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Here is Chapter 1 of "A Cheeky New Relationship" commissioned by Cody, the winner of the free commission raffle.

As usual, this one came out way bigger than I thought it would be, and there's still some more ink to hit the page.  For now, I hope you enjoy Chapter 1.

A Cheeky New Relationship

Chapter 1 - Please, Dakota?

[Dakota, Lacey]

It was 11:18 PM and Dakota Sanders crept silently down the stairs, avoiding all the creaks and cracks he’d come to know over years of overnight visits to his girlfriend Lacey’s house.  He’d made it about halfway down before stopping dead in his tracks.  He shook his head and chuckled to himself.

‘What am I doing?’ He thought with amusement. Dakota resumed his descent like a normal person, concerned not in the slightest with old creaking steps and heavy thuds.  His last step off the stairs was the heaviest and with a flick of his finger against the light switch, the living room filled with light.

Dakota wasn’t a 15-year old sophomore in high school anymore. He didn’t have to worry about getting caught staying over by Lacey’s mom or getting his collar gripped up by Lacey’s dad.  In fact, Dakota had just as much right to be there as Lacey’s mom, dad, and sister since he was paying rent now. Remaining quiet was also unnecessary anyway since Lacey’s mom and dad were on vacation in the Bermudas.

He rounded the corner and made his way toward the kitchen to get what he’d been sent for by Lacey.

Dakota thought that he and Lacey were alone in the house since her parents were away. He was reminded, however, as he entered the kitchen that just as Lacey and he had graduated from college last year, Lacey’s little sister Emily had started college herself. Emily was now home visiting after her first semester, and there she was, bent at the waist and digging into the freezer shelf of the refrigerator at the bottom.

The width of her hips was astounding, and they completely obstructed the pathway of light from the bottom portion of the fridge to his eyes…or maybe her hips were just so big that they were absorbing it like a giant black hole. It was funny how two sisters could have such different figures.

Lacey had sprouted several inches right before high school and took on the form of a petite, blonde princess.  Dakota would never forget the next year when Lacey showed up to high school having increased two full cup sizes.  They hadn’t started dating yet and his hormone-laden mind could think of little else than her long flowing blonde hair, her ocean-blue eyes, that smooth fair skin, bright white smile, and those lucky school books that got to press against Lacey’s enormous breasts between class periods.

Boy, was that ever a rough first week of school!

Lacey’s mom and dad apparently expected Emily’s growth spurt to hit around 8th or 9th grade just like Lacey’s did, but it never happened. Emily maintained her modest height of 5’-3” and instead began growing…well..horizontally. An interest in sports just like her big sister had kept Emily in good shape but it was more clear now than ever that Emily had a tendency to carry a fair amount of excess weight in her thighs, hips, and especially her ass.

Dakota felt incredibly awkward, standing behind his girlfriend’s little sister who so far had not noticed him enter the kitchen with her.  He spoke up so as not to be caught standing behind her silently.

“Just get in?”

Emily’s back tightened in slight surprise and she turned her head toward Dakota.  A relaxed smile crept on her face.  Emily straightened her back and stood to full height, a frozen popsicle in her left hand. Even at her full height, Emily still didn’t even come up to Dakota’s chin.

“Hey Dakota. Yeah, the party got lame.”

Emily stepped aside just enough for Dakota to reach in and grab what he’d been sent down to get. Dakota shut the fridge with the item but of course didn’t get far before Emily spoke up.

Sure enough, Emily lived up to her well-established role as Lacey’s nosey little sister.

“Whipped cream?  You’re taking that upstairs?”

“Yeah, Lacey and I are having sundaes.”

Emily giggled, “Oh yeah? I think I know what that means.” Her hazel green eyes wandered from the can of whipped cream hanging at Dakota’s side to the center of his pajama bottoms.  “I’m guessing she’s getting the banana split?”

Dakota cringed and groaned, “Seriously, Emily…what are you, 14 years old?”

“Dakota!” Emily said, playfully stamping her sock clad foot, “You were at my 18th birthday party! It was only like 6 months ago!”

“Exactly.  Why don’t you act your age then?” Dakota replied shortly.

Emily’s expression turned to fluster. The already short-statured 18-year old seemed to shrink for a moment, the confidence and pep leaving her freckled face.  In that moment, Dakota remembered the power he had over Emily when they were all so much younger.  She clearly had a crush on him when he and Lacey started dating, and he had lost count of how many times he’d caught her spying on the two of them when he and Lacey would watch TV or work on homework together.

Feeling like he was a bit too hard, Dakota pats Emily on her head, “Come on, Em.  I didn’t mean–”

Emily’s expression changed from the insecure pre-teen girl he’d essentially grown up alongside to someone Dakota had a very difficult time reading and understanding.

