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Short spoilers this time. Since it does get shared every time, I really need to think up more rewards. Or! Keep doing exactly as I’ve been doing since it seems to be working! I like that option too.

Rabbit Eaters - If you uh, can’t tell who this is, it’s Rabbiteater. Shock, I know. However, it has a tie-in with the last Seraphel chapter and our Terandrian arc as a whole. I don’t actually know if it’s a one-chapter wonder since I know it’ll pass 30k at least. Nah, at least 2, I think. It’ll be big. It’ll have huge twists.

It’ll have Rabbiteater. This is your action-chapter for sure. Volume 8 is action. But do you want more? Votes, please. Please clap.

Mrsha and her Mother (and Father) - This one is not so much action, nor is it going to be about Mrsha all the time. But it will feature her heavily, which is a draw and a setback depending on how much you like her. But you will get answers. Many answers. To many questions. The Meeting of Tribes is coming to a crescendo, but this is not necessarily that chapter.

It’s more of the threads coming together. And if you liked that, and maybe a bit of action--this is your pick.

Geneva’s New Job (and United Nations?) - Not heavily action-inspired to my mind. But this is the (dark?) horse in that we haven’t seen her. Are you fascinated? Do you want to know what’s happening with Niers gone?

Does anyone love Baleros? Fraerlings, Selphids, the secret races unite! Plus a [Doctor]. Look, I thought Grey’s Anatomy was popular. That’s uh...the only show I can reference. I don’t watch TV shows like that.

Lyonette and Coffee - Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. This day, it’s all about coffee.

And underworld crime.

And Dragons.

And the unholy mess in Oteslia. But I’d still say the first two options are more direct ‘action’, and that’s a blanket term for fighting and such. This one’s more interesting. It’s best exemplified by its title. Like coffee, big things are coming. You can’t put coffee back in the bag. I mean, you can, but someone’s gonna drink it sooner or later.

So. Coffee.



Ive been writing a fan fiction about an earther opening a coffee shop in baleros, thought alot about what would happen if things like espresso machines got into the world, if you taught people how to make pistons, o-rings, and the power of steam to steam up milk for a latte, its a fun thought experiment of where that would go! Im sad we wont see coffee in oteslia