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Wow, just wow! Mind boggling! Christopher Nolen is amazing! I apologize for my cough during this! It's almost gone now.. but wants to linger XP Also, I looked up certain facts/theories about the ending after we watched this. 

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Yes! One of the best sci-fi movies to come out in the last decade. Look forward to watching the full reaction!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I can't wait to watch this movie and your reaction to it!!! I will do so as soon as I can. :)


What a coincidence! I was 5 minutes into the movie when I get this update! So I stopped and am now going to watch it together with you girls!


Could you please watch as next Narnia, we've been waiting a long time for these wonderful movies :((

Guilherme Zanettini

Something interesting to let you guys know... since you've made the connection that Tom Hardy (Eames) played Venom, well he was also in The Dark Knight Rises. Christopher Nolan loves re-working with actors, and most of the cast in this movie have worked with him before... here's a list: Eames - BANE - The Dark Knight Rises Arthur - ROBIN - The Dark Knight Rises Miles (Cobbs father) - ALFRED - Batman Begins, TDK and TDKR Saito - FAKE RA'S AL GHUL - Batman Begins Fisher - SCARECROW - Batman Begins, TDK and TDKR Mal - TALIA AL GHUL - The Dark Knight Rises


Yayy! One of my all time favorite movies! Glad it won the poll!


Maybe Man of Steel is next ?

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Michael Caine (Cobbs' Father) is in a ton of Christopher Nolan's movies. Most of them. The Dark Knight Trilogy, Interstellar, and The Prestige with Hugh Jackman. Same goes for Cillian Murphy (Fisher Jr.) He's in a lot of them too. The Dark Knight Trilogy and Dunkirk as well as Inception. Nolan definitely loves using the same actors in multiple movies. Most likely because he knows he can work well with them, he trusts them, and they become friends working together.


Don't be fooled by the still spinning top at the end. The only reason we don't see it stop spinning is because Cobb at this point does not himself care whether he's dreaming or not. Real world or dream, this is the reality he chooses.


As for the spinning top: Remember that that was MAL's totem, not Cobb's. So it doesn't work for him anyway. Only in Mals dream would it stay spinning, not in his. The top wasn't Cobb's totem. He just spins it to look at HIS totem: his wedding ring. THAT is his totem. Remember: he told Ariadne that "in his dream they were still together", and only in the dream is he wearing a wedding-ring. In the house at the end he spins the totem, but doesn't see a ring on his finger, so he knows he is the real world.


And Yes, Nolan likes to recycle actors. So when you work for him and he likes you, you'll be in a lot of his films. :D

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Wow... I absolutely love this movie so much!! Thank you for reacting to it!! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it as much as you did too. As for the top still spinning in the end... yes, the ending we see is the reality Cobb chooses, but we also see the top begin to topple just before the screen goes black. The ending is left open for the audience's interpretation, so we can decide whether or not he is still dreaming, or if he's truly awake. Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Michael Caine, Joseph Gordon Levitt, and Cillian Murphy are all amazing! The rest of the cast are all really good too, but Arthur, Eames, and Fisher Jr. are my favorite characters throughout this movie. As for the kick to wake Dom and Sito up in the end so that they would wake up in the plane... They wound up down in limbo, where all Dom had to do was convince Sito that he was dreaming. To get him to believe. Once he did that, all Sito had to do was take the leap of faith and kill himself in the dream to wake himself and Dom up. Definitely a one of a kind movie that cannot be copied. I love, love, love it!!! Thank you again! Until next time...


And as far as movies with stories in stories: You could take a swing at Predestination! It's not by Nolan, but does have a very similar feel to it.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I would love it if you could watch The Prestige starring Hugh Jackman, Michael Caine, and Christian Bale. It's also written and directed by Christopher Nolan, and it's phenomenal!! You would absolutely love it!!


You guys will love The Prestige! It has batman, and wolverine, and alfred, and black widow and gollum and david bowey lol.

Jeffrey Ferrer

I also endorse the Prestige!


This is the best explanation about the spinning totem ending. That was Christopher nolan's intention for it to up to the audiences interpretation. I'm glad you understood that and brought it up because I was going to as well lol


You guys should do Mad Max Fury Road!

Frankie H

The top was wobbling and about to fall, it never wobbled in the dreams. But as other's have pointed out Cobb has his wedding ring on when he's dreaming, and it's not there when he's awake, and it's not there at the end so he's probably awake. Also the actors who played his kids in the dreams are different actors from the ones at the end implying that the kids have actually aged while he was gone, which is another sign that he's awake. But since you looked up facts/theories about the ending you probably know some of this by now.

Daniel R

Really good movie

Daniel R

The ending is reality. Cobb explained that in your dreams you can't remember where you came from, we clearly see he came from the airport to his home. Small details like he had no wedding ring on like he did in his dreams. His kids are also not wearing the same clothes as seen in the dreams.

Lee Salvemini

I think there's a post credits 'scene' of sorts btw ;) But you can probably google it :D


Yes, yes. I'm not a Nolan fanboy, but The Prestige is in my top 10 films of all time.


Loving the reactions! Have y'all seen Attack the Block? Equal parts excellent sci-fi alien invasion movie but also really well written comedy. I think you'd dig it.


Hi, i'm a new patron and i have no clue how this works... How do i go to your google drive?

Sohail Jafar

Please, React to Toy Story 1, 2 & 3! You’ll have a blast! 🤩


Please react to Children of Men, or The Prestige, if you want to be stimulated by good writing; such as this movie.