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 OMG, it's that time again! What Movie Series will we watch next?!

We are almost done with The Hobbit (which we are enjoying immensely!)

If I missed one, please let me know and I will try to add it in here! ... I'm going with the most highly requested first :)

Let the voting begin! XD



Pirates of the Caribbean all the way

Jihad Lee

Batman for sure.

Jihad Lee

Hopefully the Matrix trilogy makes it on the next poll. 😀


Pirates of the Caribbean and Star Wars have my votes!


P.s. If you are thinking of doing any animated film franchises, i would recommend Shrek or Madagascar (both OG DreamWorks franchises). I think you all enjoyed Kung Fu Panda and HTTYD and they’re both DreamWorks too.

Adam Vialpando

Shrek is enjoyable but it isn't all that it's cracked up to be. And the first 2 Madagascar movies were average at best. The third movie is really good though and is definitely worth a watch.


Pirates or Star Wars ! :)

Ida Vinga

Oh I really hope Star Wars doesn't win :( It's sooo many (too many) movies and i never got into them

Ida Vinga

POTC or Batman would be awesome!!


There is an extreme over-saturation of Star-Wars stuff on the market.

Steven Dorsey

Batman Trilogy is pretty good, but POTC is even better imho.

Armchair Wizard

but that doesn't change how good the classic films are. I would love for them to react to the original movies. Especially because they haven't seen them. It'll be great in my opinion.

Armchair Wizard

That's how I feel about Pirates. I love the movies, but I get tired of any of the POTC movies after the third one.


Hi! May I recommend that you do all of these? In order of the number of votes they receive of course.


Batman? HECK YA!!!! Come on peeps make it happen!!! Then we get to the others. :P


PIRATESSSSS pleaseeeee!!!


they'll love the humor in pirates


can't believe batman is gonna win this...


HI!!!!! Would you and your family ever react to Titanic?? I would love LOVE to see your reactions to that! It is truly epic and heartbreaking but a great film!


How does one even react to the Dark Knight trilogy? There is really not that much going for them except for the beautiful cinematography and brilliant writing.


Would prefer it if Batman won. Just because it’s shorter, and different to everything else you guys have watched. The POTC series would be too long to start first.

King Henry Beauclerc

Wow it's actually a close one!! The anticipation is mounting. Of course I voted for the Planet of the Apes trilogy but that's beside the point. lol


Ooh I'm soo conflicted about wanting to vote X-men, since in the original trilogy the first 2 are SO good - but the 3rd one sucks hard!! :/


So I am very happy pirates is winning, but I sincerely hope you guys will just watch the original trilogy, the rest of the movies are (in my opinion) trash and only surve to drag what was once a great series through the mud. Do your family a favor and don't tarnish their experience by showing them the other pirates films.


First Jurassic Park now this?! ARGH!!!!! D:


It’s the tenth anniversary of the Dark Knight, just so you all know.


Hi!! Its super fun to watch along with you guys!! I think the Mission Impossible movies should be next.

Ricardo Pomalaza

Watch the Batman trilogy!! I'd love to see the reactions to all of the Nolan movies. They're great. The Dark Knight is a classic, can't miss it!

Amanda P

Aww the maze runner movies are so good! Hopefully someday they will get to react to them!


How do I see the full reactions after becoming a $5 patron?

Edwin Wickey

I really want Star Wars, but as it seems Pirates is the only one that might keep us away from Batman, I'll have to go Pirates. Haha!

King Henry Beauclerc

Where going to need to have a designated time span for how long these votes go on. This is agonizing waiting to see which series wins. lol


I'm so amazed how close the votes are! I decided to end the POLL Saturday night. I'm so curious what will win! Sorry to torture you!! LOL XD


I've only seen a couple of the XMen movies. I do enjoy them a lot... but I believe the timelines change a lot or the characters stories do or something right? I think it'll be great to watch at least the decent movies of XMen... then maybe Logan after ;) We'll see!


