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Hi everyone! Thanks for sticking around while I was off.

🔔 Update on the husbear 🔔

I just wanted to quickly say thank you to everyone who reached out regarding my husbear's condition. He's doing much better now, but as we suspected from the symptoms he was experiencing, he has diabetes and now needs daily medication. We're working really hard to implement some lifestyle changes for him so hopefully that helps too. 💕

And now I'm back to work so things will start moving along again!

🔔 Casting call 🔔

On another note, we're having a casting call on the server for the coming episode of Cabaret Bara: Heart of Gold. If you're interested in having yourself or your OC appear in the comic, you are welcome to let it be known on our Discord server in the "CASTING CALL" thread!

🎉 Giveaway update 🎉

The prizes for the Discord New Year giveaway have just been sent yesterday and it was so much fun to do that I'm already preparing for the next one. All I'm gonna say is it's for Valentines and It'll be a very... personalized one hehe.

Do note that I am not allowed to do giveaways/raffles on Patreon and that is why they're happening on Discord. And don't forget that our Discord server is open to everyone.

First poll of 2023 ✍

Alright so I'm preparing a lot for this year and I wanna know what you are MOST excited for! It may help me shift focus towards more things that YOU want.
So tell me in the poll below!

As always, thank you for your support and for being so kind to me.

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Thomas Polk

Ah, it's a separate Tier. I received a message with a link to a post that would not open. I didn't know that it was a separate Tier. I'm not sure why I received that link.


Maybe it was a bug? If it ever happens again, please send me the link just in case so I can make sure everything's working properly.


I can only vote for 1 😭


Yesss, I figured if I let everyone vote for several, too many people will vote for all of them and kind of cancel out their vote 😅


Ooh, my husband was recently diagnosed with diabetes as well. I’ve been working with him to work out—for my own health as well—so that he can more easily manage his glucose. Hopefully your husband will be able to continue living a healthy lifestyle. By the by, avoid rice. That stuff spikes blood sugar like no one’s business.


oh noes, not me having to make a choice I want drama but i also want more Ero Angels! which should i vote for???? 😭😭

Adam Lunter

Why not more smut AND more Ero Angels? Those go hand in hand, I think. All the best wishes for the best possible outcome with the hubby’s health.


Haha I mean, it goes without saying that there will be a little bit of everything, but I wanna know where the audience's focus is lol And thank you, he's been a fighter these last few days, I'm really proud of him <3


Decisions are so hard, right? That's why I let y'all make them while I draw the big men tiddies


I know! No more sushi for him 😭 And yeah, we've been making a whole meal and workout plan and I 100% will go along with him on this. Worst thing that can happen is that I get healthier lol. It's baby steps for now, but I have faith in him. So I guess that means... no more sushi for US 😭


Go with sashimi meals. That’s what my husband does. There is sushi wrapped in other things besides rice. I think my husband found one that uses a very thin cucumber wrap. The nice thing about this is that protein is much easier to manage. Just skip on the fried meat and go with grilled. Also, if you have an air fryer, cooking with that will go a long way.


Which one I vote for depends on which head I'm thinking with. Can you guess which one I used this time? 😈

Daniel Gibbons

More smut! Especially more with Sean, Cullen and Finn.


If you did drew celebs/OF boys, that’d be amazing 😍


Haha yeah, this side story seems to have gotten both extremes in terms of appreciation 😛


A shared diet makes it so much easier to follow through. You got this!


I don t know if that s an odd request but I kinda want to see more. Of the main character daylife outside the hero and sex stuff. I mean... Okay yes some sex stuff. But I feel like I got to know Finn fairly well and would love to see the others. Hell. Finn and his boyfriend learning to live in together could be a funny/ hot comic.


Alrighty, I'll keep that noted and try to integrate it with my current direction. ❤️ I just don't wanna turn Cabaret Bara in one of the 1000 other "daily life of a conventionally attractive gay guy" comics. Nothing against those, but I feel like that niche is already pretty full lol


I voted for Smut, but like I also really love the cosplays 😅🥺

Thomas Polk

Your Patron private lounge won't let me in. What's going on??