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Hi everyone and hope you are having a good week!! It's been super busy this past week and my computer has been rendering all day, so expect Star Trek (2009) next, then Inception! We will watch the first 2 episodes of Breaking Bad soon after! I'm going to try to have Kim edit BB for me! We'll see! 

Have a Happy Father's Day to those awesome Dads out there! Star Trek will be up tmrw! Inception most likely by Monday!

I will be going through all of our lovely messages here as well! Thanks for your patience! :)


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yay!!! I'm so excited for both Inception and Star Trek (2009) with Chris Pine!!! These are such great movies!!


Anybody want them to watch The Shawshank Redemption?


I have been hoping you would watch Star Trek thank you!


I posted something similar on Youtube, but it might've gotten bogged down in the comments. If you enjoyed this Star Trek(2009) you should definitely watch the two sequels; the third one is particularly good. And if you are still wanting more, as a huge Trekkie and someone who's seen all episodes and movies multiple times, I'd suggest forgoing real world chronological order like you usually do. Instead I would suggest watching 'Star Trek: First Contact' first, then move on to 'Star Trek: Enterprise'(the prequel series), and then the Original Series(I would suggest the biggest and important episodes, honestly, instead of the whole series. At least on first viewing), and then the rest of the movies/shows in Chronological release order. I would enjoy seeing you react to Deep Space Nine someday, it is hands down the best Star Trek. :)