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Hi everyone! I want to thank you all for just being amazing fans... for you to come all this way to help out our channel just warms my heart! I know I'm being a sap, but you all are making our channel possible! Your donations are helping us grow so much! If we keep growing at the rate we're going, we may even be able to go full time by summer. How awesome would that be?! Multiple shows and movies and other fun content constantly every week! That's my goal!

I've been struggling trying to make time to edit and most of you already know that YouTube doesn't pay much at all unless you are in the 100,000+ sub range... really just a nickel an hour (not kidding!) with all the effort I put into editing. Most of our content is free on YouTube to view already, but to our super devoted fans, we wanted to have special content here for you all to enjoy! Our FULL Reactions we're originally going to just go on Patreon a long time ago and we never want to make anyone feel obligated to pay anything. Most of us our poor already and I get it... I'm right there too with loans and financial struggles. For those who can contribute every month though, you truly are the ones that are keeping this channel on air and we all thank you so much with all our hearts!! <3

Patreon is our foundation to help us maintain, stay stabilized and build up to epic proportions! I really do mean when I say WE BOW TO YOUR GREATNESS! I love you all so much!! :D


Armchair Wizard

Well you guys have something unique when it comes to reactions. It's worth preserving.