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Reduction & Relocation - Lori Warren

Chapter 3 - Unboxing

[September 22, 2005]

Lori lifted the small opened box off her lap and up closer to her face.  One of the stiff flaps of the box scraped against Lori’s soft, plush stomach and flexed down against the underside of her breast.  Despite the screening interview call with Dr. Walker, the follow-up call a few days later, and all the mental preparation…she still couldn’t believe what she was seeing.  Lori stared down at him, her mouth agape and her eyes sparkling with curiosity and disbelief. The tiny little man inside the box was looking around, and then their eyes locked, but only for a moment.

He looked to be in his mid-to-late twenties…handsome as far as she could tell…pretty good physical shape.  He was lying down in a chunk of pale-pink Styrofoam, naked as the day he was born. She couldn’t help herself but to take a quick glance at “it”.  The last one she’d seen in person was her ex-husband’s, and that felt so long ago.

It was definitely bigger than his…

’Well…obviously way smaller now, but maybe before he shrank’, she thought nervously.

It looked as if she’d gotten away with the glances she stole, as he was squinting in the amber light of Lori’s bedroom.

Everything in the box was packed extremely tight and secure, including the tiny little man.  Lori assumed it was to keep him safe from the unavoidable jostling of the package during transport.  The section containing him was an uninteresting brick of Styrofoam and cut into it was a shape reminiscent of a snow angel and it was cut to a depth such that he was embedded in the Styrofoam.  His legs were set a little wider than shoulder-width apart, and his arms were almost straight out to either side.  Over his body was a protective plastic dome-type covering.

It reminded her of a board game she played with the girls when they were little. In the center of the board was a set of dice enclosed in a clear, plastic dome.  When the player pressed down on the dome, the dice would pop up, indicating how many spaces the player would move ‘This isn’t Trouble, though,’ she thought to herself.

The dome-type covering that protected the tiny man had been “clicked” onto him over a deep circular cutout that ran around the outside edge of where the subject lay. It wasn’t a perfect dome like in Trouble, it was shaped similarly to the “snow angel” shape in which he was encased. It also covered a little more area than just the shape of the cutout. The dome was very shallow and there were a few fingerprints, probably from whoever had snapped it into place before sending him to her. Down between his ankles, she saw a pink LED light that was blinking slowly.  She wasn’t sure what it was.

She could see the ceiling fan over her bed spinning in the dome’s reflection, along with her own unbelieving face.

‘I must look so big to him’, she thought, a little self-conscious about her ‘looking-down’ double chin, the one that everyone got.

North of his head and outside of the protective clear, snow-angle shaped dome, there was a small folded sheet of paper with some handwriting on it  She almost reached for it but reconsidered as she thought the abrupt movement of her giant hands might scare him..

Still, she couldn’t just leave him in there forever.

‘He has places to be…’ Lori thought.

Lori carefully reached into the box with two hands and gripped the sides of the Styrofoam.  The little person inside the box had been squinting when she first opened the box.

‘The poor little thing has been in the dark for heaven only knows how long,’ she thought, and already his tiny eyes were widening as she gently scooped her fingers between the box walls and the Styrofoam.  Her fingers were a little too thick so the box flexed to accommodate their entrance.

The pink Styrofoam brick squeaked as it rubbed against the box walls on the way up and out. Lori set the Styrofoam down on the bed on her right side, having noticed that lifting the Styrofoam revealed more trinkets on the floor of the box.

With a finger and thumb, she lifted two soft fabrics, one pristine white and one a deep maroon.  Unfolding them, she realized they were women’s underwear.  Full coverage, just the way she liked it.  They looked a little small for her though.  Perplexed as to why underwear was sent, she set the undergarments to her right side atop the Styrofoam.

“Whoopsie”, she muttered looking down, seeing that she had covered up the little person with the underwear.