“--Yeah, well…if I had to pick between being immature and being an asshole, I’d pick immature a billion times out of a billion.  It looks like you’ve already made your choice too.”

Emily looked smug but there was a glowing flame of anger in her hazel eyes, and Dakota wondered for a moment if the teenager was about to breathe fire upon him.

She broke the silence with a jarring, flashy smile up to Dakota, teeth perfectly straight from years spent in braces and returned the favor of patting his head although she had to reach much higher than he did.

Dakota sighed and decided that was enough Emily for one day…or maybe even the week…and made his way to the stairs. Before he could get one foot on the step, he felt a strong force on his left. It was Emily nudging him aside so that she could go up first.  Volleyball and soccer were clearly paying off.

“Damn Emily…you’ve definitely gotten stronger, I’ll give you that…but standing on a higher step than me still won’t make you any taller.” Dakota joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Over her shoulder, Emily said, “I don’t need to be taller.”

Dakota kept a respectful distance behind Emily such that his face would not be level with and practically buried in Emily’s huge, shifting ass.

‘There’s no way those are actually jeans…they look painted on.’ Dakota thought.  Not only were they ridiculously tight on the 18-year old’s ass and thighs, but the seat of her pants dipped in seductively to accentuate the cleavage between her huge cheeks.

. No doubt about it that all the legwork had increased the size of her lower half, contributing even more to her pear shaped figure.

“I’ve always been this way...” Emily said without turning around on the steps. Her wide hips swayed rhythmically and Dakota noticed the peak of a bright blue thong poking out the top of Emily’s skin-tight jeans.  His eyes bulged for a moment, wondering how there could even be room under those jeans for even a tiny little thong like that. One of her hands came down to hike the waistband up, and just like that the tiny blue thong had disappeared back into her butt.

“...and I think you’re only just now noticing it.”

As Dakota reached the last step of the staircase, Emily leaned against her sister’s bedroom door.

“Save some whipped cream for meeeeeeeeee.” Emily sang playfully, winking at Dakota before adjourning into her bedroom.

Dakota sighed and entered Lacey’s bedroom shaking his head.


Lacey’s eyes darted from her TV to her opening bedroom door, half expecting it to be Emily.  Luckily, it was her longtime boyfriend Dakota.

Her eyes lit up and a smile grew on her face as she held up two ice cream sundaes, one in each hand. “We ready to do this then?”

Dakota did that adorable crooked grin that Lacey always loved. “Born ready.”

He sat on the bed next to her and popped the red cap off the whipped cream.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this again.  I can still feel the cake from yesterday on my hips.” Lacey said as she placed a cute little dollop of whipped cream on her two scoops of green mint ice cream.  Dakota rolled his eyes, noisily covering his three scoops in a fluffy blanket of cream, “You’re crazy, you know that?”

“Was that Emily I heard out there?” Lacey asked in a slight sarcastic tone.


“Oh, good. She didn’t drive, did she?”

“I dunno…but even if she did, she seemed fine.” Dakota replied. “I don’t think she drinks anyway though, right?”

“I dunno,” Lacey echoed. “...college brings out different versions of us sometimes.”

“Well…all I know,” Dakota said, changing the subject, “is that I thought she was staying out overnight tonight…so now it looks like feeling you up on the couch downstairs is out, huh?”

Her fair cheeks grew red and she lightly smacked Dakota on his broad chest.  “You’re so bad.”

Lacey thought back to hers and Dakota’s first kiss. She could still perfectly picture her annoying, chubby little sister’s button nose resting on the window sill from outside, framed by spying spectacled eyes magnified behind thick glass and widened in surprise and curiosity.

Emily had grown into her chub over the years, came to embrace the cute freckles on her cheeks, and got contacts.  At 18-years old, she was a much different person with lots of friends and surely many, MANY interested boys. The days of Emily peeking over a window sill or around the corner of the steps to spy on Lacey and her boyfriend Dakota were probably long gone.  Still, Lacey would rather not have Emily wander downstairs again and accidentally catch her and Dakota fooling around.

Lacey purred into Dakota’s ear, “You can feel me up right here in this bed, mister.  Up the shirt and everything…maybe even under the bra if you play your cards right. My strict mom and dad…ya know…the ones who say no boys are allowed in my bedroom with the door closed…well…they’re gone for the night.”

Lacey smirked as she felt her big, strong boyfriend of 10+ years  practically melting against her.  It worked when they were 17-years old high school kids and it still worked now when they were mid-twenties adults with jobs and dreams of moving into their own purchased home.

“Sounds risky,” Dakota whispered, playing along.  “...and on a school night?  You’re bad news.  Okay, so Mr. and Mrs. Michaelson are gone..anything else I gotta worry about?  Guard dogs? Spiked pits?”

