clad feet in under her butt and getting comfy under the afghan blanket. The living room was cold as it normally was but the environment under the blanket was toasty warm.   She was chuckling at the thought of how much warmer Brad’s environment was right now when she heard Amina coming down the stairs.

“Oh!” Amina exclaimed, shocking Jordan into looking over her shoulder.

“Everything alright?” Jordan asked as Amina circled the couch. The 22-year old stretched her legs, pushing aside the afghan and as her toes curled, a plume of body heat and the scent of her body lotion rose from confinement.

“Oh, yes…sorry Jordan. I just didn’t know that you were here.”

“Yeah, Mom asked me to water the plants and feed Libby while she was on her business trip.  But…uh…I didn’t even know you were here.  Weren’t you supposed to be visiting your sister or something?”

Amina immediately looked down at her slippers. “Yeah…..umm…I wasn’t going to tell you this, Jordan…at least not right now..”

Jordan pushed the afghan blanket off her and leaned in to listen.

“Your mom and I…we’re…well…we’re going to separate.”

“Oh my god..why?” Jordan asked.

“A lot of reasons…” Amina quickly said, the line sounding very rehearsed. “We’ve just..well…been growing apart.  I know you’re a little old for this, but I hope you know it has nothing to do with you.”

“I didn’t think that.” Jordan said quickly.  She felt Amina’s eyes momentarily drift down to Jordan’s feet..and then up her legs…and quickly back to her eyes.

“I still like you, Jordan.” Amina said, her voice shaking a bit as she spoke.

All it took was for Jordan to momentarily allow her eyes to drift down from Amina’s eyes to her breasts.  She fixated on ADAM’S breast…and then her eyes continued down between Amina’s legs.

Jordan felt Amina catch her staring, and a less confident person might have averted their eyes.  Jordan didn’t care that she was caught.  She slowly raised her gaze to Amina’s eye level and raised a single eyebrow.

Amina smirked.

That was apparently all it took for either of them.

Immediately, Amina rushed Jordan and in less than 2 seconds, the 31-year old was straddling her soon-to-be ex-stepdaughter.

Prior to Brad’s injection into her breast, Jordan had never looked at Amina the way she was looking at her now..and she knew that it was wrong.

She knew it was wrong as she pulled Amina’s bottom lip between her teeth and gently bit down.  She knew it was wrong as she slid a hand up her mother’s wife’s shirt and cupped Amina’s perky breasts.

She knew it was INCREDIBLY wrong to picture her former father, submerged in the fleshy fat of Amina’s tit, dealing with the compression as Jordan’s orange-tipped fingernails dug into the supple pale flesh.

It was all too much for both of them, Jordan could tell.  Amina quickly gripped Jordan by the hips and swung down onto the couch, pulling the 22-year old on top of her.

‘My god..she’s hornier than Jake!’ Jordan giggled to herself, enjoying being manhandled by Amina.

Jordan went with the flow, willing to straddle the supine Amina and begin passionately making out with her.  She tasted like peppermint.  Jordan gasped, feeling Amina’s nimble fingers trace the line of her pajama bottoms and find the suggestion of her thong, pulling it out from hiding and tugging enough to tickle her asshole and her pussy.  The snap against her lower back ramped the intensity up from 11 to infinity.  Things were changing quickly forever, but neither woman cared about anything in this moment more than each other.

Jordan knew her ass was fucking massive, and it amused her to feel Amina’s tiny hands doing their best to cup as much of the supple flesh as she could.  It was barely anything…and yet she enjoyed the sensation of her fingers digging into the cushiony pillow of her glutes. Jordan respected the strength of grip that Amina had for a good set of ass cheeks.

Jordan had never been with another top, except for Jake, and she was enjoying how much control Amina was trying to steal away.  Jordan took some back by sitting up on Amina and gyrating her hips over top of Amina’s sweltering crotch.

Despite the pleasure Jordan was feeling between her legs, she couldn’t help but allow her focus to pull to the bouncing perky breasts of the woman beneath her.  Jordan deliberately leaned down, targeting the breast that her former father called home, and began kneading it vigorously.  Amina moaned in pain and pleasure as Jordan shifted the thin, slinky material to reveal a dark nipple ripe for twisting.

Jordan dipped down, forming a tight seal around the nipple of the breast her former father called home. She savored the absurdity of the situation, wondering if he knew buried in all that tit fat what was happening.  What he was going to be forced to experience.  Jordan flicked her tongue against the stiffening nipple and began sucking.  