She lifted the underwear off the Styrofoam, folded them neatly, and laid them on her left side. Next there was another box, much smaller than the one she had just opened.  It was perhaps a little larger than a pack of cigarettes, purple with two horizontal stripes that circled the perimeter: the top stripe closest to the opening was pink and the one below it was blue. It was made of a thin but durable plastic.  Lori noticed there was an LED light on the opening flap similar to the one down between the tiny man’s feet, but it was not on.  She opened the flap of the purple box and saw that it was empty, but Lori was intrigued to find that the inside was lined with a very soft pink felt.

Next was a pill container. It looked just like any old pill prescription bottle, complete with a label. She lifted it and looked at the label, below her printed name was instructions,

“Take daily before bed. Diffusion shall complete overnight.”

The pill container rattled as she shook it…it was full. She shuddered, recalling her second conversation with Dr. Walker.  The one where they discussed these pills.

‘No…not thinking about THAT right now,’ she thought with a shiver, setting the pills with the underwear and box.

There were a few other items in the box as well: three individually wrapped lavender-scented wipes, various leaflets, instructions, and an agreement form Dr. Walker had asked to be signed and returned to the lab, at her convenience of course. Lastly was a small booklet; its cover said “Rear Housing Guide”.

She took the other items and put them back in the box, all except for the chunk of Styrofoam which had drifted down and was now pressing against her thigh.

The Styrofoam squeaked quietly as it slid against the soft material of her slacks. She bent at the waist to set the box on the floor at her feet, which had since been slipped into her fuzzy, warm “no-more-work-for-Lori” slippers.

She turned her attention back to the pale-pink Styrofoam brick.

Lori centered the brick on her wide lap and looked down once more at the man.

His eyes were darting every which way now, probably quite disoriented from the trip.  She felt it was time to reach for the note attached to the Styrofoam.  It was a woman’s handwriting, clear from the bubbliness of the lettering. It read “Warren”.  The paper was attached by a single staple. The man’s gaze followed Lori’s hand as it gracefully tore the paper from the Styrofoam.  She unfolded the paper.  It read:

Ms Warren,

Find enclosed the items we discussed in our phone conversations as well as a few others, which are explained in the attached pamphlets and Rear Housing Guide.  Find also enclosed Subject 119-b.  Please install him immediately and confine him to your rear for no less than 6 hours today. Please consult the pamphlet and guidebook that explains the DDM for experiment expectations going forward.  Thank you and please call me with any questions.

Dr. Katie Warren

Lori took a deep breath, folding the note back up and placing it in the box.  Her large fingers wrapped around the human-shaped dome that enclosed the tiny man, digging her digits in underneath the lip and with a little force, she felt the dome pop, detaching from the Styrofoam.  As soon as the dome clicked off, the blinking LED light switched from pink to a solid bright red.  She was also thrown off by the amount of heat that was trapped in the enclosure.  Not an immense amount, just more than she would have expected.  Now there was nothing but a few feet of Lori’s fragrant, circulating bedroom air between him and her.

She was horrible at estimating size, always had been, but she could tell that he was large enough to be heard.  Not necessarily understood clearly, but at least noticed.  The distinction was important because she could hear the squeaks emanating from the Styrofoam, but she could not tell what they were.  She lifted the box up off her lap and brought it to about chest level, lowering her face toward the man. “Are…are you trying to speak?” she asked nervously.  As he got closer to her face, the squeaking slowly took shape into recognizable syllables.

“—this place?  Where am I?  Who are you?”

God, that voice was so adorable.  As much as she’d thought about what he would sound like, Lori really wasn’t prepared for that.

It might have been the cutest thing she’d ever heard.

Lori held back as much of her amused smile as she could, hoping that it could pass for her just being polite.

“Hello.  My name is Lori, it's very nice to finally meet you.” she said, in an almost too professional, quiet tone. She didn’t want Gina or her other daughters to hear her talking in her bedroom.

“Am I….am I done now?” The tiny naked man asked with a nervous tone, and Lori tilted her head in confusion.

He elaborated, “Am I done with the experiment?”

