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Chapter 25

The restaurant was initially quiet, but Lin Tianhao's sudden outburst disrupted the tranquility, instantly drawing everyone's attention. Chu Yunge swiftly reached out to catch Lin Tianhao's right hand, slowly standing up with his hand on Lin Tianhao's wrist. His gaze remained fixed on Lin Tianhao, cold and intense. Towering over him, Chu Yunge's imposing presence made onlookers shudder.

While there were no paparazzi in the restaurant, Lin Tianhao was known for being high-profile, and with his decent looks, even though he appeared a bit disheveled now, some people recognized him.

Putting aside Lin Tianhao for a moment, Chu Yunge's appearance was remarkably outstanding. His aura was not that of an ordinary person, and it was evident they were in a dispute over someone else. Recalling Lin Tianhao's recent fervent pursuit of a mysterious person who had stood him up, a flood of emotions and conflicts surged in their minds. However, as they anticipated revealing the main character in this drama, they suddenly realized they couldn't even catch a glimpse of either of them.

Whether intentional or coincidental, when Chu Yunge stood up, he completely blocked the person sitting in the corner from view. Regardless of whether it was intentional or not, the disappointment was palpable among the onlookers. However, they quickly adjusted, taking out their phones to record the scene. After all, Lin Tianhao was a celebrity, and there might be a chance for a major scoop.

Furious, Lin Tianhao seemed oblivious to the current situation. He wished nothing more than to dismantle Ling Chunann on the spot. Despite being restrained by Chu Yunge, he immediately extended his other hand to attack.

098: "The Lin Tianhao in the plot isn't this foolish."

Ling Chunann lifted his teacup, sipped tea, and remarked, "Generally, humans tend to exhibit irrational behavior when extremely angry."

Chu Yunge remained calm, without changing his expression, only increasing the force on Lin Tianhao's hand. The intense pain in his wrist made Lin Tianhao cry out, instantly regaining his senses. His expression twisted in pain, "Let go, let go!"

Chu Yunge, of course, wasn't about to release him easily; on the contrary, he increased the pressure. In no time, Lin Tianhao was sweating profusely, struggling to maintain his balance.

"Host, aren't you going to stop Chu Yunge? The male lead has a considerable reputation, and it's not good for him to be bullied like this," 098 questioned.

"It's fine; he knows his limits," Ling Chunann observed with interest, watching the confrontation unfold. "They say a man is most handsome when he saves the beauty, and the ancients were not wrong."

098 was almost choked by its own words, realizing its host could be quite infatuated at times.

Nevertheless, Chu Yunge did look handsome, especially when compared to the man opposite him, who was now a disheveled mess. The onlookers, originally focused on the dispute, involuntarily shifted their gaze to Chu Yunge's face.

"So handsome!" exclaimed a girl holding a phone, her eyes sparkling.

Though others remained silent, they silently concurred with her statement.

While Lin Tianhao was preoccupied with his own predicament, everyone suddenly became aware that they couldn't see the face of the other person involved, even after the commotion.

"Really impressive!" commented Ling Chunann.


Seeing Lin Tianhao leave, the crowd, initially expecting a spectacle, was dumbfounded. After all, Lin Tianhao was the CEO of a major company, always presenting himself with a certain elegance and seriousness in the public eye. How could he flee at the first glance?

Even 098 found it somewhat unbelievable. The male lead, who was so confident just moments ago, suddenly seemed intimidated.

"He's got quite the presence!" remarked Ling Chunann.


As Lin Tianhao left, the onlookers craned their necks to look behind Chu Yunge. They suddenly noticed him looking in their direction. @思@兔@網@

Seeing everyone turning away as if nothing happened, Lin Tianhao never imagined a day when he would be frightened by someone's gaze. It wasn't until he ran out of the restaurant, out of that person's line of sight, that he gradually regained his composure, still feeling a bit shaken.

Then it hit him what he came here to do, and in a fit of anger, he punched the wall. "To be cuckolded like this, Ling Chunann, you've outdone yourself!"

098, eavesdropping, reported, "Host, the male lead says you cuckolded him."

Ling Chunann: "I was considering it, but didn't get the chance."

098: "..." It struggled to comprehend its host's thoughts, perhaps because its previous hosts were normal people.

A few hours later, news of the CEO of Haotian Entertainment, Lin Tianhao, and two mysterious handsome men fighting over another man spread across the internet.

"So handsome! Don't ask me why my screen is dirty!"

"Agree with the upstairs. I used to think Lin CEO was handsome, but without comparison, there's no harm. By the way, what's the name of the foreign guy in the video?"

"Although the handsome guy is blocking the view, the person behind him is obviously a man. Am I the only one curious about what the instigator looks like?"

