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Reduction & Relocation - Lori Warren

Chapter 9 - Good Morning

[September 30th, 2005]

Lori strained her ears, trying to understand the sound she was hearing.  It sounded as if it were a thousand miles away. This distant, rhythmic chirping began to intensify ever-so-slightly.  Was it getting closer? Perhaps…or maybe it was getting louder?  It could have just been a figment of her imagination.  It was muddled, barely audible, and slightly annoying. She was getting used to THAT.  As more time passed, her brain trying to understand, the sound gradually changed.  She was sure now.

‘Definitely not louder’, she thought.  ‘Closer…’.

She wasn’t sure why “a thousand miles” made so much sense to her, but she just knew that was the distance separating her and this device. With the same conviction, she was now certain it was only 800 miles away.

‘No..300 miles.’

Before she could even finish the correction, it was only 50 miles.  Closer and closer by the second.  It covered dozens of miles in distance between alarmingly intensifying, rigidly repetitive beeps.

30 miles away…

21 miles away…

2 feet, 9 inches away…

Lori’s eyes fluttered open and slowly focused on the blurry ceiling fan spinning over her head.  She turned her head atop her pillow and squinted:

4:07 AM

She fumbled clumsily with the noisy contraption, intending originally to slide the impossibly small lever to OFF, but settled for slamming the much larger, much simpler snooze button.  In the moment, it accomplished the same thing as far as she was concerned.  She stretched her bare legs under her comforter. She twisted her ankles and curled her toes as a yawn escaped her lips.  It was so warm and cozy under those covers and as much as she just wanted to stay there, she knew that she did not have much time.

Lori groaned as she sat up, swinging her legs out of the bed and allowing them to dangle over the floor and accept the cold kisses of the morning air.  She felt him right away.  She yawned again, stretching her arms straight up into the sky.  She arched her back, her sleep shirt peeking at the bottom and revealing her soft, padded stomach.  If she weren’t alone right now, Lori would have ended the stretch and yanked her shirt back down to cover her tummy.  With no one around to stare and judge, she was getting the most out of the stretch.

Her toes scrunched and searched the floor as she rubbed her eyes, eventually finding last year’s Mother’s Day gift.  She felt the fuzz and slid her feet into the bright pink slippers and stood up, relieving some pressure on the boy in her bottom.

Lori felt a bit guilty; she had set out to spend the entire night on her stomach to relieve the pressure on him, but she woke up on her back.  For all she knew, she could have rolled right over onto her back as soon as she dozed off.  She’d have to find a way to make it up to him.  She switched her lights from OFF to DIM and removed her underwear.  The maroon undergarment was much easier to get off than on, but it was still a challenge to remove.  Once below her waist, her bulging bare spheres exploded rebelliously out of confinement, bouncing jovially as if to celebrate an inevitable victory over the confining nature of the panties.

“My goodness”, she muttered.  “If he wasn’t awake before, he certainly is now.”

The natural jiggle of her buttocks felt interesting after spending so much time with them so tightly compressed.  She was sure that he liked it better this way, too.  Afterall, they were super soft this way…and they were like unyielding cement blocks the other way.  She gently rubbed her liberated glutes, kneading life and flexibility into the tight flesh and even indulged in a playful bounce or two.

She traced her right hand up and over her curvy cheek and slowly dipped between the two, searching for the tiny person who slept between them.  He was more-or-less right where she put him the night before. In fact, she was sure that if he was shifted, it was because of the violent bouncing her cheeks did when they escaped her panties just now.  The mother of three extracted the boy from her behind and raised him up to her face.

“Hello, sweety. How was your….ohhhhh”.

He was crying.  No, not crying…sobbing.  Sobbing uncontrollably.  Her smile turned to a frown. She’d seen him get explosively angry, upset, sad.  She’d seen him bargain and threaten, insult and shout.  This was new.

“Please!  For the love of god, I’m begging you miss, please don’t ever do that again!”

She could barely understand him between the sniffles and the quivering in his squeaky, quiet voice.  It was so frantic and erratic.  Desperate and naïve.  She really felt for him. It was so different from his normal begging.

“Do what?” Lori asked, expecting one of two answers, and hoping for one in particular.

“It was….it was so tight and cramped…I couldn’t move a muscle…I could barely breathe.  My nose feels broken..I was screaming when you….stuffed me in and…my jaw was locked open…my mouth was stuck open the entire time.  And..they were so….hard…it was like being trapped between two massive….boulders.” His sobbing picked back up as he re-lived his arduous experience.  How fascinating that the two could have had such different experiences.  To Lori, she had simply tucked herself into bed and went to sleep

“Did you sleep?”

