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Chapter 78

Returning to the system space once more, Ling Chunann stood still for a long time, unmoving. 098 grew concerned. "Host, what's wrong?"

"It feels empty," Ling Chunann remarked.

"Huh?" 098 was puzzled. Wasn't the system space always like this?

"Nothing," Ling Chunann snapped out of it. "Let's settle."

"Congratulations, host, on completing the task. You have gained 12,000 energy points for this task, with the bonus task completed, the energy points are doubled, totaling 24,000 energy points. Your current total energy points are 27,000. The system store is open. Would you like to purchase items?"


Ling Chunann's supernatural ability level had risen to level five in the previous world. Although not to the point of being invulnerable, he could certainly heal from most fatal injuries.

The Dragon Group from the previous world was sensitive to certain levels of supernaturals, and given Ling Chunann's rare healing ability, they wouldn't easily let him go, especially after their only healer died in the ancient city ruins. Ling Chunann had become a coveted target for supernaturals. However, despite their attempts, they hadn't managed to reach Ling Chunann, as Mo Yuzheng always stood guard ahead.

Thinking of Mo Yuzheng, Ling Chunann sighed. "Next task."

"Yes, host, retrieving world information."

Ling Chunann felt parched, every part of his body screaming for water. He struggled to open his eyes, finding himself in an extremely small room, about ten square meters. The room was messy, clearly not cleaned in a long time.

There was no water to drink in the room, so Ling Chunann stumbled into the bathroom.

Five minutes later, lying under the showerhead, Ling Chunann stared at the large tail taking up half the bathroom space. "098, isn't this from a online game novel?"

"Yes, host, this is indeed from an online game novel, but you've taken over this body shortly after the plot started, so the plot may not have explained his identity." 098 replied, then complimented, "Your tail is really beautiful."


098 was right; Ling Chunann's tail was indeed beautiful, with its dazzling golden color. It must have looked stunning on the ocean's surface under sunlight.

But now, he was in a cramped bathroom.

Swinging his fish tail left and right, Ling Chunann found himself facing a hole in the wall.

"Please be careful, host, your tail has strong attack power. Try not to demolish the house." 098 reminded, "I just checked, and your current identity is the last merman. Due to ocean pollution, you can't return to the sea."

"Okay, tell me about the plot."

This was an era of nationwide online gaming. The male protagonist, a normal sophomore student, was lucky enough to win a limited edition game capsule of the newly released large-scale holographic online game, "Spirit Realm." He then relied on his exceptionally good luck to dominate the game, successfully wooing the beautiful senior sister, cute junior sister, aloof beauty, and so on, ultimately becoming the king of the game and reaching the peak of his life.

In such a typical feel-good storyline, there naturally couldn't be a lack of antagonists, or as they were also known, cannon fodder.

Ling Chunann was one of them.

Ling Chunann's current identity was that of cannon fodder, competing with the male lead for the affections of a girl. His name was Luo Yining, a crybaby who clung to one of the female leads all day long, utterly oblivious to others' feelings. Eventually, he disappeared inexplicably. The story mentioned a dilapidated community in the northern city suffering a serious fire with many casualties, and then the girl he liked casually mentioned, "Luo Yining seems to live in that community."

After reading the plot, Ling Chunann also assimilated the memories of this body. This cannon fodder-level antagonist was also a real-life merman because he had been saved by a little girl when he was young and couldn't forget her.

Luo Yining's death wasn't entirely unexpected. He could have escaped that day, but as he descended the stairs, someone viciously shoved him from behind, causing him to fall and be trampled by others, unable to get up. Eventually, he was burned to ashes. The one who pushed him was none other than the male lead who had visited his friend's house that day.

"Why did I receive his memories before he died?" Ling Chunann asked. In previous tasks, he had only received the original host's memories up to the present moment.

"We call this situation pre-stored body memories, which only occur when the original host dies extremely unwillingly," 098 explained. "This little merman is the hope of all aquatic beings. He definitely wouldn't want to die like that."