“Ohh…” Lori shook her head slowly, “I’m sorry, but no.  We’ve got a…umm...little while longer to go apparently.”

The man asked, “Are you a doctor too?”

‘A doctor too?  Like Dr. Walker?’, she thought…

“Oh no, I’m not a doctor.”

“But you work for the lab?” he asked.

“Hmm…well….I don’t work for them per se…I’m…ummm…part of the experiment too; just like you.” Lori said.

Knock knock

Lori’s eyes widened and she prayed that she’d remembered to lock her bedroom door.  The doorknob engaged and jingled but abruptly stopped spinning.

“Mom, is it alright if I go to Sasha’s for dinner tonight?” Victoria bellowed from the other side of her mother’s bedroom door.

The man in the Styrofoam was looking in the direction of the loud teenager’s voice, now even more confused by this strange new environment. For a moment, Lori wasn’t a perplexed, anxious woman getting ready to insert a tiny, nude man into her bottom.

She was in mom-mode.

“Which one is Sasha?” Lori inquired, her voice dripping with skepticism.  “...Not the one with the lip piercing, right?”

Lori could practically hear Victoria’s eyes rolling on the other side of the door.  “Ugh…….no, Mom. That’s Sandra.  Sasha’s the girl from my math class, the one who plays volleyball.”

“Oh, okay, sweety that’s fine…but be back before 11pm.” Lori said.

“Okay, thanks Mom!” Victoria chirped.

Lori looked down at the man, “I’m sorry about that…where were—”

“Stop having phone sex!” Lori heard two bangs on Gina’s door, and then an obnoxious, sisterly laugh that Lori’s youngest had spent years refining. Gina must have returned the sentiment and thrown something at her own door, perhaps a shoe.  Then the mischievous sound of Victoria’s sock-clad feet pounded on the carpeted steps. It got quieter and quieter.

Lori sighed.

“Okay…..NOW where were we?”, she said to the man.

“Listen to me…” he said, she could hear a quivering urgency in his voice. The tiny man stood up out of the Styrofoam cutout, his little legs so shaky and void of confidence.  He stared up at Lori, his hands nervously covering his exposed private parts.

“Listen, you seem like a nice lady.  You…you have to get me out of here.  I…I did not sign up for all this..I mean…I signed something but if I’d have known…” he was starting to get more panicked as he recalled.

“They…they….holy shit, you would not believe it.  There’s this doctor there.  Dr. Walker, I think her name is.  She’s the one who did this to me.  And she…ohhh!!…and then there’s another girl… Brandi, I think…some kind of bullshit therapist..”

The tiny man shuddered and paused.

“It’s okay, you can tell me.” Lori said, trying to be supportive.

He took a deep breath, “She……she put me in her…ass.”

“The doctor?” Lori inquired sincerely.

“No, the airheaded, blonde therapist!  Actually, she wasn’t even a therapist by their crazy standards.  Some kind of assistant intern or something.”

“Oh my….why did she do that?” Lori asked, genuinely interested in how he would respond.

“Fuck if I know!  One minute I’m in the weird container that they’re keeping me in, and the next this blonde bimbo is taking me out and fucking wedging me between her ass cheeks!”

“Oh dear…” Lori said, pressing a hand against her chest in sympathy. The tiny little man in her lap seemed to be feeding off Lori’s reactions. He was growing confidence and conviction, becoming louder and seemingly less afraid.

“She just smiled at me, ignored my screaming at her, and pressed me against her leggings and wedged me in her crack.  You wouldn’t believe how long the bitch kept me in there…”

“How long?” Lori asked.

“15 minutes!” The subject exclaimed and Lori’s eyes widened.  “I know because she set a timer right before she put me…in.  I can’t believe I even survived!”

“You’ve got to be kidding me”, Lori replied in genuine shock.

The subject continued to rattle on, invigorated by Lori’s disbelief. Unbeknownst to him, Lori’s disbelief over the 15-minute statement had a very different foundation than what the subject assumed.

