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The Doctor Part 4 - Stowaways

They galloped up the steps from the beach. Michael could already feel the adrenaline pumping through his body. His penis was starting to harden in his underwear. He pushed Jennifer up the steps until they were at the top of the cliff and on the main road. 

A quick crossing to the deserted car park and Michael was unlocking the car, his hands trembling in eager anticipation. Jenn pushed him from behind and before he was able to regain his balence he was being pushed into his car and his girlfriend mounting him. Her lips and tongue immediately set about exploring his neck and mouth. She bit into his shoulder, until his own hands managed to grasp hold of her erect nipples. 

Soon their clothes were strewn across the whole car and they laid in each others arms completely naked. 

That was when Michael suddenly heard footsteps on the gravel carpark. 

"Quick!" He shouted. They scrambled to grab at items of clothing and cover themselves. The footsteps grew louder and louder as they cowered in the footwells of the backseats. It would be terribly embarrassing to be caught by their returning friends. 

Michael suddenly felt something was wrong. The horizon around them appeared to be much closer. It was as if everything had become bigger around them.  His head swam and he felt unusually dizzy.     

The footsteps grew louder and louder until it felt like the feet were almost on top of them. A shadow was cast over the car, blotting out the beating sun. But that was impossible... 

Suddenly the car jerked and the two young adults were subjected to a sudden surge of G-forces as they felt as if they were being lifted by a huge crane. 

They tumbled into each others arms, Jenn screaming into Michael's face as the car was tilted. Michael struggled against the far window to gain some perspective. He finally caught sight of the source. 

Giant fingertips were pressed against on the windows of the car. He could see right up the arm and up at the giant woman that held them. 

"Oh my god!" He shouted. "It's a..." but it was too late. There was a sudden change in G-forces, so dramatic that they almost passed out, as the car was dropped. It fell for a few seconds until it landed into a soft surface. 

The couple were thrown over the seats and tangled with each other against the windscreen. 

Michael scrambled again to get a view of what was happening. He made his way to the side windows just in time to witness another car dropping straight into them.

The blue volvo fell directly on top of their car. The two cars smashed together with a crunch. Shards of toughened glass rained around them, but it mostly remained intact. A tyre had impacted against one of the windows.

They were finally immersed in complete darkness. 


The whole journey they had waited with baited breath. Still terrified and unsure of what was happening. Michael had tried to escape several times, but the doors below them were against the surface they laid against and there was a car above them preventing them from opening the other doors.

They didn't have anything in the car to break the glass windscreen, so they were forced to wait and see what happened. 

Suddenly they were enveloped in light. The car above them was lifted away from them. Before Michael could react, the bag was shaking and swaying. 

The couple held to each other as they were dropped again and then there was silence. 


Laura collapsed on her bed, in floods of tears. She buried her face into a pillow. Her life was a neverending nightmare. She was trapped in this house, with these two crazy women and she was forced to shrink people at the behest of her mistress.    

It would have been slightly more bearable if she had at least one friend, even if it was a tiny friend. But the Doctor didn't even allow that. She bit into the pillow as her rage and anguish flowed through her. 


Michael felt that they had finally settled somewhere. The car was on its side and the two of them were laying against the glass of the door, listening and waiting intently. Hugging his naked girlfriend he glanced up at the cracked window of the side door above them. There was no longer a car above them blocking their escape. 

He decided to make good his escape. Pulling on his swimming shorts he started reaching upwards towards the door.

"Michael!" Jenn started. "What are you doing?" 

"I'm getting us outta here!" he replied, looking back at the concerned face of his girlfriend. "Before we get trapped again." Jenn thought it through, then nodded in agreement. "Here," he passed her his T-shirt, "put this on."

He clambered up, using the seats, towards the side door. He reached his hand out and tried the door handle. He pushed at the door and there was a little cracking noise as the fractured glass vibrated. He pushed at the door again. It wouldn't budge. 

Jenn reached up and started to push as well, to no avail. 

"We're trapped!" she wailed. Michael shook his head. 

"Not yet," he refused. "Climb into the back and cover yourself," he ordered. Jenn clambered away. Michael turned and braced himself against the seat and kicked at the glass with both legs.

The glass cracked and small cubes started to rain down on him. He covered his face and kicked out again, and again and again. Until he could feel the glass warping outwards. He kicked with all of his strength until one of his feet finally kicked through the damaged glass. More cubes started to fall around him as the window disintegrated.

Michael didn't relent, he turned his body and, covering his face, he slammed his elbow into the window. The glass shattered around him and without waiting he pushed the remaining pieces out of the way and pulled himself through the window.             

He turned back and called inside. 

"Quick Jenn!" She immediately scambled up towards him and he helped her pull herself out of the window. As she adjusted her weight on the side of the car, suddenly it started to move. The car was starting to topple. 

