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May 2020 - Side Stories Poll!

  • Tom 406
  • Ryoka 399
  • Maviola 664
  • Geneva 601
  • Nanette 280
  • 2020-04-28
  • —2020-05-04
  • 2350 votes
{'title': 'May 2020 - Side Stories Poll!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Tom', 'votes': 406}, {'text': 'Ryoka', 'votes': 399}, {'text': 'Maviola', 'votes': 664}, {'text': 'Geneva', 'votes': 601}, {'text': 'Nanette', 'votes': 280}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 4, 23, 52, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 28, 0, 7, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 2350}


(If you don't know that I'm still stream-writing on Twitch, you can get the announcements on Discord or on Twitch. I just don't announce it here because it feels intrusive. Also, is it even entertaining? Well, some people watch and I appreciate it.)

This is the poll for May! And as consistent with my inconsistent side stories poll--this one will decide the next arc we jump into. Not for long; but just the next one in the list of perspectives! 

Of course, I have my set-in-stone plans, but this guarantees what you see next! Also, each option has a name--not what the arc will be. But you'll get a POV from the characters mentioned at least once!

Vote away! Not much else to say other than that I hope you like the story in this time of boredom/crisis/and nerves! Also--as announced, I may take a 1-week, 2-update break sometime mid-May to keep my engine going. No dates yet; we'll play it be ear. Thanks!



Who's Nanette again?


Vote Tom!


Really interested in that Maviola side story especially since she just crossed paths with one of our favorite teams


I really want to see more from Maviola. I'm surprised to see so much support for Geneva. I like her, but I don't feel like things are particularly interesting in Baleros right now.


Geneva - We haven't seen enough of Baleros, and what happened with Yellow River hitting there.

Kyle Aretae

If it matters, my order is Maviola, then Ryoka. Not excited about nanette, or Geneva, and I really dislike Tom, but I want more Rhir, and I want to know about the [Hero] class, and especially Tom's level 2 Hero thing.


I like the crazy clown!


Who is maviola


Geneva! Please vote for our fav doctor


I voted for Geneva, because it seems like it might involve Niers, since last we heard he was investigating her.

Ford-Thomas Frank Loveland

ACID SPOILER for Maviola It says she may meet a princess. Hopefully that means she will also meet a certain wily innkeeper


Why do so many people want to read super gonorrhoea over possibly learning more about the summoning?


I don’t really like the line up this poll but I voted for Tom and Geneva I really want too know what the other Earthers are up too.


I haven't seen Tom in so long I really want to see what he is up to. What level would he be now. What does clown hero class consolidation even result in?


I didn't like Tom personally but I liked the writing and fresh air of Rhir chapters. Hoping to see more of Rhir. Ryoka and Maviola can wait... I want to see Nanette since there's lots of development there. Also want to see more of Geneva but have no expectations of where that story will go.


I am a Tom the clown fan. Which is weird because I hate Frank the clown and pretty much every other clown. I just like the contrast of one of The travelers being a fairly decent guy who leveled in Serial Killer.. It reminds me a lot of the flower girl before her redemption which was absolutely one of my favorite storylines. Red Text Rules. Maviola is obvious because she is close proximity to both the Horns and the Players. There is a certain enchanter I would like to catch up with.. and Joseph and Rose and those guys are in Invirisil as well. Even without the periphery and the contact - It's a great story. Very twilightzone -KicktheCan- which you do really well. But Geneva is first. I want to read about a super doctor and a United Nation Company that works backed a billionaire strategist with a chess obsession. Who come together and stem the tide of a pandemic. I have a fever and I taste blood.


I know spoilers can be shared but at least give people the opportunity NOT to read them..


I want them all though XD


Send in the CLOWN!


Nanette! I wanna read about Pebblesnatch again.

Gyoshi _

People probly aren't voting for Ryoka and Nanette, since there isn't much happening in their locations at the moment. I'm voting for them hoping for new developments


People PLEASE whatever you vote for PLEASE for the sake of all that is holy, PLEASE don't vote for another "Rich person grows bored of their life and goes on an adventure" You guys ALREADY had rich-boi-gets-richer-at-sea. please don't choose "Rich lady gets bored and goes adventuring" PLEASE! I will give you a kidney!


