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Chapter 90

Qin Xuyang had been doing quite well in the game before, but recently, luck wasn't on his side. Not only did he lose his hidden profession to someone else, but also Xu Wei, whom he had always thought would stand by him, betrayed him by teaming up with another man. Losing this opportunity meant he had almost no chance of becoming one of the top players in the game. He was already a step behind others from the starting point.

So, he had to resort to some tricks.

Qin Xuyang accidentally found out about Murong Xue's identity. Murong Xue was the only daughter of Murong Ming, the well-known CEO of the Jinyue Group, the company behind the famous game "Spirit Realm."

Murong Xue, beautiful and pampered since childhood, was somewhat naive.

A girl like her, with the right manipulation, could easily give him her wholehearted trust. Qin Xuyang was very familiar with this.

So, he bribed two thugs and, when Murong Xue was alone, he cornered her in an alley, intending to play the hero.

As expected, after that incident, this innocent and lovely rich girl clung to him.

However, Qin Xuyang never expected that the two thugs, whom he thought had nothing more to do with him, would appear before him again.

"It's you two again!" Murong Xue obviously recognized the two thugs, fear evident in her eyes. "What do you want this time?"

The thugs were also a bit puzzled. They had seen Qin Xuyang last time; he was their big customer. This time, undoubtedly, he placed the order again. But now, the script seemed different.

"Don't be afraid, Xue, I'm here." Qin Xuyang stood resolutely in front of Murong Xue.

After two minutes of stalemate, one of the thugs couldn't hold back anymore and spoke up, "Boss, didn't you say we're doing it like last time? Why are you here? What should we do next?"

Qin Xuyang was silent for two seconds, then realized he might have been tricked. He frowned and said sternly, "What are you talking about? When did I become your boss? I don't even know you!"

The other thug, straightforwardly, said, "Whoever pays us is the boss. The money you gave us last time is just spent, but I don't get it. Why do you city folks like to play the same trick twice? I see this girl is the same as last time… hmm."

Before he could finish, the other thug covered his mouth. He looked at Qin Xuyang and said, "Yes, sorry, boss. My brother has a big mouth. We won't take your money this time. Goodbye."

Watching the two thugs leave in a hurry, and then looking at Murong Xue, who was staring at him incredulously, Qin Xuyang felt a panic rise within him. "Xue, listen to me, let me explain."

At this moment, Murong Xue snapped out of her daze. Given the situation, what was there to explain? She sneered, "Listen to your explanation? Listen to how you had these thugs assault me last time and then played the hero? Thanks, but I may not have much experience, but it doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to fall for that."

"I really didn't…" Qin Xuyang began.

"Heh, do you laugh at how foolish I am every time I come to see you? Thanks for showing me how treacherous people can be. These days, I'll take it as a lesson learned from you."

"Xue! Xue!" Watching Murong Xue leave without turning back, Qin Xuyang's face turned pale.

In the car, after watching the so-called classic replay from 098, Ling Chunann commented, "Those two thugs are quite interesting."

... The host really knows how to focus, 098 sighed inwardly, but agreed outwardly, "I also find them intriguing."

"098, you don't have to force yourself to agree with me. I don't mind if we have different opinions," Ling Chunann said.

"No, host, I genuinely find them amusing," 098 said sincerely.

"That's good."

Seeing Ling Chunann not pursuing further, 098 breathed a sigh of relief. It reminded itself that the host was not just someone with a backstage anymore; the host had become more powerful. It had to perform better to continue working alongside the host.

In the system's unwritten rules, the system usually progressed faster than the host. Just after discovering that Ling Chunann was more powerful than itself, 098 had specially reviewed the rules again and found a clause: if the tasker was stronger than the system, the tasker had the right to request a replacement of the same level with a new system.

Though initially having some opinions about Ling Chunann's personal quirks and being concerned about his mental state, after spending such a long time together, 098 was more than satisfied with its host. High completion rate, never a hassle with tasks—truly the cream of the crop among taskers. If it missed the chance with Ling Chunann, it might never find such an efficient host again.

Ling Chunann wasn't interested in 098's thoughts. He was currently trying hard not to burst out laughing.

A dragon of a different breed was essentially the same. He had drifted off for a moment, and his pants were half pulled down!

The old butler, still in his sleek white suit, was waiting outside. As the car slowed down, the bodyguard got out first and gestured to the old butler who was about to open the door, "Sir, the young master fell asleep. We should head back."

"What's going on?" the old butler asked.

"I'm not entirely sure. He might be tired. That's what Sir just informed me via communication." The bodyguard looked puzzled.