It stinks when a good series is stretched so thin. The original trilogy is awesome! ... the other 2 aren't great... but I have a soft spot for Elizabeth and William in the most recent film XD... I just can't help it! The adventures are always fun, but kind of lost their excitement besides the first trilogy. Thanks for voting!!


LOL! Hopefully that is a good thing! We will be watching JP 2 this weekend! :D


Oooohh, that's good to know! Thanks for the info! Dark Knight is in the lead so far! POLL will end by this Saturday night! :)


Hi Shawn! That is a good idea! This sounds crazy, but I've never seen any of the Mission Impossible movies! We'd all be blind to them! Thanks for your request and your vote!!


I've only seen parts of the Batman trilogy! Would be very interesting to watch! I'm sure they're scary! :D


Hi George! You can find our links on this page. Look for a title labeled "LINK-MOVIE Reactions" that POST would've opened up for you to access :) Twice a month this LINK will update, so you can always check back here for the new one. Please message me if you need further assistance :) Thanks so much for your donation! Please enjoy our FULL Reactions!


I really thought Star Wars was going to win this time around! It's amazing how different the POLLS are each time. I always find it surprising!


Hi EasyTab! Thanks so much for the suggestion! That is a good idea! I have thought about that... but the POLLS change drastically every time I add a new one and through experience I like to keep it fresh in the moment since some hate the idea of having to wait so long to watch a bunch of movies they don't like. It's amazing to me how much variety we have here. I love it! Thanks again!


This is a close battle! I'm so curious what will win! I would be blind to the Batman series as well! I loved the old animated series and I used to read some of the comics... but weirdly enough, not the movies... not sure why.. :)


That would be so much fun! Especially since we just watched Orlando Bloom in LotR and The Hobbit! :D


I'm actually shocked with how different the POLLS are every time. I thought Star Wars would win for sure! LOL!


Hi Sarah! That's an awesome idea! OMG! I'll add that to our next individual movie POLL. Mom and Kim haven't seen that!! So much emotion in that!!! Thanks for your request!! :)


Hi Billy Snow! Not quite sure! I guess we'll find out if it wins! Hopefully Mom and Kim will like it! :)


Batman is definitely in the lead... so we'll see by Saturday! I've never sat and watched the Batman trilogy.. and I think that would be interesting and fun to add something different to our channel as you said... I also decided that movies that are closest to 3 hours long, I will always split into 2 entirely separate videos (like we do with the extended versions of LotR and TH) just because they're way too long for Mom in one sitting.. and she kindly requested if we could split up long movies. She's so cute!


I'm so curious what will win! I love the PotA!! I really hoped that would win soon! XD I know Mom and Kim would really enjoy them!!


Is there any chance Storm of putting the DC universe movies in this, wonderwoman was great and i have a love of anything superman, plus aquaman is 😛🤤

Edwin Wickey

FYI, you can change your vote. #HelpDefeatBatman


Batman or I riot! >:)


I would rather they waited till another 1 or so came out. That way they can react to more movies, rather than the few out now.

King Henry Beauclerc

Wow emotions are running high down the home stretch!! lol I voted for Planet of the Apes, so my pick was out of the running a long time ago, and I like both batman and pirates, so really I don't have a dog in this fight but in a weird way this is kind of exciting to watch. :D

Ida Vinga

Since both Batman and Potc are so close to each other in votes, could you watch both? pretty please ^-^


Dananananananana BATMAN! :D


OMG, yes! I gave Mom and Kim a heads up on possibly watching Batman and Kim automatically did the "Danananananananana! POW WHAM!" Too funnah!! XD


That is a fun idea! I know Mom and Kim would really enjoy Pirates! ... maybe I will! ... I believe the Pirate movies are 3 hours long, so I may have to split them into 2 parts since 3 hours is too long for Mom in one sitting. LOL. xoxo


You should ad the Indiana Jones films to the poll, would love to see you watch them


Oooooo, that would be awesome! ... many might be very shocked by this... but I have NEVER seen those movies! None of us have. My old roommate from college loved Indiana Jones and would quote it all the time... but she never tried to make me watch it, lol! I'll add that to our list! Thanks for your request!