What if I vote for everything instead?


I'm not voting for Ryoka and Nanette since I don't enjoy reading about them.


TOM!!!!!!! The clown was one of my FAVORITE POVs!!

Gyoshi _

She’s not bored of her life, she’s literally dying, and going out to enjoy it one last time. Wil and Maviola are very different people going on very different adventures. Do you really just hate people for having money?

Kevin Choi

Are you going to beat the 9pm deadline Pirateaba of patreon closing down?


No rabbiteater questing chapter yet T_T


What happens if there is a tie? Miavola and Geneva are really close


Have faith Ali: the door's on its way into Invrisil, the Horns are there, the Silver Swords are there, Rabbiteater might be around there, the Players are there... there's a whole slew of interesting stuff that could redeem another rich person story, if that's the one that gets picked.


The good news is she won't be yet another character added to the 300 characters that take time away from Erin. She will exit the stage after one chapter.


I have ZERO problem with self-made rich people in the story. My problem is with Feudal lords whose families have been rich for thousands of years. And they never learned what it mean to struggle. And I am not sure Min will die, she’ll probably get something.


This isn't a guarantee. It's just gauging which stories we want to see.


I feel like it's kind of unfair to assume she never struggled only because she was never poor. We know of Noble ladies literally dying on the battlefield in this world, and Maviola has been around for a while. I think defining her by having inherited money is reductive. Of course, it's a fair opinion not to be very interested in this kind of character, I don't much care for Wil either. I'm pretty sure she's gonna die after her potions run out though. That's kind of the fun of it, to imagine my grandma deciding to go out with a crazy bang.


Yeah, even if we all decide to go with, say, Tom, the actual side story might be on that top lord in Rhir with Tom being just a bypassing character. Or maybe a POV on a demon and Tom will be a flashback. All the whim of Pirateaba really.


I agree with Ali in the sense that only nobles are privileged enough to be able to go out in a last bang of glory with 3 anti-aging potions. Other folks just can't simply afford to. Besides she has already lived a full and wealthy life. Anyways this is just one chapter and she won't take permanent screen time away, so it doesn't matter.


Please don't vote for Geneva. Baleros is so boring if the titan isn't involved. Also, the cool witches already left Riverdale


Lol my autocorrect changed riverfarm to Riverdale


Never learned what is too struggle? You are projecting real history onto InnWorld to an insane degree. Most of the leaders are the few survivors of families constantly dying protecting something. Most are only sheltered if they have a particularly strong elder family member. Especially Irzil where more than half of them died not that long ago. Training real life lords were ideally an investment by a society in their future. With levels and skills investing in a leader is literally key to survival.


I think the Titan would be involved. After all, Geneva didn't show up for the meeting with the TItan.


Ali how could you. you didn’t want Erin no more Geneva and Tom are boring people Especially Tom They have not accomplished anything since the book starts. Some one Needs to take down that 🤴 that practices black magic or dark magic


The last clown chapters were the worst thing to happen in the story. Personally I'd prefer if Tom was just dropped. He was ridiculously overpowered considering he no longer had the hero class. Successfully fought someone double his level. After fighting all day. Made no sense. And his oh so edgy 'being way more ruthless than anyone could imagine' made no sense in the castle battle either. The king was a cowering nincompoop when he's supposed to be one of the highest level in the world. And the tone just wasn't pulled off. Tom sucks


I hope so. Tom is the worst thing to happen in the story. Well the first lot of chapters was pretty good but the second lot was absolutely not

Kevin Choi

Ryoka is visiting Teriarch.... I'm always entertained by Dragon! chapters


Ali Juhdi - you really seem to be confused about the fact that planet earth and Inn World are NOT the same thing and do NOT have the same history. There's no protests to march in on Inn World. It's a great story by a gifted writer - just enjoy it.


Vote Tom!!


Erin is somehow strong enough to need three of the highest leveled ladies to pacify her, but Tom is overpowered? Lol

Celine Liu

Ryoka didn't win T_T. I wanted dragon chapter. Sadness.