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So happy to have you all here! We decided to end this POLL on Saturday (2/24) to give everyone a chance to VOTE who hasn't been able to yet. 

The bigger we get on Patreon, the more time we'll be able to free up to do this more often. When we have enough funds through Patreon, we'll be able to pump out movies all the time! 

Right now, Harry Potter is in the lead! Lord of the Rings was in the lead for a while alongside Planet of the Apes. Who will win this round?! 

Mom and Kim have no knowledge of any of these movies, except the older Planet of the Apes and the first Star Wars movie (that they saw when it originally aired, so they may not remember as much) ;)

Thank you so much for becoming our Patrons! You make this channel happen and we can't thank you enough!

Please check out the POLL below (Be sure to scroll down to see) :D




I'm a fan of both but I guess Harry Potter would make more sense for now. Especially since u all would have to check out the hobbit movies first before checking out lotr movies. Tho those movies are good on their own without the hobbit.


Maybe as we get nearer to the closing date you can upload a reminder on YouTube. Maybe 2-3 days before the closing date. Thank you


Without a doubt LOTR should be viewed BEFORE the Hobbit films.


Like Ozzy said I think it might be a good idea to upload another short reminder before the end of the voting for those who havent noticed.


Thank you! Yes! That's a really good idea! I'm going to let everyone know again during our Spiderman Fair Use Reactions on YouTube sometime later Tuesday. :D So curious what will win ;)


I know people sometimes skip straight to the reaction. So it would also be good maybe to pin a comment in the comment section of the Spiderman Fair Use Video.


I have to say, Lord of the Rings would be a great choice if the movies weren't so long.

Elliott Bishop

I am currently reading the Potter books properly for the first time and have seen the movies when I was a kid. I will flip out of control if Harry Potter wins, so excited, love you guys


Wow I wish I could go back and read Potter books for the first time again. They're great


That's so cool! It's been so long since I've seen the movies! I've only seen each once when they first came out! I read the first book and part of the second. I really should've read more since they were so good. I know movies leave a lot of details out because there just isn't enough time to add everything. I love those details. Thanks for the kind words!! You're awesome! :D


I can't believe how long ago they came out. Time does fly! I really need to read the rest of the series. The movies are so good, I know the books are better! ;)


The audio books are also great. You should check them out too. I started with the movies first and then move on to the books. Same with Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings. Books are always more interesting.


Thanks for the recommendation! I want to check out the audio books in the near future (once time opens up). Books are just amazing and really throw you into the story mixed with your own imagination. I love that. Thanks again! :)

Heather Hollenbeck

Harry Potter would be great. I can't believe how long it's been since I read those books!! Also, I just became a $5 patreon and was wondering how to view the spiderman full reaction. Do you have to send me the link?


Hi Heather!! Welcome to our Patreon and thank you for your pledge! I sent you a link earlier and I hope you received the link! If you don't mind, could you possible change your email to a gmail address? It's free and runs better with links, especially for YouTube and Google Drive. Thanks so much!! Hope you enjoy! :)


Have you guys ever heard of What We Do in the Shadows?


Has the competition ended? Will you announce the result on YouTube?