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The Doctor Part 3 - The House on the Hill

The car stopped with an abrupt squeak of the brakes outside the garage. The house was perfectly situated in it's location, sitting on a hilltop overlooking the sea and the fields around. It was a two storey detached house and there was no visible civilisation for miles. 

Laura crept through the door, careful not to knock the heavy bag against it. 

She glanced into the room, it was silent and nobody appeared to be in the immediate vicinity. She took another step into the house. 

Suddenly the door slammed shut behind her. Laura jumped as she spun round towards the door. As she did so, she caught sight of the source. 

One hand on her hip, the other braced against the door. Wearing high heeled shoes, long smooth legs, a black skirt, which ended at the knees, and a dark blue shirt, mostly concealed beneath the long white labcoat buttoned at her chest, the woman looked more of a model than a Doctor. 

She had long and firm, but pretty features, a strong jawline, hair tied up in a bun behind her head and a pale face. But the defining feature was her eyes. Those piercing eyes drilled straight through Laura's soul. They always did. 

It was as if she could read her mind.

"You're late," said the Doctor in a low and almost inaudible purr. It was a deceptive tone, as Laura knew the extent of her Mistresses' wrath and volume when she deemed it to be required. 

Laura merely stood, unsure of how to reply. 

Her Mistress merely cocked her head. 

"Well?" She demanded. "What do you say?" Laura knew that this demanded a response. She gulped down hard. 

"I... I'm sorry Doctor," she replied finally, trying to hide her stammer. 

"Did everything go to plan?" the Doctor asked, instantly sweeping any apologies aside. Laura nodded immediately. 

"Were you followed?" the Doctor took a step towards Laura. She instinctively backed away slightly. 

"No," she replied. The Doctor looked down at the bag, then back up at Laura. 

"Are you sure?" She asked, that piercing stare back again, almost delving deep into Laura's consciousness and her thoughts and to be quite honest, the Doctor seemed to know everthing, so she wouldn't have disbelieved that her Mistress had that power. 

"I'm sure Doctor, I wasn't followed," she clarified. The stare continued for a few more seconds, then the features relaxed slightly. 

"I believe you Laura," the Doctor purred again. "You did a good job as usual." The Doctor reached down towards the bag and gestured. Laura nodded. "I have them for you here," Laura stated. 

"I know," the Doctor replied. "You can keep the cars," she gave a smirk, "add them to your collection if you like." 

Laura bowed her head slightly. 

"Thank you," she took the bag with the cars in it. The Doctor turned as she shouldered the other bag and started towards the door at the end of the hallway. 

Before she reached the door she stopped. Dead in her tracks. Laura held her breath. 

"Laura," the Doctor started. 

"Yes Mistress," Laura kept her eyes staring at the ground. 

"Are you hiding anything from me?" the Doctor asked, in a nonchalant tone. 

"Of course not Mistress... I..."

"Because, I know when you're hiding things from me Laura..." the Doctor let her voice trail off slightly, and indeed suggestively. Then she turned. 

"Actually, I know you would never dare to hide anything from me," she started back towards Laura until they were facing each other. The Doctor placed a fingertip on Laura's chin, which was turned towards her chest as she stared at the floor. The fingertip forced her head upwards until she had no option but to look at the Doctor's face.  

The piercing stare returned as Laura was forced to look her Mistress in the eyes. 

"Laura, I know how forgetful you can be and how clumsy you can be," the Doctor started. "Perhaps you dropped one of them into your clothes by accident."

The Doctor's other hand was suddenly gently placed on Laura's navel and began to slowly slide its way downwards. 

"Oh... oh!" Laura squeaked and wriggled away. "I think I may have dropped one..." She reached down into her bikini thong and produced a tiny wriggling form. 

It was a tiny female, she looked completely dazed as she suddenly stared into the eyes of her beholder. The Doctor whipped her tiny form out of Laura's hand, there was a small squeak and the woman disappeared into the lab coat. 

The Doctor looked Laura in the eyes again, disappointed. Then she turned and walked through the door and closed it behind her. 

Laura heard her walk down the stairs and the door shut below.    

A tear rolled down her cheek and then Laura started to sob slowly. 

The door was suddenly flung open and a young lady stormed into the room. 

"Well!" She demanded. "Where's my share?" Laura gave Katie a scowl, then with trembling hands she withdrew one of the tiny cars from the bag and flung it straight at Katie. 

"There's your share!" Laura shouted. Katie dodged the car easily. It impacted against the wall harmlessly and fell to the floor. Laura fled the room, sobbing.  

Katie glanced down at the smashed car and shrugged. She picked the metal object up. It was relatively heavy for its size. She turned it round, examining it. Then she tossed it to the floor. It landed with a crash. Katie raised her foot and stamped down hard. 

Laura could clean that up later.


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