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Chapter 449: My plan is simple, to create a sun on the ground!

The increase in nuclear fuel reserves is undoubtedly excellent news, and the hearts of several speakers have been relieved.

"I heard that you also found a large amount of magic crystals in the uranium mine?" Harof continued to inquire.

"More accurately, there is a small magic stone mine inside..." Lynn described the experience as concisely as possible, emphasizing the existence of the 'space-time gate'.

Since there is a space-time node in the land of wizards, and they found another one in the uranium mine, does that mean there are not few such nodes on this continent?

What truly puzzled Lynn was why they existed in the first place...

Harof and Aurora did not answer Lynn's question but looked towards Victorio together.

He was the oldest of all the speakers, even Harof and Aurora couldn't figure out exactly how long Victorio had lived, and he was the most likely person to know all about it.

"There are indeed many space-time nodes distributed on this continent. From what I know alone, there are three, all of which are located inside magic stone mines... As for their cause, perhaps only the ancient evil gods who participated in the war of faith and the false god of the Holy See know." Victorio said in a deep voice.

After the Holy See ruled this continent, they massacred wizards on a large scale, leading to the destruction and burial of much of the information about that period. Even though the school he inherited is very ancient, it hasn't obtained much information.

In these years, the council has also conducted some research on the space-time nodes inside the magic stone mine, and even sent people in to explore.

However, without exception, all those who entered disappeared, and even the news did not come back, indicating how dangerous it was.

Seeing that several speakers had extremely limited knowledge of the space-time gate, Lynn suppressed the confusion in his heart and instead distributed pieces of paper.

Harof curiously took a few glances and was immediately dazzled by the large number of unfamiliar symbols and formulas on it, furrowing his brows involuntarily.

This is even more complicated than calculus equations.

"What is this? A derivation equation of arcane mathematics?" Aurora asked in confusion.

Regarding arcane mathematics, such a complex and exquisite discipline, these speakers naturally have some knowledge.

With their outstanding computational power, whether it's equations, geometry, functions, or calculus, they are not difficult to master. Victorio even thinks that arcane equations are like alchemical runes, revealing the laws of the world in a cold, mechanical manner.

"Yes, this is indeed an arcane mathematical formula... I call it the magic conversion equation!" Lynn looked at the three speakers present with a solemn expression and said.

"Based on this equation, I found a way to construct the body of energy. If nothing goes wrong, this will be the legendary ascension ceremony!"

Lynn's words were like throwing a huge stone into a calm lake, immediately causing waves of shock.

"What?! Are you sure you have found a way to ascend to legend?" Victorio suddenly stood up, his tone even trembling.

Harof and Aurora beside him were also unable to restrain their excitement.

For two hundred years, since they entered the realm of Grand Wizards, they have been searching for a way to break through this realm. However, they have tried countless methods and are still trapped by the limitations of the body, leading to the conclusion that the realm of Grand Wizard is the limit that humans can reach!

To break this limit, the only proven method is to increase one's computational power through harvesting souls or faith!

However, the poison of faith is like a sword hanging over their heads, making them dare not touch it easily.

Now Lynn actually said that he found a brand-new method to ascend to legend, how could they not feel shocked and excited...

"The specific method is in these formulas. You will understand once you take a look, won't you?" Lynn smiled and said, explaining the meaning of each symbol.

Of course, he did not write out all the derivation processes but left a hand. However, this formula is enough to demonstrate his ascension method!

Harof and the others immediately picked up the papers on the table and quickly looked at them.

The essence of arcane mathematics is a scientific language that describes and records the world, so it does not require much explanation. Everything is contained in these complex symbols and exquisite formulas.

"I see... I see!" Victorio tightly held the paper in his hand, pacing back and forth in the meeting room, excitedly saying, "Based on the elements simulated by magic, building a new body with energy as the core, genius... Truly a genius idea!"

These days, he has been studying the body structure of the judge, so he has been very puzzled about why Joshua's body is so peculiar, possessing all the characteristics of matter, and can decompose using the Great Disintegration Spell to obtain divine energy.

Now he finally understands!

Harof and Aurora, who are slightly behind in computational power, also quickly understood Lynn's amazing idea!

From the initial planetary theory to the law of universal gravitation, then to beam measurement, elemental construction, and finally this magic conversion equation... such incredibly ingenious magical theories, it is really hard to imagine that they were conceived by the same person.

"Your magic conversion equation is definitely the greatest discovery in the history of magic!" Harof finally recovered from the exquisite formula in front of him.

This formula perfectly combines mass, magic, and energy, making them no longer independent but interdependent, influencing and transforming each other!

The equation on the paper, which is enough to make a Grand Wizard who is not familiar with arcane mathematics feel overwhelmed, is incredibly wonderful in front of Harof. The numbers and symbols on it seem to be dancing lightly on the paper, revealing to him the most hidden truth of this world.

"It's not the greatest, my equation at best just opens a corner of the microcosm!" Lynn shook his head.

When he first created this formula, his thoughts were as lofty as Harof's, but after the enthusiasm cooled, this arrogant idea gradually dissipated.

If he could unify the four fundamental forces and construct the true picture of the entire universe, then that would be the greatest equation!

Aurora and others showed strange expressions. According to Lynn's words, then they have not been able to touch even this corner in these hundreds of years...

"In any case, the equations you see are the ascension methods I came up with!" Lynn said seriously. "Theoretically, it is absolutely feasible, but I do not guarantee a hundred percent success!"

