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We both froze, half hoping Ted couldn’t see us if we didn’t move.

“Started without me?” Samantha pulled out her wand for defense, and tried casting a spell as light shot from Ted’s hands toward us.

I was blown clear to the other side of the room, and could now see what looked like a much manlier version of Ted fucking a really sexy milf. I couldn’t keep my eyes off the two of them, her moans getting louder and more sensual with each thrust from Ted. It took me a few minutes of open mouth staring, before realizing this was definitely Samantha!

While one part of me felt she was getting her just desserts, I knew as a man, I couldn’t just let Ted get away with this.

He immediately felt me approaching from behind, “Get back you dumb bimbo!”

Without even glancing my way, he sent a burst of light right at me.

Mid-step I noticed my clothes had changed, and then in an instant, I lost full control.

“OMG what am I doing here? It’s like a porno shoot!”

I turned to walk out, when I felt my phone start to buzz. I look down to it, and saw thousands of people liking my videos on tiktok.

“Fawk! I almost forgot to do a tiktok here! I would totes forget about this place if I didn’t...”

I set my camera on a dresser, and started dancing for my followers. I tried stopping myself, but that only succeeded in making me really horny for the video.

I saw Ted making his way over to me with Samantha, and actually got ready to join in the fun.

Suddenly, Ted grabbed my face

“You’re so much prettier than your mom...” As he said that my memories changed, and it dawned on me that Ted was having sex with my own mom.

I tried backing away, but he tightened his grip on my cheeks. I could hear my mom screaming in orgasmic euphoria, and knew Ted was pretty close to the edge. He picked up his pace, and then pressed my lip down with his thumb slowly. I could hear my mom howl as Ted filled her with loads of cum, and suddenly he lost grip on my face.

Ted had a stern look on his face, that slowly turned to a smile. As this happened, his hair turned blonde, shot out and tied into two slutty side ponies.

“Oh no! She had a protection spell on her pussy??”

I could see the worry in Ted’s eyes slowly fade as they glazed over and got made up along with the rest of his face. Clothes made for a petite girl slowly crawled to cover Ted’s body.

He giggled as he shrunk, and only stopped when he was barely four feet tall. I could see his panties tighten around his crotch, and slowly flatten the area.

She started sticking her tongue out slowly, and I could see her breasts start tightening the fabric of the shirt around them. As her tongue came out more, so too did her boobs. A wet spot formed in her panties as her tongue stretched its furthest, and a drop of saliva hit the milf lying in a puddle of cum on the floor.

I didn’t know if this bimbo still knew magic, but I couldn’t get over what had just happened.

“You totally just fucked my mom! Like, you’re fucking sick!”

The new blonde bimbo was not listening

“So you think guys will totally like this look?

I mean it’s like, I see a guy and he wants to fuck, but then I’m like, should we fuck? But what if...”

I couldn’t even listen to her anymore, she was just talking about all the guys she wanted to fuck. I finally spotted Samantha’s wand in the corner of the room, and ran for it. I jumped on the wand and started trying to cast a spell from it. My movements started to feel powerful, and I could see light start to form in my hands. I shot the light at Ted and Samantha, hoping it would turn the two back to normal.

In my ditzy haze, I didn’t even consider what spell I was casting. And that was besides the point that my first move should’ve been to get out of here, not help these two out with their new problem.

Surrounded by light, the two girls got undressed and started making out passionately. They both slowly merged into each other, transferring and sharing body parts and characteristics. Samantha’s brunette hair turned blonde, and they both shrunk down as their tits inflated.

The two girls giggled as costumes magically appeared on their bodies, and tightly squeezed their assets together. I tried hiding, but they saw me ducking behind the bed.

They spoke in unison, “We’re cosplaying as Superman vs Batman! You like, totally have to come to the con with us! There’s gonna sooooo many cute guys to fuck!”

I was still under Ted’s original spell, and my pussy flushed when they mentioned cute guys.

“No. I’m gonna just like, chill here, at home today. Have fun though!!”, I winced at my ditsy, sexy voice.

The girls laughed, and then both shot me with their magic.

I felt a strong breeze, and looked in the mirror. My face was now caked in make up, and my hair was styled in a very slutty fashion. My shirt became a mini bikini top, and my skirt became a green g string. I should’ve ashamed to be dressed in so little clothing, but Samantha and Ted were still hitting me with magic. I no longer remembered us being anything besides three best friends, and now pretty much all we did was fuck. More magic, and my lips puffed out, my ass got bigger and I became much hornier as my pussy got super tight. A beam of magic hit my forehead, and my eyes unfocused. I slowly lost iq points, and went from average intelligible to the dumbest person in the room; always.

I asked for the last transformation, and stifled a moan as I gave a selfie update with my tits slowly swelling out of my top. Comic Con is gonna be a blast with Samantha and Rachel!


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