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Well... I took some liberties on Adam's story, but what can I say? You guys asked for more smut so here's some! 

After all, whenever Nik comes for a sleepover, there isn't much sleeping happening.

Now if you'll excuse me, I will go put something cold on my wrist because drawing all this body hair has destroyed it. Thank you.


Short story by Adam Lunter

“Ugh, will you listen to them?” Záchari groaned from his spot on the back of the sofa where  he was lying. 
Chéri didn’t look up from his handbook. “I’ve been trying not to this whole time.” They were speaking to each other at a volume that could just barely be heard over the  sounds of bed-thrashing sex coming from Nik’s bedroom. The door was closed, ostensibly for  privacy, but the faeries might as well have been in the room with them.  
“I don’t get it,” Chéri huffed, as he tossed aside his book. “I know humans think sex is  great, but why do they have to be so damned noisy while they have it? Especially these two?” “‘Cause they’re dumb,” Záchari snarled.  
“It’s like they think they need to let everyone know.” 
Záchari tossed his ball a few inches into the air and caught it. “Like I said… they’re  dumb.” 
“It’s that simple, huh?” 
Záchari sat up and inclined his head towards the door separating them from the grunts  and sighs. “Oh, it’s not just that they’re loud. Here’s my problem: those bozos work in a sex positive business as sex workers. You’d think they’d get tired of it and be like ‘sorry honey, but I  can’t even look at one more cock,’ right? But listen to them! You’d think they were Catholic  monks who just broke their vow of chastity and realize what they’ve been missing out on!” 
Chéri chuckled. “What kills me is that they actually say to each other the stupid things  that they say to their customers, too.” 
“They do?” 
Chéri nodded. “Just listen.” 
For a moment, neither faerie said anything and the air was just filled with Nik and Finn  panting loudly counterpointed by the slight creak of the box spring counting the beats. Then  there was the sound of a long howl that ended with the words ‘fuck yeah, man.’ “You like it when I do that, huh pup?” Nik grunted. 
“Oh yeah,” sighed Finn. “Fuck me like I stole something from you!” 
The faeries’ eyes met and they both collapsed into a laughing fit. “Oh, that’s a new one,”  commented Chéri as he tried unsuccessfully to collect himself. “But it still isn’t as good as my  favorite one.” 
“Dare I ask?” Tears were starting to form in Záchari’s eyes as he laughed. “He said Ni…” Chéri tried to form words, but the laughter was much too powerful.  “He said, ‘Nik, rearrange my insides with that huge cock of yours!’” 
Záchari’s laugh came out in a blast that he tried to stop with both of his paws, but  couldn’t stop. “Oh that’s a good one!” he managed after a couple of minutes. “You should  have heard Nik this one time that he told Finn that he was going to fuck him in half! That one  was fucking golden!” 
Chéri drummed his feet on the cushion as he tried to breath around laughter, and  Záchari laughed so hard that he fell from his perch on the back of the sofa. He fell on top Chéri,  nearly poking him in the eye with his wingtip, but neither of them could stop laughing. 
“Oh!” Chéri said, holding up a paw. “‘Fuck me so hard I forget my name!' That was  another gem from Finn.” 
Záchari cackled as he grabbed hold of Chéri’s lower paws and held them up to his  shoulders. “Here, this…” He gasped for air, then resumed. “This is my impression of Nik.” He  then began to pound his hips against Chéri’s tail. “I’m gonna flood your guts, pup!” 
Chéri rolled his head from side-to-side, rolling his eyes! “Oh yeah, Nik! Rearrange my  insides with that hu-u-uuuu…” But he got no further because he was laughing so hard. Záchari thrust his hips harder, barking ‘fuck yeah fuck yeah’ over and over again  between his chuckles while Chéri laughed and pretended to moan in ecstasy.  “A-hem!” 
All laughter stopped and two pairs of shocked faerie eyes turned in the direction of the  doorway where Finn was leaning, naked as the day he was born and giving the faeries a  knowing grin. Behind him, Nik was biting on his knuckle and trying hard to not explode with  laughter. 
“It’s not what it looks like…” Chéri began. 
“Sure it isn’t,” Nik chuckled.  
“You two need some privacy?” Finn asked, his smile widening a bit. “I mean, you sure  are making a lot of noise.”

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Looking forward to the next episode!


I almost choked on my lunch reading that I think thats one of the hottests pages i've ever seen 🥵😳


Omg this was so fucking hot!!! Damn I’ve missed Finn and NIK together!!! 🥵🥵🥵 holy fuck 🥵🥵🥵

Tom W

Aww come on Chéri! Loosen up a bit! The mission will still be there after you let that wolf have some!


Also Adam with the amazing short story!!! I’m in love with the stories that go with it!!


Love this. Cheri is so focused on the mission...


I wish I had known you were going to put this out earlier. I just finished "entertaining" myself and now I'm spent.

Adam Lunter

Loved the liberties you took… and who knew the faeries felt jealousy over human sexuality? Hmm 🤔 Ah well. Fantastic work as always Ollie! Luvya muchly 😊


Your honor... I love them. All four of my stupid but lovable boys


I think it's been a long time since Chéri got any, he needs a break from work.

Allan Meyer

Oh dear look at those two … just dye yourselves red and change your name to Habibi, it’ll make the blushing less obvious.


There is no way Finn pink hole is small anymore...

Hayden Hayes

A: Love that we’re getting more Finn and Nik content! And B: Lol Cheri really is all of Finn’s anxiety taken a separate form


Thank you ❤️ I hope to bring more episodes like this in Pinky is the Brain