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Chapter 1 – Trip to the mainland (Work in progress)

The car rolled to a stop, the wheels crunching over the gravel in the car park. Around them were flat fields with long tufts of green grass and wildflowers, drifting back and forth in the wind. The fields were sided by lush hedgerows, the occasional trees and fences. Behind them was a long tarmac road that wound into the distance, to the other side of them there was ground cover heather, sporadic tufts of long grass and sand dunes and then the white sandy beach followed by outcroppings of rocks and the sea crashing against them.

They were on the south coast of the mainland, after a brief flight and drive they had arrived at this destination.

It was a beautiful scene to behold. Katie wished it wasn’t under such dire circumstances.

The security car rolled up and stopped at the other end of the car park. The two men stayed in their car.

“Okay, remember we just need six people minimum,” Lena stated breaking the silence in the car, it was just the two of them. “Preferably young and couples, we can’t leave any witnesses.”

“How do we know we haven’t been seen? There is open countryside out here,” Katie replied, nervously glancing out of the windows of the car.

“We haven’t done anything yet,” Lena rolled her eyes, then Lena sighed in frustration when Katie’s expression didn’t lighten. “Just trust our security team.”

Katie glanced around, she knew that some of the other cars waiting on the other side of the road were the security team, something glistened briefly in the sky, catching her attention.

She looked up through the windscreen craning her neck forwards and saw a dark spec, an object gliding quite rapidly across the sky.

In the distance the clouds were roiling and turning, white towering fluffy clouds were billowing upwards as dark grey clouds were rolling in. A storm was brewing but the sun was still shining brightly at the moment.

Katie continued watching the UFO, realising that it was actually a drone. Lena paid it no mind, it was most likely part of the security package.

“What if there are more than six people there, there will be witnesses,” Katie started, trailing off, realising she knew what the answer would be.

“So then we capture a few extras for our own fun don’t we?” Lena retorted with a nonchalant shrug.

“But they’re innocent people,” Katie started as Lena started to open the door, clearly she had felt that the conversation was over.

She paused and snapped her head back at Katie.

“Look, we’ve talked about this before, you do what I tell you, don’t get any smart ideas and don’t get all fucking soppy on me. Most people are shits anyway. They’re just leading pitiful and pointless lives…”

“I can’t believe you think that, you’re truly a terrible person aren’t you?” Katie asked directly, her eyes widening at Lena’s fuming expression.

But she also seemed taken aback, surprised at the candour of Katie’s retort. Katie had noticed that her mother rarely disciplined her daughter. Perhaps people didn’t speak to her like this normally.

She paused, looked briefly out the windscreen and grabbed her bag.

“Look, clearly this kind of thing isn’t for you, so if you don’t want to do it, I will speak to my mother and ask her to not send you on these missions with me. And if you don’t like any of that please let me know, I’d love to shrink you and feed you to my cat,” she growled at Katie, leaving no further discussion and exited the car.

Katie let out the breath that she had been nervously holding in. Lena was truly terrifying and unstable.

The bright rays of the mid-day sun beat down on them as they crossed the tarmac road. A heat haze shimmered above the surface of the road in the distance. Katie couldn’t see a person in sight.

She looked towards the sand dunes and Lena making her way through the small valleys between them. She wore an almost transparent kaftan, with a red bikini that almost shone through from beneath the kaftan.

She huffed at the sight, the woman was just begging for attention. She wasn’t going to get it from Katie.

She started forwards to catch up, her flip flops clicking away as she walked. Her own kaftan, that Lena had lent her, was equally as transparent. Beneath she wore a blue and white spotted bikini, also a loan from Lena. The choice had been limited by what Lena was willing to lend in the first instance. It was also quite tight, Lena was slightly smaller than Katie in height and bust size.

The heat was blistering; even the grasshoppers slowly chirping in the dry and sparse undergrowth seemed exhausted and fed up.

Seagulls cawed in the distance as they circled, eagerly anticipating the impending storm that would bring change.

As they made progress the sand grew deeper underfoot. Katie could feel grains of hot sand seeping under her feet and in between her toes as she walked.

The heat would have been unbearable save for the cool breeze drifting in from the Atlantic.

Katie’s dark hair was whipped up by the breeze and flowed freely behind her head. She caught up with Lena who was standing next to a mid-height fence at the edge of the hilltop overlooking the azure sea stretching out as far as her eyes could see.

She closed her eyes and raised her chin allowing the cooler air to caress her sweaty neck and chest. She opened her eyes again, to behold the beautiful sight, yet she knew she wasn't here for the view.

She was surprised that Lena didn’t seem to be in much of a rush either.

Lena leaned forwards and rested her elbows on the top of the fence rail. Katie joined her, albeit keeping her distance from the unstable woman.

