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Chapter 89

Qin Xuyang came to the hospital today to have his cast removed. His right hand had healed well, and according to the doctor, after a few more weeks of bandaging, there would be no problem. He was relieved to have one hand freed, feeling quite happy. 

What made him even happier was that Murong Xue had come to accompany him today. 

"Xuyang, how about we go eat steak? I haven't eaten out in a long time," the adorable girl walked beside Qin Xuyang, and the passersby couldn't help but glance at this handsome couple. 

"But my hand..." Although one cast was removed, the bandage was still on, so Qin Xuyang couldn't use both hands. Normally, he was taken care of by his roommates and juniors at school. 

Murong Xue showed a slightly embarrassed smile. "I'll feed you!" 

Qin Xuyang looked a bit hesitant. "But, this isn't appropriate. Typically, it's the boy who takes care of the girl..."

"It's okay. You saved my life, and now that your hand is injured again, it's only right for me to take care of you. I'm just afraid you'll think I can't take care of people," Murong Xue's face turned crimson. 

"Alright, thank you very much then. Let's go; I know a steakhouse nearby that's really good."

"Host, the male lead is so hypocritical," 098's eyes were practically overflowing with smugness, only the harem girls in brainless mode didn't notice.

Ling Chunann twirled the car keys in his hand. "098, have you noticed you're becoming more gossipy?"

During their conversation, Ling Chunann passed by the male lead and his companion and headed straight for the hospital elevator. 

Qin Xuyang, who was enjoying a sweet moment with Murong Xue, suddenly turned back, looking towards the closing elevator. 

"Xuyang, what's wrong?" Murong Xue asked, puzzled by Qin Xuyang's sudden stop.

"Nothing," Qin Xuyang withdrew his gaze. "Just felt like I saw someone familiar."

"Who? Your friend? Should we go find him?" Murong Xue blinked at Qin Xuyang.

Faced with this innocent rich girl, Qin Xuyang held back. He didn't mention what happened on the street that day. Although he didn't feel guilty about it in his heart and didn't intentionally step on that little boy, the incident still tarnished his reputation at school. And because he missed the best time to explain, it ultimately had an irreparable impact. To this day, he's still seen as a villain by most students. And in Qin Xuyang's eyes, the culprit behind this was that vile video. Although he didn't see Ling Chunann holding the recording equipment at the time, judging from the angle, it should've been shot from his side. Therefore, Qin Xuyang harbored deep resentment towards Ling Chunann. If Murong Xue hadn't been by his side just now, he probably would've rushed over to the elevator. 

"Host, the male lead's expression just now looked like he wanted to devour you," 098 remarked. "Is he going to catch up?"

Ling Chunann's mouth still bore a friendly smile. "If he catches up, that's perfect. I'll give him a beating."

"...Why is this violent tendency coming back?" 

The elevator stopped at the eighth floor, the Oncology Department. Ling Chunann had just stepped out of the elevator and saw Zheng Mingjie sitting on a bench in the corridor. He was holding the back of his head with both hands, his head bowed, lost in thought. Ling Chunann stood in front of him without noticing him.

"Mingjie, bro," Ling Chunann called out.

Zheng Mingjie startled awake. "L-Ling, why are you here?"

"Just passing by, thought I'd come see." Ling Chunann smiled and looked towards the ward opposite. "How's Mingyue sister doing?"

Zheng Mingjie's eyes dimmed. "The doctor said she must undergo surgery within two weeks, otherwise the tumor will spread and compress her cranial nerves. She's at a dead end." His voice choked towards the end. "It's my fault."

"How much more money do you need?" Ling Chunann asked.

"Eight...eight hundred thousand," Zheng Mingjie's voice was dry, despair evident in his eyes. "It's my fault. I'm not worthy of being Mingyue's brother. I can't even save my own sister." This amount of money was undoubtedly a huge sum for him now. Even if he sold his kidneys, he couldn't come up with it.