"Jump clear!" Michael shouted, he pulled her arm and jumped away from the car as it fell back onto all four wheels with a crash. The car bounced several times on its suspension and then remained where it was.  

They held each other for a moment. Both trembling. Michael rolled away and surveyed his surroundings. There was another car next to theirs and a huge pair of sunglasses. 

This was when he remembered the horror of the sight earlier. He swore that they had been picked up by a giant woman. But surely that was impossible. It must have been some kind of trick. Someone was playing a prank on them! Perhaps they were on some kind of ambitious TV show...

As he looked around he saw a pair of giant car keys. The prank was very detailed. They even looked real.

He picked himself up and realised that they were in some kind of giant hessian bag. A strip of light was pouring through from the far end. 

Michael picked Jenn up onto her feet. His shirt was too big for her and dangled to her mid thighs. He chuckled as they started towards the light.

They finally reached the exit and stepped onto a varnished timber surface.  Jenn suddenly clutched at Michael. She clutched so hard that he winced at the grip of her fingernails. He looked up from the timber surface and beheld their new surroundings. 

Everything was absolutely huge. They were surrounded by huge sofas, and a tv and in the distance was a kitchen. He realised that they were standing on a coffee table. There was a tall glass of water standing next to them, towering several feet above them. 

Then Michael saw it. 

He had been glancing around them when he met the silent stare of the yellow eyes. Taking in every slight movement. Michael's heart suddenly stopped as he realised their situation, his heart sank, with his final hope that this had been some kind of trick. 

They were clearly either shrunk or everything was huge, but there was definitely a giant cat looking at them from the floor and it was watching them with a predatory gaze. It was a black cat with a white chest and neckline and it was most definitely studying them.

"Don't move," Michael whispered. 

"Why?" Jenn asked. The cat's ears twitched towards them and its head jerked forwards slightly. He slowly pulled at her arm and turned her towards the cat. She finally caught sight of it and drew in a deep and terrified gasp. 

"Oh my go..." the cat suddenly lunged at them, with terrific speed, strength and agility, it jumped the distance from the floor towards them.

But it had misjudged the distance and rushed its attack. The cat slammed face first into the coffee table. Michael felt their whole surface wobble and tilt to one side and then it fell sideways. They both jumped towards the sofa that was next to them. Jenn managed to roll onto the soft fabric surface of the chair, but as Michael threw her, he lost all of his own momentum and fell downwards towards the carpet.

As he hit, he yelped out as he felt pain shoot through his left leg. He covered himself as both cars fell and crashed either side of him. One falling on its roof, his car fell onto its wheels, the open door was completely bent from the impact. 

Michael caught more movement in his peripheral vision.


Jenn scrambled to her feet on the sofa and dashed to the edge. She fell onto all fours and leant over to witness her boyfriend rolling in pain as the two cars fell either side of him. 

She suddenly caught sight of the cat. It had recovered from the impact and was preparing to launch itself at him. 

"Micha..." She suddenly saw a much bigger form on the opposite sofa.

She looked directly at the young woman. She had been lying across the other sofa watching the TV, but now she was looking in shock at the fallen table and the cat. The woman was wearing an extremely short skirt, black strappy platform shoes and a low cut top. Her intricately manicured nails, carefully styled dark hair and makeup suggested that she was about to go for an evening out. 

"What are you doing?!" the huge woman boomed at the cat. The cat cowered slightly, glancing quickly at the big woman and then back at it's prey. 

The woman stood up onto her high platform shoes and started towards the cat. 

The cat pounced towards Michael. 



Michael rolled and limped towards the open door of the car as quickly as he could. The cat bounded towards him and landed where he had been. It was distracted by the loud female voice shouting at it from behind.

Michael didn't wait to find out, he dived into the passenger seat and clambered across to the drivers' seat. He scrambled for the keys in the ignition and turned. A huge paw hit the windscreen with a loud clomp and scratch as the nails shot out to find purchase on the metal and glass of the car. 


Katie stepped over the fallen table and almost onto an upturned car. She stepped carefully next to it and grabbed at the cat. 

As she did, her eyes caught sight of some legs disappearing into the other car. Her vision immediately focussed and her mouth formed into a sly smile.  


Michael turned the keys and the engine chugged and then started. He immediately slammed his foot onto the accelerator. The car surged forwards and he had to quickly steer hard to the right to avoid the leg of the sofa. The car sped across the carpet and then hit the vinyl floor. 


Katie watched the car speed away. It was like a remote control car. Except that she knew that it had a little prize inside this one. 

With a wide smile of excitement on her face, she jumped over the wreckage from the table and started running after the car. It was fast but her long legs were more than adequate to keep up. 