Her eyes drifted down towards the beach below. The wavy light sand of the small private beach stretched for fifty meters to where the white foamy sea smoothly lapped up and down along the shoreline.

There were a few sun shades dotted around the beach. Katie could spot a young couple at the far side of the beach enjoying an intimate moment together.

The drone buzzed with a light thrum directly overhead and sped off, marking the edge of the beach. Perhaps they didn’t want it too close to the people down there, otherwise it might draw undue attention to them. It glided over to a higher outcropping of rocks to the left of them, at the edge of the sandy beach.

“There are two people up there,” Lena nodded over to the rocks. She was listening to an earpiece that Katie had only just noticed she was wearing. “They can’t see directly down to the beach from where they are. That makes eleven people total,” she gripped the handrail with a smile and looked directly out to the horizon topping the sea. Then she looked at Katie, beaming with pearlescent white teeth.

“Lucky us,” Lena finally said to her.

“Okay, let’s break down what we’ve got out here,” Lena started.

“Nearest us, at the edge of the beach it looks like a family of four, two adults and what looks like older teenagers perhaps 18 or 19 years old, would you say?” Lena asked. Katie nodded agreement.

She grimly watched the teenage girls playing with each other building a sandcastle. Perhaps they were reminiscing playing together from when they were younger.

All of them were taking solace from the hot sun under the shade of their oversized umbrella the edges of which were flapping in the wind.

“Okay, then we’ve got that other group of four over there,” Lena nodded subtly towards another group of four young people.

“They all seem to be the same age. Twenty somethings, two boys, two girls, they seem to be acting like they are close friends, but both are coupled up,” Katie muttered in conclusion.

“Very good,” Lena responded with a patronising tone.

“Then we’ve got lone man over there with his dog,” Lena finished the assessment of the occupiers of the beach.

The man was on his own throwing rocks or any beach debris towards the sea, his small dog was running back and forth, jumping in and out of the frothy waves.

“Finally there is a couple making out on the rocks over there,” Lena nodded to the far side, “luckily they can’t see from where they are onto the beach, so I think we can leave them to last,”

“But, we can get nine people here and leave them alone…” Katie started.

Katie could hear Lena’s skin tightening around the handrail as the grip of Lena’s slender hands tightened their grip, she was easily frustrated.

“Nope, no witnesses remember?”

“But, they can’t see…”

“They’re too close, our guys have to clear everything in the area, they have to ensure we don’t leave a trace, including footsteps. We can’t take the risk, so they’re on the list.”

Katie looked anxiously over her shoulders, back in the direction from which they had come from. There were only a few cars parked back at the car park beyond the brow of the sand dunes.

The green hills in the distance stared back at her accusingly. She took in a final deep breath, taking in the warm sea air. The caws of the gulls and the crash of the waves were a brief interlude in the chaos of her mind.

“Before we go,” Lena’s voice interrupted the brief serenity, “do you know how to use this?” Lena reached into her bag and pulled out a very sleek looking shrinking device.

Katie’s heart started to thump in her chest at the sight of it. It brought back regrettable memories.

She nodded reluctantly.

“Good, because I’m trusting you to get the job done, these people are too scattered out for me to do this on my own, we need to take them in two groups. You take that family, they have handily provided buckets for you to put them in.

I’ll get that guy on his own afterwards. Then I’ll go up to the rocks once we’ve collected everything down here. Understood?”

Katie nodded reluctantly.

“Take these extra battery packs. Get up close within a few metres of each target and hold the trigger for ten seconds for each of them, no more than thirty seconds each or you’ll overload your battery,” Lena was looking at Katie insistently, passing the battery packs to her and gesturing to put them in her shoulder bag.

“Got it?” She asked impatiently. Katie nodded.

Lena set her lips in a straight line and turned to set off. They made their way, light footed, down the winding sandy path to the beach.

Katie’s toes finally touched the sand of the main beach, the baking grains seared at her skin and she retracted her foot sharply. She decided that she was glad to have her flip-flops on.

“Let’s set up near that family, once we’re settled I’ll head over to the group,” Lena murmured. Katie was surprised at how strategic Lena was when she wanted to be. She really did enjoy doing this.

They picked a spot relatively near the family, but not too close to arouse suspicion as the beach was nearly empty.

They set out their towels and put their beach bags down and started to apply sun cream.

Both of them kept their shrinking devices and battery packs hidden in their bags.

Lena took her Kaftan off, her bright red bikini nearly glowing in the sun.

Out of the corner of her eye Katie noticed that their presence had already attracted the attention of the husband who was lying on his left arm, staring through his sunglasses at them. Men!

