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Surprise! Apparently Kim watched some classic Star Trek in the past! Who knew?! LOL! 

Next is Inception!

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Lee Salvemini

Storm.... That was magical :D I know the purists like your brothers are allowed to have their critique (as fans it is always allowed). But RedLetterMedia said it best. Out of the more cerebral thinking Star Trek. This was the true spirit of Star Trek. One of the best! I watched all the original movies when I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out, on VHS :D And for the Picard movies, my favourite is First Contact :) Thanks guys, awesome pick.


Phew. This is an odd one. As a stand alone space adventure, it's fine, entertaining and fun. But as a Star Trek story? J.J. Abrams first question to his production team was "How can we make this more like Star Wars?" While i can see all the reasons for that, making Trek more accessible to mainstream audiences and keeping it more in line with Abrams sensitivities, as a Trek fan it kind of rubs me the wrong way. It is also very obvious that while writers of televised Trek mostly based their scifi concepts on actual or theoretical science, writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman went full fantasy here. Half the script choices are fine and the other half are baffling or ridiculous. Why on earth would a supernova threaten the whole galaxy? I still enjoy this film very much. The characters are great, it has energy in spades and it looks amazing. It just doesn't feel like a Star Trek film. I had to wait for Star Trek: Beyond for that.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I absolutely love this movie trilogy with the new generation. Each of these movies are so good and the cast of actors playing each character are amazing. I especially love Kirk, Bones, and Scotti most of all. I also really like Spock and Chekov too of course. Anton Yelchin plays Chekov in all three Star Trek movies, and was killed just before the release of the third movie in the theaters. It's so tragic and I miss him very much. If you watch the credits once you get to the third movie... Star Trek: Beyond, there is a dedication for Anton Yelchin stating in loving memory to honor him. Thankfully, he was able to be in all three of the Star Trek movies because I definitely would have missed him. There is a new Star Trek movie with the entire same cast coming out within the next few years, and sadly, he will be the only one not in the movie. I also really loved the idea with the change in timelines and seeing Leonard Nemoy reprise his role as Spock from the past. And it's sad that in the new timeline, that Kirk's father never lived long enough to see his son become Captain of the USS Enterprise. I also really loved seeing Chris Hemsworth as Kirk's father briefly in the beginning as well. A very tragic death. There are actually a few actors from the Marvel Avengers movies in this one. Not only do we have Chris Hemsworth ho plays Thor of course and Zoe Saldana who plays Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy, but we also have Karl Urban (Bones) who plays The Executioner in Thor Ragnarok too. And in the second movie... Star Trek: Into Darkness, we will get to see Benedict Cumberbatch who plays Doctor Strange. He's phenomenal. I really hope that you will continue to watch the second and third movie too. They are phenomenal. And lastly... the actress who plays Kirk's mother in the beginning of this movie... Jennifer Morrison, is one of the main stars of my favorite TV show, Once Upon a Time and she's a phenomenal actress. I love her very much... as she's one of my favorite actresses of all time. Thank you so much for such a fun and entertaining reaction to an amazing movie!!! I really enjoyed it. :) I can't wait for your reaction for Inception... another phenomenal movie that I'm certain you will love. Please, please, please continue on with this trilogy as well, on top of the rest of the movies that might win the polls should others beat out the next one in this series. Thank you!!!


First Reaction I've seen where Mom and Kim knew more than you! LOL. This was a good one.