The three speakers present are well aware that any method of ascension always requires someone to try and error.

For example, ascending to a formal wizard through the source of magic, or ascending to a grand wizard through the alchemical array [Elemental Sight], all require gradually summarizing experience and gradually improving through countless magical accidents to ensure safety and reliability.

There have been no shortage of wizards who died in related magical experiments in the past.

And what Lynn gave this time is the method of ascending to a legendary wizard, showing the inherent danger.

"Then let me do it!" Victorio suddenly said, his gaze firm. "I have already seen your formula, and the Big Bang Spell also proves that energy and mass can be converted, I believe it has no problem!"

Victorio had waited for too long, so long that he couldn't remember how many years he had lived. The passion in his heart had gradually extinguished, but Lynn's equations had ignited new hope within him.

It was like a parched desert traveler stumbling upon an oasis. Whether it was real or a mirage, he had to seize it!

Lynn nodded. Since Victorio was willing to attempt this, it was naturally the best outcome!

Although there were four Grand Wizards within the council who could meet the minimum requirements for ascension, according to Lynn's estimation, reshaping the body at the end was a very delicate task. It required simultaneously controlling vast amounts of magic and energy, so higher computational power was naturally better!

Theoretically, the stronger the computational power, the higher the probability of success!

"Is there anything specific we need to prepare for this ascension ritual?" Harof asked solemnly.

"We still lack an energy-guided alchemical array. You should be able to handle this, Speaker Victorio," Lynn said with a smile.

Although he had some knowledge of alchemy, planning such a vast and complex alchemical array was still beyond his abilities. Fortunately, there was more than one alchemist within the council.

Victorio nodded. A simple guiding array was a trivial matter for him.

"Besides that, there's the issue of energy," Lynn's expression became serious.

Harof and the others also understood that this was the real focus.

"How much energy do we need for supply?" Aurora asked.

"Let me put it this way, according to my calculations, we'll need the energy equivalent of ten thousand Grand Explosions!" Lynn said thoughtfully.

"Ten thousand... Grand Explosions?!" Victorio was stunned, feeling dizzy.

Harof and Aurora also wore astonished expressions, almost thinking they had misheard.

Lynn shrugged helplessly. About nine-tenths of the mass of uranium-235 was converted into energy through fission, a very inefficient process.

In fact, the energy produced by ten thousand nuclear explosions was only equivalent to about ten to twenty kilograms of his weight, as most of the energy consumed in building the elemental shell was borne by magic.

"Isn't that too much?!" Victorio frowned deeply, realizing Lynn wasn't joking.

A single Grand Explosion was enough to destroy land several kilometers in radius, turning a vast city into desolation.

And to cast it ten thousand times would be nothing short of cataclysmic!

"Then shall we start by creating the body of an infant?" Victorio suddenly had a bizarre idea, thinking it might be more acceptable.

A small body was better than none!

He didn't care about dignity anymore!

Hearing Victorio's suggestion, Lynn couldn't help but laugh bitterly. He anticipated that this energy body was not something that could be arbitrarily shaped but was related to the soul. Otherwise, there might be adaptation issues.

After explaining this, Lynn continued, "As for the energy issue, you don't need to worry too much. I already have a solution!"

Seeing Lynn so confident, the several speakers present were amazed. The energy equivalent to ten thousand Grand Explosions was no joke. Even if they emptied an entire uranium mine, they might not be able to gather so much nuclear fuel.

"In recent days, I have improved the Grand Explosion spell, using another type of element as fuel. This greatly increases its power, raising the mass loss ratio by about eight times and allowing it to release energy continuously!" Lynn explained confidently.

It could increase eight times in power?

Victorio thought of the mountain outside the city of fire oil that had disappeared, and the land that had turned into glass. He couldn't imagine how powerful a spell eight times stronger than a Grand Explosion would be.

Harof looked at the complex mathematical formulas on the table, hesitated, and felt strange. How could Lynn have developed new legendary magic while researching the magic conversion equation?

Did he grow two brains?

Perhaps that's what genius is...

After explaining his idea, Lynn concluded, "My plan is simple: to create a sun on the ground to provide enough energy!"

Aurora rubbed her temples, finding it difficult to digest the vast amount of information Lynn provided. Moreover, it seemed to become more and more exaggerated.

Create a sun on the ground?

If it wasn't said by this magic star, she would think it was the nonsense of some wizard.

But the power of the Grand Explosion spell was indeed terrifying, to the extent that the residents of the city of fire oil rumored that they had pulled down the sun from the sky!

Describing it as an artificial sun didn't seem excessive...

"You'd better tell us specifically what we need to do," Harof said. The numerous mathematical formulas and novel theories in Lynn's mouth made Harof's head ache. This obviously couldn't be explained in a few days or so.

"In short, my new magic requires a large amount of 'heavy water'!" Lynn said solemnly.

Harof and the others naturally knew that the "heavy water" Lynn referred to was deuterium and tritium extracted from water.

"A very, very large amount!" Lynn roughly calculated and said vividly, "Well, about half of Lake Ells's water should be enough!"

This was undoubtedly a terrifying amount, but after being bombarded with the concept of the magic conversion equation and the artificial sun, Harof, Aurora, and Victorio were no longer surprised.

"Okay! Then send someone over to... dry up this lake!" Victorio was the first to agree.

If it wasn't for the chance of becoming legendary, even if Lynn prepared to dry up the entire sea, they would still try their best!


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