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First off, let me apologize for missing Legends Never Die yesterday and failing to update Gone Native. To be honest, it just completely slipped my mind because of everything that's been going on. To that end, I have some goodish news and some more bad news, and some worse news. 

Goodish news is that they know what's wrong with one of my dogs. He has a genetic disease. Bad news is that it's unreversable, so he's blind for the rest of his life. But, once we get through the adjustment period, all signs point to him being fine. The next couple of months are going to really suck, but he's not dying. He still has some years ahead of him.

The worse news is that I learned my other dog doesn't. When I was taking the first to the Vet, I decided to take the other to make sure that there were no health issues. Like him suddenly going blind. And while he doesn't have any outstanding medical issues, I learned that he's very much in his twilight years and there's really nothing that can be done. It's not that much of a shock -- he's a lab-chow mix, and they live about thirteen years on the upper end and he's fourteen. 

I saw it coming, but it still really fucking sucks to hear. These dogs have got me through the toughest points in my life -- they've been with me for fourteen and nine years -- and I care about them more than I do most people on the planet. So, I have to admit that I'm just pretty drained and the double whammy kinda fucked me up emotionally speaking. 

Given that it is Thursday apparently, I think I'm just going to pick up the schedule on Saturday. I'm not going to be doing writing this week because I'm not in the headspace for it, to be completely honest. Sorry about the extremely late notice, I don't ever like doing it, and I would have very much preferred not going through this at all. 

I'll see you all Saturday with a chapter of From the Ashes and we'll take it from the top. 


Abraham Ramírez

Don’t worry man I think I speak for the majority when I say that we understand

Chaz Brown

that sucks bro take as much time as you need to be with yo dogs man we can wait


Take however much time you need for your dogs, their man’s best friend for a reason


As someone who also has 2 dogs and with 1 reaching her twilight years, I completely understand. Take your time man, gotta cherish the doggos.


Even a man with a 9 to 5 job needs to take time off when he’s vulnerable mental health is important


Take as much time as you need.

Canadian Tick

Take care of yourself, no need to force yourself.


Sorry to hear that man, take some time if you need it.

Other Guy

its fine mate

Robert Downing

I do have a selfish question, but will this mean Castoff is going to be released this upcoming Thursday or the one after?


Life happens my good sir! Breath deep and rest. Cuddle with your furbabies and regain balance! I appreciate all the work you been doing on here! BUT! Take care of yourself as well! Big Hugs!