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Injected 2: Jordan's Revenge

Chapter 5 - The Sitting Test


“Alright, my little pioneer!  The last thing I wanna test is your durability.”

Claire’s ears perked up when she heard voices outside the house near the front door…and then the sound of the front door opening.  She was about 99% sure that it was Jordan because Amina and Evette weren’t due home from their concert thing until later that night and it was only around 5pm.

Just in case, Claire roughly scooped Adam up into her hand and cupped him, her fingers transforming into the fleshy bars of a cage around him. Even if it was Jordan, she apparently had her friend with her anyway so hiding Adam made sense.

“Stop with the squeaking!” Claire hissed as the door opened and shoes clunked noisily at the entrance.

Claire ever-so-slightly loosened her iron grip on Adam when she saw that it was Jordan and her friend rounding the corner instead of Evette or Amina.

Both girls looked a bit disheveled, their cheeks rosy red and their hair messy with flyaways and drying sweat.  It must have been a major workout because both girls’ attire was darkly damp under their arms and under their breasts.  When Jordan grabbed a bottle of coconut water from the fridge, Claire noticed the same dark dampness on her lower back that continued into a wide triangle of perspiration over the top of her bright pink gym shorts, ultimately terminating in her crack.

“Crazy workout?”

“Just a normal one.” Jordan hungrily guzzled down a quarter of the coconut water. She scanned the table, clearly looking for Adam but didn’t see him since he was still in the cage that was Claire’s right hand.

“How’s everything going?”

“Great, I’ve just got one more test to finish up and then we’re all done.” Claire replied.

“Cool, I’ll be right back; just gotta grab something for my friend.  This is Chelsea. She’s the one I went to high school with and–”

“--did you grab my hibiscus drink from the coffee place?” Claire interrupted.

“Uhh..no.” Jordan said, both girls appearing thrown off a bit. “I forgot to stop.”

“Ugh…fine.” Claire said, returning to writing notes down in her notebook, looking back and forth at her phone for reference. She heard the two whisper something to one another and then Jordan said, “I’ll go grab it for you. Be right back.”

Claire could tell that the room was a bit awkward as Chelsea stood there alone without Jordan there.  It didn’t particularly bother her, she much preferred silence as it made it easier to focus on–”

“--So how do you know Jordan?” Chelsea asked.

Claire internally rolled her eyes and replied, “Her mom was my teacher in high school…and then I started tutoring Jordan as a favor to her mom. What about you?”

Chelsea replied, “Oh, I’ve known her since around middle school, maybe late elementary school.”

The brunette girl with pigtails leaned in toward the table and Claire’s eyes widened as Chelsea reached for the circular disc filled with a rose-pink cream.

“What is this lotion, can I have some?” Chelsea squinted at the label. “What’s this say? Os-mo-lotion?”

“Gimme that!” Claire exclaimed eagerly, standing up from her chair enough to reach for the disk of rose-pink cream, snatching it out of Chelsea’s curious hands.

“That’s not for moisturizing.” Claire said, grabbing the disc.  In Chelsea’s defense, it really did look just like any typical, boring beauty product. In reality, it was anything but boring and typical.  Claire had been testing it for months now and was not about to let any go to waste.

“Okay sorry; jeez.” Chelsea said.

Just in the nick of time, the floor shook with Jordan’s heavy footfalls.

‘Awww…’ Claire thought with a smile, looking down at her cupped hand. ‘He’s shaking…’

Little Adam was literally trembling at the sound of his massive daughter.  In his defense, it must have been pretty freaking epic at his size to hear the loud banging of her heavy footfalls.

“Here ya go.” Jordan said, handing over to Chelsea what looked like a calculator still in its original packaging.

“Thanks.” Chelsea said, looking blindly at the front and back, “Do you…uh….know how to use it? It looks complicated; like a mini computer.”

“No idea.” Jordan shrugged, “I never opened it; never used it, remember?”

Claire peeked up to get a better look and then smiled.  She recognized it instantly and a clever idea crept into her head.  While the two girls were distracted with the packaged calculator, Claire brought her closed fist over to the chair that Jordan had been sitting in earlier that day before the gym and opened her fingers.  Adam tumbled out onto the hard wooden surface and after he gathered his wits, he looked up at Claire.

“If you don’t move, you’re done after this.” Claire whispered.