“No, not at all…” he whimpered.

She sucked her teeth and tilted her head in sympathy, the compassionate mother in her coming out.

“Awww, well sweetheart. I’m sorry.  This was my fault.  I admit I got a little carried away last night and said some things I shouldn’t have said.  I was frustrated and I took it out on you; for that, I apologize.  You didn’t deserve that.”

Just as the inner mother in her had been tapped, the inner child in the man seemed to come out in response.  He looked as if he’d just skinned his knee riding his bike and could only be coaxed away from tears by the attention of his mother.

“I know that I’m not the only one who’s working hard to get through this.  I know it’s just as hard for you, maybe even more.  But we WILL get through this, I promise you.”

He really was quite a trooper…the idea of living in her bottom was still so new, and yet he’d just spent over 16 hours inside! She was grateful that the DDM wasn’t nearly that high.  He actually stopped crying and she smiled down at him, glad to have calmed him.  She gently stroked his naked body with her index finger a few times,

“I have to get a shower.  How about we put you in your nice, warm box?  Would you like that?”

She asked as she leaned over to grab it from her nightstand.  She opened the flap and lowered the subject into the box.  She grasped the charger cable and it disconnected from the box with barely any pulling force applied.  She rolled her eyes, kicking herself.  Despite knowing what she’d see, Lori held the LED button.  No light.  The battery was drained.  She looked down into the open flap at him with some disappointment.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. It looks like I didn’t push the power plug in all the way.” She dumped him back out into her palm and squatted down, picking up her maroon panties off the floor.

He put two and two together rather quickly, quickly saying,

“No! No!  It’s okay!  You…you don’t have to!”

“Of course I do, silly.  You’ve got no clothes and it's cold in here.  I was wearing these all night and they’re still warm.”

Lori unfolded the wadded-up undergarment and placed him down inside. She made sure to set him down atop the area that came to rest along the center of her backside.

“They’ll keep you cozy and safe until I’m done with my shower. We’ll get you nice and settled then.”

“No, really! I’ll be okay in the box! You really don’t ha—”

She shushed him softly as she folded the panties in and over onto themselves several times, until they were a tiny maroon ball that would fit into the box.  She stuffed it in and shut the flap.  After setting the box down on her unmade bed, she started walking to the bathroom but paused, turning around to look at the lonely box under the ceiling fan.

As she picked the box back up, Lori lifted her foot off the ground.  Shebent her knee and raised her foot to the back of her upper thigh.  She skillfully removed the slipper off her right foot and slid the box into the slipper as deep as it could go.

‘Just to be sure’, she said with a smile, ensuring that the lid of the box was properly pressed as tightly as it could be against the toe section of the slipper before setting it down next to its twin on the floor.

Lori sat on the toilet, allowing the pressure that had built up into the morning to escape noisily and looked at some work emails; just because she had requested time off for today didn’t mean she couldn’t stay up to date. Finishing her business, she turned on the shower and brushed her teeth as she waited for it to get hot.  Finishing just as the mirror was too cloudy to see through, Lori stepped into the shower and washed her hair and body.  Naturally, she paid extra attention to her backside, lathering up her loofa and tracing it through her crack over and over and over again.  Sure, she would have done this for him anyway, but she was also going to be seeing Dr. Walker today.  The woman had commented on her rump during their first phone call, who knew what she’d want to see or do during their first meeting!

She lathered up her cheeks and washed them thoroughly and gave a few more firm passes between them before considering the area clean.  She spent just as much time as usual on her feet, her legs, her soft belly.  Underneath her breasts and in her armpits, her back and shoulders.  Her hair and face.  The soles of her feet, calves, and thighs.  Finally, she was turning the water off and drying herself, enjoying the rough sensation of the towel against her heated skin.

Steam flowed freely out of the bathroom as she emerged, wrapped in a towel and still drying her hair.  She glanced at her alarm clock, the snooze having worn off at some point during her shower.  She turned it off and picked up the box out of her slipper.  It was just how she’d left it.  Opening the flap, she carefully removed the panties and unfolded them, ‘so many layers’, she thought with amusement.  Finally, she uncovered the treasure buried within the creases and folds of velvety maroon.

A prominent, unpleasant odor rose to Lori’s nose, causing it to wrinkle up.  The underwear had only been worn over night, but Lori remembered how strong of a workout she’d put her body through with her errands, and the natural fragrance of her overworked rear, while serving as a bit of a punishment for the subject’s disrespect last night, had also settled quite quickly into the previously clean panties.

