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The spoilers! Yes, yes, it can be shared by anyone so are they spoilers? But you get them guaranteed and people have said better spoilers they can share, rather than no spoilers at all. Which is easier on me but means--no spoilers.

I digress. Here are the spoilers! Which might matter more since it adds context to the obscure names. Actually, this may be the most SPOILER-heavy poll in the entire history of spoilers since I'm going for broke. I might regret sharing so much, but you decided to read this.


Tom - The [Clown]! But we will have more perspectives than just his! What's been happening in Rhir, honestly? What clashes occur between the Blighted Kingdom and the Demons in...peace? 

Not everyone hates Demons. How do they survive so long? They might have--allies. What do politics on the grandest and most dire of stages look like?

And what might the Blighted King be thinking about...a weird [Innkeeper] he might have spotted? For the [Clown], for high levels. For hell, vote!

 We will meet a character among the highest levels in the world. And not the Blighted King.

Ryoka - Vampires. Running. Wind. What more do you want? I don't want to give off a lot of spoilers, but astute readers can guess on what this plotline means. It may--nah. But I don't want to write so long on these spoilers. So--this arc will have Vampires.

It may have a Dragon.

Maviola - Lady Firestarter herself. Her story burns brightest, shortest. We will see what this [Lady] does in her last days. Well--weeks. But it's a ticking clock. Who might she meet? What might she do?

She may meet a [Princess].

Geneva - The Last Light of Baleros is in trouble. She has to worry about plague, bombs--it's very topical. But not always bad. Still--there's trouble brewing and we might see what's happened to Luan and a certain bounty. How the fortunes of the company of Earthers is changing.

And the Titan's patience isn't insurmountable. A certain student of his might be called to investigate. Plotlines may begin to merge.

Nanette - The dark horse. Or...dark [Witch]? The sad witch. You can guess where she'll be set, but this is her story, not that of Riverfarm or the [Emperor]. Goblins, sadness--and travel. The [Witches] are on the move. Will they reach a city of...adventure?

Nanette may find another friend and a bit of--relief.



Sigh... you make all of the arcs so darn interesting and full of potential that one wishes we could pick them all.


how dare you make so much good stories