“Is that a TI-89?”

Chelsea looked confused for a moment, her bottom lip pouting out, “I dunno…” she started looking over the front, “It says it's–oh yeah, TI-89 Titanium.”

“Come have a seat.” Claire said, gesturing toward the seat across from her. “I’ll help you set it up.”

Chelsea approached the table and started to sit down in the chair adjacent to Claire.

“No, not here.” Claire said, protectively guarding the chair.  “This is Jordan’s seat.”

A shifty-eyed, non-verbal message was sent by Chelsea to Jordan who gave a placating nod.  Claire smiled, watching the shadow of Chelsea’s ass disappear from Adam, but then a much bigger shadow appeared over his head.  It must have been quite a sight to behold…that huge jiggly butt widening as Jordan bent at the waist and lowered her hips to thoughtlessly sit down.

The last shot her mind snapped of Adam was him collapsing backward onto his back, his left hand comically stretched up, as if it alone could stop the descent of, to him, hundreds of thousands of pounds of soft, sweaty ass flesh. In the end, he’d fallen onto the seat such that his body was aligned on the direct center of Jordan’s huge left ass cheek.

Jordan hit the seat hard and tucked her feet between the legs of the chair, allowing the chair’s hard wooden seat to accept most of her weight. Hot pink mesh splayed out, deforming under the considerable weight and Claire bit her lip to avoid laughing.

‘It friggin’ swallowed him up.’ Claire giggled to herself.  “...and she literally doesn’t even feel him.’

Claire gave it another second or two to see if Jordan would notice her former father down under her considerable ass but she didn’t.  She only scooted the chair closer to the table.

“...Hello?” Claire broke eye contact with the side of Jordan’s ass pressing into the seat and looked up to see both girls staring in confusion.

“Here ya go…” Chelsea said hesitantly, handing the opened calculator to Claire.

It wasn’t hard to set the calculator up and explain what it could do…the hard part was doing it without bursting out laughing about what Adam was going through. She could see the girls making weird faces to each other but she just didn’t care; this was just too funny.

“So it can do matrix manipulation, differentiation, definite and indefinite integrals and–”

“--I think someone told me it has Snake on it too. Is that true?” Chelsea interjected.

“...uh…the game?  I don't know.  Anyway, you can store variables and even program formulae into the memory to use later on like during exams and stuff.  They’re pretty cool.”

Jordan shifted in her seat, scooting a bit left and right to get comfy.

Claire ran Chelsea through a few of the operations.  The more Claire went on, the more convinced she was that Chelsea would have probably been fine with a calculator that came out of a MacDonald’s happy meal.

“Anyway, that’s most of it.  Just always make sure you don’t ever accidentally change it to radians and forget to change it back.”

Chelsea’s mind looked blown, but she nodded her head cautiously and stuffed the calculator into her purse.

“Alright, thanks Jordan.  And Claire…uh…nice to meet you.” Chelsea said half-politely.

Chair legs scraped the floor as Chelsea stood up from her chair.

“Okay, I think I’ll just walk home from here.  Jordan, can you unlock your Prius so I can get my water bottle?”

Jordan lifted her butt to lessen the weight on the chair just enough to scoot it out from under the table and then momentarily crashed back down onto it again as she rotated 90 degrees toward the living room.

“Sure, I’ll follow you out.”

Claire’s eyes were practically glued to Jordan’s undulating backside as the two walked toward the front door.  She noticed that Jordan had a bit of a wedgie, a good portion of the damp mesh nylon shorts digging up between her big, swaying cheeks as she swung her hips and shook her big, jiggly ass.

How Chelsea could somehow resist staring at all that booty meat was completely beyond Claire.  Maybe Chelsea wasn’t into girls, but neither was Claire and she couldn't look away!

The dirty blonde looked down at the seat to find Adam and giggled.  He was nowhere to be seen.  Not on the seat.  Not on the floor around the seat.  Not anywhere.

‘Well…he’s definitely somewhere…’ Claire giggled to herself, unable to even picture in her mind what it must be like for Adam to be so surrounded and consumed, buried in all that sweaty, jiggly fluff.

Jordan’s upper thighs shook rhythmically as she returned to the dining room, and Claire noticed that her shorts were riding up slightly..attractive wrinkles in the fabric around her crotch made her legs look even larger than they were.