Michael saw the giant feet in the giant platform shoes, in the rear view mirror, as they chased him. He swerved the car hard to avoid a foot that slammed down in front of him. 


Katie slammed her foot down to block the path of the car, but it dodged her foot with unexpected agility. She stumbled as her platform shoes failed to afford her the necessary grip on the vinyl floor.  

She slid and fell, bracing herself with her hand against the floor, she lunged at the car. Her hand missed, slightly out of reach and she tumbled with a loud and frustrated 'oof!'. 


Michael saw her fall and could see her right hand steady her against the floor, he stared at her huge form in the rear view mirror, absolutely amazed at her size. Her cleavage hung below her from the loosely fitting top and she snatched out towards the car. He swerved again, but failed to see the kitchen cupboard. 

The left side of the car slammed against the timber and screached along against it, sparks flying. 

The impact had clearly slowed the car enough, and it gave Katie the essential advantage. On all fours she made a final lunge at the car.

Her fingertips found purchase of the metal material, they curled and gripped against the moving car and lifted. One of her fingers even seemed to fold inside the open window of the car. Smoke poured out from the tires as they struggled. 

The car suddenly stopped moving as it was lifted from the floor. Katie turned and sat on the floor as she picked the car up, studiying it with excitement. 

The wheels were still spinning as she turned the car and then when she finally turned it so its damaged door was facing downwards the wheels suddenly stopped spinning, but the engine was still running. Then her eyes caught sight of him. 


Michael felt the car lift and slammed his hands against the wheel in frustration. A fingertip suddenly appeared through the left window. A polished nail, as big as his head. He turned to get a view of what was holding on and he could see more giant fingers pressing against the window next to him. 

The car was suddenly rotating until he could hold on no more, he fell downwards towards the broken door. He hit the door and carried on falling for a second, as the door swung open from the impact.  He scrambled for grip against anything and his hand caught hold of the adjusting handle below the seat. 

Holding on with one outstretched arm, the other dangling below, Hhe glanced downwards and saw the floor below, quite some distance. He was hanging from the side of the car, both he and the door swinging with its motion.  Then he saw the giant bare legs below him as the car was moved further and then the giant cleavage. He glanced up instantly to meet the beautiful gaze of his captur.

A hand suddenly appeared below him and it moved to grab at him. 

Michael made a split second decision. He closed his eyes and let go. He fell for two seconds and then he hit something extremely soft and bouncy. 


Katie reached out to grab at the tiny man, but he let go of the car. She felt him fall directly into her cleavage. Her heart raced with excitement. She knew she had him.  She threw the car down next to her and stared down at him. He squirmed against her right breast and she giggled at him. The rising and falling of her chest causing him to loose balence as he attempted to stand on what appeared to be his wounded leg.

She reached out to grab him again and he jumped away again. This time bouncing down onto her skirt, rolling off her leg and straight onto the floor. As she moved to shift her weight she witnessed him limp as fast as he could towards the car she had thrown to the floor. She was taken aback at his bravery. 

But she had to assert her dominance. She stood up and just before he reached the car, she slammed her high heeled shoe down on top of the car.

With a loud crash, then a grinding crunch the car crumbled and collapsed under her weight. She had never crushed a real car before, and she was surprised at how satisfying it felt. The tiny man stumbled and fell in shock. He started to crawl backwards away from her foot. 

It was finally time to claim her prize. 

She stood towering over him, watching the tiny man stumble, unsure of where to run. He was looking around him for an avenue of escape. 

Katie smiled again then she reached down and plucked at the tiny man with her fingers. She lifted him up and brought him directly in front of her face to study him. 

She was taken aback by two things. First he was the most handsom little thing that she had ever had in her grasp and secondly, he met her gaze, without fear and with such confidence that she was absolutely astounded. She poked at his muscluar chest with her finger and he merely grimaced at her. 

Her mouth formed into a sly smile. 

"Oh!" She cooed. "I'm going to have fun with you little man!"


Jenn had witnessed it all. She had seen the car chase and she had helplessly watched her boyfriend be captured by the horrible giant lady. Jenn, her eyes streaming had been unable to do anything, powerless as she watched her boyfriend be carried away by the giant woman. The nasty cat quickly followed and the door was closed, leaving Jenn to herself. 

Jenn sobbed for a few minutes, then finally plucked up the courage. She had to find a way to rescue Michael.


Jenn had managed to descend the sofa and it had taken her ten minutes to cross the vinyl floor of the kitchen. She carried on until she saw some light coming from under the door ahead of her. 

She proceeded and crawled under the door, she realised that she was in a small bedroom and on the bed lay a giant blonde woman. In fact the same one that had captured them. But she hadn't harmed them, or showed an intention to harm them. She might at least be better than that other lady. Perhaps she might have some compassion... 

Jenn realised that at her size and with a cat loose in the house, a giant human was her and Michael's only hope of survival.

