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Chapter 450: How Could Master Lynn's Wisdom Be Understood by You?

On the second day after the internal meeting of the councilors, all wizards proficient in thunder magic were summoned, setting aside their tasks to initiate mass production of thorium!

The method used was the relatively ancient electrolysis method!

The only drawback was the immense power consumption, but fortunately, the wizards could generate electricity manually. Hundreds of wizards proficient in thunder magic gathered together and could process around ten tons of lake water in a day.

Meanwhile, Victorio led a group of alchemists pondering how to arrange the energy guidance array.

After hearing Lynn's description, he truly understood how daunting his task was. He needed to channel energy equivalent to ten thousand nuclear explosions into the alchemical array, then inject it into the spiritual bodies in an orderly manner. The difficulty could be imagined!

Victorio was extremely cautious, striving to perfect the array, as he was the guinea pig. Any slight flaw would lead to his complete annihilation under the terrifying energy surge!

Such a large-scale mobilization by the council was naturally hard to conceal.

To prevent information leakage, Harof let out a rumor that due to the massive nuclear explosion performed by the star of magic, the water in the river outside the city was no longer drinkable or suitable for irrigation. They were working on solving the radiation pollution problem.

The rumors of water pollution caused a small-scale panic in the city, but the council, who had been prepared, quickly quelled it. In fact, the water they had been drinking during this time was not from the river but extracted from Lake Ells.

The wizards spent several days digging a large water canal and, after extracting heavy water, used the rest to supply the city's residents with water.

However, irrigation for farmland was indeed a significant problem.

This delighted Monroe, who had been secretly gathering intelligence. He found that the wizards had no intention of cultivating farmland. Even the existing land had been abandoned, and all the peasants had entered workshops to produce firearms, cannons, or various exotic goods.

Almost every day, caravans loaded with large sums of gold and silver entered the City of Fire Oil, then left satisfied with boxes of goods, making profits that made everyone jealous!

Monroe hated these imperial merchants who betrayed their master and dealt with demons, but he endured it, letting these wizards and merchants enjoy themselves for a while!

As long as there were problems with this year's autumn harvest, it wouldn't take long for the entire city, or even the entire kingdom, to fall into a dire famine.

Apart from this, what Monroe found particularly abhorrent was the curriculum of the Wizard Academy.

Considering the wizards coming into the empire, whose levels of magic varied, the council decided to throw them all into the Wizard Academy for reconstruction.

This rough measure caused dissatisfaction among some wizards, especially several great wizards who had come from afar, who did not think they needed to study in the academy.

But after actually experiencing the curriculum of the magic academy, they found that it seemed somewhat different from what they had imagined.

In addition to basic subjects such as elements, shaping, alchemy, and potions, there were also three subjects: mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

After taking a few classes, Lucas and the others quickly discovered that the so-called physics was about the laws of the world's operation, the basis of force field magic.

And chemistry was the foundation of elemental magic. Just a periodic table made the elemental wizards astonished.

They never expected that someone could summarize and classify the various characteristics of elements into a table, even ranking them...

It could only be said that this place was truly a sanctuary for wizards!

Even the great wizards who had previously been aloof, upon seeing hundreds of elements listed on the table, had to admit that their basic knowledge of magic needed improvement.

"Your Excellency Philip, why does this boron element only have a name and number on the periodic table? Is it some kind of novel element kept secret?" Lucas suddenly noticed something strange on the periodic table.

"Master Lynn speculated that it might exist, but it hasn't been found yet!" Philip explained.

"Speculated?" Monroe sneered and spoke. "Is the entire periodic table guessed by that Master Lynn?"

"According to the explanation above, the volume of an atom may be only a few thousandths of a centimeter, and it may float in the air. How were their weight, density, and volume measured?"

Monroe's words made the wizards present furrow their brows involuntarily.

Based on the novel things they had seen since entering this City of Fire Oil, they didn't question much about the content on this periodic table.

But after Monroe's interruption, Lucas and others also had the same doubts. How did Master Lynn measure the various data of such small elements?

"Idiot! Just because you can't figure it out doesn't mean others can't. How could Master Lynn's wisdom be understood by you?" Philip looked disdainfully at Monroe, then proceeded to explain to everyone.

The order of this periodic table is not randomly arranged but determined by the number of protons in the element's structure.

For example, among the many elements they discovered and confirmed, the atomic number of hydrogen is one, helium is two, lithium and beryllium are three and four, and then suddenly the sequence of carbon jumps to six, with nitrogen and oxygen having the sequence of seven and eight, respectively, but strangely, there is no five!

Lynn believed that the sequence for five (protons in the nucleus) must exist; they just hadn't discovered it yet!

The rest of the elements were also 'predicted' in this way!

As for their mass, it was measured using gravity as a ruler. By amplifying the slight differences through a method of minor deformation, their masses could be obtained.

"Master Lynn once said that measuring the length of something doesn't necessarily require a ruler, and measuring the weight of something doesn't need a balance!" Philip explained Lin's Dean's ingenious ideas in a straightforward manner to the wizards present.

The order of this periodic table is not randomly arranged, but determined by the number of protons in the element's structure.

For example, among the many elements they discovered and confirmed, the atomic number of hydrogen is one, helium is two, lithium and beryllium are three and four, and then suddenly the sequence of carbon jumps to six, with nitrogen and oxygen having the sequence of seven and eight, respectively, but strangely, there is no five!

Lynn believed that the sequence for five (protons in the nucleus) must exist; they just hadn't discovered it yet!

The rest of the elements were also 'predicted' in this way!

As for their mass, it was measured using gravity as a ruler. By amplifying the slight differences through a method of minor deformation, their masses could be obtained.

"Master Lynn once said that measuring the length of something doesn't necessarily require a ruler, and measuring the weight of something doesn't need a balance!" Philip explained Lin's Dean's ingenious ideas in a straightforward manner to the wizards present.

Monroe, with limited education, listened with confusion, but dared not speak, as the wizards beside him were all praising unanimously.

"To use gravity as a ruler, and space-time as a curtain, indeed worthy of the Star of Magic, to think of such a method!" Lucas praised admiringly.

"Since the sequence of elements is determined by their internal structure, then the council must have already figured

out how to arrange the formation, right?" someone asked excitedly.

Philip nodded. "Yes, they have already figured out a way. As for the method, it was not disclosed to us, but it is estimated that it will be implemented in a few days!"

"Then does this mean that the 'new weapons' that the council plans to create will be completed soon?" someone asked eagerly.

Philip nodded and said, "Yes! By then, we will have no need to fear the invasion of other countries or the aggression of demons!"

The wizards present were all excited. The new era of the wizards was about to begin!

Monroe frowned tightly, seemingly hesitant about something, but after a moment, he still didn't speak.

At this moment, the door of the classroom was pushed open, and a student ran in excitedly, shouting, "Teacher Philip, there are a few merchants from outside the empire who want to discuss business with you!"


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