"Here, take this card," Ling Chunann patted his shoulder and handed him a card. "There's a million in it. Consider it a loan."

"I-I..." Zheng Mingjie suddenly looked up, his eyes wide. "L-Ling, where did you get this money?"

"I've been playing 'Spirit Realm' recently and made it there," Ling Chunann said. "Now, 'Spirit Realm' has opened a currency exchange channel, and the gold coins inside can be cashed out. I earned it through business. Don't worry; there's absolutely no problem."

"Really?" Zheng Mingjie still seemed somewhat incredulous.

"Absolutely!" Ling Chunann nodded. "If you don't believe me, when Mingyue sister gets better, you can come play together and see for yourself."

Zheng Mingjie hesitated as he held the card. "But..."

"Oh, come on, there's no buts, Mingjie bro. You've helped me so much before, and now I can finally help you. You can't refuse me. Besides, I'm just lending you the money; it's not a gift. You'll pay me back later. I'll go see Mingyue sister now. You go wash your face; those dark circles under your eyes are as big as fists."

"Okay, thank you."

"Resurgence Value +5%, current Resurgence Value is 70%, please continue to work hard, Host."

The Host still hadn't lost his knack for lying with wide-open eyes. That million was clearly from Feng Buyu.

"098, don't complain about me in your mind." Just as 098 was thinking this, Ling Chunann's voice sounded in its ear.

"Host, why did you lie to Zheng Mingjie?"

"I just told the truth early," Ling Chunann said.

"Ah?" Where did this new term come from?

"Just because I'm not making money in the game now doesn't mean I won't make money later. And don't forget, Zheng Mingjie was a business genius in the original plot. Indirectly, it was because of his sister's relationship that the male lead accepted Zheng Mingjie as his subordinate, dug countless gold in the game with his help, and eventually became the game overlord. Now that the male lead and Zheng Mingyue are no longer possible, naturally, Ling Chunann has become Zheng Mingjie's boss. With subordinates in place, will the journey to becoming rich be far off?"

"Host is brilliant!" 098 praised repeatedly.

After leaving the hospital, only an hour away from the

 male lead leaving the hospital, Ling Chunann didn't rush back or drive but went straight to the nearby commercial center.

"Host, where are you going?"

"Shopping mall."

...It didn't believe it.

Then 098 found the location of the male lead and said, "Host, are you planning to go cause trouble for the male lead now?"

"Ling, why are you suddenly so aggressive?" Ling Chunann said, "I'm just a weak merman without any strength. Even if the male lead doesn't have both hands, I can't beat him."

Indeed, a merman's combat power after transforming into a human was quite weak, so what Ling Chunann said was not wrong. 098 realized its mistake and was about to apologize when Ling Chunann spoke again, saying, "But you're right; I am indeed going to cause trouble for him."


Ling Chunann stopped in front of a public telephone booth. "Oops, I don't have any money on me."

"Sorry, Host, I don't have the ability to magically create money," 098 replied.

"It's okay, I do," Ling Chunann responded.

"Huh?" How is that possible?

Then 098 witnessed how Ling Chunann turned money. Ling Chunann's originally rosy face turned pale in an instant, his shoulders slumped, and he looked completely disoriented.

Luo Yining was already naturally handsome, and with Ling Chunann's embellishment, passersby couldn't help but take a few more glances at them. In less than fifteen seconds, a beautiful woman in her forties stopped in front of him. "Young man, what's wrong? Is something bothering you? Tell Auntie."

Ling Chunann looked up at the woman. "Auntie, I just had my wallet stolen, and I don't have any friends nearby. I wanted to call my family to pick me up, but I don't have any coins on me."

"Oh dear, do you need to make a call? Auntie has a phone, I'll lend it to you." She took out her phone, but it turned out to be out of battery when she pressed the screen to light it up. She smiled awkwardly. "It's okay, Auntie has some coins here."

"I... I have some too." A young man nearby also approached.

