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Hello fellow Patrons! Please help us decide what show we will watch inbetween Vikings with Mom and Kim! Leave a comment below and we'll make a poll soon to decide! We have a huge list and want our Patrons to make the final vote. Thanks everyone!!



some anime maybe? The originals? By the way, when is the next movie reaction?


Attack on Titan! It's something different and fresh.


I would love to see your reactions to RWBY. The creators, Rooster Teeth allow reactions.


Lost is long but a really great show. If not that, a good short series is Westworld!


I would like to see reactions to Fringe.


I would suggest Doctor Who and Sherlock. Maybe Fargo. I have never seen Madmen or Black Sails but I have heard good things about them.

Markus Doerig

Check out "The 100" (maybe some Trailers or short clip) if it's after your taste. What starts like a Teenage-Drama shows ,becomes a fascinating show to watch and react too. Check out some of your fellow Reactors who love the series ,such as "LM Reactions" or "Drowning in fandom feels"... there are currently 4 Seasons out.

Armchair Wizard

I would say Breaking Bad, or BBC's Sherlock. Both are great shows.


Cool! I've heard good things of 'The 100'! I'll add that to the poll! Thanks for the info on other channels too! I'll check that out! :)


Awesome! Haven't seen either, but a few friends say both are amazing shows! I've heard a few reactors say they had some copyright issues with Breaking Bad... so if worse comes to worse, if it is voted upon, we may just do FULL Reactions to start to play it safe. Thanks for those requests!! :)


I love anime! It's been a while since I've watched some! Right now, my nephews and I are watching FMA. I would love to try to get Kim and Mom into it... I let them vote too, lol! They were interested in Avatar TLA (I know it's not anime, but I do think they'd enjoy the story and characters). As you know I'm sure, Doctor Strange is finally up and we should watch Spiderman Homecoming by mid next week (we were supposed to watch it this weekend, but Mom has unexpected guests over for the next 5 days who won't like being in reactions. Noes! LOL! ;)


I've only seen very little of this, but the animation looks amazing!! My twin brother and a few friends LOVE this series! My nephews say they've seen some clips on YouTube :O


I've never seen this! I may take up a few anime series on my own and just do FULL reactions to make editing and uploading easier and more frequent... until time frees up once we reach our next goal on Patreon! :D


Yes to both!! I only saw a couple episodes of LOST a very long time ago and it was so good! My niece and I actually watched those episodes together and she freaks out like her mom (Kim). Way funny!! WestWorld is epic! I actually have old uploads of FAMILY Reactions of WestWorld on our channel! Li, Wookie76 and I watched it together. That would be a good series too for Mom and Kim! Thanks for the requests!


Never saw this either! I LOVED XFiles back in the day and friends would tell me that I would love Fringe! I'll add this to our future POLL. Thanks!


Wow, these requests are all great and I haven't seen most of them. Shows how much I need to catch up as well as Mom and Kim! Thanks for the requests!


You guys would fucking LOVE outlander. It is a brilliant show and there are very few reactions to it. It is quite different from Vikings or TWD so I think it would compliment your current shows very well.




Ooooo! A few of my friends are obsessed with this series!! OMG! I have not seen any of Supernatural! :D I'll add it to the poll!


Ok cool! We'll add that to the list! I have not seen any of Outlander... but a lot of friends recommended it! Thanks for the request!

Elliott Bishop

Doctor who is one of my favourite shows, cause I'm British, but i would absolutely love to watch you guys watch the new reboot of the show. :)

Joe Lazarus

Like someone already mentioned, Breaking Bad would be awesome.

Joe Lazarus

Btw could u send me that link to watch ur reactions, u guys rock!!


Thanks you so much! You are inspiring us even more! Yay! You will receive a link shortly (tonight). I have to manually send it and am using Google Drive now (for the first time). I hear it's easier to use for multiple videos. I will be sending new links through your email everytime I update our FULL Reactions. Thanks again for donating and helping us out! :D


Merlin is one of my favorite TV series!!!)))


i watch pretty much everything you can name on TV and im a huge fan of many great shows but there was one show i hadn't watched yet "Black Mirror" on netflix and everyone was constantly talking about how good it is and the new season coming out so i decided to watch it and wow it was incredible, every episode has a different story/characters but they all take place in a similar world and they are so well written that each episode feels like a movie, and the great thing is its a very short series with only 3 episodes in season 1 and season 2, but season 3 and the latest season 4 all have 6 episodes each, which makes them very easy to react to and they are very popular on youtube right now, people are absolutely loving the series and reactions to it, so Black Mirror should definitely get added to the list. Shannara chronicles reactions would be amazing but not as many people know about it even though its one of the most underrated shows on TV at the moment especially the latest season 2 which was picked up by Spike TV after being sold by MTV, not many people took it seriously at first because it was on MTV similar to how alot of people didn't take Vikings seriously because it was on the History channel but then people realized how good it was, its alot like lord of the rings with its different races (elves, dwarves, humans etc) and was also filmed in New Zealand the same as lord of the rings so the scenery is absolutely amazing and really gives that fantasy/lord of the rings feel to it with a mix of game of thrones and the start reminded me of hunger games and many other great things all combined so i know you would love it but alot of viewers probably haven't even seen it yet as its based off one of the most popular fantasy book series of all time which has around 30+ huge books that span across centuries and generations all just as epic as LoTR and GoT. season 1 is basically the start of book 2, but i know that reactions to this prob won't happen so i can keep dreaming ^_^ its one of my fav shows up there along with game of thrones/walking dead/vikings, etc. Love Breaking Bad and Black Sails and all of those other shows that people have been mentioning too! Certain shows are harder to react to due to copyright issues which i think American Horror Story is one of them, but that is another show that is great for reactions even though it can be "scary" All of the CW superhero shows such as The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, DC's Legends of Tommorrow are also great shows and good for reactions but they are a huge time investment especially watching them in the right order, you basically have to watch the first 2 seasons of arrow first before you can start watching the flash if you want to watch them in order but some people just jump straight into the flash and don't even bother with arrow or the other shows but they all connect and have certain crossover episodes so its usually best to watch in order. The 100 is another one of CW's shows which i also love and seen people mention it above.


Hi Daryl and thanks again for all the input you give us! I love this! I haven't seen any of these shows and you've peaked my interest! The only one I've seen is Black Mirror and I LOVE that series! It's great the episodes are not related and you can watch out of order... makes it an easier commitment for sure! I know quite a few episodes Mom and Kim would be interested in!


Once we get bigger, it'll be great to have multiple shows going at once! We want to try to watch another series alongside Vikings, or at least try a few different ones with the couple episodes and see what happens. I'm so excited to catch up on all these shows that everyone I know has seen, lol! They'll be so shocked that I'm catching up! Patreon is definitely making this a possibility! I'll add your shows to the POLL and see what happends! Thanks again! This means a lot! :D