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Hi everyone and welcome back! This was very enjoyable! Weirdly enough, I have a cartoon crush on Obi-Wan, LOL! Love having him as a main focus and the possible reveal of a past love! Jedi are amazing, but it's always great to see that there human side.. er.. attachments? Selfish side? XD Obi was in love! Oh, and not to mention we get to learn more about Mandalorians?! Yes please!

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Daniel R

One of my favorite arcs!!

Trevor Darnell

Yes we've been introduced to the Darksaber! And yes it's the same black lightsaber we saw in the Mandalorian. All we know about it (so far, without spoiling stuff) is that it's a one of a kind lightsaber.

Trevor Darnell

There's nothing really special about the Darksaber, it doesn't do anything different than another lightsaber. Darksaber has big cultural importance tho for the Mandalorians

Trevor Darnell

Fun Fact: Death Watch (aka the Mandalorians Obi-wan fought) are the ones that saved our protagonist in the show Mandalorians when his home was under attack by the Separatists.


Another Fun Fact: The leader of the Deathwatch that was fighting Obi-Wan with the Darksaber was voiced by Jon Favreau!


Awesome reaction! Yes, there is only one darksaber. The one at the end of The Mandalorian is the same one in this episode. That thing has had quite the journey.

Frankie H

Yes, the whole no taking off the helmet thing in the Mandalorian series was a recent development.

Daniel R

I'm just glad they're retaining information from other shows lol but yeah like others have said, different group of Mandos following a different code


You are totally gonna love this arch Dawn.