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Chapter 77

The call connected, and Bai Zishu hastily spoke, "Lingfeng, let me explain. Things aren't as you think they are. The baby, he really..."

"Really fell and hit his head on his own?" Tang Lingfeng's voice, laced with coldness, cut through. Bai Zishu shivered but continued, "Yes, my nanny can testify." He had resolved not to admit to anything, and Tang Lingfeng couldn't possibly know the truth.

"Okay, I sent you some documents. Take a look." Then Tang Lingfeng hung up.

Bai Zishu opened his email with a puzzled expression, finding two video files. His heart sank as he quickly downloaded and watched. The videos showed him hitting the child, the heart-wrenching cries echoing in his ears.

Bai Zishu slumped in his chair in front of the computer, his body going limp. How could this be? How could Tang Lingfeng have such videos? There were no cameras in his house. How could someone have recorded it?

With these thoughts, Bai Zishu stood up abruptly, carefully examining the footage, trying to find evidence of manipulation. But until the end, the scenes in the video matched exactly with what he remembered.

After a long time, Bai Zishu finally calmed down. There were no cameras in his house, and the footage clearly took place in his room. Tang Lingfeng was smart; once he explained everything, Tang Lingfeng would surely believe that the video was fabricated to frame him. With their long-standing friendship, Tang Lingfeng would trust him.

Just as Bai Zishu was about to call Tang Lingfeng, there was a knock on the door. "Young Master, Master is looking for you."

Putting down the phone, Bai Zishu opened the door, his expression puzzled. "Did Father say what he wanted me for?"

"No, he just said to wait for you in the study," the servant replied.

"Alright, I'll go over in a moment." Bai Zishu glanced at his phone, deciding to make the call first.

Seeing his refusal, the servant looked anxious. "Young Master, maybe you should go now. Master seems very angry."

"Angry?" Bai Zishu was puzzled. "Alright, I'll go over now."

Approaching the study door, Bai Zishu knocked. "Father, you called for me?"

"Come in." Bai Father's voice came from inside, low and indistinct, revealing no emotion.

Bai Zishu pushed the door open and entered. Before he could greet Bai Father, a cup came flying at him, hitting his forehead squarely.

Bai Father's aim was accurate and fierce. Bai Zishu's forehead immediately swelled into a red lump, and he almost blacked out, his mind going blank. "Father... Father?"

Bai Father sat behind the desk, a stack of A4 papers in front of him. His face was dark, but he didn't erupt immediately. "Do you know what you did wrong?"

"What?" Bai Zishu was taken aback by the question. "Did I do something wrong?"

"You!" Seeing Bai Zishu's innocent expression, Bai Father's face grew even darker, clearly enraged. He took a few deep breaths, holding onto the chair back for support. "You, you monster! I used to think you were good, but I never imagined you could be so malicious."

Shocked by Bai Father's words, Bai Zishu frowned and held his forehead, loudly protesting, "How can you say that?!"

"Why?!" Bai Father stared into Bai Zishu's eyes, snorting coldly, then threw the stack of papers in front of him. "Take a look and see what I have based my judgment on."

The heavily bound booklet fell on Bai Zishu, causing him to instinctively step back. Then, trembling, he flipped open the first page.

Up until now, Bai Zishu didn't believe he had done anything wrong. But as he began reading from the first word, his pupils dilated. As he flipped through several pages, printed images came into view. Though somewhat blurry, Bai Zishu could clearly recognize himself in the photos. "How... how is this possible?"

When he had planned to harm Bai Zimu before, he had shown his face once, but he remembered that the location was very secluded. He wouldn't have missed being photographed. So how did these photos come about? But now wasn't the time to think about that. Bai Zishu continued flipping through the pages, finding detailed descriptions of his calculated pursuit of a man and the child's matter.

The more Bai Zishu read, the paler his face became, and he almost couldn't stand. Who could it be? Who wanted to destroy him so thoroughly?

"Liking men is one thing, but plotting to kill your own brother? How can your heart be so cruel?" Bai Father, teeth clenched, confronted Bai Zishu after he finished reading. "If one day we happen to displease you, will you kill even your own parents? Bai Zishu, you're truly something!"

"I-I didn't..." Bai Zishu's face turned ghostly pale. He was too shocked to come up with any believable excuse. His mind was filled with thoughts of who could have done this to him, someone so intent on ruining him.

Seeing Bai Zishu still trying to defend himself, Bai Father, infuriated, shouted, "Get out!"

Finally realizing the seriousness of the situation, Bai Zishu panicked. He found himself unable to explain. "Father, I've been framed! Someone is trying to set me up! I really didn't do anything!"

"Fine, fine!" Bai Father, one hand clutching his chest, the other throwing something at Bai Zishu. "If you've done nothing, then what's this?"

Bai Zishu instinctively caught the object, his face draining of color as he recognized it. How could this thing be in Bai Father's hands?

