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And Volume 10 starts...now! (34,200 Words)






2m we’re back




We're back 🙌

Fitty Sebum

I'm so happy, I just did a back flip!

Bruce Babcock

and there was much rejoicing

Alvin Baena

What day is today? It's Aba's comeback!


Loved the chapter! Lyon is gonna die from a heart attack with how she’s always on edge when it comes to Erin shenanigans. Poor girl, she’s trying to have an Immortal moment and not let people change and experiment with the new skills n adventures. Too traumatized by all that has happened. Erin broken from leading? Reminds me of goblin civil war, but much deeper level. The box just appearing everywhere is hilarious and ominous. I feel so bad for Chaldion, I hate seeing oldies struggle. Guy is dead in all but name, would Erin’s fire bring him back? All the colors that represent emotions, like a rainbow? Grandpa needs some time to be an actual grandpa n not a war veteran way past his aged now. Erin gave him his skills in the dream sequence, I wonder if he got any red classes or skills? N by Erin giving him his skills will help her know how to bring him back a bit

Timothy Baril

The story craft continues to improve. I love the depth of characterization and how we're involved with characters experiencing such a wide range of emotions and life. The convo between Lyonette and her mother was really well done.


LOL I got legit pranked. Got morose and waiting for the cliff and everything. Nicely done


Never mind, the after ending was even weirder ahahaha


Ahh I was studying so well yesterday I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE THIS AHHHH CAN'T WAIT

Darrin Adams

I pictured a camera flowing smoothly from character to character while reading


Great with a new episode, couldn't hold off becoming a patron anymore. My money is on Chaldion playing senile to get well deserved R&R, as well getting walled cities of his case, after the stunt he pulled.


Lyonette is still overly protective? Check!

Nolan Bowling

Powerful classes like royal ones naturally tend to level slower. Compared to other princesses she's actually quite a high level. Especially for her age.


Started reading this series in October, I'm saddened that I have finally caught up as of today and will have to wait for more D: glad to be here though!


Please don't do the math, it's quite the indictment of my level of productivity at work and personal life in recent months

Kyle Coe

So, TWI site is down and all my new readers that I've sent the series to are freaking out

Kyle Coe

Anyone else having issues with Volume 1 or volume 2??


Just tried, cannot access main website. Get Error 429 Too many requests.

Kyle Coe

Yeah thats all their issue too maybe just too much traffic to the site since the chapter dropped?

Scott Soper

Must be a cyber attack from China. They know exactly where to strike to take down America...

Ben Wildgust

Can I ask, what happened to Selys?