“Are you alright?” Jordan asked with concern and annoyance in her voice.  “Your face is turning red.”

Claire was cupping a hand over her mouth and nose; all that was visible to Jordan was her eyes and she was giggling like a girl at her first sleepover.

“Nothing, nothing.  Are you ready for the results of the last test?” Claire asked.

Jordan, one hand on her wide hip squinted, “Uh..I guess? What was the test?”

“Durability.” Claire said, clearing her throat and tucking away the last giggle…for now.

“Okay? What were the results?”

“Turn around and I’ll tell ya.” Claire said.

Jordan hesitantly obliged, facing her large, curvy bottom toward Claire.

“Okay, back up…keep backing up.” Claire instructed as Jordan’s round ass got closer to the table.

“Little further.” Claire urged.

The weight of Jordan’s heavy cheeks were now being partially accepted by the surface of the table. “Any further and I’ll be sitting on the table.” Jordan replied with growing annoyance.

Once enough Jordan’s ass was resting on the table, Claire gave her next instruction.

“Okay, now spread your cheeks.”

“What the fuck?” Jordan said, looking over her shoulder.

“Just do it!” Claire beckoned.  “Fix your dumb wedgie!”

Jordan sighed.  The fingers on her left hand pressed into her left butt cheek, creating four dents in the hot pink cushion as she pried her left cheek away from its sister.  Her right hand was gently tugging on the pink mesh material of her shorts, evicting the damp, bunched up nylon material from between her large glutes.

Claire watched as those massive cheeks finally parted enough for Adam’s tiny naked body to become visible in one of the complicated but slowly disappearing wrinkles of nylon buried in Jordan’s crack.  The naked man fell clumsily to the table.

Claire burst out laughing, “It’s a boy!”

She leaned in closer to inspect Adam. He was a crumpled mess and there was an amusing shine to his skin from his time in Jordan’s crack but he was breathing and nothing appeared broken.

He was fine!

“What?” Jordan peered over her shoulder, still holding her large cheeks apart.

“Are you freaking kidding me?  How the heck did you even put him in there?”  Jordan sounded more impressed and disgusted than angry as she let her butt cheeks bounce back into their tight and sandwiched position against one another.

“I put him on your seat before you sat down.” Claire said proudly.

Disgust gave way to amazement and amusement as Jordan chuckled, “Seriously?  The whole time you were setting up the calculator?  I didn’t even feel him down there..like, not at all.”

“Rinse him off.” Claire said.

“You do it.” Jordan said, her upper lip curled in disgust.

“He’s got YOUR buttsweat all over him.” Claire exclaimed.

“Cause YOU put him there!” Jordan protested indignantly.

“Ugh…just do it.” Claire said and Jordan caved, bringing Adam to the sink.

“It's funny that you didn’t want me putting him in my sock..”

Jordan positioned Adam under the faucet, she didn’t bother to plug the drain leading to the garbage disposal.

“...cause you were worried that my toes would crush him…

The cold water rushed out quickly and Adam was completely enveloped in the icy stream.

“...but you’re okay with me sitting on him full weight…”

Jordan allowed Adam’s body to slip and slide against the wet skin of her hands, snaking him through her fingers.

“...and him getting wedged up in my crack.”

Jordan set a paper towel down on the table and then dropped Adam onto it.  It was funny, she was way more careful with placing the paper towel than her former father.

“Well, your butt is friggin’ HUGE first of all.” Claire said giggling.

Jordan sucked her teeth and stuck her tongue out.

“And butts are SUPER SOFT compared to toes.  I figured it would be just like two huge pillows and I was right!  Maybe one day we’ll do a toe test but…”

Claire looked down at Adam who was trying to dry his freezing naked body on the huge paper towel. She picked him up. Claire then set him down on the amplification prototype and flicked the switch on.

“...a promise is a promise.  That’s all the tests, Adam.  You’re officially done with the evaluation and your confinement in Evette’s boob.  Congratulations!”

“Can you grow me back now?  Please, Claire?” Adam asked hesitantly.  He couldn’t have been happy about everything he’d been through the past 4 and a half years.  He surely wasn’t happy about the last few hours of tests, and Claire wasn’t a gambler, but she would have bet that he didn’t enjoy being trapped in Jordan’s juicy badonkadonk. Still, he wasn’t complaining or objecting to anything. He wasn’t yelling or screaming.  There was just..so much hope in his eyes.