Reflexively, Amina moaned deeply and seductively, driving Jordan further up the wall.  Her wild, rebellious tongue explored the entire breast, secretly hoping that the pervert unknowingly buried deep inside would understand what was happening.  At the same time, Jordan wanted Amina to tease her little stowaway, but since Amina was not aware of him, it would be up to Jordan.

Jordan lifted her shirt, exposing her flat stomach and perky breasts that compressed beautifully against Amina’s lust-starved face.  Amina expertly located the nipple and accepted it into her mouth, the flesh of the heavy tit conforming cutely around Amina’s chin, cheeks, and even her forehead….and yet she continued to suck. Jordan couldn’t help but hope that Brad was somehow staged close enough to the nipple to hear or even feel the suction.

‘Let him understand…’ Jordan thought in the throws of ecstasy.  “...let him understand how turned on I am…while he just has to listen…and feel….”

A hand snaked its way down Jordan’s panties and fluttered under the dampening cotton.  The 22-year old lost her breath to the experienced dance of fingers, and her eyes cinched closed.  Jordan appreciated the gentle yet expert touch that only a woman…a slightly older one at that…could understand and provide. Jordan bucked her wide hips against Amina’s glorious hand.  

Her eyes closed and her mouth opened as a primal moan escaped her lips, but Amina's stiff nipple and accompanying tit flesh silenced it effectively as half of Amina’s bare breast filled Jordan’s open mouth. Jordan eagerly accepted it, her primal moan converted to primal and biological sucking, as the thought of Adam’s experience immersed in that flesh caused her to gush into Amina’s dancing fingers. Her entire world exploded a mere 15 seconds later, and even as Jordan was riding the wave’s crest back down from heaven, Amina was still down Jordan’s panties doing all the right things.

The bratty 22-year old would have happily laid there while Amina continued to cradle her sweltering, sopping wet sex but Amina clearly had needs, too. It became apparent to Jordan that it was her turn to return the favor when Amina abruptly climbed atop Jordan’s face.

Amina’s thighs became Jordan’s peripheral vision. As Amina’s ass came down slowly but purposefully on Jordan’s face, Jordan smirked at the forwardness of Amina’s gesture.  Jordan had tried facesitting once with her boyfriend, but her booty was so big he feared it might kill him.  Amina’s ass was great, but not nearly as large as Jordan didn’t have the same concerns as her boyfriend.

Instead, Jordan opened her mouth awaiting Amina’s dripping pussy.  The 22-year old’s nose slotted between Amina’s cheeks like a key in a lock and her tongue aligned perfectly with Amina’s clit.  Jordan closed her eyes and went to town, sucking and lapping at the sensitive nub while reaching up with her hands to massage Amina’s tits.  

Jordan of course paid most of her focus to the fleshy, fatty vessel that contained her former father as Amina obliviously rocked her hips into Jordan’s increasingly slippery face.  Jordan’s tongue saw very little light, plunged deep into the cavernous tunnel that was Amina’s pussy, and the taste was invigorating.  Jordan just couldn’t control herself.  It was a taste she didn’t think she could live without.

Amina was getting close now and Jordan could tell by the moaning above her.  When the moment came, Jordan felt Amina’s feet curl on either side of Jordan’s head, forbidding her from escaping in this crucial, orgasmic moment.  Jordan couldn’t have imagined leaving.

The moaning crescendoed and Jordan felt Amina’s full weight collapse onto her face. The older woman arched her back, prompting her partially spread cheeks to close in around Jordan’s face and her toes to tickle Jordan’s scalp.  Jordan was emboldened to reach deeper, and to paint the walls of Amina’s love tunnel with wider strokes of her tongue.

Amina came all over Jordan’s face, and the older woman must have sensed Jordan’s arousal because she leaned forward, her cheeks parting once more and allowing some light to enter Jordan’s eyes. She felt Amina’s fingers stroking Jordan’s pussy once more, and Jordan erupted into another orgasm, her moans and yelps vibrating wonderfully against Amina’s sensitive pussy and ass.

Jordan woke up the next morning to a knock at the door.

For a moment, she didn’t know where she was, having fallen asleep on the couch.  She was sure that the intense throws of passion last night with Amina must have been a dream, but she could still smell Amina’s pussy on her face as well as feel the dampness of her soaked panties.  Amina had left, probably at some point after Jordan fell asleep.