"I see. Go inside." After glancing at the tightly closed car door, the old butler signaled to the bodyguard. Then, as if remembering something, he added, "Oh, by the way, please help me retrieve the millennium ginseng from the bottom of the storage room and send it to the kitchen."


When Ling Chunann woke up, he found himself in bed, greeted by a familiar bowl of steaming hot deer antler chicken soup prepared by the enthusiastic old butler. "Young master, here, I just finished stewing this soup. Drink it while it's hot."

"... "

Despite the old butler always trying every possible means to tonify his kidneys, Ling Chunann still had a favorable impression of him, though he was certain his kidneys were just fine.

Watching the old butler repeatedly urging him to finish the soup for his health, Ling Chunann smiled gratefully and then pushed the bowl towards Feng Buyu as soon as he entered.

For a long time after that, Ling Chunann didn't bother the male lead and focused solely on playing games. Similarly, nobody bothered him either, except for Green Grass who came to see him a few times in the first two months, attempting to get more medicine from him, only to be sold a bunch of pills at twice the market price by Ling Chunann.

This particular fact made 098 admire Ling Chunann immensely. Despite ruining the male lead's good deeds so many times, the male lead still hadn't realized it was him. Of course, even if he had some doubts in his heart, he couldn't possibly trace it back to Ling Chunann, let alone connect the timid pharmacist in the game with the teenager he encountered that day.

"Host, after the male lead realized he had no chance of becoming the top force, he seems to be planning to switch to the business world. Recently, he has established a business association and made quite a bit of money with the newly recruited pharmacists," 098 expressed concern about the male lead's development.

"It's fine, let him be proud for a few more days," Ling Chunann focused on refining medicine.

In the third month, Zheng Mingjie and his sister entered the game.

As soon as they left the newbie village, they contacted Ling Chunann. Upon seeing the message from Zheng Mingjie, who was currently struggling to clear a dungeon, Feng Buyu said, "Uncle, can you lend me Chen Yu for a while?" Chen Yu was the bodyguard who had been driving Feng Buyu all this time. In the game, he maintained a level of around fifty-five, surpassing most players who were around level fifty.

Of course, this was Ling Chunann's request, aimed at discouraging the male lead from pursuing the leaderboard.

"You can take him," Feng Buyu didn't ask for the reason, and sent his loyal subordinate away.

Ling Chunann nodded, then sent a message to the bodyguard.

NotYieldingToTheSouth: Brother Yu, could you do me a favor?

ColdBladeSlightlyCold: Young master, just command.

NotYieldingToTheSouth: I have two friends who just entered the game. Could you take care of them for me?

ColdBladeSlightlyCold: What level?

NotYieldingToTheSouth: Forty. Thanks.

ColdBladeSlightlyCold: Alright, it's my honor to do things for the young master.

In less than two weeks, the bodyguard brought Zheng Mingjie and his sister to Ling Chunann. The brother was level forty-three, and the sister was level forty-one, exceeding expectations.

"So, what kind of fish do you think the bodyguard is?" Ling Chunann asked 098.

"Maybe a giant octopus," 098 exclaimed in amazement, "otherwise, how could he move so quickly with just two hands?"

"Why don't you guess he's a giant crab? He has quite a few legs," Ling Chunann's guess was soon confirmed, leaving 098 feeling inadequate.

Since establishing the business association, Qin Xuyang had the habit of checking the sales report every week. Looking at the performance on it was when he felt the most accomplished. Who would have thought that just a few months ago, he was just an ordinary student living off his parents' inheritance, and now his assets, both in and out of the game, totaled millions.

Qin Xuyang had a good eye for business. After discovering the opportunity in pharmaceuticals, he attracted most of the excellent pharmacists with high profits. Now, their business association monopolized almost all pharmaceutical sales, so the profits were considerable.

However, this time's report was a bit weak, with sales significantly lower compared to the previous week.

Qin Xuyang summoned the elder responsible for the affairs of the business association and placed the report on the table. "What's going on? Why is the sales volume so much lower?"

"Recently, a new business association emerged and took away some of our market. I was just about to report this to you. Their medicine prices are slightly cheaper than ours," the elder reported, "Chairman, do you think we should take some action?"

"A new business association? Who are they?" Qin Xuyang frowned but quickly relaxed. "They're engaging in a price war, which means their profit margins are lower. This is nothing to fear. If their medicine quality is similar to ours, it means the pharmacist is quite good. Go back and find out who this pharmacist is, then find a way to recruit him to our side."

"Understood, I'll take care of it!"


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