‘Wow’, Lori thought. ‘He’s complaining about being in an attractive young woman’s bottom for just 15 minutes, over top of her pants… he just has no idea...’

“Oh my goodness, I couldn’t imagine!” Lori said down to the tiny man.  She truly could not imagine what that would be like so as far as she was concerned, it was not a lie.

“And that wasn’t the only time she did it either! She wedged me between her cheeks a few other times…sometimes she’d jiggle her cheeks…sometimes she even sat down while I was in there!  Those fifteen minutes felt like fifteen years! I have no idea how I even survived!” He continued with his confessional statement, treating Lori as if she were a priest, or a therapist, or a police officer…or anything other than what she was…what he clearly didn’t realize yet. That was okay though; he needed this, apparently.  He needed to get all this off his chest. Lori thought it was good for him so she listened intently.

“I lost count of how many times she did it!  Good god!”

“That sounds like it was very...challenging.  Please don’t worry though, okay? You won’t be seeing her again.”

He appeared to relax a bit.

“Well…..what’s next?” The subject asked, speaking much more openly and comfortably with Lori.  That was good…they were a team and they should be comfortable with each other. “You said that I’m not done yet…are you…are you going to grow me back?”

The hope in his voice was heartbreakingly adorable. Lori liked the idea of him thinking that she was the end of his involvement in this experiment, and she wanted to hold onto that feeling.  Unfortunately, her commitment to the experiment…their commitment to each other was only just beginning.

“Umm…..no, sorry that’s not what I’m supposed to do.”

“Well what the hell are you supposed to do, Lori??”

Despite the high edges of the Styrofoam brick, Lori was nervous that her shaking hands might cause him to fall out, so she set him down on the bed and dropped her knees onto the carpet.  She sat on her heels at the side of the bed, as if she were praying.  She looked down at him, approximately level with her breasts, while he was also perfectly stabilized on the bed.

“Well, according to Dr. Walker…this is the part of the experiment where I…well…take over.” Lori said carefully.

“Take over?” he asked.

“Yes.  The blonde girl that you mentioned.  She…well…she’s what the lab calls an Acclimation Therapist…that’s what I understand from my second phone call with Dr. Walker anyway. I’m learning all this too, by the way. Brandi…that was her name right?  Yes, Brandi did what she did to you because it was to…well…prepare you.”

He was quiet for what felt like an eternity.  She thought she might have seen his eyes dart from hers and down into her ample cleavage, but it could have just been her imagination.

“………prepare me for what, Lori?”

Lori could literally see the confidence leaving his body as he waited for an answer. Did he already know?  Maybe she didn’t have to say it.  Maybe she could just do it.

No, she owed him a response.

Lori took a deep breath, for a moment noticing the softness of her glutes pressing against her heels while she squatted, staring at the tiny little man on her bed.

“To go in…well….in MY bottom.”

Lori winced as the high-pitched voice returned fire.  “Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?!  There’s no goddamn way! There’s no goddamn way! I am not—”

“Oh, please try and calm down..” Lori said with a soothing concern, seeing the tiny person in the container approaching the Styrofoam walls. He was frantically trying to climb out but he fell back in each time.  He was no longer concerned with modesty, his genitalia swinging as he ran, jumped, and clumsily fell several times.

Lori looked around nervously, worried that the tiny squeaking might be loud enough for one of the girls to hear from the other side of the door.  She gently shushed the tiny man, which seemed to only enrage him more.

“Calm down?!  You’re seriously going to tell me to calm down?!  Fuck you, Lori!  You want to stick me in your huge, gross ass and you want me to calm down?!”

Lori immediately felt her cheeks and forehead redden with embarrassment and shame. She had probably given him quite the show of her backside when she had stood up from the bed without even realizing it.

“At least the fucking intern or therapist or whatever was a teenager, early 20’s tops.  And yeah, her ass was fucking big but nowhere near as FAT and DISGUSTING as yours!  You keep it away from me!”