Lori didn’t want Dr. Walker to have to smell these.  Luckily, there was an identical clean pair among the mailed items.

“Awwwww...” Lori crooned, her attention returning to the boy cuddled up in the folds of her worn underwear.  He was sleeping.

He looked so adorable nestled in that sea of soft maroon. She gently stroked him with her fingertip.  He seemed to respond positively to the stimulation, albeit groggily, but then jolted as soon as his eyes opened.  She set the panties neatly on her bed.

“I hate to interrupt your sleeping but it's time for breakfast, my dear.”

The quarter-filled snack bag of pretzel sticks crinkled as Lori lifted them out of her nightstand drawer.  She removed a broken pretzel stick and snapped it in half before placing it down atop her maroon underwear.

“You can eat up while I get ready.” She said with a smile.

Once he started nibbling at the pretzel segment, Lori let her towel fall, crumpling in a bright-white arc around her bare feet.  It was kind of arousing, to act so casually in front of a man she barely knew.  The fact that he was so tiny and so reliant on her added an additional component of feminine strength and power, even superiority.

She made sure to swing her wide hips with confidence and authority as she sauntered over to her dresser.  Lori inspected a plain, white front-clasping bra from her top drawer.  This one was old, but it fit her body quite well.  When a girl finds a bra, she keeps it until it's no longer one piece and this one only had a small hole in the left strap!  She slipped the band behind her back and began pulling the cups inward to meet at the center of her chest.  Lori watched the tiny man in her underwear…he was watching her and she couldn’t help but smirk.  She still had it, it seemed.

Once the clasp was locked, her breasts mostly filled the cups but needed some minor adjustment to be perfect.  She stared down at her cleavage, wondering what it would be like to have the little man down there.

‘Maybe another time…’ Lori thought. Men love breasts so maybe she could even use it as a reward in the future.

His eyes remained fixed on her bosom until it disappeared under the cotton of her blouse, but her curves were still quite apparent.  He had returned to eating, but was still unable to look away.  She turned away from him to complete getting dressed.  She lowered her jean skirt and stepped one foot in, then another, and hiked it up over her bottom.  It was tight, but nothing was as tight as those underwear.

‘Ugh…that reminds me,” she thought.  She buttoned the skirt as she walked back to her bed.

She inspected the pretzel stick, barely any of it was missing.  She popped the remainder of the stick into her mouth and reached for her panties.

“Alright, sweety.  It’s time.” She said sweetly but ominously.

The look broke her heart.

“But…but…YOU SAID—”

“I said I was sorry…for last night…and I am…but…well, I told you we’re going to see Dr. Walker today.  I told you that last night.  I really should be wearing these…”  Lori lifted the second set of panties and carefully took the naked man between her thick but feminine fingers, “…and I should obviously be wearing you too.”

It rolled off her tongue so easily, alarmingly matter-of-factly.  She could see it hurt him on a deeper level, to refer to him as being worn.  He actually didn’t fight her at all as she brought him around to her bare bottom, her hiked up skirt presenting his jiggly, pale, soft home.  He didn’t struggle as she pulled her massive, heavy left cheek away from its sister, revealing the area he’d soon be forced into.  As her fingers and his tiny arms and legs probed her crack, she thought she may have heard the faintest hint of crying.

“In you go…”

By the time her dense cheeks sealed in around her fingers, any suggestion of sound was long gone. He may as well have been as far away as the alarm clock felt as she was waking up.  Her right hand emerged empty from her crack and tugged down the back of the skirt, concealing her bottom which now fully concealed her tiny man.

She decided not to wear the maroon panties.

‘...not on the trip over at least’, she thought as she stuffed them down into her purse.

Lori would make sure she was wearing them when she got to R&R Labs, of course.  But he was behaving pretty well at the moment, barely struggling at all.

‘Maybe he’ll be able to get some sleep in there’, she thought hopefully.

She decided to grab a satin pair of full coverage underwear from her dresser, a nice emerald green pair, and slid them up her thighs, encasing her sizable backside.  They were tight enough, but not so tight that her cheeks would be compressed into stone like last night.  As she tidied up and made her bed, she thought about how this relationship she had with the boy in her butt was incredibly complicated, and constantly pulling in strange directions.

