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The fantastic Adam Lunter wrote lyrics for a "Pinky is the Brain" theme song so I have decided to take this opportunity to make a little recap of sorts.

Also, if you wanna hear his rendition of the song, it is on our Discord server! Thanks again Adam for writing this treasure, I hope you like what it has inspired lol.

On another note, my husband was in the hospital today so I will be taking a few days off with him. Thank you for understanding.

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I love this💖. I hope your hubby is okay though. Send him well wishes from us 💖💖💖


I love this! thats so cute! also, the toaster was so 💀 Also also, i hope your hubby is okay, sending well wishes ❤💖

Adam Lunter

Yay!!! Good to see this illustrated 🙂 Speedy recovery to the hubby! Luvya muchly 😊

Hayden Hayes

Oh this absolutely cracked me up! Hope everything’s alright


Thank you ❤️ there sadly won't be a recovery, he has diabetes. But at least now he's got his medication, he's just bummed by the news.


Yes, he will be okay, he just needs to take his medication and make some lifestyle changes.

Hayden Hayes

You know what? That’s totally manageable. All it needs is a appropriate amount of willpower, which I’m sure he has


Love how playful, sweet, and mischievous this is all at once haha. I am happy to hear he will be okay. Sending you both lots of love. One day at a time, he'll get through this, he has an amazing guy by his side! Take as much time as you need. =)

Allan Meyer

This is hilarious. Please let hubby be well.

Night Haunter

Oop! Great to see Rosebud appear one more time 👀 Love the lyrics too! I LOVE EVERYTHING


Hopefully you and your husband will be ok. Hugs!

Adam Lunter

Well… I hope he’s home soon and that you both are better between the ears and behind the sternum about this whole deal


Did anyone else think the song would be a perverted version of "Pinky and the Brain"?


Have the goal and the reason for those power been revealed? I see a conflict but not where it come from


Chéri did go over the basics in episode 2, but there is more to be revealed in the future