Lori felt like she might cry.  She didn’t expect things to go this way, but Dr. Walker had informed her that home deliveries of subjects were uncommon, and therefore it was uncommon that explaining the experiment fell on the shoulders of the Participant.

She’d always been self-conscious about the size of her derriere ever since highschool.

In fact, when she first learned she was pregnant with Gina some 18 years ago, the first emotion she remembered having after elation was a strong hope that she wouldn’t pass down to Gina her large backside…but of course she did.  Same for Isabella...and DEFINITELY the same for Victoria. Luckily for her daughters, large backsides seemed to be in style these days, but she herself could never get over all the negative attention, ridicule, and judgment her large rump brought her over the years…and now she was living it all over again.

“Listen…I….I understand you’re upset.  I get it.  But…I just have to do this. I just—”

“—NO! No, you fucking don’t! Lori, listen to yourself!  You don’t have to put me in your fucking ass! Are you fucking psycho?!”

For a moment, she considered not doing it…at least not right away.  It would have just been so much easier to give him what he wanted…and to not have to worry about the mean tiny man and his insults.  She had to be strong though…she had to be assertive.  This was part of the experiment…this was what she was getting paid for.  What the both of them were getting paid for. She grabbed one of the individually wrapped wipes and tore the wrapping.  The room filled with the pleasant scent of lavender.

“What are you doing?!” He demanded to know as Lori stood up and unbuttoned her slacks.

“Shhhhhhhhh” came from Lori’s pursed lips.  She lowered the zipper and then her pants until they were bunched up at her feet.  She stood there in her stockings and black underwear. The portion of the stockings that hugged her huge thighs was stretched to a much stronger degree than anywhere else, and as a consequence her pale skin was much more visible under the stressed material.

“It’s all going to be okay…”, Lori said calmly.

She then unfolded the wipe and plunged it down the back of her underwear.  She was facing him, so he couldn’t quite see what she was doing, but he watched in horror at the movement of her arm.  She was gently swiping up and down along the length of her glutes.  She had been incredibly nervous from the moment she laid eyes on the box under Isabella’s flip-flop. As a result, she’d begun sweating.  With each dab and swipe against the flesh of her butt, her cheeks bounced rhythmically and jiggled in response.

It made her feel self-conscious again but she reminded herself that a.) he couldn’t see them jiggling and b.) so what if they jiggle?  That just means they’re incredibly soft and perfect to keep him safe.

She swiped a few more times at the outer flesh of her cheeks, gradually getting closer to the area where they met, and then she plunged the wipe deep between her cheeks.  She started at the bottom and forcefully passed it up and through her crack.  Her ass cheeks were so full, the mass of flesh so abundant she actually had to slightly bend at the waist to prompt a natural spread of her glutes.

Lori definitely caught him looking down her shirt that time.

When the wipe came out the top, it left a small amount of moisture on her lower back as most of it was now all over her cheeks and in her crack.  She ran it back through once more for good measure.

The wipe landed in the wastebin adjacent to Lori’s bed with a dull, dry thud.

She thought to herself, ‘I’ll use one more…just to be really sure it’s okay for him in there’.

She opened another wipe and swiped cleaned the area deep between her cheeks, leaving one unopened wipe remaining. She could hear him squeaking but from her standing position, she was too far away from him to understand what he was trying to say to her. She lowered herself back to the floor, her stocking-clad knees now pressing into the carpet, the pale flesh of her inner thighs splaying wide as they pressed against her calves.

“Listen, Its not going to be that bad, I promise!  And I will take you out at about…”, she looked to the clock on her bedside. “…1PM.”  The tiny man followed her eyeline to the clock and shrieked,

“1PM?!?!? That’s like 2 hours!  I can’t do this! You can’t do this! Don’t put me in your ass! It’s too fucking big! I’ll die in there! Please don’t do this! I can’t do 2 hours! I CAN’T DO 2 HOURS!”

He started to cry.

