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Side Stories Poll - January 2024

  • Prophet 468
  • Laken 415
  • Valeterisa 927
  • Rickel 516
  • Rafaema 559
  • Olesm 785
  • 2024-02-02
  • —2024-02-07
  • 3670 votes
{'title': 'Side Stories Poll - January 2024', 'choices': [{'text': 'Prophet', 'votes': 468}, {'text': 'Laken', 'votes': 415}, {'text': 'Valeterisa', 'votes': 927}, {'text': 'Rickel', 'votes': 516}, {'text': 'Rafaema', 'votes': 559}, {'text': 'Olesm', 'votes': 785}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 7, 1, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 2, 1, 14, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 3670}


Hey, I forgot the poll! Also, I'm back to work. This month is gonna be more hectic than I thought and I'll write an Author's Note on the first chapter back, but I'm already typing.

And one of the things I should figure out is the side story for this month! In this case I thought about a real side-characters poll but we're launching into Volume 10. So all of these are definitely bigger plots that I have to write. Help me figure out which you'd like to see first!



I thought the prophet was dead? Still voted for him xd



James Ging

I have to admit I vote selfishly in these polls. I don't necessarily vote for what I think will be the 'best' plot for the story but for the character I most want to spend time with. I love seeing Valley's depths emerge and her re-discovery of self. Also I always want more Relc, and hopefully he'll be tagging along.

J Holmes

I thought he was set to invade the very weakened Khelt with his supporters on a holy war.


Someone please vote for rickle. I really want to see my favorite brothers back. Also, I really hope we get to see more valley and Relc. I want to see relc be happy.


Ah, the god prophet, not the future prophet. Changed my vote heh


How can you not vote for The Prophet?


Ngl, I miss the twins. We spent a lot of time in Chandrar and I was hoping for more Trey the entire time.


Ooooo! I think Rickel would be neat, because he was a first hand witness to the sea battle events and even if he doesn't actually get into it, what he doesnt say would also be interesting. Which might possibly mean we would get more of an insight into the Liscor situation and whole vibe. And how he's grown and been affected and maybe, if the world is kind, vampires are actually kind of cool in Liscor and people are just like oh yeah that's greg, good guy, kind of anemic.


For 5 seconds when I opened this poll Prophet was in the lead

Kyle Coe

AHHHHHHmm so excited you're back! I sincerely hope you had an extremely restful and overall superlative vacation but please give us gihugantic chapters. The Pirateaba content in my blood is very low and my doctor recommended tri-weekly infusions for my physical health. Just so you're aware, you're keeping me alive.

Anton Shomshor

The old seer died, but there was an Earther who was developing a Christian cult following. I suspect he’s the prophet?


Wait, you're right, wrong character. But go vampires anyway


Cool, that gives us a few hints about upcoming plots too


Thank god been detoxing too long, jonesing for another chapter 😂




Dang, sad us llaken enjoyers are the smallest minority! He certainly not my favorite side character, but we haven't heard his perspective in quite a while!


Agreed. I also feel like the king of destruction has been doing a whole lot of nothing for a while. It's time for him to scare everyone on Chandrar. At least until everyone realizes the Immortal Tyrant is back.

Cinnamon Toast

I think it may just be because we haven’t really have a huge prophet perspective chapter, just kinda other characters having a quick run in or noting from far away what he’s doing


Need mah boy Olesm some screen time


His moment is scaring everyone is probably after our favorite undead kingdom starts to fall as the Prophet has an anti-undead army with an ego to be king of the world. After all the undead kingdom is starting to wane and as was started... if the shield kingdom should fall than Flos would invade to ensure nobody else would invade to get everything inside the kingdom. Flos would be the second wind stabbing the prophet in the back and by that moment... he will be getting a lot of high class weapons, armor, and shiny gear.

Carvel Williams

Welcome back, Pirateaba. I hope you enjoyed your break.


I'd reeeeeaaaaallly like to hear about the prophet. I'm still not sure if it's Christianity he's preaching or what


I'm voting for rafaema I want to see her how she's doing with rejecting her "Destiny" to bring back dragons


Omg your back I’ve been dying and I’m almost done with the Murderbot series soon didn’t know what to do.

Jesper Hansen

Valley casually slaying as always

Miles Kidder

Hello everyone, my brother gifted me a whole year of being a part of this exclusive club. I am excited to see you all here, and can't wait to see all the other features I've only heard rumors of. Can't wait to see Pirateaba aba aba it up! They're gonna come out swinging, I just know it

Julie Mason

Yeah he went from being arguably one of the big secondary viewpoint characters to being a fairly minor background character. I hope he gets more screen time (so to speak)


I'm interested in what the Prophet's whole deal is, haven't seen that properly yet! Plus I enjoy Rickel as a character, would be good to see more of him (but also haven't seen much Laken or Olesm recently! These polls are hard)

Lord M

Alright guys, vampier knight. Come on…. Vampire knight. Vampire Knight! COME ON!

Jesper Hansen

I think people just lost interest in him as he became a weird puppet for a couple of volumes... Maybe he'll see some more popularity now that he is free?


Was hoping for a short story, with Veltras offering to take the remains of Moore and Ulinde, to the Vale Forest.


Is it weird that I want to find out what his deal is, but also find him so infuriating that I don't want to read it


Definitely Laken; the Emperor class is too big not to have some serious ramifications. It's almost like he's consistently outshined by Lyonette, who has an arguably lower station. Which, I get it, Lyonette is great, and is the beating heart of Erin's inn, but I feel like Laken can make the world turn just as much.


Yeah! He's sketchy as hell but we've been hearing about him for like 4 volumes now and still don't know shit about him. We gotta know what his deal is!


I’m not interested in giving the Prop attention since we are expecting he’s going to kill the Best Uncle aka khet. Maybe it won’t happen. but ain’t risking it. khelt is too exposed now.


I think you're confusing rivel (vampire knight) with rickel (scam artist)

Cinnamon Toast

Why would he do that for those two specifically? I may be wrong but I don’t think the Veltras family ever really interacted with the half seekers

Johannes Karmhus

But... I want to see all of those the most!


I think Prophet and Rickel are the most in need of focus (we don't even know Prophet's name yet). I'd also go with Olesm, for going ons with Liscor, the army, after-action reports of the Solstice, and maybe wrap up the Hectval stuff or have something happening with the original army.


Rickel because he's extremely interesting from the little we saw, and prophet because we need it for the worldbuilding


I agree with what you've said, but I have to go with Olesm, simply because I want that arc wrapped up. He has grown a lot, off screen. Also, wasn't he warned about a surprise in the hills? I thought that was unrelated to the Solstice (that he was told about it by Erin et al).

Scott Soper

Had the impression that Fissival/Manus were sending flying reinforcements to Hectval and Nerhavia warned Olesm about it before the Solstice, when she sent him means to contact her. Seemed unrelated to Roshal or The Solstice, but it will be funny if Erin ever goes back to Liscor and finds half her friends wearing Nerhavia's colors.


I’d also like to see the fall out from the mimic & Persua!


Olesm, cause there's not been much depth surrounding one of the original members of the chess club,


Adding to what jazBird said, there was very few updates in regards of the war between liscor and the drake city, i think many would like to know what going on with that

Ivandro José

Would be so interesting to know more about the prophet