Discord Integration Update (Patreon)
I plan to utilize this patron only Discord channel to hold discussions and votes. Since only patrons will be able to access my #Patreon channel I can hold votes with my Discord as opposed to holding them in separate posts here. By utilizing my other Discord bots I should be able to create additional voting channels exclusively for members of my server's "Patron" role to prevent the #Patreon channel from flooding with vote commands. When such channels are created I will be sure to announce them here for anyone that would prefer not to remain logged into my server for updates.
There is also the option to join my other general channels on my server, but be warned these are not Patreon related. Keep in mind that if you do not have an assigned server role you will need an email associated with your Discord account, and you must be registered with Discord and a member of my server for over 10 minutes before you can post. This is an added security measure to protect my server from potential bad behavior. If you would rather not receive any sort of communication/notification from my other channels you can right-click on them and check "Mute #channel_name".
I guess that's all there is to say on that for now. I will be going back to drawing in a minute, but once I have the lines for the current page done I will try and setup a patron exclusive vote with Mirai (join my server and you'll see who that is).