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Chapter 91

"Host, the male lead is looking for our guild's pharmacist, saying he wants to recruit you." 098 reported to Ling Chunann.

"Got it," Ling Chunann replied. "How much do you think he'll offer to buy me?"

"...You're so secretive; he probably won't be able to find you." 098 remarked. Not to mention, since the establishment of the guild, Ling Chunann had kept his hands completely off it. He had prepared the medicines long ago and simply handed them to Zheng Mingjie. He had never shown his face throughout. No matter how capable the male lead was, he couldn't possibly locate Ling Chunann.

"You underestimate the male lead, 098." Ling Chunann sighed at his system's blind confidence, a habit that had repeatedly backfired.

As expected, two weeks later, Qin Xuyang arranged to meet with Ling Chunann.

Upon seeing the male lead's message in his chat box, 098 was once again at a loss for words. Why was it always so foolish, attempting to compare intelligence with its own host? "Host, are you going to meet the male lead?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Ling Chunann replied casually, simultaneously responding to the male lead's message and scheduling a meeting with him.

"Are you going out, sweetheart?" On the day of the meeting, Feng Buyu, unusually free from work, joined Ling Chunann in the game early.

"Yeah, meeting an old friend. Would you like to come along?" Ling Chunann asked, tilting his head.

098: Host, don't be fooled. He must have checked your recent schedule. That's why he came early today, to go see the male lead with you, right?

But 098 dared only think about it in silence, suppressing the urge to say it out loud. Didn't he see how happy the host looked?

Two weeks outside the game equated to nearly three months inside.

During this time, Qin Xuyang was utterly frantic. Initially, he hadn't paid much attention to the new guild, considering that whether in reputation or products, their guild was undoubtedly the best, and they had nothing to fear from anyone.

More accurately, upon learning the other party's price, Qin Xuyang had viewed the small guild called Starfire with amusement. It was like ants trying to shake a tree.

So, when the elders of the guild said they hadn't found the other party's pharmacist, he hadn't cared.

But it was precisely this small guild he had looked down upon that had unknowingly snatched away more than half of the market. What's worse, even their guild's highest-level pharmacists couldn't produce the drugs the other party sold, not to mention that Qin Xuyang had personally inquired, and they hadn't even heard of the names of those drugs before.

What did this mean?

It could only mean that the other party's pharmacist and their pharmacist were not on the same level.

Seeing the sales plummet by more than half, Qin Xuyang was beside himself with anxiety and had to take action.

Upon learning who the pharmacist of Starfire Guild was, Qin Xuyang felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over his head. He had never thought highly of that Green Grass, a mere follower, but now he had become the main pharmacist of an opposing guild, and his skills were so profound and unfathomable.

But no matter what, he had to recruit him.

To show sincerity, Qin Xuyang arranged to meet Ling Chunann at the best restaurant in the game, where a meal cost at least a thousand gold, aiming for something higher class, at least ten thousand gold. He had already arrived early with Green Grass, waiting in the private room.

"Why him?" Arriving at the designated restaurant, Green Grass hadn't fully recovered from her shock. "I know he can refine medicine, but he's only at the level of an ordinary pharmacist. Could he have had some kind of fortuitous encounter? Like a hidden profession or something?"

"You'll find out when he gets here." Perhaps prompted by Green Grass's words, Qin Xuyang's displeasure flickered in his eyes briefly, but soon his smile returned. "Grass, I remember he used to like you a lot. When he arrives, talk more about the merits of our guild. Maybe that will bring him over. The survival of our guild now rests on your shoulders."

"Don't worry, your guild is my guild. I'll definitely help you." Green Grass brimmed with confidence, then glanced out the window. "Why hasn't he arrived yet? Wasn't it set for eleven? It's already eleven-thirty."

"Let's wait a little longer. He's changed a lot since then and is naturally more aloof now." Qin Xuyang reassured her.

"Heh, I see." Green Grass sneered.

"Hello, guests, please come in."