‘My goodness…’, she thought as she stood back up, finished listening to him. ‘He’s crying about 2 hours…just 2 hours.  How is he going to react to knowing it’ll be a month of this…or three…or even more…’


She stood over him and looked down, frowning.  Clearly, he was trying to get the attention of one of her daughters, but she wasn’t worried about the girls hearing him anymore.  The nosiest of her daughters was out at her friend’s house and the other two were busy. Lori could barely even hear him, even as she stood over him like some kind of Goddess.  She reached down into the container, the tiny naked man still trying and failing to climb the side of the box.

He’d need her help to get out of that box…and she was happy to help him.

Lori wrapped her thick fingers around his body, ‘Goodness, he’s cold.’ She thought.

That must have been what the LED in the box was for, emitting heat or something to keep him warm in transit…and now that he wasn’t being warmed by the box…

’he needs to be warmed by this’, she thought, cupping her curvy ass cheek with her free hand.

She bounced it with two fingers underneath the cheek…it was quite heavy and the resulting bounce was persistent.

He struggled very briefly in her tight grip, but relented almost immediately when he realized there was no way he would overpower her. He was still trying to speak, but Lori wasn’t interested in listening anymore.  She had given him plenty of time to talk, and anything else he could say would either hurt her feelings or make this harder than it already was.

Neither was constructive.

It was best just to get it over with.

“I know that this is scary, but there are some incredibly bright minds behind this, and they are all concerned with your safety!  Dr. Walker would not have given you to me to go in my…well…to go with me if she didn’t think it would be safe.  I promise you will be okay…and I will check on you in 2 hours okay?”

Lori didn’t wait for a response, although he was surely responding.  Instead, she lowered her fist to the back of her panties, just as she did with the wipe. She used her free hand to slowly pull the waist band of her nylons and then her underwear away from her lower back.  She looked over her shoulder as her right hand sank into the waistband, escorting the tiny person into the confines of her black underwear. She frowned as he snagged the waistband with his armpit, trying to resist the inevitable.  It was a simple fix on her part: she simply lifted him up until he lost grip on the soft black cotton, pulled the waistband further out, and then lowered him back down. He was in her panties now…

She straightened her neck, which was getting sore, and was now closing her eyes, focusing on the feeling.  The fingers that had held the first door, the panties, had been relieved by the back of Lori’s hand.  Those same fingers were twisting and rushing ahead to open the next door.  They had their work cut out for them: they needed to pull her enormous left ass cheek away from the right.  Lori imagined what the sight must be like for him, to see those two pale fleshy mountains…quite literally hundreds or maybe even thousands of tons of soft cushiony flesh to him…parting right before his eyes, revealing a deep abysmal cleft.

She adjusted her fist-grip on the tiny man and switched to hold him with just her thumb and index finger.  With her other hand, she sunk her fingers deeper into the plush cushion of her ass cheek and brought her fingers down to her palm, dragging flesh with them.  Once the flesh was pulled to her palm, she held it steady with her palm and re-extended her fingers, grabbing more flesh and widening the gap between her cheeks. In just the same way heat had escaped the tiny protective dome, Lori’s protective cheeks were emanating body heat, but so much more than what was in the dome.

The squeaking was getting more and more frantic.  The scent of the lavender that had been buried in her bottom was tickling her nostrils.  Once her cheeks were parted, she slowly brought the tiny man into the gap, feeling his flailing against her fingers as she had since he entered her underwear, and now she felt them against the sensitive, supple flesh of her glutes.  Starting out on the outside of her cheeks, the struggling gradually went deeper and deeper as he himself was escorted deeper and deeper by her right hand, until finally he was as deep as he could go.  The squeaking got more frantic, but was slightly harder to hear.

“I’m….I’m going to let you go now…okay?” she said to him nervously.