She tipped her sun cream into her hand and slowly started to apply the warm cream to her body. The cream had nearly melted into a liquid and came out from the tube in a much higher quantity than expected.

Katie proceeded to slather herself with sun oil, Lena did the same and then laid back on her towel, stretching out her legs. She stretched her bare toes out and then waggled them.

“Chill for a few minutes, relax and let any attention on us drift away,” Lena muttered to Katie out of the corner of her mouth.

Her belly glistened in the sun from the sun lotion and her sweat. The husband continued to look over at them until his wife abruptly tapped him on the shoulder. She was asking him to apply cream on her back, but both women knew that she was just trying to distract him.

Katie allowed herself a moment to try and quiet her mind. She listened to the waves and the seagulls chattering overhead.

She could hear the laughter of the two young ladies playing together. She couldn’t relax. She was too apprehensive. These were all innocent people.

“So,” Lena started. “How is the little man I gave you, have you fucked him yet?” Lena asked bluntly, smiling as she propped her midsection up with her elbows.

Katie tried not to blush. She just wanted this done.

“Let’s just do this shall we?” she grunted in response, “I can’t stand the waiting,” Lena glanced at her over her sunglasses.

“Suddenly in a rush are we?” she raised her eyebrows over the top of the sunglasses. “Okay, have it your way. Are you all set?” Katie nodded an affirmative. This was all bad enough, she didn’t need Lena playing with and teasing her as well. “Good stuff, wait until I’m over by the group and we’ll hit them both together.”

Lena jumped to her feet with excitement, hoisted her bag onto her shoulder and then strode off with a spring in her step towards her four targets.

Katie stood up as well, pretending to stretch her back and shoulders. She was far less eager.

She wondered, as she watched Lena leave, if she would get away with shrinking Lena instead of the people.

She didn’t think she could, the security teams were highly trained and watching them. They would probably add Katie to their test subjects.

She picked up the shoulder bag and checked that the shrinking device was there. It was more of a nervous tick than anything else.

Lena was nearing her first target group, so Katie felt that now was the time for her to move as well, her heart rate suddenly started to increase in anticipation, pumping adrenaline around her body, acutely sharpening her senses.

Her hand slowly slipped into her beach bag as she strode towards the family group, she looked directly at them through her sunglasses. The pairs of adults were either playing obliviously in the sand or lying back under the sun shade.

Her hand touched metal, it was warm to the touch, Lena had charged it up in advance, the shrinking device felt ready.

Katie’s fingers wrapped around the handle of the object, the pistol grip of the shrinking device, and she slowly pulled it out of the bag. The metal brightly reflected the sunlight with a bright flash.

Katie hadn’t had time to think any of this through, just like almost all of the last times this had happened when she held a shrinking device. So many things could go wrong in this instant. She only had seconds to get this right.

She tried as much as possible to walk casually over to the family. The mother and father were still lying under the shade, their children were playing in the sun next to them with the buckets, it sounded like they were talking about boyfriends.

Katie pointed the object at the father first, arm outstretched, it glinted in the sun. His attention shifted to surprise as it was suddenly fixed on what she was holding in her hand. She didn’t speak, she just pressed the button and held it down, counting in her head.

“What are you doing?” The man sat upright, but then almost immediately clutched at his stomach.

Katie winced, she hated inflicting pain on innocent people. She kept counting in her head, she got to ten seconds.

“Hey!” the mother shouted at her, “What the hell is wrong with you, stop pointing your camera at us, or whatever that is!” She stood up and started to walk over to confront Katie.

Fifteen seconds.

Katie swung her arm directly at the mother and pressed the trigger again. The mother looked down at the device with frustration and then her look turned to consternation. She staggered backwards, clutching at her chest.

The man was already starting to shrink, he was wincing and occasionally yelping with pain.

The young women, presumably their daughters, both looked up from their loud playing and watched with confusion. They screamed as soon as they saw their dad’s diminished height. He was half the size of their mother now, and continuing to visibly shrink.

A piercing scream in the near distance caused all of their heads to swing round; looking across the beach.

Lena was standing over the group of four young adults, feet shoulder width apart and her arm pointing out at them. She had a shrinking device in each hand.

Katie returned her attention to the family.

The father was only a few feet tall now.

“What the hell have you just done to dad?” one of the girls screeched out at Katie.

“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry,” Katie tried to hold back tears of frustration and distress. Her grip on the device was unwavering though. It trembled in her grasp. Sweat poured down her brow and her back.

“Help me!” the mother cried out in pain, “What has she done to me?” she wailed as she shrank in size, shedding her clothes, her bikini fell to her feet exposing her breasts. She clutched at her breasts, holding them in shock.

“Mum!” the girls rushed over to her and held their mother in their arms, crying out. She was the size of a small child in comparison to them.

