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“Well I bet you didn’t think this would happen when you signed up for the Masculinity Contest”, I couldn’t help but smile at my new life partner. I pretended to wait for her response, knowing it wouldn’t come. I had told her to pose quietly for me, and she wasn’t able to talk, just look to the floor in regret.

“Face to the camera please!”

Tiffany gave the camera a sexy look, and I heard her stifle a moan. I silently thanked myself for having told her she gets turned on by listening to what I tell her to do. Tiffany really looked like she wanted to end this photo session, and just go to bed with me.

“So you wanna go to the bedroom now?”

“Mhm”, Tiffany couldn’t say anything, so had to give orgasmic approval through her lips. My lips now. And how were they my lips now? Well it all started earlier today, I was at the change clinic showing the clerk a flier I had found.

“It says here you guys have an experimental new product, and need paid volunteers to test it on. How much will I get paid, and how long will I need to participate for?

The sexy receptionist looked up from her phone, and looked at the paper I held.

“O that’s our Masculinity Contest Trial. You’re here for that? I thought they were only getting bigger men for that one...”

Bigger men? What did she mean?

“I don’t know about that, but I need money. Do you guys have any other experiments I could take part in?!”

“I don’t think we do...”, she was back to looking at her phone.

Suddenly she slammed her phone down, and started typing on her keyboard for the first time since I’d been there. “Okay sir, your test is taking place in Room V, it’s down the hall to the right.”

How odd... I looked over and noticed a suited man had came up the staircase behind the receptionist.

“Graci, isn’t that the room Body Crusher’s in?”, he had a smile on his face, but sounded very concerned.

“Well he’s not gonna get hurt, is he?”, Graci looked up at her boss confused. He clearly didn’t want to make a comment on that, and simply walked back downstairs. Graci got back on her phone, and seemed to just ignore that I was there.


“Honey I told you, Room V.”

Holy shit. Was I about to get in some type of masculinity contest with a guy named Man Crusher? What was I thinking??? It took me way longer than it should to get to Room V, and I can’t believe I didn’t turn around.

I opened the door, and was met by what I presume was ‘Man Crusher’. He reached out a hand and chuckled, “So this is the guy I’m competing with? What a joke, that prize is mine!”, wow that’s a deep voice...

The scientists explained everything to both of us, and made sure I understood what Man Crusher meant by ‘prize’. They were gonna change one of us into a sex bombshell, and turn all of that person’s masculinity into femininity. The competition Man Crusher referenced was a contest between me and him, and who was more masculine.

We were both given $1000 cash, and told to step into the new experimental Contestrafication Device. They turned it on, and I felt my body being scanned. It felt like pins and pricks all through my body, but oddly wasn’t too painful. Which was unexpected because to my side, Man Crusher was howling in pain. I assumed I had a higher tolerance for pain, and then I heard Man Crushers voice start to get higher. I saw his hair grow long, and he started frantically running his hands all over his shrinking body.

“What the fu- Ahhhhhh!!!!!”

We all heard a distinct *pop* when Man Crushers voice went from high pitch to sexy, and his now petite body started aggressively inflating. All over his body grew, and it was only when he looked to me lustily that I realized I could’ve maybe been transformed with a different process and not known it. I checked all over, but I was fine and able to look back to my neighbor.

“What the fuck is going on here? I thought you said the more masculine wins?!”, Man Crusher was now fully female; clearly.

“We did say that...”, the scientist looked through his notes quickly. “Yeah, we uhh forgot to tell you... The winner would become the trophy?”

“But then you’re giving the trophy to the loser! That makes no sense! Change me back!” Man Crusher was trying to look intimidating, but was only pouting sexily.

“So what’s going on?”, I walked out of the booth behind the new woman.

“Well we didn’t have time to explain everything to you, but all her intense masculinity became feminine. We arranged to make it seem like the manliest man wud get a free sex slave, but that was just attract the most intense men to test the limits of our machine. She’s beautiful, and you’re her new master. She’ll do pretty much anything you tell her to”

“You better not asshole. If you command me to do anything I’ll slit your throat!”

I looked over at the scientists questioningly, and they smiled nodding.

“Let’s go sweet cheeks!” I gave her ass a smack, and while she was turning around to hit me, I squeezed her mouth between my fingers. “You’re not gonna hurt me toots, and you’re stop being so disrespectful to me.” I saw a worried look in her eye and chuckled, “Only sexy things out of that trap, ok? You could keep it dirty, but keep it hot too. And you’re name’s not Man Crusher, god; what a dumb name! You’re Tiffany now, and you’re gonna act like it. Relax, and stop trying to be so manly, you’re a woman. And you’re a girly, ditzy bimbo!” Tiffany’s eyes lost focus when I said that, and her whole body relaxed.

We checked out from the clinic, and went back to my house. On the way out they offered Tiffany a bunch of different outfits, and I made her pick the lost revealing one.

She was clearly having trouble with her new heels, and those jeans clearly didn’t fit the way she was used to. I knew I could tell her to walk and feel more feminine, but I found it hotter to watch her struggle with it. As we got closer to the house, I gave her some rules to follow while inside.

Her horniness would be turned to the max, and clothing was a no-go. If Tiffany saw any object she could fit into her pussy, she had to fit it into her pussy. I liked this broad command, and pictured her being home alone, forced to put ridiculous objects in her snatch. It would also make her beg me for sex any time she knew I had a boner. And that happened as soon as we walked inside.

Tiffany draped herself on me, grinding her crotch up against mine. I told her to get on her knees mouth open, and then pulled my cock out. Tiffany was still attracted to girls, and I knew this because I had told her to be. She begged me to let her just take a seat and actually relax for a second, this whole day had been a lot for her.

“A lot for you?? I spent hours worried that I wouldn’t see my next meal unless I became a, well you... Don’t worry, you wanna relax? I’ll let you relax as soon as I finish relaxing”, I smiled at my own joke, and looked down. Before I had even started speaking, I had already started face fucking her. Sounds of protest just vibrated off my dick, and came out as muffled sexy chocking. I hope I’m not the only one who’s cock would twitch a little when I switched her from totally reluctant and lesbian, to a cock loving whore. She went from protesting to gobbling as soon as I finished saying, “You love cock now”. It was really hot.

Still, Tiffany begged for me to penetrate her virgin folds. She said the hunger she felt in her loins was painful, and she needed me inside her right away. I liked the idea of a woman literally begging me for sex, and told her to keep blowing me.

Still on her knees and sucking my dick, she pushed me and shuffled us over to the bed. In my euphoric state, I didn’t even notice.

She then pushed me onto the bed, and climbed up to get my dick back in her mouth. I smiled blissfully as she continued to suck me off, and beg for sex between gasps for air. I just watched with glee as her giant boobs went back and forth against the bed, losing track of time and getting close to cumming.

But then I felt bad for the still-virgin girl, and was actually curious what her pussy was like. Telling her to stop sucking my dick felt strange, but when got on her back and split her legs to expose the inside of her folds, I knew it was the right thing to do.

She panted and moaned, her tits flopping everywhere as I swung my hips back and forth into her as fast as I could. I grabbed as much of her boobs as I could, and pulled her into me closer. She started to rock her lower body against mine, and I could now feel the deep recesses of her body.

A few more pumps, and I could see her eyes open wide with pleasure as my load shot deep into her. “We still having that photo shoot you wanted to do?” O we were doing the photo shoot, but she was gonna be way less excited when the high from those orgasms wore off...



I really like the different perspective on this one!