She hesitated as she considered her options.               


Her eyes fluttered open and suddenly she knew she was in a dream. It was an incredible dream, and it felt like none other before, it felt so real. Laura was still in the house, in her bedroom, on her sofa, however, before her stood a tiny little woman. It must be a dream!

That wasn't possible... well it was, she had shrunk a score of people a mere hour or two ago in fact. However it was not possible that there was a tiny person standing in front of her now. Dr Adler always seemed to find them, she always seemed to know when Laura was hiding one of them. Laura never got away with keeping any, yet here in front of her eyes stood a tiny little woman, jumping up and down wildly waving her arms at her. 

Laura blinked quickly in surprise, she was still groggy from her nap, slightly confused and also pretty horny from her exploits with the tiny woman earlier, the one who had been confiscated from her earlier. The drugs the Doctor insisted that she took before every mission were wearing off a bit, but there was still a very tangible hunger for sexual satisfaction there. 

She eyed the woman up slowly, but the woman had clearly realised she was awake, as a sudden expression of relief came over her face. She looked incredibly apprehensive and kept pointing at the floor. 

Laura followed where the arm was pointing and didn't see anything. Was she pointing at the door? Laura raised her head slightly, to try and understand what her dream was telling her. 

Laura watched the tiny woman approach her lustfully. It still felt like a dream, but this was getting more and more real. All that the tiny woman seemed to be wearing was a long T-shirt which was far too big for her, it dangled below her rear, but her long and smooth legs were clearly visible. 

Laura was confused. She had never seen this woman in her life before. She knew exactly who she had shrunk at the beach and any before that. She always remembered the pretty ones. 

Laura slowly reached out to the tiny woman with one of her hands and slowly and carefully closed her fingers around the slim waist.  The woman flinched instantly, her face was streaming with tears and she looked incredibly distressed. Laura was surprised at how real the tiny woman felt in the dream. 

Laura lifted the tiny woman up and rolled onto her back so that she could hold the tiny weeping woman in both hands and examine her. The tiny form merely flopped in her hands, almost in resignation. That wasn't usual. Usually they struggled in fear. It must be a dream, Laura was adamant. 

With one hand Laura carefully started to lift the shirt away from the tiny woman bare thighs, over her belly and chest and then she pulled it off.  

The woman merely took the ordeal with no complaint. 

Laura drew the woman closer to her face. She studied her intently. She looked at the dainty bare feet and legs that dangled below her giant hand. She looked at the beautiful breasts that rested against her thumb that was wrapped around the waist and then she looked at the pretty little face. 

Suddenly it dawned on her. She had been one of the other people from the beach. The young student couple that had left. Was this a dream?

"Where is your boyfriend?" She asked. Realisation appeared on the woman's face, her eyes lit up. She pointed at the door urgently. Shouting something that Laura could barely hear. 

She sat upright and then stood, still carrying the tiny woman in her hand she started towards the door. 

"Through here?" She asked the tiny woman. The woman nodded. 

Laura paused to listen through the door, then opened it slightly. She peered through the gap. She suddenly caught sight of some debris on the vinyl floor next to the kitchen. It looked like another car. 

Nobody was about. Laura quickly tiptoed out towards the lounge and studied the car, it had been crushed... suddenly it dawned on her. She continued to investigate the scene, another car on its roof, a table knocked over. The impact damage of the car against the cupboard, but no boyfriend. 

Laura caried the tiny lady back to her bedroom and locked the door.

She lifted the woman to her face again. 

"Were you and your boyfriend in the car when I shrunk it?" She asked. The woman nodded quickly. "And a nasty young woman captured your boyfriend when you both tried to escape?" The woman nodded.  

"That's Katie!" Laura growled. "She's a horrible piece of work..." She trailed off as the tiny woman started to sob again. Laura instantly felt guilt and pity for the tiny woman. 

"I'm sorry," she soothed, "I didn't mean that, I meant that Katie can be a bit rough. I'm sure your boyfriend is fine!" The tiny woman pointed with both hands to the door. Laura brought her to her ear. 

"Get him," she heard the voice quite clearly in her ear.

She pulled the woman back in shock, shaking her head. 

"I... I'm sorry, I can't," she replied adamantly. She could hear the woman more clearly now, her senses were clearly more focussed. 

"Please!" the woman begged. "Please!"

"I can't," Laura replied. "You don't understand, I'm just as much under their control as your boyfriend is."

"Why?" the woman asked. 

"Because I'm their servant and if I don't do exactly what they tell me, the Doctor will shrink me and do her experiments on me as well. They also threatened to find every single person I knew before this and shrink them too." She looked at the tiny woman apologetically, her own eyes glazing over. "I'm sorry, but you see, I can't just go and get your boyfriend back." 


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