At this moment, Ling Chunann arrived downstairs, greeted by two beautiful waitresses bowing respectfully.

"Host, Green Grass is also here. She doesn't seem very welcoming to you." 098 remarked.

"Zhounan, you're here." Upon reaching the floor, Qin Xuyang approached Ling Chunann with a warm smile, pushing a plate of food toward him. "Long time no see. And who is..." He looked toward Feng Buyu.

Although Feng Buyu hadn't played the game for long, with his ridiculously fast leveling speed, his name wasn't high on the leaderboard, but coincidentally, it was just above Qin Xuyang's.

Qin Xuyang wasn't the type to overlook such things, so it was impossible for him not to recognize Feng Buyu.

Ling Chunann had no intention of exposing Qin Xuyang's ignorance. He introduced naturally, "This is my partner, gaming ID Wind No Words. I believe you've heard of this name." His face flushed slightly after speaking.

"Partner?" Qin Xuyang's mouth hung open, looking particularly ridiculous.

Green Grass didn't fare much better. Since Ling Chunann had shown such fondness toward her before, she had even planned to flirt with him a bit if he was willing to come over. Suddenly hearing that he had a partner, and a male one at that, was simply unbelievable.

Among those present, Feng Buyu appeared the calmest, albeit with a glint of joy in his eyes and an uncontrollable smile on his face.

This was the first time Ling Chunann had introduced him like this in front of others. It sounded much better than "uncle."

Watching the man's embarrassed performance, Ling Chunann pinched his arm, receiving a silly smile in response.

Ling Chunann: "...So foolish."

098: "Agreed."

With everyone present, the dishes soon arrived. After learning that Ling Chunann already had a partner, Qin Xuyang's originally brimming confidence seemed to have taken a hit, and it seemed that Green Grass's path was no longer viable.

However, Qin Xuyang quickly figured it out. People might not be swayed, but he still had money; he didn't believe this kid wouldn't be tempted by profit.

Seeing the male lead remaining silent, Ling Chunann spoke first, "What's the matter with you looking for me? Surely not just for catching up?"

With a warm smile on his face, Qin Xuyang pushed a plate of exquisite jade

 green fish toward Ling Chunann. "Come on, try this Emerald Green Fish, it's the signature dish of the restaurant. Let's eat and talk."

Ling Chunann glanced at the plate of fish, complete with its enticing colors and aroma, but didn't touch his chopsticks.

Feng Buyu spoke up at the right moment, "If there's nothing urgent, I have something to attend to. I'll take my leave."

"Nanzhou." Feng Buyu and Ling Chunann had just stood up when they were stopped by someone. It was Green Grass, who had barely spoken earlier. She glanced at Feng Buyu before redirecting her gaze to Ling Chunann. "Although we haven't been in touch for so long, I believe we're still friends."

Ling Chunann hesitated for a moment, then paused in his steps.

Seeing Ling Chunann stop, Green Grass's face brightened. "You two, please sit down. Let's talk slowly." Although she addressed Ling Chunann, her eyes remained on Feng Buyu's face. When he glanced her way, she seemed somewhat embarrassed and quickly turned her head.

"No need. Xiao Nan and I still have tasks to complete. Please, get to the point." Feng Buyu's expression was indifferent, leaving the two of them somewhat stunned.

Qin Xuyang stepped forward. "Let me get straight to the point. Nanzhou, our Chengtian Merchant Guild would like to invite you to become our chief pharmacist. You don't need to worry about compensation; we're willing to provide all the medicinal materials needed for alchemy. The profit split would be seventy-thirty, with seventy percent for you and thirty percent for the guild."

Upon hearing this offer, Green Grass frowned slightly, appearing somewhat anxious, but quickly regained a polite smile.

"I believe no other guild would dare to offer such terms. If you agree, I'm willing to sign a written agreement with you. My integrity is well-known, and I wouldn't cheat you in this regard."

"Of course, if your... partner," Qin Xuyang stumbled over the word 'partner,' as he had never encountered a same-sex couple like Ling Chunann and Feng Buyu before today, "if he also agrees to join our guild, I can offer him a position as an elder."

