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Very sorry to spring this on all of you, especially late, but Gone Native will be delayed until tomorrow. Possibly the day after, I'm not quite sure at the moment. The reason is two things slamming together -- I have a work thing, but that's not really the issue. 

What made it an issue is that one of my dogs has been going blind over the past week or so. I thought it was cataracts since he's that age, but when I took him to the vet, they cleared him and more or less told me that they had no clue. I've been in bit of a panic, trying to get him taken care of until this morning, as far as I can tell, he's gone completely blind and he's not handling it well at all. Full blown panic attacks and he keeps trying to hide, so he thinks he's going to die, and for all I know, he might be. 

So. No chapter today. I'll try to get it up tomorrow.


Kabir Kumar

Damn, I hope your dog gets better. Thanks for letting us know about the chapter




Christ man, Hope the pupper pulls through. Sending me lovean

Emma V.

How dare you take care of your puppy!? Wishing you both the best

Jared Freas

Do you live in an area known for having ticks? If one got onto your dog, that could cause a whole lot of health problems that may not have obvious causes. Wish you the best


Poor Doggy! Hope he gets better...

Chaz Brown

hope mr.doggo gets better


Aww, man, that's awful. I hope your dog gets well soon, or at least manages to adjust to his condition without too much stress.


Maybe it's Diabetic Blindness? Hope your dog pulls through!