She cautiously started to release him, hoping that he wouldn’t fall but even if he did, he would land in the safety net that was the crotch of her underwear. The squeaking got more and more intense.  He didn’t fall.  As her fingers released pressure on the man, so too did her finger’s grip on her hefty cheek.  She was trading the applied force to the tiny man from her hand’s grip to her cheek’s desire to hang in its normal position against its twin, and finally she was no longer holding him with her hand.  The squeaking got more intense as the hand that had guided him in began to retreat from her crack.

Her empty right hand emerged from her underwear, no tiny man in sight.  She could, however, still hear a very muffled squeaking; it sounded worlds away.

She was still parting her enormous butt cheeks.

“Okay…now I’m going to let….it go now..I’m going to do it slowly so don’t worry.” She said in a voice meant to soothe and relax the tiny man now nestled in her rear.

The 37-year old slowly allowed her hefty, eager left glute to return fully to its resting position, firmly pressed against its twin, sandwiching the naked man deep between…

…and the squeaking completely stopped.

Lori was holding him firmly in place…without even trying…completely safe and sound.  She looked over her shoulder at her sizable rump, pulling the black waistband and peering down…he was completely hidden in her bottom.

She could feel his little kicks and struggles and considering the sensitivity of the area, her heart skipped a beat. The first thing she noticed when her cheeks closed was just how cold his tiny little body was.  The cold quickly dissipated though, hungrily gobbled up by her immensely warm crack and dissipated with little consequence or impact by her warm, fleshy cheeks. Seconds after entering her crack, his temperature was increased to match hers.

Lori felt a little weak at the knees, but she dare not sit down.  This was already so much for him to go through. He had only ever experienced this with a younger girl, a bottom not quite so large, and probably the biggest difference: it was on top of the clothes!

Unlike with the young intern that prepared him for this, he was in direct contact with Lori’s skin…and not just in direct contact…every square millimeter of his body was being hugged by her big, pillowy buns.

‘Thank god it smells nice, at least.’ Lori thought, her left hand no longer holding her ass cheek spread but still in contact with it. She gently patted her ass as if to commend it on a job well done, and then she reached into the box for the Rear-Housing Guide.  She leafed through the pages, stopping when she saw a sketched diagram of womens’ underwear.

“Oh, this one is about the underwear.” She said, looking over at the neatly folded maroon and white pair of full-coverage underwear she’d seen earlier. leaning her hip against her dresser as she read:

"During the introductory phase of rear-housing, it is important that the subject is snug and secure in the Participant’s rear end.  There is no period of time where the subject will be at more of a risk of dislodging from the rear end, either by accident or design, than in the introductory phase.  For that reason, participants are issued two sets of “training underwear”.

These undergarments are designed specifically to compress the participant’s buttocks to a remarkable degree.  This will ensure the subject is unable to move or become dislodged from deep within the gluteal cleft.  It is recommended that participants wear the training underwear on-and-off for as long as she deems necessary for the subject’s safety and continued confinement in her rear end. It may feel uncomfortable at first, since the undergarments are sized to be quite tight on the rear, but wearing them conveys the right message to the subject about safety and expectation!"

Lori took a deep breath.  It took awhile to read the instructions since she was distracted by the sensation deep inside.

“Okay..I guess I’ll try these then…I’m sorry, dear…”, she said, stepping out of her well worn black underwear.  The gentle inward pressure that her black underwear had exerted on her cheeks had relented as they were lowered, and now her rear hung a bit more freely…more than it did when she was in her 20’s.

“I’m not sure if you can hear me but things might get a little tight.” Lori lifted the maroon undergarments, pinching them between four fingers and sized them up.

‘Goodness, they’re small. I don’t think I’ve worn underwear this small since I was in college.’ She mused.

The 37-year old mother of three lowered the underwear to the ground and started to step in, careful not to bend over too far, lest her large, bare cheeks naturally part and release its treasure.

She stepped both nylon clad feet into the maroon panties and slowly started pulling up.




The way she broke the news to him of his fate was perfect!


Such a delicate situation, but at the end of the day its an agreement...and they're a team! <3