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Chapter 79

When Ling Chunann cried, he looked quite attractive despite his dirty face. He cried silently, his eyes wide open, tears streaming down his cheeks like a beautiful little rabbit. However, Feng Buyu was too preoccupied to appreciate it. He looked flustered, awkwardly comforting him, with a heartache evident in his eyes.

Feeling a bit sorry for the man, 098 couldn't help but wonder, "Host, is scaring him like this really a good idea?"

"Do you feel sorry for him?" Ling Chunann asked in return.

"...," It's your livelihood, not mine. Thinking so, 098 suddenly felt it was best not to interfere.

After crying for a while, Ling Chunann wiped away his tears. Feng Buyu carefully held him and gently wiped his face with a handkerchief. "Does it hurt somewhere? Uncle will take you to the hospital."

"My home burned down," Ling Chunann pointed to the charred building, then bit his lip, his eyes reddening again. "I have nowhere to go."

"Don't cry, sweetheart. Are there other people in your family?" The man patted the young boy's back with sympathy.

"No," Ling Chunann sobbed softly, lowering his head. Meanwhile, he silently called out to 098, "098, see what expression he has."

Upon hearing this, 098 looked at Feng Buyu, paused for a moment, and whispered, "Host, scaring him like this was absolutely right!" It also noticed that this man changed his tune too quickly. He didn't even know the host's name but was already using nicknames.


"He seems... somewhat happy?" To actually show a happy expression while their host was crying in sadness, even if it was fleeting, this man was truly despicable!

"Happiness is the way to go," Ling Chunann said. "Next, he'll definitely want to take me home."

"...," It didn't want to talk to the host anymore.

As expected, the next events unfolded just as 098 anticipated: a sinister uncle with ulterior motives, an innocent little rabbit deceived on purpose, and everything fell into place smoothly as they got into the car before the rain started.

Inside the car, Feng Buyu tenderly held Ling Chunann's swollen ankle, massaging it gently for a few minutes before asking, "Still hurting?"

Ling Chunann shifted his attention from the front seat, where the driver-cum-bodyguard looked terrified, blinked, and moved his ankle. Although still a bit swollen, it didn't hurt anymore. "It's fine now."

"098, are there any superhumans in this world?" Ling Chunann asked.

"Host, there's no mention of superhumans in the plot. It mainly revolves around the male lead and various female leads, all of whom are ordinary people. But since you're a merman, there might be other people with magical powers in this world, although it's not certain." 098's answer was quite irresponsible, and it felt a bit nervous afterward. Its abilities were really limited.

"Okay, did you find Feng Buyu's information?"

"I did, but it's a bit strange," 098 replied.


"Host, I'll just transmit the information to you directly." According to the information 098 found, Feng Buyu was just a wealthy businessman who made a lot of money from investments. He was a shareholder in several major companies and had no family. His background seemed unbelievably clean. However, what was strange was that, upon subconsciously looking at Feng Buyu, if it weren't for being in front of the host, this man's aura didn't seem like that of an ordinary businessman.

Ling Chunann focused on the man's age. "Forty? Seems a bit old."

098 felt hopeless about its host's ability to focus on key points.

Similar to the information, Feng Buyu's house was particularly large. After entering the gate, it took another ten minutes to reach the main hall. At this moment, a well-dressed, spirited old butler was respectfully waiting at the door. Seeing the car stop, he quickly approached and opened the door. "Master... Lord Feng, you're back." He glanced at Ling Chunann sitting next to Feng Buyu, then asked, "Who is this?"

"This is the young master," Feng Buyu introduced, then turned to Ling Chunann and said warmly, "Baby, this is the steward of the sea. You can tell him if you need anything in the future."

Seeing this scene, the old butler's expression froze slightly, revealing his surprise.

"Okay." Ling Chunann nodded towards Feng Buyu, then smiled at the old butler. "Hello, Grandpa Sea. My name is Luo Yining, but you can call me Little Ning."

The old butler subconsciously glanced at Feng Buyu, then, after confirming his attitude, bowed slightly, showing much more respect. "Lord Feng, young master, please get out of the car."

Ling Chunann was about to get out of the car when Feng Buyu, who had already gotten out, reached out and lifted him up, carrying him into his arms. Ling Chunann exclaimed softly, then began to struggle with a small arc.

"You're not wearing shoes, so I'll carry you in." Apparently amused by Ling Chunann's reaction, Feng Buyu's face was full of smiles.

Watching Feng Buyu carrying Ling Chunann inside with such fondness, the old butler remained in a daze for a while. Finally, he came to his senses and waved to the bodyguard still standing beside the car.

The simple-minded bodyguard still maintained his shocked expression. Seeing the old butler beckoning him, he quickly put on a respectful demeanor and asked, "Sea steward, what's the matter?"

"What's the deal with this young master?"

"This, um, I'm not too sure either. Tonight, as we were about to come back, Wang suddenly told me to take a detour to a neighborhood that was on fire, and then he brought the young master back." 