Sure, he was living in her rear end, but she had made the choice not to make it worse with the tight underwear! At least not yet, anyway.  There was give and take on both sides, and she struggled with the guilt…the perceived obligation to improve his experience in subtle ways.  It felt like the right thing to do, but was it?  Was it really?

The girls were teenagers now, nearly ready to move on and start their lives without her. Call it a combination of sentimentality and a small, SMALL dash of overbearing mama-bear mentality, but Lori had to poke her head into each of her daughters’ rooms before leaving.

The first hints of morning sunlight softly illuminated the college textbooks neatly stacked atop Gina’s computer desk. The room exuded an air of preppy sophistication that reflected Gina’s tastes and personality.  Flowy curtains adorned her large, open bedside window and danced in the gentle breeze. Her closet was open, showcasing her ever-rotating collection of fashion-forward pieces from American Eagle, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Hollister.  Beneath the shirts, blouses, jeans, and dresses hanging neatly on wooden hangers was a long row of Rainbow sandals and colorful beach flip-flops.

A mountain of blankets covered everything except for Gina’s head.  She slept on her side, her golden blonde hair splayed across the pale pink pillow.  Her forehead subtly wrinkled, probably at the sound of her squeaky door being opened. However, it wasn’t enough stimulus to break the teenager from her slumber.  She looked serene and composed, peacefully dreaming of the day ahead.

Moving on to Isabella's bedroom, Lori couldn’t help but smile proudly how her academically driven daughter’s room spoke so strongly of her personality and sweetness.  The room was a sanctuary of knowledge, bookshelves filled to the brim with novels and textbooks.  Many of the textbooks were from previous years but Isabella sentimentally opted to keep and preserve every one of them. A study desk was positioned near her window which oversaw the neighbor boys’ basketball net.  The desk was decorated with a sleek laptop clad in a jelly-lavender protective sleeve and a neatly arranged stationary.

Atop a bed just as immaculately made as it was before the teenager went to sleep, Isabella lay motionless on her back with her petite frame huddled against several soft, white pillows.  Her hands were delicately clasped together over her chest and her face blissfully relaxed, reminiscent of a fairytale princess. A thin blanket covered the teen from stomach to ankle, and the soles of her white socks were so clean that they practically camouflaged into her pristine white sheets.

Finally, Lori peeked into Victoria’s room, bracing herself for the sight of chaos that often accompanied her youngest daughter.  The room appeared as though a whirlwind had passed through, clothing scattered on the floor with no discernible clue as to whether they were clean or dirty.  Posters were haphazardly pinned to the vibrant, lively walls of the teenager’s bedroom.  A guitar leaned against one corner of the bedroom, a dirty sock snagged on one of the tuning pegs.  Like her sisters, Victoria had a computer desk but it was cluttered with art supplies, unfinished drawings, and more laundry.

An onlooker might have been surprised to see the way Victoria slept, but nothing about the teen’s sleeping arrangement surprised her mother.  She was sprawled out on her stomach snoring loudly, a messy tangle of dark hair that matched her mother’s covering part of her face. Her limbs were carelessly sprawled out in different directions. The hem of her shirt rested above her lower back and her pajama bottoms had bunched up to her calves from excessive movement.  One foot clad in a dingy green sock twitched atop the mattress.  Her other foot was bare, dangling off the edge of the bed directly over top of the other crumpled green sock she must have lost at some point in her slumber dance.

Lori made her way downstairs and retrieved a Boost protein shake from the fridge.  She scribbled a note and pinned it to the fridge with a magnet, letting the girls know when she would be back, and that Gina was in charge while she was away.  Lori grabbed her purse and stood at the door, arranging the disorder of flip flops, flats, and slippers with her feet into neat, ordered pairs.

She had checked the oven to make sure it was off, locked the back door, filled the cat’s water dish, checked the oven again just to be sure, and even left Mrs. Helen’s number on the counter just in case there was an emergency.  Lori then confirmed what now was the latest item to appear on her morning checklist.

She hiked up her skirt, her jiggling cheeks celebrating their temporary freedom from their denim confines as she slipped two fingers long-ways deep up and between her thick cheeks.  She somehow found the tiny man hidden in the depths of her rotund bottom; he had slightly dislodged from her movements and deliberate pressure overtop of her underwear made sure he was as deep as he could go.

She gently pulled the emerald green material of her panties out of her crack, careful to make sure that the tiny man between her buns didn’t come out with it.

A simple clench of her cheeks and the apparent struggling made it clear to Lori that he was right where he belonged.

She readjusted her skirt to modestly cover her ample backside and she left, bound for R&R Laboratories.



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