It was a jade Guanyin, personally prayed for by Bai's grandmother when Bai Zishu was born, engraved with the character "Shu". Bai Zishu had always treasured it, partly because of its uniqueness. When Bai Zimu was born, Bai's grandmother had passed away, so Bai Zimu didn't have such an item. Whenever Bai Zimu looked enviously at his jade Guanyin, it satisfied Bai Zishu's vanity.

However, this jade Guanyin had gone missing last year, and despite Bai Zishu's search efforts, there were no leads. And now, it appeared in Bai Father's hands.

Seeing Bai Zishu's shocked expression, Bai Father felt a mixture of anger and disappointment. He also felt a chill. "The Bai family doesn't have a son as terrifying as you. Get out!"

Bai Father's twisted expression was terrifying. Bai Zishu's mind went blank, his words incoherent. "Father, I really didn't... it wasn't me..."

"Get out!" Bai Father picked up an ashtray from the table and hurled it at Bai Zishu.

Bai Zishu hastily dodged. "Mom! I want to see Mom!"

"How dare you mention your mom?! She fainted when she saw what you did and hasn't woken up yet!" Bai Father panted heavily, picked up his phone, trembling, and dialed the police. He thrust it toward Bai Zishu. "Fine, if you won't leave, I'll have someone take you away."

"No! You can't call the police!" Bai Zishu was frantic. How could he go to jail? He absolutely couldn't go to jail. He had to be with Tang Lingfeng. Absolutely not!

"You! You!"

Before Bai Zishu fully realized it, he found himself holding the handle of a fruit knife, one end already plunged into Bai Father's abdomen. Bai Father stared at Bai Zishu, eyes wide with disbelief, emitting a choked gasp, then collapsed with a thud.

Bai Zishu staggered back in shock, staring at his bloodied hands, his breath catching in his throat.

After a while, Bai Zishu finally came to his senses. He glanced at his father, still struggling on the ground, then hastily opened the door and ran out.

"Young Master, Master!" The servant guarding outside saw Bai Zishu coming out and was about to ask when he noticed the blood on his hands. His eyes widened in shock, realizing that Bai Father was still inside the study. He hurriedly ran toward the study.

A scream came from the study, "Oh no! Young Master killed Master and ran away!"

Bai Father, lying on the ground, still breathing: "..." He could have been saved.

At this moment, Bai Zishu had just run out of the Bai residence, and the sound of police sirens stopped in front of him.

"Reversal value +20%, current reversal value is 100%, congratulations on completing the task, would you like to return to the system space immediately?"


"Host, Bai Zishu actually stabbed Bai Father. He's really ruthless." 098 remarked, "I've never seen a protagonist as ruthless as him. If you hadn't told me to call the police in advance, he might have escaped." Actually, Bai Father hadn't intended to call the police. Although 098 had encountered protagonists with twisted morals before, none had ever attacked their own father and brother like Bai Zishu did. It was chilling to think about it.

"Maybe he's mentally ill." Ling Chunann replied.

"Host, you're really good at making jokes."

Three days later, Bai Father was transferred from the ICU to a regular ward. Considering that Bai's parents had visited him once when he was in critical condition, Ling Chunann bought some fruit and visited him in his wheelchair. Compared to his previous vigor, Bai Father looked much more haggard, as if he had aged ten years in a short time.

However, the lack of deep emotional connection was evident; Ling Chunann and Bai Father sat together for a while, then fell silent, the atmosphere becoming awkward.

Of course, it was only Bai Father who felt the awkwardness. Ling Chunann and 098 were discussing what Bai Father might say next.

"Host, I think he probably won't sue the male lead. After all, he used to love his son." 098 said, "And a tiger won't eat its cubs. Although he seemed indifferent to Bai Zimu before, he never neglected Bai Zishu." Even when working outside, Bai's parents would call Bai Zishu every few days, which was completely different from their attitude toward Bai Zimu.

"On the contrary, I think he will not only sue him but also sever ties with him." Ling Chunann gave the opposite opinion.

"Um, Zimu." Bai Father finally broke the silence, "Why don't you move back home? We neglected you before. Can you forgive Dad?"

"I'm fine where I am now. If you miss me, you can call me, and I'll come back when I have time." Ling Chunann declined Bai Father's proposal.

"I've already talked to the police about your brother's matter. I intend to sever ties with him." Bai Father's face darkened at the mention of Bai Zishu. "The Bai family doesn't have such a scoundrel." 

"..." 098 was at a loss for words.

After sitting for a while longer, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Mo Yuzheng walked in, smiling at Ling Chunann, "Baby, it's getting late. Let's go home."

"Yeah." Ling Chunann nodded, then looked at Bai Father. "Dad, I'm leaving."

Bai Father looked deeply at the two of them. "Go, come visit Dad when you have time."


Because the wound was in the abdomen and didn't hit any vital organs, Bai Father was discharged from the hospital a month later. At the same time, Bai Zishu's psychiatric assessment report also came out, diagnosing him with severe paranoid delusions. Under Bai Father's arrangement, he would probably spend the rest of his life in a psychiatric hospital.

"He's really mentally ill." 098 sighed in exasperation.


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