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Hi everyone and thanks for your patience! Hope you all had a good week! :)

It has been a very busy week for me with work (since many are on vacation) and visiting family... I have been editing videos, but haven't had time to finish any yet. After work tmrw, I will be dedicating a lot of time to edit... meaning a few videos will hopefully be up by Sunday at the latest! There will be some Monday as well!

Expect: The Hobbit 301 BotFA, Jurassic Park 2, Vikings and more Walking Dead.

Thanks so much again for helping out our channel! I'm pretty tired and find myself falling asleep at the computer, lol! 

OH! AND WE PLAN ON WATCHING INFINITY WAR WHEN THAT IS RELEASED! ... I definitely want to see Ready Player One as well since I haven't had time to see that in theaters!

See you all very soon!! :) Happy Friday!!


Harry Utton

No worries, same thing at work for me so completely understand!


Don't wear yourself out, ok? I love watching your reactions, but I don’t want you stressing yourself needlessly for us!


You should do The Dark Knight series by Christopher Nolan


Take a nap lady. It won't kill you nor us to wait a little while longer. If you wear yourself out doing this you'll sooner rather than later grow to hate it. Remember to find time to do something for yourself. :p

Marvel Boy

Yeah I heard!


No worries, keep up the great work and im glad youre watching all of the jurassic parks and not just skipping to jurassic world lol. Also Try and watch Doctor who or add it to a pol when you can! Id love to see your reactions to that show! :D


So exited for The Hobbit and Jurassic Park 2! Take care, Dawn, have a proper rest, and see you soon <3 Btw, I second KieranT request for Doctor Who. It is such a great show to watch and react to. Maybe someday :)


Thanks so much for your kind words as always!! I was able to sleep well and get more reactions in this morning, yay! Now on to more editing! I love this so much! Many have been requesting Doctor Who, so I will add that to a TV POLL in the near future (since we haven't done a POLL yet for TV!) Thanks again!


Sounds great KieranT! I definitely will do that! I'm so excited to possible watch Doctor Who in the near future! XD So far Mom and Kim really enjoy the JP movies! They're going to have fun with Chris Pratt in JW!! Thanks again for your request!! :)


Thanks so much Namey!! I do love doing this, but you are right! I can only do so much right now working a full time job amongst other things going on. I believe in August, I'll have more time to edit on a more regular basis ;) Resting is always a good idea! Thanks again for your kind words!! :)


Aww, thanks so much Denashi!! That means a lot!! I am well rested now and plan to edit the rest of the day. Yay! Editing is a lot of fun! XD Thanks for being so understanding!!


I believe that won our POLL! Yay! Silly question, but I assumed that the Batman trilogy was The Dark Knight series... are their different ones? I want to make sure I do this right! LOL! Thanks for your request!! :)