"Why don't I drive you home?" A middle-aged man also chimed in.

"These thieves are despicable. Did you report it to the police, young man?"


After thanking everyone for their concern, Ling Chunann finally accepted the coins from the first woman. The whole process, from realizing he had no money to receiving help, took less than three minutes, leaving 098 completely dumbfounded.

Ling Chunann dialed a unfamiliar number. A magnetic male voice sounded from his mouth, "Number 80, Songyuan Lane, double the price last time, same woman as last time, same procedure."


"Host, was that the male lead's voice just now? What are you planning to do?" 098 couldn't figure out its host's behavior anymore, so it decided to just ask about things it didn't understand.

"The number I just called was taken from him at the hospital earlier," Ling Chunann said, taking out a small piece of paper from his pocket with a somewhat disgusted expression. "He hasn't washed his coat for at least a week."

"Are you saying that his gallant act from a week ago was fake?" 098 was incredulous.

"Who knows," Ling Chunann replied.

But what surprised 098 even more was that Ling Chunann had managed to steal from the male lead and memorize his number without it noticing at all.

Though it sometimes overlooked things, it was still quite sensitive to its host's actions. If it hadn't weakened, then there was only one possibility—its host had blocked its perception.

098 remained silent for a while before remembering that Ling Chunann had asked it once in the previous life if it felt like he was starting to resemble his original appearance more and more. It had basically come to a conclusion in its heart.

It was certain that it wasn't getting weaker; it was Ling Chunann who was getting stronger, and his soul power had even surpassed its own, which explained why Ling Chunann could read its thoughts so many times. It claimed it didn't have the habit of talking to itself. But Ling Chunann didn't seem to be aware of this issue himself, perhaps he unconsciously blocked its perception.

Such a situation had rarely if ever occurred in history. There had never been a host that could surpass the system, and theoretically, such a situation should never arise.

098 was baffled.

Then it suddenly remembered the only difference between Ling Chunann and other taskers.

That one follower who had been with him from the very beginning and never left.

When Ling Chunann came out of the phone booth, the woman was still waiting outside. "How's it going? Is your family coming to pick you up?"

"Yeah, they said they'll send a car over in a while." Ling Chunann smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Auntie, I really appreciate it. Why don't you give me your number, and I'll treat you to dinner another day."

"It's okay, no need for dinner. It's just a small favor. Call your family and let them know, I'm afraid you'll get lost." The woman wanted to say more but suddenly looked into the distance. "My daughter is calling me. Little brother, Auntie will leave first."


Before leaving, the woman handed Ling Chunann a business card and two hundred yuan, saying it was for him to eat something nearby.

"Mom, what were you doing just now? I called you for so long before you came over." Chu Yunge pouted and complained. Because there was some distance between them, and Ling Chunann had his back to her, she couldn't see his face clearly.

"A kid had his wallet stolen just now."

"What? That's a scam. How could you believe those scammers? They just want to cheat your money."

"You, how could you say that? That kid just now seemed quite nice and good-looking, even younger than you by two years. You young people these days, your thoughts are just too negative."

"Okay, okay, you're right, I was wrong, alright? Let's go shopping..."

"Host, it's Qing Grass!" 098 exclaimed. So the woman was her mother.

But in the original plot, Qing Grass's mother only appeared once later on, and there was no detailed description of her appearance. How did Ling Chunann know?

"Lucky me." Ling Chunann looked at the business card in his hand and then put it in his pocket. "Let's go back."

"Aren't you going to see the male lead?"

"No." Ling Chunann pointed to the roadside. "Someone's coming to pick me up."

At that moment, Feng Buyu happened to open the car door and stride toward Ling Chunann. "Darling, let's go home."

Shortly after getting into the car, the system prompt sounded.

"Resurgence Value +5%, current Resurgence Value is 80%, please continue to work hard."

"Host, Murong Xue and the male lead have fallen out!" 098's excited voice sounded.


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