Jordan speedwalked to the bathroom and washed Amina’s sex off of her face.  It was strange….Jordan recalled last night as she was sucking on Amina’s tit that she knew she would come to regret this the next day.  While she wasn’t aroused at the thought of Amina’s hands down her panties or Amina’s ass on her face, Jordan wasn’t entirely turned off to the idea.  It's not as if Jordan was a lesbian!  But jeez…why was that so fucking good?  I’d be able to say no if she tried again, but why would it be sorta hard to say no?

Jordan was startled to hear another knock.

‘Shit…someone’s at the door.’ Jordan remembered.

As Jordan approached the front door, she checked her phone and saw that she had several text messages on her phone.  All of them were from Claire asking for a ride.

Jordan approached the door and opened it.

“What the hell, butt-munch?” Claire said, walking right past Jordan without even waiting for a greeting.

“Did you get my text messages?”

“Calm down..” Jordan said, “I was sleeping.”

“Okay, well wake up.  Is Amina still sleeping?”

“She’s gone.” Jordan said, rubbing residual water from her face.  Jordan all but confirmed Amina’s departure when she opened the door for Claire and saw that Amina’s truck was no longer in the driveway.

“What do you mean?” Claire asked.

“I mean she left.  She said she was splitting with my mom..probably cause she’s a freaking sex zombie now.”

Claire tilted her head, “What?”

Jordan said too much and stuttered for a moment.  Claire had clearly picked up on the absurdity of Jordan lacking any confidence or conviction in her speech so she knew something was going on.  A giant smile grew on Claire’s face that Jordan couldn’t escape.

“So I was right.  Joooooooordannnnnnnnn…..” Claire teased in a sing-song voice. 

“Did you and Amina–”

“--Shut up.” Jordan interrupted.

Claire’s eyes widened at the confirmatory response. “Oh my god that’s so great! I mean, we’ll get to the heavy stuff in a minute but I’m so happy for you! You know, now that you’re a lesbian, I’ve got quite a few friends back in California that would kill to have your big, bouncy–”

“--dude, stop!  I’m not a lesbian now!  I just…couldn’t control myself last night! It’s all worn off now!”

Claire paused for a moment and then shook her head, “Okay..whatever.  Like I said, it's too late for her and Adam…but there may still be a chance for you and Brad.

That shook Jordan awake.

“Okay then!  Get him the hell out of my boob…like right now!” Jordan exclaimed, removing her sleep shirt to reveal a light pink bra.

Claire giggled, “Stop..I just flew here from California; do you mind if I like…set my freaking bag down first?”

Claire made her way into the house and helped herself to a refrigerated slice of pepperoni pizza and took a seat at the dining room.

“Okay..” Claire said, her mouth partially full.  “Let’s talk about you and Brad.”

“Is he fused into my boob like my dad was into Amina’s?”

“Brad? No, not yet I don’t think.  Your dad though?  Judging from that readout you read to me, your dad is like…permanently fused to Amina’s boob. It's that thing I was talking about earlier called innervation…”

Claire paused to see if Jordan knew what it was and predictably enough, Jordan had no earthly idea what that was.

“You see, Amina’s body has…like…detected that Adam is there, and I guess instead of killing it, her body has decided to absorb it.”

“Oh my god!” Jordan gasped.

“Yeah, but he’s like…still all there and stuff.  It's just that Amina’s body basically extends itself out to him and kind of takes him over. It's crazy cause instead of killing him, her body is going to basically take care of him.  It's going to provide nutritional value to him and give him everything he needs.”

Jordan started pouting.

“But hey, it's not all good!  I mean, in exchange, your dad basically will lose the ability to move…if he hasn’t already.  And all of Jordan’s feelings, emotions, sensations…everything…all of it will be forced into Adam.  He won’t be able to control it.  And the most interesting part, in my humble opinion, is that it's going to push him into this perpetual state of constant arousal…but something about the innervation process kills his ability to orgasm.”

“So he’s just like…forever edging in Amina’s boob?”

“That’s a good way to put it, yes!  And you see, that’s all a separate thing on itself. My theory is that this just inherently happens to injectables..and the likelihood of it happening only increases with time.  The sexual arousal thing…that’s something that comes as a consequence of mammary injection.”

“Holy crap!” Jordan exclaimed, cupping her breast.  “Has Brad done that inside me yet?”

“Lemme check.” Claire says, pulling one of her scanners from her purse and pressing it against Jordan’s tit.  Jordan waited with baited breath.

“Hmmm…it looks like the process has begun.”

“What?! Get him the fuck out then!” Jordan exclaimed in a panic.

“I can’t…well..I could…but it's dangerous to the woman if I remove the little thing once he’s fused…even once it's started, it becomes a major risk. Like I said before, a mastectomy would be safest but anything short of that would be really risky.”