"Okay, what's the task?"

"To separate the male and female leads, leaving the male lead with nothing and driving him out of the game. Additional task (mandatory): Purify the water source."

"Separate the male and female leads," Ling Chunann repeated. Feeling embarrassed, 098 was about to explain, but heard Ling Chunann eagerly say, "Interesting."

"...," 098 fell silent.

After drying himself, Ling Chunann stared at his legs, now transformed from a tail, feeling a bit curious. "I feel weak."

"After the fish tail transforms into human legs, they become fragile, which is why the original host was easily knocked down," 098 explained. Then, checking the time, it suddenly shouted, "Host, quickly leave! The fire is about to reach your floor."

It was already 8 p.m., and according to the original plot, the fire was extinguished at 9 p.m. The building had already been reduced to a skeleton.

Ling Chunann was on the seventh floor, and the fire was spreading from the fifth floor upwards. But it hadn't reached the safe passage yet, so there was still time to descend.

Putting on some random clothes, Ling Chunann couldn't find shoes and decided to run barefoot.

Coincidentally, while running downstairs, Ling Chunann encountered the male lead.

"Host, the male lead is behind you! Be careful!" Regardless of whether Qin Haoyuan intentionally pushed Luo Yining in the plot, his character was evident. 098 was extremely worried that their host would be killed by the male lead before even starting the task.

However, Ling Chunann didn't dodge the male lead as 098 hoped. Instead, he walked a bit to the side in the crowd and then extended his foot towards the male lead.

They were at the stairwell between the sixth and fifth floors. Qin Haoyuan was walking on the outer edge of the stairs. With Ling Chunann's trip, he stumbled and fell with a cry.

098 remained silent throughout the whole spectacle until Ling Chunann successfully broke free and descended with the crowd. It then asked, "Host, aren't you afraid he'll get trampled to death in there too? The task isn't completed yet. The male lead mustn't die."

"He's the male lead," Ling Chunann sat on the edge of a flower bed in the community, looking rather pleased. He rubbed his swollen ankle and said, "I didn't expect the male lead to be so strong. I almost broke my foot with just a stumble."

"It's because your legs are too fragile after transforming into human form," 098 explained. Then, it noticed Qin Haoyuan being helped out by firefighters, with several large footprints on his back.

"Reversal value +10%, current reversal value is 10%, please continue to work hard, host."

"Host, did the male lead notice that you tripped him just now...?" 

"Of course not. I picked the perfect angle," Ling Chunann replied.


"Little friend, are you alright?" A voice sounded next to Ling Chunann.

Little friend? Ling Chunann looked up at the man, tall and handsome in a suit and tie. The familiar combination, but this time, it was hard to tell his age. His demeanor suggested around forty, but he looked no more than twenty-seven or twenty-eight. Why did he speak so oddly?

"098, do I look very young?" Ling Chunann asked. This body had lived in the sea for sixty years, equivalent to sixty human years. Even in fish circles, he was considered an adult.

"Not really," 098 replied sincerely. Compared to Bai Zimu's appearance in the previous world, Luo Yining looked like a normal eighteen-year-old. But then it helped explain, "Maybe he's calling you that because he's older?"

"So you want me to call him grandpa?"

098 choked on its words, then changed the subject. "Host, I couldn't find his identity information in the plot. I need his name to search for information online."

Seeing Ling Chunann ignoring him, the man, still waiting for a response, almost instinctively reached out and hugged the little guy in front of him, blurting out, "Don't cry, sweetheart."

As panicked as 098 was about how to comfort their host, it suddenly heard Ling Chunann's voice, "Perfect."


"His way of falling in love is still so cliché," Ling Chunann continued, "How about we play this character this time? Being a crybaby clinging to people seems interesting."


"Forget it. This merman is different from the ones in fairy tales. Crying won't produce pearls, and swollen eyes aren't attractive."

"...," "As long as you're happy."


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