“Call the police!” one of the daughters said to the other. Her head spun to look at Katie.

“Please don’t!” Katie pointed the shrinking device at them, trying to warn them. They froze, sobbing, their mother literally shrinking in their arms.

“What have you done to them?” one of them asked, tears streaming down her face.

“Dad!” the other squealed. She picked up her father, he was now about ten inches tall. She held him, cupped, in her hands. “Are you okay?” she looked down at him in utter shock.

He was shouting something up at her, he was on his knees wincing, still clutching his chest.

“Put him down!” Katie instructed firmly.

“No, stop this now, undo whatever the hell you’ve done!” one of the women growled at her.

“Put him down and I’ll help you,” Katie demanded. “Let your mother go as well. Stand back,” the women naively complied.

Katie pointed the shrinking device at the woman on the left first and held down the trigger.

They both charged at her, screaming blue murder.

Katie backed away from them quickly.

Almost instantly the woman on the left collapsed to her knees, sending a spray of sand across the ground, screaming and looking at her hands. Then she held her stomach, her eyes wide with pain and shock.

“Oh my god Heather, she’s done it to me!” it was enough to distract the other woman, presumably called Heather. She looked back and rushed to her sister’s side.

“Stop it!” she shouted back at Katie, and then saw the device pointed at her charged at Katie again. Katie kept backing away, holding the trigger on the first woman, she got to eight seconds and then switched to Heather, pulling the trigger.

Heather came on strong, she kept going within two seconds of being hit.

Heather reached out her arms and connected with Katie. Katie winced and tensed her abs in preparation for the contact. Heather stumbled as she ran and clumsily careened into Katie’s hip. It seemed to knock the wind out of Heather, and she bounced away. Katie recovered as she hadn’t been hit with full force.

Heather came on at her with her hands reaching to grab at Katie, her eyes wide and wild, her long hair sweeping from side to side. Katie sidestepped away from the angrily thrashing woman and swiped at one of her feet.

All four of their legs tangled together and they fell onto the hot sand.

Katie spat out a mouthful of sand and kicked out at the other woman, making contact with her shoulder, knocking her back with a yelp.

Lying on her side she pointed the shrinking device back at Heather, when she realised that the other woman was still wheezing and recovering, she opened her legs up and lifted herself into a seated position and held the trigger.

The girl rolled onto her side screaming out, her legs kicked out and her back arched in pain.


Lena deposited the last of the four young people into the container inside her shoulder bag.

She glanced over at Katie, there were no other full sized humans over there, she must have done her job well; for once.

Without further delay she ran across the sand, barefoot. The sand burned her feet, as she darted towards her next target.

Her gaze immediately settled on the man and his dog. Her pulse racing as she started to close the distance towards them.


Katie continued to point the device at the young woman until twenty seconds had passed. The woman was visibly shrinking now.

Katie’s heart was still thumping away, adrenaline coursing through her veins. She then pointed the device back at the other woman, her sister, who was trying to crawl towards Katie, crying out with each elbow she dug into the sand.

The woman was approximately a quarter of her original size. Katie held the trigger down for five more seconds; just to make sure.

Within a minute Katie was huge relative to the family who stood or knelt in shock below her, mere inches tall. Everything else remained its normal size. The two buckets and spades, the towels and bags, the sun shade, the book the woman had been reading, even the man's wallet was bigger than him.

Katie looked down at the two young women. She lowered herself to a squatting position. They screamed, seeing the huge bikini pants looming towards them and giant thighs spreading out either side. They tried to scramble back in the sand but Katie scooped them both up in her hands, cupping them both inside.

She briefly examined both of them and then carefully placed the squirming and squealing bodies into one of the buckets. It was unfortunate, she felt sympathy for their predicament.

She stepped towards the parents. The tiny pair were hugging each other, sobbing and looking up at the giant woman standing over them.

Katie put the bucket down and knelt down in front of them.

“I’m so sorry to have done this to you,” she tried to soothe them. It wasn’t working.

“Please, whatever you have done, please make us big again!” the woman pleaded in desperation.

“My daughters, where are my daughters?” the man asked. Katie reached out to the couple with both hands. They both screamed at her and backed away.

She snatched out quickly, grabbing them around their waists and picked the wriggling people up. They smacked at her fingers with their hands and elbows, twisting their torsos inside her hands and tried to prise themselves free. They Shouted and screamed at her. All of it was helpless in her vice like grip.

She placed them both in the other bucket and then sat down on their towel in the shade, catching her breath. She pulled both buckets close to her so that they were either side of her and glanced down inside each. There were four sets of screaming people inside the buckets, desperate to be freed and for her to undo whatever it was she did to them.


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