“Well, I don’t want a freaking mastectomy!” Jordan bellowed, “I just want this loser out of my boob!”

“The only way that it MAY be possible to remove him would be to shrink him further so that he might detach from your nervous system.” Claire mused.

“Okay! So do that then!”

“I can’t, you dummy!” Claire replied, “He’s buried in the fucking fat of your boob!  You expect me to go in there and shrink him more myself?”

“Well, what the fuck?” Jordan asked, rubbing her forehead with her fingers appearing a bit stressed out.  “What am I supposed to do? I don’t want to turn into a freaking sex zombie like Amina!”

“I'm sorry…it's just further along than I thought it would be. Unless we’ve got someone willing to play Saving Private Brad, there’s really nothing…….ohhh!”

“What??” Jordan asked in frustration. “Are you seriously going to do that crap they do in the movies where they have a revelation and just stop talking? What did you think of??”

Claire smiled brightly.  “We’re going to shrink someone..and they’re going to go into your tit, find Brad and grow him back. And then we’re going to extract both of them.”

Jordan wanted to believe that Claire had this all figured out but couldn't’.  “Uhh…okay? Who the heck are we going to get ot do that?”

Claire crossed her arms over her chest and confidently replied, “Chelsea.”

Jordan’s eyes widened. “My best friend Chelsea?  Get out of here.  There’s no way.”

“Are you sure she’s your best friend?” Claire asked with a raised eyebrow as she pulled a cell phone from her bag.

“What’s that?” Jordan asked curiously.

“Oh, this?” Claire asked playfully, gesturing down toward the phone in her hand that she was unlocking and now swiping through.  “This is just Brad’s cellphone.”

“What?!  Aren’t you worried about tracking or whatever?” Jordan asked.

Claire rolled her eyes, “God, as if you could lecture me on covering my tracks.  I booted the phone within a Faraday Cage and bricked the shit out of the GPS-tracking component protocol before I did anything else.  But you should see what that ‘anything else’ was..” Claire joked.

Jordan accepted Brad’s phone and began scrolling through the opened text messages. They were steamy…they were romantic..they were old..and they were trying to convince Brad to get over Jordan.

“Are these….” Jordan said, her face beginning to turn red.

“From Chelsea?  To Brad?  Telling him to get over you because you're a stupid, lazy, big-bootied skank? Yeah, pretty sure.”

Jordan scrolled through slowly at first, and then more quickly when she saw the volume of messages, all of Chelsea convincing Brad to stop talking to Jordan and just move on with his life.  She exploded with anger, tossing the phone down to the ground resulting in the screen fracturing in several spots.  She looked down at her tit and began jostling it like crazy.

“Are you fucking kidding me, you fucking creep!” Jordan shouted. “She was my best friend!  What the fuck did you do to her to make her turn on me like this!”

Jordan was no longer making sense, her eyes welling up with tears as she wailed. 

She jostled her breast more, the big fat tit jiggling and bouncing in wave-like motion, “I’m so fucking glad you’re in there!  Even though its potentially fucking with my life, I’m so glad that you’ve lost yours forever!  Just you fucking wait, Brad!” Jordan said, her eyes actually beginning to well up, “Just you fucking wait!  Jake’s been asking me for YEARS to fuck my cleavage and I always tell him to buzz off cause it does nothing for girls but guess what…..all of the sudden, I’m feeling VERY open to it!  Maybe I’ll even let him cum right on my tits!”

Jordan’s heart was going a billion beats per minute.

“And since I’ll be a freaking sex zombie like Amina, you’d better get used to a lot of men slapping you with their hard cocks.” Jordan said angrily.

“Well, hold on…as fun as that all sounds…” Claire said, crossing her arms over her chest.  “...I think that maybe we can avoid all that happening…AND..” Claire raised a finger, “...maybe Chelsea can redeem herself.”

For the first time, Jordan released her heavy boob and allowed it to stop its frantic and spastic jiggling, “And how does that all happen.”

Claire smiled, “Like I said from the beginning, dummy. We send Chelsea…” Claire points out vaguely out the window..and then points at Jordan’s breast, “...to get Brad.”

Jordan was beginning to calm down. “You really think it’ll work?”

Claire confidently replied, “Oh, I KNOW it will work.  But if we do this, I have one condition.”

Jordan rolled her eyes.  “Of course you do.  What is it?”

“After we get them out of your boob, I get to do whatever I want to Chelsea. You can keep–”

“--done.” Jordan says, interrupting Claire.

Claire laughed and the two shook hands.



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