“A tower-guarding dragon, actually.” Lacey said with a grin.

Dakota chuckled above his whisper, “Oh, so you’re a legit princess now?”

“Yup.” Lacey replied cutely, wrapping her arms around Dakota.

Dakota nuzzled into the crook of Lacey’s narrow neck and she trembled as the stubble grazed delightfully against her fair skin. She returned the favor, pressing firmly against him with her soft upper body.  Lacey giggled internally when he shuddered, clearly affected by the compression of Lacey’s huge breasts, bound by nothing but a sleep shirt, into his firm chest.

“And you know…mmmmmmmmm..” Lacey sighed, “...if that big scary dragon were to show up and try to take you away, the pretty blonde princess with the long flowing hair…well…she could always take the brave, strong knight and…hide him.”

Lacey rolled away from Dakota, giving him a great visual of her full, perky breasts shifting under the thin t-shirt. They were now under the influence of gravity, swaying and calling his attention as if they wanted him to bury his face between them.  Her nipples were hard and so was Dakota.

Dakota’s eyes followed Lacey’s fingers as they wandered to her nightstand, emerging from the top drawer holding a bottle of violet lotion.

He rolled his eyes, “This again?”

Lacey almost pouted to show her disappointment.  It was usually the trajectory of this conversation but Lacey had a different approach planned tonight. Tonight, this was going to work.

“I just wanna try it!” the blonde said.  “What’s wrong with me wanting you to get in my pants?”

Dakota let out a cute laugh, “Well, you mean it LITERALLY for starters.”

“So what if I do?” Lacey asked. “This stuff is legal now…super expensive but legal.”

“Yeah, it’s also super dangerous.” Dakota added.  “You know what happens if the thing you jump to gets damaged, right?”

Lacey quickly replied, “We don’t know what happens.”

“Exactly my point!” Dakota nervously chuckled.

“Come on, Dakota.  If it’s me suggesting it, you gotta know that it's okay.  As rare as it even is for that to happen, 99.9% of the time when it does, they say nothing even happens to the jumper.”

“Okay, and the 0.1% of the time?  Did you hear about the guy in Florida that broke into some old lady’s house? The one that was about to get caught so he jumped into a coffee mug on her counter?”

Lacey nodded, “Yeah, I heard about–”

Dakota continued over Lacey, “--and then the old lady accidentally knocked it off the counter and shattered it to a million pieces?”

“Well, it did break a little when it fell, but it shattered because she stepped on it a few times while pacing.  The poor woman had dementia I think; lucky she was wearing her slippers.”

Dakota nodded, “Okay…well anyway, the authorities gathered the pieces and they tried revjumping him with some of the DNA he left behind on the doorknob.  It didn’t work.  Their official position was that there were no ceramic shards large enough to restore him to his body.  They ended up throwing the pieces away figuring he was dead.”

Lacey replied, “Yeah I heard about all that…did you know that he didn’t use an Isolation Mat when he jumped?  That could explain why they weren’t able to revjump him.”

“I guess; no one can know for sure if–”

“--but even without the Isolation Mat, Emily and I think that he was still fine inside those pieces..they just didn’t try hard enough to revjump him since he was a criminal.”

Dakota laughed nervously, “Well, that would sure suck for him considering they pulverized those shards into powder!”

“Listen, Dakota.” Lacey said, taking one of his much larger hands in both of hers, “I know it's scary to think about what happened to the silly guy who thought it was a good idea to jump without an Isolation Mat and into a fragile freakin ceramic mug, but we’re talking about something way more resilient here!”

Lacey playfully lifted from under her fluffy pillow a pretty pink thong that danced to the flow of her spirit fingers.

For a moment, Dakota’s eyes widened. Lacey giggled and wished that she could have taken a video of her boyfriend’s expression.

Dakota had never seen her even hold underwear so brightly colored and revealing in a department store as the tiny pair in her fingers right now, much less wear them! Unlike her sister Emily who opted for revealing, colorful panties, Lacey always wore full coverage white and gray underwear.  On very rare occasions, she’d throw in a pair of black from time to time when she was feeling racey.

Lacey definitely knew what she was doing with this pretty pink thong.

“Oh yeah, you’re way smarter than the burglar, Lace.” Dakota playfully jeered, eyes still fixated on the skimpy underwear in Lacey’s fingers. “Everyone knows how indestructible women’s panties are.  Especially pretty pink thongs with tiny white bows on the front that don’t do anything.  I heard they’re building the next space shuttle out of those.”

Lacey laughed out loud.

“Oh come on.  These ones….I bought them specifically for the occasion.  They’re super durable.  Way more durable than a regular pair.”

Lacey demonstrates their durability, stretching the strings that would rest on her narrow hips.

