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Hi everyone and thank you for your patience!! It has been a very busy week with work and family :)

Kim and Mom are loving this so much... the battle scenes alone are just amazing and out of this world!!! heh... *insert awkward laugh* LOL!

You can find this video in our MOVIE Reactions library (look for our LINK- MOVIE Reactions on this page for the link). Once in our library, check out our "The Hobbit" folder to find this!

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Thanks so much for your support!

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Thranduil's elk is actually played by a horse named Moose! 😆


Ugh. It was so hard to watch Thorin succumbing to gold sickness. One of the reasons I only re-watched this movie once after seeing it (twice) in the cinema. It's just heartbreaking. With more of that to come :( All the extended scenes were great though! I don't think I've seen most of them before. There was more Dáin in the extended, which made me very happy, because I love Dáin. He is so great! Like Gandalf has mentioned, Dáin, who is called Ironfoot because of his iron leg, is Thorin's cousin (also of Durin line), and the Lord of Iron Hills. He actually becomes King Under the Mountain after Thorin's death. Fun fact: He has a son named after Thorin - Thorin III Stonehelm. Dáin is honestly such a badass. If you have time, read about him on lotr wikia. He is the best. I love the fighting scenes in this movie. My two favorite from part 1 were hands down the one in Dol Guldur where the members of council of Elrond fought the Ringwraiths, the the one with Dáin's army vs Thranduil's army. So cool.

Mitchell Bowker

In my understanding, the five armies in the film are the Dwarves, the Men from Laketown, the Elves, and two Orc armies: the main army and then another army coming from that place that Legolas and Tauriel witness with the bats.


Well actually, in Tolkien's mythology the reason why we human's or Men have such short lifespans is because it's the gift of Eru, or IE God, the creator of all mortal races save the dwarves. Elves were gifted with eternal or immortal life, and will make all things in the living world beautiful as is their nature. The dwarves were made by one of the Valar, or in our understanding an Archangel who really wanted to see mortal kind come into being. His name was Aule, and he was both Sauron and Saruman's boss to put it simply. Think of them as lesser angels in his order. However, Eru adopted the dwarves as his children and gave them life and such. Their gift is to be tough as stone and hardy. Which is why Sauron's rings didn't turn them to ringwraiths, BUT it does make them greedy (wink, wink). Men are gifted to not only make their own destinies within the living world, but also gifted death. To seek out and find that which the living world cannot fill their hearts. We mortal men are so restless and unfulfilled in the world because we can only be truly satisfied by going beyond the mortal plain, that being death and basically being among our creator, that being Eru. While both elves and dwarves die they are reincarnated in halls in the blessed realm of Valinor where the angels reside. Not where Eru resides. When the world dies, and is remade Tolkien basically implies it is not guaranteed that elves or dwarves will come in the new earth. However, that we men, alongside the angels will sing into being the new world. Therefore our place is incredibly special, because only Eru knows our purpose. Sorry I'm a Tolkien-aholic. :D


Hi Mitchell! Thanks again for clarifying this for us! This makes perfect sense! I looked this up on wiki just before we watched to make sure I understood the armies correctly since I haven't seen this movie all the way through before... and wiki never said anything about orcs... just wargs and goblins which I thought was confusing. I know they're in the battle.. but not a huge part of it. Thanks again! :)


Aww, thanks Namey for all your information! You explain this so well and I just got so absorbed into your comment! Wow, just wow! Tolkien is one talented man to put it lightly! I love all this detail! I'm sure my Mom would love this a lot too just because she's so religious... and she loves the idea of angels :) I may have to read to them your comment to give them a better understanding. So cool and thanks again! :)


Just a bit more lore for you. When the Lady Galadriel called Sauron the servant of Morgoth, she was referring to Sauron’s master in the first age (The first age was how the Lotr world was formed) (The Second Age was when Sauron was in physical form) (The Third age is the when Sauron was defeated and Aragon became king). Morgoth was like the ultimate evil, he created millions of orcs, balrogs, giant spiders and dragons 10 times bigger than Smaug. Sauron was merely his lieutenant, showed how powerful Morgoth was, basically the devil, who was defeated at the end of the first age. Sauron hid away after his master’s defeat.


No problem! I try not to say much because Tolkien-mythology is nearly as vast as real mythos in the world, and I could go on for hours. I just had to state why we men have such short lives. In Tolkien's world it's a gift. The first dark lord, Morgoth, whom Sauron served and is heir of basically, took the idea of death and twisted it. So that mortals are afraid of it when we should rejoice. But, I won't go into another tangent. Happy to share my Tolkien addiction. ;p


Hi, I'm new to your Patreon and would like to watch the Harry Potter series. Where can I get the links?


Hi Zneera! Thanks so much for donating to our channel! You can find our MOVIE LINK right here on our MAIN page. :) Look for the POST titled 'LINK- MOVIE Reactions'. This LINK will update twice a month so you can always check back here for the new one. Thanks again! Feel free to message me directly if you need further assistance :D


That is so crazy! Thanks for sharing this, Ben! I love all these details! I have learned so much about Tolkien's Middle Earth through all of you and it's amazing! I love how in depth this is! Morgoth is one scary devil... God... glad he was defeated early on! I'm so curious about how big the dragons were before Smaug and if Smaug knows of the other dragons before him... hmm... thanks for sharing!!! :)