Claire couldn’t even conceive in her mind of the most fun way to do this, ‘...but here goes..’, she thought.

“Ah, ah, ah…” Claire wagged her index finger left and right in time with her teasing. “So, so close, little Adam but not quite yet.  I’m done with my evaluation but you’re forgetting what comes next.”

Claire gestured toward Jordan, who was crossing her arms and staring down at Adam.

“Jord…Ms. Maziotto still has to give you your punishment first, remember?”

The dirty blonde could see the dread in his eyes and she loved it.  She only regretted not having a stronger magnifying glass.

Both Adam and Claire looked to Jordan.

Jordan donned upon her face an ugly sneer.  “People at school found out, ya know…”

“...what?” Adam asked hesitantly.


“Who could have possibly told them that?” Adam asked.

The question completely caught Claire off guard. The dirty blonde shifted uncomfortably in her seat and nervously played with her dirty blonde hair. She couldn’t believe that Adam mustered the courage to actually ask her a question, and judging from how much white was visible in Jordan’s widened eyes, she didn’t either.


That seemed to shut him up quite nicely.  Claire sighed in relief, but the silence of the dining room was deafening as Jordan thought of what to say.

“Fucking wait right here.”

Jordan stomped out of the dining room and upstairs.

“Jeez, she sure is mad” Claire said awkwardly, “…you fucked up, Adam.”

“Did you spread that rumor? Did you do this?”

Claire smiled down at Adam.

“Do you remember when I pricked you at that dumb Star Wars thing 4 years ago?  Shrunk you right in that movie theater. I know it was a long time ago but..like..search your memory.”

Adam didn’t say anything.

“I know you remember, you goof.  Anyway, did you ever wonder why I did it in the open like that? At the risk of getting caught? Ya know…I planned on doing it later on that night. I expected I’d have to take you back to my house or follow you back to yours.  I expected that I might even have to make out with you a bit or maybe even get into your bed…but I was going to do it in your house. I was going to shrink you within the walls of your home and then take you back to mine.  But if you remember, I didn’t.  Why did I do it at the venue?”

Claire leaned in toward a cowering naked Adam.

“Because I was SOOOOOO fucking bored, I couldn’t possibly have lasted through the entire ordeal of that dumb virgin-crowded congregation. And I couldn’t exactly leave without you so….yeah.”

Claire sat back in her seat and might have said more, but she heard Jordan’s thunderous footsteps echo down the stairs.  She chipperly stated, “Uh-oh….Ms. Maziotto is back. I just thought you should know that before the next part.”

Jordan rounded the corner and Adam immediately started wailing. Claire couldn’t help but giggle.

Pinched between Jordan’s fingers was a skimpy black thong.

“Let’s see if you can tell who THIS belongs to.” Jordan said, setting the thong down on the table near Adam.

“Climb into it.”

Poor Adam hesitated and stalled, hoping that Jordan might change his mind. What a silly boy.

“Ms. Maziotto..please..”


“I can’t do this!  Please…I can’t do this again!” Adam sobbed uncontrollably.  He was literally weeping and begging his daughter to take mercy on him.  To pity him.  Anything to prevent this.

“I’m not changing my mind.  And since you felt comfortable enough to actually question my thought process and my struggles, you’re going to spend the rest of the day in Amina’s thong…pretty much up until you’re injected into Amina’s boob.”

“Her boob?! Ms. Maziotto, I can’t!  Please, anything but that!  I’ll do anything..I’ll go anywhere. Please don’t make me! I’m begging you! I–”


Jordan’s finger left the switch that she’d just flipped off for the amplification prototype.

Jordan pinched the thong, moving it so that it unfolded before Adam.  “I’m going to let you pick where you want to go, as infinitely generous as that may be…but if you don’t go right now, I’m going to fucking sew you to the string that wedges in her crack.”

Adam wept as he crawled off the amplification prototype toward the racy black thong.  Claire held the magnifying glass over top of him, watching closely as he reluctantly crawled toward the sexy underwear and burrowed into the crotch of the panties.

“I can literally hear him crying even without the amplifier.” Claire giggled.

“Ugh…so fucking pathetic.” Jordan said, her hands on her wide hips.  “Put him and the thong in my mom’s sock so we can at least have some peace and quiet while we plan this out.”



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