“..and probably way more fun than these…” She said, pulling at her waistband to reveal her trademark pair of white full coverage underwear.

She could see it in Dakota’s eyes.  She could tell where all the blood was rushing. At that moment, he was a teenage boy again with no control over his body.

“In your defense…” Dakota sighed, “...that little butt of yours will barely even put them to the test.”

Lacey playfully feigned offense and tossed the pink thong at him.  “You leave my little butt out of this, she didn’t do anything to you.”

“Oh god, stop it.” Dakota laughed, playing with the thong in his fingers.  “You know for a fact that I love your cute little butt.”

“You sure about that?” Her hands rested upon her narrow hips, a vague and somewhat recent insecurity awoken as one of her dark blonde eyebrows raised. “You sure you don’t want to be in a big ol’ jiggly butt like Emily’s? You know I caught you staring at it the other day when we were all watching TV.”

Lacey let out an unnoticeable sigh when she detected the sincerity in Dakota’s laugh at her absurd proposition. Thank god he passed the test.

“Oh, god.  When she was on the chase lying on her side?  In those skin-tight orange mesh shorts, right? I wasn’t staring so much as I was gawking in disbelief.”

The fair skinned, petite blonde princess grinned in what she’d admit was petty, childish, and vain relief.

“How can she even play volleyball with something that freaking big jiggling and bouncing around this way and that?” Dakota seemed to genuinely wonder out loud.

Lacey almost choked on her final bite of mint ice cream from giggling.

The laughter died down, leaving an uncomfortable moment of silence.  Dakota, still playing thoughtfully with the thong in his fingers, broke the silence.

“If the princess wants to hide the knight…well…who am I to tell the princess no?”

Lacey’s heart skipped a beat.

“Really?” She said with a huge ear-to-ear grin, her eyes wide and sparkling. She didn’t wait for him to confirm.  Instead she leaped into his lap and began peppering his cheeks, forehead, nose, lips, and eyes with kisses. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

It wasn’t a terribly complicated process to jump…not since it became federally legal and plenty of third party companies started manufacturing their own jump tech.  Lacey had gotten hers from a company called BxC and the instruction manual explained things pretty clearly.  Dakota needed to remove everything on him which included clothes, jewelry, and even the gum he was chewing.  He then needed to sit centered on the Isolation Mat, which resembled a dark gray electric blanket with a power cord.

Lacey didn’t understand the science behind it, but Dakota would basically need to be separated from direct skin contact with anything other than the energized Isolation Mat and the object to which he was jumping.

With slightly shaking fingers, Lacey stepped one foot onto the unplugged Isolation Mat and extended the bottle of lavender lotion toward Dakota, which was meant to ease and focus the jump more precisely. She squirted an amount the size of a pea into Dakota’s open palm and he rubbed the lotion thoroughly into his hands.

Lacey nearly had a heart attack when Dakota’s hand reached out toward Lacey’s foot, and a chirpy yelp erupted from her throat as she quickly pulled her bare foot back.

“What are you doing!?” Lacey asked breathlessly. “What if I didn’t pull away fast enough!?”

“Come on, don’t be such a worrier. I’m the one that should be worried.” Dakota said.

“Well sorry, I know they’re cute and all but maybe I don’t want my boyfriend turning into my foot or my toe!” Lacey replied with sass.

“You’re right that was incredibly stupid of me.  Next time I’ll aim for one of your tits.”

Lacey’s dainty, small hands reflexively rushed protectively to her chest, her soft lips stretching in a playful gasp. Her response was not so much to protect her large breasts from Dakota, but the other way around.

Dakota rolled his eyes, “It doesn’t work like that, I know THAT, at least.  And the mat’s not even plugged in.

“Are we ready to go….CAREFULLY?” Lacey asked, her voice quivering with excitement and nervousness.

“Yeah, I got this.” Dakota said.  It was starting to really turn Lacey on right now…how much Dakota was trusting her.

“You know I’m going to take care of you, right?” Lacey asked with a sense of urgency in her voice.

Dakota shot her another adorable crooked grin and nodded.

Again, Lacey’s heart skipped a beat.

The lights flickered for a fraction of a second when Lacey plugged the Isolation Mat in, and Dakota looked startled.

“Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt or anything…it's just…vibrating.” Dakota assured Lacey as Lacey carefully dropped the pretty pink thong with the tiny white bow onto the gray Isolation Mat.  She then immediately took 3 full steps back and waited.

Dakota took a deep breath and reached for the thong with both of his moisturized hands. As his hands connected, Dakota said, “And for my next trick, ladies and gentleman, I’m going to make myself–”





Hope everyone enjoys this story we’ve put together. Kudos to Bridget for being easy to work with and putting out amazing stories!