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I know the poll’s a bit late. However, thanks to people in my Discord and Twitch chat pestering me (thanks), I have the poll!

This time it’s purely devoted to our main arcs. It’s a 4-option poll and I’m not sure which one’s gonna win, but you’d better vote because...I’ll write all the perspectives out anyways. But timing matters and who d’you want to absolutely see?

Vote! I am still writing the next chapter! As we speak, in fact! It’s great! Best chapter ever! I...uh...mean that. Anyways, thanks and don't forget to vote!


Umar Musa

C'mon y'all, our doctor hasn't had a chapter in aoens, let's give her a chance.


I’m sorry, but I DESPERATELY need that last one. The mental image of Lyonette, a struggling mother whose had a ROUGH couple of months, discovering coffee? I didn’t know how much I wanted it

Max Thomas

Unfortunately I honestly couldn't care less about Geneva considering her story is basically completely unconnected to any of the other arcs. At least with the other three options they are relevant to other characters (see: Inn characters)


Now that niers and the strategist kids are on izril do we really need to go back to baleros? Terandria is currently way more interesting. Which is the only time in the story that's been true!


Need a update on Geneva, her plotline is going to connect to the main one eventually. They all converge eventually, let's hasten that process!!!


I miss Toren


Coffee needs to be discovered finally. Dead gods those poor people! 😂😂😂


Then Erin in coffee. Too funny


At the rate the UN moves, the Demons will likely lob mortars and artillery at the Blighted King before he even figures out how a matchlock works. You have made the UNs move to the Wandering Inn not merely logical, but narratively necessary because Erin needs the best medical care of both worlds, Geneva can provide that, and the Inn Crowd knows it. Alas, she lies captive while Queen Arthur hath her greatest need. Wonder how long it will take her fellow Earthlings to recognize a kidnapping and hostage situation (and more seriously, how they can safely resolve it.)


Damn, there is so much about Genevas situation that I want to know more about. How has she not had a serious anxiety-attack by now? And the Selphid that is currently controlling her doesnt seem completely heartless, how would he deal with that? Will she get to see Okasha again? And when will UN / the Forgotten Wing spies figure out what is going on, and how the hell do they solve it if they do?

Deepak Kamlesh

Let's give Geneva the time of the day please. We haven't heard from her in a while.


rabbiteaters? Plural?


This. I remember the Great knight saying "He is a Rabbit Eater, he is one of us." Or something like that.

Philip Pleiss

I'd laugh if Saliss got ahold of coffee and discovered it was the core ingredient in that relic haste potion he got from Ryoka.


aw shit geneva is gonna win isn't she


hey folks, it's been most of the volume without geneva, seems like its past due and has a lot of potential. will her new selphid get a forbidden class for controlling her against her will; can okasha and geneva reunite and run? Is the Selphid illness related to a lack of living bodies or an ancient curse?!?!? everyone else is coming together it's time for the Doctor.


Rabbiteater. No question.


Geneva winning?! Illuminati confirmed! There’s just no way, will we really let the Inncult control the votes here?


YES finaly a Geneva option. We haven’t seen her in so long!


No, I'm not grinding my teeth. That is not the sound of my brain screaming to make choice. For the answer is so simple . When all the choices are good just accept your inner spoiled self, and SAY YES TO THEM ALL.

Jamie Messier

Where’s Luan right now… can’t recall maybe we get him too??? That would be awesome


Ack, I so wanna see more on Mrsha and her parents, but Geneva....... difficult choices


Any but Rabbit eater, the knight stuff is so boring.


A vote against Rabbit eater is a vote for a decent chapter.

matt emmons

Coffee.....I've been wanting coffee since book 2 or 3.....coffee....coffee...espresso...and chocolate....and that special milk from strange cows.


Sent back to civilization with an order for supplies


Look. Geneva is nice, but I don't care about her as much as my boy Rabbit Eater. He has gone above and beyond his status as a goblin and has become a knight on another continent! Geneva. Eh, she's there I guess. Sure ancient forbidden class is cool, but - and here me out here - Rabbit Eater. I just don't enjoy the UN chapters as much... Also the coffee one? Lyon and coffee?? Saliss and coffee??? I believe Saliss and coffee is a terrible mix that could probably make a city beg for him to gtfo.


YES!!! I want to read a whole chapter on what happens when Saliss has coffee.


It's very unfortunate that the poll were wasted that way.

Froyo Baggins

Yes! It's been so long! I'm dying to see what's going to happen to her! The Great Minds are basically doing what the selphids in old times did when they ruled their tyrannical empire. They're forcibly taking over her body. I'm wondering what the rest of the UN is gonna do when they figure it out. There can't be bodysnatching without consequences.


Agreed, the UN & by extension Geneva just aren't as enjoyable as characters in my opinion, every time they get focused on it just reverts back to humans struggling to figure out how to adjust and get by in Innworld which the first volumes were already mostly centered on. I get that Geneva is implicated in saving Erin and is sort of tied into the main plot device so a lot of people vote for her because they want the story to advance, but I just don't find her or her ragtag gang of kids to be nearly as enjoyable to read about as almost any other character in the story. In this crazy and deep narrative about all this high level magic we're starting to get into and the afterlife, immortals and the different nation conflicts, hearing about Geneva and the UN navigating their local troubles and medical stuff / selphid's being assholes is just kinda bland. To me Geneva and her white bread friends are like 8th string side characters I'd be fine just hearing about through other characters that are more interesting, if at all.


I would really like to hear Pirate's take on coffee. Oh yeah, Lyonette and Oteslia are interesting too but it's hard to go wrong with getting an update on Baleros though I do prefer Luan to the Doctor. Seriously can the doctor regenerate into her next incarnation and be done with the body-snatching Selphids already? Selphid's are interesting but frankly too close in nature to Roshal so it'd be really nice to go back to them only using dead bodies and me being sympathetic to their issues.