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Hi everyone and thanks again for caring so much to be here helping us with our channel!

Patreon just offered us the "Pay Up Front" option, meaning any new donators will be charged for their donation right away and only on the 1st from there forward.

This is so important to our funding since about half of our support here delete their pledge or have failed cards during the 1st, then 'pledge' again after the 1st and make a pattern of this to receive our content for free. 

Situations with cards being stolen or just financial situations changing, I totally understand and only wish the best for you! It warms my heart that you care a lot to be here and do what you can! Thanks so much!

You all keep us going and keep me editing on a full time basis (which I love doing!). This 'Pay Up Front" will be a permanent change for newcomers that come and go. For all of you already donating, everything stays the same, unless you change tiers, you may be charged for the difference...

 New Patrons: New Patrons will be charged on the day they become our patron, giving them access to all content shared with their reward tier. On the 1st of the following month, they will simply return to being charged monthly at the beginning of the month.

Example: A patron joins our Patreon community on February 25th for $10 per month. They will be charged $10 on the day they join, February 25th, for February patronage. On March 1st, the Patron will be charged $10 for March patronage. 

Existing Patrons: Your existing patrons will be charged on the 1st of the month like usual.

If an existing patron increases their pledge, they will be charged the difference between their last pledge value, and the new pledge value. On the 1st of the month (and every 1st of the month thereafter) they will be charged the full amount of their pledge until they cancel or edit their pledge.
Example: So if you are currently pledging $5 and decide to pledge to our $10 tier, you will be charged the $5 difference right away... then charged the $10 on the 1st of the month as normal. I recommend waiting to increase your pledge on the 1st so avoid any extra costs.

This new and permanent option will help our channel so greatly since we can trust each pledge made and I can be more confident with possibly making our channel a full time career soon! I do edit full time already thanks to all of your support (about 30 hours as of late) and also work a 40 hour full time job... so with this option and your pledges, I may be able to make this my main focus soon.. meaning a lot more videos every week and POLLS for you all to VOTE from! Yay!

Thanks so much for your love, care and support! You all really do make this happen! I can't stress that enough! xoxo


Harry Utton

Thank God this is finally a thing. Twice now I've needed to cancel a patron subscription to one or mlre channels later on in the month (e.g. 20th) but never knew if I had actually paid for that month or if I was going to be paying for it, now I won't have to worry! I knew this was a major problem for many patreon channels but half of all supporters???? That's just ridiculous.

King Henry Beauclerc

So great to hear that. It should have been that way from the beginning but at least it is better now.


Yes, I think this is the way it should be. In fact, when I first pledged (you being my first, StormAkima!), I thought I was going to pay up front and realized that wasn't the case. At least now, people pay up front for content. That's usually how subscription services work so why not with Patreon? With the change, it now makes more sense. Anyway, love your content! ;)


You are so awesome for that Joel! I'm humbled that you are pledging to us! That really shows you care!! Patreon is a bit unclear with payment, so I'm sure a lot believe they were already paying upfront too. Thanks for being so understanding and supportive!! :) So happy you love on content too!!!


Thanks Harry! It's really sweet that your honorable to wait it out until Patreon actually charges for your donation! I really believe this will be the best way about payment yet! Thanks so much for understanding! I never want anyone to worry and now I'm even more relieved that payments will be more straight forward from here on out! I'm so honored to have so many caring fans here... I never thought this possible a few months ago... but wow, this is just amazing! With that said, I truly know some don't mean to delete their pledge or understand how to wait until the 1st... but I have noticed a pattern with a good amount of people who disappear and reappear a lot right before the 1st or have declined/fraud cards... where their pledge amount still stands in the total pledge amount on our front page... but it's not an actually donation. That gets a little rough where I can be confident with our finances just yet to go full time... but with 'Charge Up Front'... things will be a lot better this month. I have a feeling! Thanks again! ... and yes... just under half... I know this does happen a lot to content creators though...


I’m so happy Patreon finally saw the light! I was always so frustrated for you every month when you talked about the fake subscribers. This is going to be so much better!!


FINALLY! I would also be frustrated if I had these 'supporters' who would just want the content for free.. But anyway, this is great news, so happy for you! I will never delete my pledge, because I just LOVE watching these movies with you guys. You & your family are awesome! Greetings from Finland!! :)


Well considering what I've been hearing from you about how some just pledge and go away this should help weed those folks out. I mean I kinda get it, wanting to see someone's reactions, but it's also incredibly shady to go through a bunch of hoops JUST to see that for free. People got to either let these things go or go watch a more free reaction channel, no malice intended of course.


Hey I have been Patron for a month. My name is Sebastian I am from Poland and I found your channel on Youtube. Your reactions are great. I wonder if I can be a Patron from Poland? There are no problems with this? I hope you get my payments? And there is no problem, and if it is I ask for information. I apologize my English is not great. Greetings for all your family and a quick recovery for your Dad


Thanks Namey! I am so humbled again that so many of you care enough to be here and want to support us. That means the most to all of us and that's just amazing! I agree though and don't mind at all when life happens and there are no bad intentions... that I totally understand and have no problems with at all... it's just the continuous hoop jumps to avoid a donation every month that is a bit disheartening... but truly as a whole we are blessed to have such wonderful fans!! :D


Hi Frosty102!! I'm so happy you found us here!! Especially all the way from Poland! I have a friend that I used to work with that used to live in Poland! So cool! I don't believe there would be any issues with your donations :) Once you donate, certain LINKS will unlock on this page labeled "LINK- Movie Reactions". Please message me directly if you need any help locating our LINKS! Thanks again for your donation and please enjoy our FULL Reactions!! :)

덕헌 이

I am from Korea. I like your reaction. I would like to sponsor it but I do not think it will be difficult. Google Translate is awkward. Please understand. It's a short reaction, but I'm satisfied. I especially like the response of the person wearing glasses.


Consider breaking bad please... one of the best shows on television before I had saw it my favorite show at the time was prolly the walking dead but that has went downhill


Hey! I'm from Russia. Please filming the reaction to the movie "The Brothers Grimm"


Ooo, I haven't seen The Brothers Grimm! I'll add this to our list! Thanks for your request! :D


Also, I can advise the films Mummy (1999) and The Mummy Returns (2001). The Day After Tomorrow (2004). Also I can advise a very interesting British fantasy TV series created by the BBC channel - "Merlin" (Also known as The Adventures of Merlin; 2008-2012) If you didn't watch these films, of course.