"Upstairs +1, curious."

"Upstairs +2."

"Upstairs +10086."

Ling Chunann scrolled through the comments, glanced at the man focused on driving, and suddenly smiled, "Brother, you're famous."

Chu Yunge tightened his hand on the steering wheel slightly, his voice somewhat husky, "Baby, I'm driving now."

Observing the man's already responding area, 098 remained silently baffled.

Four hours later, the sky had darkened, and Chu Yunge's car slowly returned to the villa.

Ling Chunann was already asleep. Chu Yunge carefully lifted him and walked towards the house. Just before entering, he paused.

"What's there?"

"Huh?" 098, thinking the host was already asleep, was startled by Ling Chunann's question. "Replying to the host, it's your manager."

"He's discharged?" Ling Chunann lazily inquired. "I recall he called a few days ago, saying he still had three days before being discharged."

Suppressing the urge, 098 couldn't help but continue the revelation, "Perhaps he missed you too much."

"098, you're getting better at talking."

Suddenly feeling a chill, 098 hastily apologized, "Sorry, host."

Chu Yunge placed Ling Chunann on the bed, covered him with a blanket, and was about to deal with the unwelcome guest outside when he was unexpectedly pulled by the hand. "Baby, awake?"

The man's voice was deep and magnetic, carrying a gentle warmth that could drown a person. Ling Chunann suddenly turned to 098 and said, "098, I think I've fallen for him."

"Not allowed, host." 098's voice hardened. "Please remember the Laws of Mission at all times."

Ling Chunann chuckled suddenly, "098, you're not cute."

Uncertain whether the host was joking or serious, 098 fell into silence once again.

Ling Chunann, looking somewhat distressed, climbed along Chu Yunge's arm, seemingly afraid he might fall. Chu Yunge reached out, pulling Ling Chunann into his embrace, and with large steps, headed towards the bathroom.

The next afternoon, Ling Chunann woke up leisurely. "Sore waist."

Just as 098 was about to explain the disadvantages of indulgence, Chu Yunge's hand had already landed on Ling Chunann's waist. "Baby, what do you want for dinner?"

Ling Chunann, satisfied, hummed and directed, "A bit higher." He then listed a bunch of food names.

Chu Yunge good-naturedly nodded, "I'll make it for you."

Perhaps due to the nature of this world where Ling Chunann had fallen ill, he seemed more prone to losing control compared to the previous post-apocalyptic world. During the initial days after his return, he couldn't eat anything other than what he survived on, making 098 quite worried about his physical condition.

Therefore, the appearance of Chu Yunge was something 098 was genuinely grateful for. At least, he significantly improved Ling Chunann's condition.

After these weeks of Chu Yunge's care, Ling Chunann could now eat some normal food, but he still had a preference for meat and could only eat what Chu Yunge cooked.

This outcome made 098 ecstatic, believing that its host now had a chance of recovery.

It wasn't until much later that 098 realized having someone unconditionally dote on and support its host was a blessing, and it should be thankful its host didn't eat other people's flesh.

After dinner, Ling Chunann lay contentedly on the sofa, listening to the sound of Chu Yunge washing dishes in the kitchen. "098, check what the male lead is up to now."

"Replying to the host, after returning home yesterday, the male lead ordered people to defame you online. However, before they could act, their communication devices and networks were hacked by an overseas force. The male lead intended to pressure your economic company, but before he could implement it, the police came and took him away, citing suspicions of embezzlement of a substantial amount of public funds."

"So, he's in jail now?" Ling Chunann picked up a piece of watermelon, wrinkled his brow after eating it with difficulty, "But his company hasn't completely collapsed."

"Yes, the male lead's family is thinking of bailing him out." Implied was his chance for a comeback.

However, in the next moment, the system prompt suddenly sounded, "Counterattack Points +10, current Counterattack Points are 65%, please continue your efforts, host."

"...Host, the male lead has been sentenced to ten years," 098 said, but it seemed Ling Chunann was unsurprised.

"I originally wanted to handle it myself, but there's always someone more anxious than me. It's really troublesome."

"..." Seeing your radiant face, you don't look troubled at all.

Ling Chunann shrugged, glanced at the kitchen, and then shifted the topic to the manager, "Where's Zhang Ye?"

"He has returned to the hospital."

"Good, we'll visit him tomorrow."

Chu Yunge left for a foreign country early the next morning. Ling Chunann, after a simple makeover, went to the hospital on foot.

On the way, he stopped at a record store.

Watching the stack of DVDs in Ling Chunann's hands, which sounded creepy just from their names, 098 cautiously asked, "Host, what do you want to do with these?"

"A gift for the patient."


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