Any guild's elder position carried significant benefits, especially in a major commercial guild like Qin Xuyang's Chengtian Merchant Guild.

Under such tempting conditions, he didn't believe anyone wouldn't be swayed.

Sure enough, Ling Chunann pulled Feng Buyu back to his seat.

Watching their actions, Qin Xuyang felt a mix of satisfaction and disdain. Poor folks would always be poor folks; even if they managed to snag someone who seemed rich and handsome, they couldn't shake off that aura of poverty. Then he thought he might have set the terms too high; if the other party agreed, their guild would have no profit left.

But regardless, he would recruit them first, and then figure out how to withhold their share of the profits later. 

Smugly tallying up his gains, Qin Xuyang was suddenly brought back to reality when he heard Ling Chunann, whom he assumed would eagerly agree, speak up with a response completely contrary to his expectations.

Ling Chunann's voice was just as Qin Xuyang remembered, soft and lacking in confidence, but this time it sounded particularly grating. "I'm sorry, I can't agree."

Qin Xuyang's expression changed instantly, alternating between red and white, clearly not a happy expression. But he quickly suppressed this emotion, forcing a smile that looked rather unpleasant. "Why?"

Despite the male lead's attempts to persuade them, Ling Chunann and Feng Buyu left without a backward glance.

"Nanzhou, regardless of the circumstances, I hope you reconsider. Our guild is the top guild in the game; we won't shortchange you. Although the guild you're in now has gained momentum, it's still just a small guild. As the saying goes, water flows to the lowest point, and people aim for higher ground. I believe you understand." Qin Xuyang followed after them, his tone almost threatening.

"Thank you, I will consider it carefully."

After the two had left, Green Grass, who had been silenced by Qin Xuyang, expressed her displeasure. "How could he change like this? Just because he's hooked up with a man? He actually rejected such a good offer."

"Don't worry, he'll agree eventually." Qin Xuyang had calmed down by now. "No other guild could offer the kind of treatment I did. He's just putting on a show for us."

"I remember him being quite foolish before. How did he become so cunning now?" Green Grass seemed puzzled.

"That man by his side isn't a good influence." Qin Xuyang sneered. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think he had a grudge against me."

"Why's that?"

"Every time, no matter how much I level up, his ranking is always one step above mine." Qin Xuyang's expression soured at the memory.

Too absorbed in his own emotions, Qin Xuyang didn't notice the pensive look on Green Grass's face.

Back at his own guild, Ling Chunann instructed 098, "Send the evidence of Green Grass's embezzlement to the male lead."

"Yes, host." 098 responded, then added curiously, "Why would Green Grass do such a thing? Didn't she have a crush on the male lead?"

"You forgot, she's good friends with Purple Rose, and there are forum posts from school. After all that's happened, it would be strange if she still had blind faith in the male lead." Ling Chunann analyzed the situation for 098, in a good mood. "So, money talks."

In the following weeks, the male lead sent several more invitations, all of which Ling Chunann rejected. Meanwhile, under Zheng Mingjie's efforts, Starfire Guild officially became a major guild comparable to the male lead's Chengtian Merchant Guild, and even seemed to be surpassing it.

"Rebellion Value +5%, current Rebellion Value is 85%, please continue your efforts, host."

"Host, Green Grass has been in contact with Zheng Mingjie these days. She says she wants to switch to our guild." One day, while Ling Chunann was experimenting with new medicines in the alchemy room, 098 reported, "Zheng Mingjie agreed. Host, do you really want Green Grass to join our guild?"

Ling Chunann smiled without saying a word. Before long, Zheng Mingjie knocked on the door.

"Yin, do you know the vice president of Chengtian Guild, Green Grass? She's recently had a falling out with Chengtian Guild over profit-sharing. She embezzled a lot of money from the guild, thinking no one would notice, and now she wants to join our guild. What a pipe dream." Zheng Mingjie was straightforward and didn't tolerate people with poor character.


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