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“Brett. Brett... BRETT!!!”

Samantha knew Brett would be asleep  now, but wanted to spend some time with him now. Samantha knew the neighbor was gonna be coming around, she had purposely unlocked the door for him last time. The only solution was to come before Groundhog-Samatha got there.

Brett rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, surprised to wake up to Samantha over him.

“Is it over?? Am I free? O my gosh thank you thank you thank you Samantha! I promise I’ll be a good boyfriend from now on!”

Samantha was taken aback by the outburst, and couldn’t help but point out how dumb Brett was. “You know we’re not together anymore, right? How would we be? You were fucking my best friend behind my back without telling me for years! You’re a fool”

“So what are you doing here so early? It’s only eleven, you’re usually here after 3...”

Samantha grabbed Brett, and threw him up against the wall. Brett couldn’t get over how she had become so strong, and was too busy thinking about this to notice himself shrinking and becoming a petite girl. He couldn’t tell if Samantha had gotten any bigger, but she had definitely gotten older. She gave Brett a scary smile, and backed him up a little more into the wall. She pressed her face against Brett’s as she leaned over him, and Brett felt totally powerless. He gulped as he crossed his arms behind his back, and looked into Samantha’s eyes.

“Not so cocky now, are you champ?? Dont give me that sarcastic tone, I’ll come for you whenever I want!

Samantha had yet to alter Brett’s mind, so he knew the feelings of lust and powerlessness he had were true.

He cowered away from Samantha as she exposed Brett’s pussy, and started rubbing. He whimpered, telling her to stop, the usual horniness he got wasn’t there. It felt too weird for Brett to have his pussy rubbed, and he didn’t like it at all.

“But that’s the punishment honey... You know what, fine. We’ll do it your way.

Samatha shrunk into Brett, and they both became the same size and age. They stripped each other out of the clothes they wore frantically, and found their way into the shower. Samantha came from behind Brett, and penetrated his virgin pussy with her long fingers. They moaned and panted in sync as cum came pouring from Brett’s new pussy, and Samantha dug deeper in.

“Whats- Mmm- happening?? I’m cumming so hard! Please slow down...”, Brett trailed off, and Samantha took the green light to go even deeper.

Brett started riding her hand, and really letting the organs take over his body. Suddenly Samantha pulled out, and Brett felt his world collapse. He felt so empty with nothing in his pussy, and Samantha knew what she had to act quick before Brett jumped her.

She put her knee up, and started convincing Brett to accept his fate.

“Your pussy feels that way, because there’s no cock in it. Don’t worry, we’ll get you some cock soon, and you won’t be able to get enough!

Brett got lost in Samantha’s eyes, and lost track of what was happening.

He felt himself start to drool, but couldn’t stop letting it drip down his chest. His hair became cotton candy colored, and he stretched his tongue as far out as he could. It felt so good! He let the orgasms roll off his tongue sexily, and started fingering his clit. He felt a piercing appear on his clitoris, which exploded with pleasure immediately. His sexy moans resonated around the apartment as he orgasmed non-stop, and Samantha giggled while licking some cum off her fingers before giving Brett a funny look.

“Is something wrong?”, Brett knew something was coming.

Samantha shook her head, “No, I was just thinking that you need a new name.”

“New name? Dont you do that anyway? Why are you mentioning it this time?”

“Well I just learnt a new spell, and I wanted to try it out on you now before using it later... I actually just came from a 6 hour long class, where I learnt a lot of really cool things. It’s kinda why I’m here now...”

Brett gave Samantha raised eyebrow.

“I’ve also been kinda bored without you around... Shut up!”

She saw Brett smile when she mentioned being bored without her, and got mad.

“So pick a name Brett. What’s it gonna be?”

Brett knew a trick was coming, and thought carefully before answering.

“Well my name is Brett, so I think I’m gonna stick with something close to that.


A blank look came across Brett’s face as it changed shape, and became even sexier than before. His hair turned naturally blonde, and he felt his personality become more free and ditzy.

Samantha held back a laugh while Brett tried calming himself down, but he wasn’t able to.

Brianna started coming through, and Samantha could see her posture change to fit her new personality.

“I’m loving that shirt Brianna...”

Samantha put her hands behind her head to show off more of her sexy red shirt

“Like this shirt is my favorite! It’s totall- Eeeeeeee!!!”

Brianna arched her back, and Samantha giggled as Brianna’s breasts swelled with even more fat. Brianna took a few minutes to recover from her orgasmic experience, and after a little heavy breathing looked to be back her ditzy self.

“Omg these boobies are so bouncy!”

Brianna started bouncing her chest up and down provocatively, sticking her tongue out at Samantha playfully.

Samantha embraced Brianna, and the two giggled and moaned in ecstasy while rolling on the floor making out.

While Samantha was admiring Brianna’s free hanging breasts and lightly cupping them, they could suddenly hear the doorknob being played with. Whoever was trying to get in couldn’t, the door was locked. The two breathed a sigh of relief, but that only lasted a moment.

The girls shrieked as the doorknob shot off and the door opened slowly, revealing Brett’s wizard neighbor Ted!!!



Yeah, I enjoyed the one from Ted's perspective with multiple changes. This was an *excellent* one as well, though!


Thanks! I like changing the perspective up in a series, keeps things fresh!