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The edited chapter is out! And it's about your favorite character! Go read! Huzzah! Big thanks to Barbara Clark for the hard work! (36,800 Words)





Umar Musa

Please tell me that the chapter isn't based on sour puss pursua and pirates just outta passwords 😭


I thought we were past the troll chapters…

John Koor

Woo! Toren chapter! Yeah! I'm so excited and would be utterly crushed if not for it being about Toren!


I'm not crying. I'm just cutting onions. I'm glad we had a happy conclusion to this chapter.

Alvin Baena

Thank you for the chapter pirateaba! I always look forward to edited chapters, the story always progresses, and following chapters are better. Keep up the good (god) work. Remember to rest, the ducks in the pond can patiently wait. We're not geese, I think.


God tier


“Marathon run” !!?

Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander

Can we please take a moment to recognize a god of story telling that walks these lands? I bow to thee Pirate <3


Boy I don’t know what happened in this chapter. It was well written but 60% of the chapter was like when will it get better after skipping and hooping it got better. Am sorry


Are you kidding me? I've been sneaking in a few pages while at work as much as possible and I'm at around 50-60 % and it's sooo good so far!


Done with the chapter and it did not disappoint! heartwarming and touching chapter! Loved it ,I rate it with the attack on Erin chapter, just Amazing!


I liked this chapter, but ngl the Kismvr chapters were so outta the park that it sort felt normal. :)

Tom Seaton

Outstanding chapter. It nailed several recurring themes - fallibility of parents, juxtaposition of small and large events, grand strategy. The prose itself felt significantly more polished and the resolution was genuinely moving. TWI at its best.


I decided to read the unedited before the edited chapter and didn't realize what the editor's notes would entail... so I ran into some spoilers (and for my favorite character!) before I skipped the notes and read the story (then went back). I would appreciate if those notes were at the end but I guess most people probably read the edited version first and would be most interested in the notes being first. So maybe I should just shut up and do what they do. Seeing the notes was interesting and I agree with some of their points about confusion. Other points seem to be a lack of context. I mean jumping into a story >8mil words deep has to be intimidating and would probably require more research than time would allow. I disagree with the repetition of words, though. I think of it more as a stylistic choice. After a certain point you stop noticing things like that and it just becomes part of the voice, yes? Thank you for all your hard work and wonderful imagination.


Reading the Interlude- Conversations right now. Read the unedited version of this chapter first. Just found out Mrsha is at the meeting of the Tribes!?! Lol going to reread this now 😅😝


What a fucking masterpiece 🥺🥺🥺