"Brought back?" 

"I think Wang might be feeling spring." The bodyguard suddenly lowered his voice. "You didn't see, but he rushed down even before parking the car properly, scared the heck out of me."

"Food can be eaten randomly, but words can't be spoken carelessly." The old butler warned, giving the bodyguard a stern look. "Alright, drive the car down."


Feng Buyu took Ling Chunann straight to the second floor, and with a quick glance, Ling Chunann knew it was his own room.

"Host, he really has ill intentions. You two just met." 

"Ling Chunann, how did you become so dirty all of a sudden? You weren't like this before." 


Standing on the soft carpet, Ling Chunann looked up at Feng Buyu. "Uncle, I want to take a bath."

"I'll accompa—" Feng Buyu paused halfway through his sentence, then reached out and touched Ling Chunann's head. "Go ahead, the bathroom is over there."

The bathroom was stocked with new bathing supplies. Ling Chunann quickly stripped off his clothes and got into the bathtub, enjoying the sensation. "098, guess what title the old butler suppressed when he saw me earlier?"

At this moment, 098 suddenly remembered that the old butler did call out a title when opening the car door earlier, but he suppressed it right after saying the first syllable, and it didn't catch it clearly. "It seemed like... Wu? Sorry, host, I didn't catch it clearly."

098 initially thought it would provoke laughter, but seeing Ling Chunann nod, it felt relieved. "Quite a coincidence, I didn't hear it clearly either."

Exiting the bathroom, Feng Buyu was no longer in the room.

Ling Chunann walked to the window and opened it. Even though it was pitch dark outside, Ling Chunann could still smell the fragrance of roses from the window sill—the only flower he ever liked. He wondered where the man got the information from; every chance he got, he would fill their yard with these flowers.

Then the rain started, and raindrops fell gently on the window sill through the open window. Some droplets drifted onto Ling Chunann's hand.

"Host, be careful not to get wet," 098 reminded. "He doesn't know you're a merman. If he finds out, and what if he sends you to the lab?" It remembered from the information it checked earlier that Feng Buyu had several labs under his name.

"Do you think he will?" Ling Chunann asked.

"No..." The denial was on the tip of its tongue, but 098 suddenly saw Ling Chunann's ambiguous expression and felt a chill in its heart. It quickly changed its tune, "Not necessarily. We're not familiar with him in this world. You must be careful."

"Okay, I understand. Thanks for your concern."

098 breathed a sigh of relief and deeply reflected on its mistakes. It seemed like it had been too biased lately, always speaking well of men. It needed to reflect.

Ling Chunann stood by the window for a while longer, then glanced at a place that looked like a swimming pool in the distance before closing the window.

"Host, Feng Buyu is coming up." 098 spoke.

When Feng Buyu pushed open the door, Ling Chunann had obediently sat on the edge of the bed. Feng Buyu put down the tray in his hand. "Baby, are you hungry? Come and eat something. It's getting late, so I just made something simple. I'm not sure if it suits your taste."

On the tray were two light dishes and a bowl of seafood porridge, all of which Ling Chunann liked. After all this time, it seemed like the man had already embedded his preferences into his bones, except for the memories he still couldn't recall.

Ling Chunann finished the meal under the man's care, then curled up in bed. "Uncle, I want to sleep."

Although his eyes were brimming with desire, Ling Chunann seemed afraid of scaring the little guy. After instructing him to come to the next room if he needed anything, Feng Buyu still vacated the room.

After turning off the light, Ling Chunann opened his eyes and stared at the blurry ceiling.

098 felt that something was off with Ling Chunann and was about to ask when suddenly he saw him roll off the bed and walk to the bathroom. Standing in front of the sink, Ling Chunann suddenly bit his own arm without warning. This startled 098. "Host, what are you doing?"

Ignoring 098's calls, Ling Chunann didn't pay it any heed. It seemed like he was finally full. He calmly licked the wound on his arm, then casually used his ability to heal the somewhat frightening wound. He rinsed away the blood under the tap, then reassured 098, "It's fine. I just wanted to taste the difference between mermaid flesh and my previous body."

"What's the difference?" 098 asked cautiously, genuinely scared. Ling Chunann rarely lost control like this since the third world. Seeing him like this now almost made it feel like he was back to the first time they met.

"Um... It's more tender," Ling Chunann said, then added, "Very delicious."


Although Ling Chunann's reasoning seemed a bit far-fetched, 098 couldn't find a counterargument and had to believe his explanation.

Back in the room, thunder began to roll. Ling Chunann looked at the bright lightning outside the window, didn't get into bed, but instead grabbed a pillow and opened the door.

"Host, what are you doing?" 098 was still immersed in the previous incident and reacted slowly.

"Scared of thunder, going to sleep with Uncle." Ling Chunann replied.

Seeing his own host instantly become shocked and frightened, 098 fell silent.


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